The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Cloud's feelings are solidified in the non-optional lifestream sequence. However, it's still an odd standard to put on canon outcomes.

I really love how this gets ignored... The ONLY variable is Tifa's affection rating. NOT Cloud's. His feeling don't change. He either gets the 'come ride me like there's no tomorrow vibe' or he gets 'Let's sit and be still'. But regardless of which version you get, they're still cuddling come dawn. Must be that 'after-rejection' snuggle. The lack of logic is baffling.

We know thanks to the Lifestream Sequence that Cloud's secret tender wish is to be with Tifa. We know that Tifa has feelings for Cloud in the OG, it's in her damn game booklet profile. We know that whatever occurs beneath the highwind is mutual... FFS, my 4 year old could put this puzzle together. :awesome:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
After a much-needed pep talk from Que in private, I'm ready to rejoin this discussion. Sorry for losing my cool before and letting my posts become personal.

Instead of getting pissed off or frustrated, I'm going to enjoy this shit for the train wreck of it all.

Because feelings can change in two years.
This is a non-answer if I ever saw one.

You build up this scenario where C/T reveal mutual feelings that they don't love each other romantically (LA). Then several months after that fact when Cloud is becoming distant and Tifa wonders if Cloud loves her your answer is "feeling can change"?

There seems to be a few dots missing. Because these do not connect.

The dots seriously don't connect when you consider her claim that Tifa asking Cloud if he loves her is supposedly a sign that the high affection version of the Highwind scene didn't happen -- since, if it had, Tifa "should know" Cloud's feelings.

Since feelings can change and we all know they can, is it not normal for people to have doubts about others' previously established feelings? Does this only apply where jilted, lonely live-in non-girflriends hopeful that the dudes they're pining after might change their minds are concerned? :monster:

DiscordI would give you the exact same answer.

You're determined that the only possible reason Cloud could be happy is that he and Tifa spent the night playing kissy face with one another. I'm saying there's other reasons he could be happy - such as the others coming back.

The point that Que (and myself) were making with regard to the Yuffie quote is that the passage itself relates Cloud's mood to the night spent with Tifa.

Anastar said:
I'm also suggesting that Cloud resolved things with Tifa the night before during the LA version. Things could have been getting awkward if Cloud thought Tifa had a crush on him, for example. If they got things straightened out that they're both just friends, then that awkwardness would no longer be there and Cloud would feel a lot better.

Where in the text of the low affection version do you see such a thing discussed?

Anastar said:
I'm not saying it's inaccurate. I'm saying that two Ultimania's say that two different versions can happen and that those versions depend on Tifa's affection level. The 10th AU only shows one version in the summary, and you jump to the conclusion that means one version is canon even though SE also says that both versions are possible in other sources.

And SE made the point that Shadow can be left to die on the Floating Continent, and that Tidus can be left dead, and that different endings can happen for FFV -- but that doesn't invalidate the outcomes they emphasized as the actual outcomes.

It just doesn't.

Anastar said:
And now I have to wonder. You tell me that the picture is before the HW scene when Cloud's telling everyone to go find what's important to them. Have you rechecked the story summary to find out if it's really just talking about the HA version?

She didn't say that the picture is from before the Highwind scene. She said it's from during -- and it is:

The line Cloud is saying there is only in the high affection version ("これは、俺達2人に許された最後の時間かもしれないから……"; "This is probably the last time we'll have together......").

Anastar said:
I never said it was inaccurate. I said the use of one version can't confirm that it's canon when other official sources say that the version a player gets is determined by Tifa's affection rating with Cloud.

So we're back to you claiming that scenes subject to player influence don't have canon outcomes? For the sake of not being a dick, I won't point out that the player has to actually do something to make anything happen in the game at all (whoops, just did it), but I will go back to pointing out Shadow, Terra, FFV's endings, and Tidus.

So Ryu and Que's question once again applies: what is it about the Highwind scene that demands such a higher standard than any other scene?

Anastar said:
This point is rather meaningless now that you've found out the picture is not of the HA version.

Only it is, though. :monster:

Anastar said:
Actually, we don't know this. This is something that you have decided.

Whether or not Tidus comes back doesn't decide whether Yuna loves Tidus. We found out for sure that Yuna and Tidus love one another in FFX, thanks to the make out scene in the lake. So whether or not Tidus comes back in FFX-2, we still know that Yuna loves Tidus and vice versa.

The difference is that you're trying to say that an optional scene determines who Cloud loves. An optional scene does not decide if Yuna loves Tidus. A non-optional scene decides that.

What did Que say that had anything to do with whether Yuna loves Tidus? She was referring to his canon resurrection in the ending of X-2. And it being canon isn't something that she decided; SE decided it.

Real quick: Have you played any FF other than VII? I'm genuinely curious. I get the impression from the above that you're thinking "Tidus comes back" is referring to him getting back together with Yuna after a breakup or something.

But then, among her friends, only Cloud can see her.
Cloud is the only one with the description of being able to see Aerith because she lives on inside him.

To be fair, Kadaj and those two kids in the church at the end see her as well (for that matter, Cloud can't see her at the time Kadaj speaks with her), and both Marlene and Tifa sense her at times. Then there's all the people she calls on the phone. It just looks like Aerith can let whoever she wants see/hear her.

Claim: The quotes about the Highwind Scene are not equivocal.
So, okay, we'll do it all again.
* The feelings Cloud and Tifa convey under the Highwind are portrayed as:
---> matching
---> mutual
---> being confirmed
* The feelings are said to be shared in either version

No, they haven't. Those quotes could literally only be about the high affection version to begin with.

Really, there's nothing mutual shared in the low affection version. Give it another watch or read. Cloud doesn't talk about his feelings at all, and especially none concerning Tifa. What feelings did they share and confirm to be mutual there? Other than that they should get some sleep, I mean.

Claim: The DoC manual isn't accurate by saying Cloud is an Ex-Soldier.
However, some versions on AC say so. ("You're still fighting as good as back at the time when you were in SOLDIER.")
Also, they likely mean his fantasy memory about that.

Cloud responds to Rufus's SOLDIER-related attempt at appealing to him by pointing out that he was only ever a SOLDIER in his head.

The movie does not say that Cloud was in SOLDIER.


Saint of Killers
Rufus said:

"as the SOLDIER you once claimed to be."

No, big difference. Cloud was never in SOLDIER, Rufus knows that and explicits It. The manual simply dosen't give a fuck.
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Because honestly having one thing to emphasize an idea is far more powerful and poignant than overwhelming the audience with all these symbols.

Quoting myself here because I wanted to make a point about the Highwind scene.

I've never really been a fan of the Ultimanias because they do what I accuse CC of doing in the post I excerpted this from, which is overwhelming the audience with too much information. There are things that just get trampled on when they're spelled out canonically. That and there are some things that are just so unnecessary and stupid the audience just didn't need to know. Not everything needs to be explained cold cut. It's alienating from a storytelling perspective.

That said, Ultimania or no, I don't see how one could not see the Highwind scene as romantic. High affection or low. As far as narrative symbols go, there a freaking shooting star in the background. How does that NOT scream romantic to anyone? It clearly links the scene to the promise. It brings Cloud's unresolved feelings he had as a child full circle. They spend their last night alive together under shooting stars. Just like how they spent their first night together as children.

Stars. Shooting stars. Symbol of Cloud/Tifa's bond. They're present during their promise as children. The promise they made because Cloud had strong romantic feelings for her. They're used to frame their last night together under the Highwind. The night they spend together, during the time they're supposed to realize "what they're fighting for."

The two scenes are connected. Tifa loves Cloud, there's no doubt about that. Their feelings match. The star emphasizes the feelings they had as children still matter. It's romantic no matter which way you look at it. Symbols can only be interpreted in so many ways but they matter.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I don't remember a shooting star in either version of the scene (click to see both), looney, but there is probably still a point worth making in that the two are having this discussion under the stars, and in that Tifa mentions the stars. I think your overall observation is still valuable.


Oh I could've sworn saw a video with a shooting start in the background. Perhaps it was an AMV @_@

EITHER WAY my point still stands :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Quoting myself here because I wanted to make a point about the Highwind scene.

I've never really been a fan of the Ultimanias because they do what I accuse CC of doing in the post I excerpted this from, which is overwhelming the audience with too much information. There are things that just get trampled on when they're spelled out canonically. That and there are some things that are just so unnecessary and stupid the audience just didn't need to know. Not everything needs to be explained cold cut. It's alienating from a storytelling perspective.

From an aesthetic perspective, I wholeheartedly and entheusiastically agree.
From a practical one, FUCK DAMN do some people need things spelled out for them, and not just with regards to this debate or even this fandom. A guy calling himself 'Darkstar' once tried to argue that people in the SW universe had naturally metal necks, for example. That's the SW/ST vs debate, and hooboy, I have no end of stories about that nonsense. It lasted longer than this debate. Is still TECHNICALLY ongoing, in the same way this one is.

That said, Ultimania or no, I don't see how one could not see the Highwind scene as romantic. High affection or low. As far as narrative symbols go, there a freaking shooting star in the background. How does that NOT scream romantic to anyone? It clearly links the scene to the promise. It brings Cloud's unresolved feelings he had as a child full circle. They spend their last night alive together under shooting stars. Just like how they spent their first night together as children.

Stars. Shooting stars. Symbol of Cloud/Tifa's bond. They're present during their promise as children. The promise they made because Cloud had strong romantic feelings for her. They're used to frame their last night together under the Highwind. The night they spend together, during the time they're supposed to realize "what they're fighting for."

The two scenes are connected. Tifa loves Cloud, there's no doubt about that. Their feelings match. The star emphasizes the feelings they had as children still matter. It's romantic no matter which way you look at it. Symbols can only be interpreted in so many ways but they matter.

Symbols are basically narrative shortcuts. They use associative memory to quickly and unobtrusively inform participants of what is being indicated in a scene. To ignore, or worse, notoriously twist, narrative symbology is basically ingoring the the story itself.

Also, even though Anastar's not responding to me, I want to note another instance of her dishonest or alternately inability to read for comprehension.

Tres says: "So HALF of the quotes posted talk about romantic feelings no ifs ands or buts. That's a lot if you ask me. So which makes more sense. That half the quotes are speaking of some feelings we don't know, or that they are all talking about the same thing?"

In short 'Which is more likely, X or Y?'

Aly reads: "You said right there that "half the quotes are talking about feelings of love, so the other quotes have to be talking about love, too".

You're trying to say that all quotes MUST be talking about the HA version, and they can't be talking about anything else."

Incidentally, I'm still not seeing a quote that says feelings are shared in the low version.
In fact, the only quote mentioning the low version specifically notes the conversation is lacking feelings and short.

Oh, and Wolf, at the end of the Convo, he does call Cloud 'Ex-SOLDIER' as a means of trying to play to ego. But again, he does so knowing it's not true, and Cloud calls him on it.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves

I would give you the exact same answer.

You're determined that the only possible reason Cloud could be happy is that he and Tifa spent the night playing kissy face with one another.

lol kissy face

I'm saying there's other reasons he could be happy - such as the others coming back.
So then, these two points are together in an Ultimania because they aren't related?

I'm also suggesting that Cloud resolved things with Tifa the night before during the LA version. Things could have been getting awkward if Cloud thought Tifa had a crush on him, for example. If they got things straightened out that they're both just friends, then that awkwardness would no longer be there and Cloud would feel a lot better.
Which is at least plausible, because the Ultimania is relating Cloud's feelings to the night before.

Tifa gets embarrassed regardless of which version you get. She gets more embarrassed in the HA version, yes - but in the LA version, she gets embarrassed because the others saw her asleep on Cloud's shoulder.

Cid: Hey, do you guys hear that?
Vincent: Yeah what is that noise?
Yuffie: .. oh! I know what that is, Tifa is sleeping on Cloud's shoulder.


Tifa: You were LISTENING to me sleep on Cloud's shoulder?

No really what? does she snore? What did they HEAR? :monster:

You said right there that "half the quotes are talking about feelings of love, so the other quotes have to be talking about love, too".
And I asked where I said everytime SE mentions feelings (highwind scene or no), they're talking about love :awesome:

You're trying to say that all quotes MUST be talking about the HA version, and they can't be talking about anything else.
Yes, yes I am. Because the other version is apathetic and short which means little to no feelings are shared. I'd think support or friendship would not be labelled as "apathetic."

Now I'll ask you again. Which makes more sense, that all these similar quotes, with similar wording and kanji are talking about the same thing, or half are and half are really ambiguous? Why would they use the same wording to describe two different events?

See? You want them all to be talking about the HA version. I'm saying that the word "feelings" can mean "feelings of friendship" as well as other feelings. We don't know what feelings they're talking about, so don't make assumptions.
They ARE talking about the HA scene, and if not, they're all talking about the same feelings. If they were something different in half the quotes, why do they make them sound so much the same? That just doesn't make sense to me.

I'm not saying it's inaccurate. I'm saying that two Ultimania's say that two different versions can happen and that those versions depend on Tifa's affection level. The 10th AU only shows one version in the summary, and you jump to the conclusion that means one version is canon even though SE also says that both versions are possible in other sources.

And now I have to wonder. You tell me that the picture is before the HW scene when Cloud's telling everyone to go find what's important to them. Have you rechecked the story summary to find out if it's really just talking about the HA version?
Okay we're not communicating again. Let's try again.

This is the same image, cropped, and saved with a low quality so your 56k can handle it.

Do you see on the left there are images? do you see the one with the 83 on it? That's the one you asked me about the other day saying you thought it was when Tifa taps her foot after the LA version. I said, "That's before the HW scene."... next to it is an image of the highwind scene. Maybe it's dark and that's why you didn't see it, but that's what it is. That's the HA highwind scene. Cloud is saying, "This might be the last time we have together." which is ONLY said in the HA scene. That's the image the text "share feelings confirm to match blah blah" is talking about.

I never said it was inaccurate. I said the use of one version can't confirm that it's canon when other official sources say that the version a player gets is determined by Tifa's affection rating with Cloud.
So it's lacking information?

Good. That means there's no canon couple.
You missed the point. I'm asking you if they NEVER gave a quote like the one you'd like them to provide, for any optional scene in ANY game, why would they make an exception here? Why is the highwind scene the exception?

Right. Like Nomura saying that SE wants to leave it up to the player.
I thought he said this about KH?

Yeah. When SE wants us to know a couple is canon in other games, they give us reason to think they're a couple in a non-optional scene that confirms their love for one another.
Lifestream Sequence. And since you didn't respond to it before:

In the first place, your quote about the Lifestream event does not say that they revealed their romantic feelings for one another in the Lifestream. I've already responded to you about that quote more than once, but let's review it again:
Sorry I know you have but it was on CxA and I didn't want to reply back D:

is saying that Tifa did not realize at the time of the Promise that Cloud was holding feelings for her at the time of the Promise until he told her about it during the Lifesttream event. Cloud told Tifa during the Lifestream event that he was holding feelings (a crush) for her at that time of the Promise:

Past progressive means that something happened in the past and continues to the present or the point of reference.

In the first sentence, yes the point of reference is the promise scene. In the SECOND sentence the point of reference is the Lifestream event.

Let's look at this another way.

"Even though Ryushikaze was selling apples from some time ago, Tres didn't start until last July.

BTW, with Tres, he was unaware that Ryu was selling apples until he informed him at the picnic. Even though Tres and Ryu had hung out last July, he can be quite clueless."

So does this mean that Ryu is no longer selling apples at the time the picnic took place?

Cloud makes it clear that he had a crush on her at the time of the Promise. He does NOT say that he has feelings for her now. That's what your passage is talking about.
Yes he does. The younger Cloud says to Tifa that the older current present day cloud will be thrilled to hear she was searching for him. It's subtle, but that's when it takes place.

That becomes obvious when you stop to think about the fact that they supposedly confirm their feelings for one another during the HA HW scene. If they had already told one another that they love one another during the Lifestream event, then they wouldn't have to confirm it to one another during the HA HW scene. They'd already know about it.

The reveal of the feelings happened in the Lifestream, the confirming the feelings and discussing the feelings came under the Highwind.

Because SE should give us a non-optional scene showing who Cloud loves instead of fans deciding which optional scene is canon.
See above.

Actually, we don't know this. This is something that you have decided.

Whether or not Tidus comes back doesn't decide whether Yuna loves Tidus.
Wait.. what?

We found out for sure that Yuna and Tidus love one another in FFX, thanks to the make out scene in the lake. So whether or not Tidus comes back in FFX-2, we still know that Yuna loves Tidus and vice versa.
I... know? :(

I'm saying, they never gave a statement like "The scene where Tidus comes back at the end of FFX-2 is the canon ending."... so how do we know that it's canon?

Everybody I know likes Marlene better than Denzel.
Aha, well count me out of that because I honestly like Denzel better. Again this is partly due to his Sims version egging people's houses.... but in either case...

you honestly don't have a problem with Cloud loving Marlene more than the child that Aerith brought to him? This is the girl you're saying is his lover right? You'd think that Denzel (the boy brought to him by his lover) would be a tad more special to him than that.

I think you're taking my words out of context there. I'd like to see what you said that I'm responding to, since I would wager that you were saying something about whether or not the scene has meaning.
My question was, "Do you mean that they may have shared feelings in the low affection version as well? Just not matching ones? Sorry if I'm bugging you, I'm just trying to understand your argument :unsure:"

and that was your response.

So SE has said the low version is apathetic, and only the HA scene has meaning. So please tell me exactly WHAT feelings they shared in the LA version that are not meaningful that Square is talking about in those quotes since it can't be friendship or support or w/e.

Notice it specifies that when the affection is high? So once again, it's saying that more than one version is possible.
You need to stop reading each quote as if it's not apart of something else or as if I'm always saying "HA SCENE IS CANON!" I was providing you with the quote that said the HA scene had meaning and even acknowledging that it's only talking about the HA scene.


She didn't say that the picture is from before the Highwind scene. She said it's from during -- and it is:

The line Cloud is saying there is only in the high affection version ("これは、俺達2人に許された最後の時間かもしれないから……"; "This is probably the last time we'll have together......").

This was in a PM conversation. I told her the scene with the 83 on it took place before the highwind scene.

Real quick: Have you played any FF other than VII? I'm genuinely curious. I get the impression from the above that you're thinking "Tidus comes back" is referring to him getting back together with Yuna after a breakup or something.
I really thought those two crazy kids were going to make it :(


Tres says: "So HALF of the quotes posted talk about romantic feelings no ifs ands or buts. That's a lot if you ask me. So which makes more sense. That half the quotes are speaking of some feelings we don't know, or that they are all talking about the same thing?"

In short 'Which is more likely, X or Y?'

Aly reads: "You said right there that "half the quotes are talking about feelings of love, so the other quotes have to be talking about love, too".

You're trying to say that all quotes MUST be talking about the HA version, and they can't be talking about anything else."
Moot point but I was the one that said that, not Tres :monster:
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Moot point but I was the one that said that, not Tres :monster:

Eh, I'm only half reading her mad street preacher ramblings so sorry for missing that. It's STILL materially misrepresenting what had been said, either intentionally or not.

Also "Notice it specifies that when the affection is high? So once again, it's saying that more than one version is possible."


But it says WHEN it happens. Not IF. So it MUST HAPPENZ!

Because what else is there to say to such nonsense?
I mean, it's not like she's respond to my posts even if you posted them since she's afraid of reason. Perhaps absurdism will have a more noticable effect.

Oh, and Quex, you're going to be pulling teeth for awhile getting Anastar to consider the quotes in aggregate without her mental blocks jumping up and refusing to do it.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
But it says WHEN it happens. Not IF. So it MUST HAPPENZ!
... is this a bad time to mention that a more literal translation would be "In the case of high affection"?

Oh yeah and

The closest he ever came was during the OG when he said he didn't want to decide who Cloud loved and there were office betting pools and arguments over it.
What? I don't remember this.

I mean, it's not like she's respond to my posts even if you posted them since she's afraid of reason. Perhaps absurdism will have a more noticable effect.
you know it's not fair that I didn't send them, if you want me to send her some of your posts I will and she'll respond.


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
I'm gonna go back to quoting. Summarizing doesn't seem to work.

That spirit, and those of the Gi, had refused to go to the lifestream in the first place, had remained anchored in the world out of their strong will of duty and hatred respectively.

Ok then. So what enabled Aerith to go help Cloud even if she had gone to the Lifestream?
I remember you saying that it was about the will of a person. Did I remember correctly? If so, then Aerith wants to help Cloud so much that her will enables her to do so.

Ryu said:
Cetra go to the Lifestream, same as everyone else.

A family reunion would be nice. :)

Ryu said:
As for what's stopping Aerith from doing it again? The same thing that stops Sephiroth from putting out new remnants each weak. It's not easy to do. If she could do it, she would have taken steps to have aided the party in one year's time which was an even larger crisis to the planet and the Lifestream.

It doesn't stop her per se. It only delays her. There's a difference.
As for the time, does CoLW fill in the two year gap between FF7/CoT and ACC? I wanted to know because I remember you saying that CoLW and ACC doesn't have much time between them that changes cannot occur.

Ryu said:
That would be the night, not the feelings, that were apathetic. The apathetic night, the apathetic conversation would be one without feelings. said:
ap·a·thet·ic [ap-uh-thet-ik] adjective
1. having or showing little or no emotion.
2. not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive.

How is that different? 'Apathetic' itself pertains to emotions, which are feelings. So why do you say that it is not the feelings which is apathetic?
And even if the night was called apathetic, it still means the same.
It showed that the night they shared held little or no emotion at all. Or, it showed how their convo is indifferent, or no interest or concern was present.

Love can continue, definitely. But not a romantic relationship with a dead person.

Riiight. Why?

Cloud already moved on with Tifa...
Sharing mutual feelings, moving in with her, raising children, running a business together, admitting you will be there for her, and that you have her different than before, isn't enough?

Yep. Because he still let his guilt weigh him down. He may have moved on, but not completely.

We aren't sure if she's talking about THAT scene.
But I'm leaving this now.

But that's the only scene we see before talking to that girl.
So what, the girl was speaking nonsense?
Okay then. :)

Tifa: "...Scary... huh."
Cloud: "Too late to be saying that now. Why'd you come along anyway?"
Tifa: "Because..."
Barret: "Hey you two! There ain't no time for that!"

Time for what, exactly?

I saw this before. Although Barret's line wasn't part of it. So is this what... I forgot who, was pertaining to when s/he mentioned Barret calling out Cloud and Tifa about lingering?

And Cloud was just plain mean in that convo. No offense, but he does have a point. If Tifa would get scared, why did she come? Of course, she was going to give an explanation to Cloud, but Barret didn't deem that important. So, he cut it.

Time for what? This was when they were getting ready to jump right? They were on a mission. They needed to jump. Tifa got scared. Cloud called her out on it. Barret stopped them.

"Showing up in front of people feeling pained and confused,
Her figure seems like a loving mother."

"Suffering from an attack of Geostigma, Cloud strayed into the labyrinth of his heart. Aerith wants to take away the burden on his mind, and she greets him with a tender, teasing voice."

This is the reason why Aerith even shows up in AC/C. She will not continue to talk with him in his dreams for the rest of his life. Aerith just lives on, as a memory. It's been explained already.

Not just a memory though. That's Sephiroth. :awesome:

Anyways. It doesn't say that she *only* appears to those who feel pained or confused or troubled.

And with the quote you provided... Gee, Cloud and Aerith seems to have met in the labyrinth of his heart. But, this isn't romantic, even if it concerned Cloud's heart. :)

Tres said:
To be fair, Kadaj and those two kids in the church at the end see her as well (for that matter, Cloud can't see her at the time Kadaj speaks with her), and both Marlene and Tifa sense her at times. Then there's all the people she calls on the phone. It just looks like Aerith can let whoever she wants see/hear her.

First: Did Aerith make herself visible to Kadaj? What we see is Kadaj reaching up to the sky. His hands doesn't show him grasping another's. Yes, Cloud didn't hear her, because she was calling Kadaj back into the Lifestream.
Second: For the kids... said:
Nojima says he wanted a good contrast between Cloud and kids like Denzel and Marlene because this will also shows how Cloud has grown up as well. When he was writing for Final Fantasy VII (FFVII), he thought that kids and older people are closer to “The Flow of Life” [Lifestream]. The former was in it not long ago while the latter is returning to it soon. He finds it easier to develop the story of the kids this way and FFVIIACC gives him the chance to properly present this.
This is probably a good enough explanation for it.

Third: Marlene and Tifa being able to sense Aerith may not be because of Aerith's own doing. Maybe, they had been hoping or thinking, or they really do know, that Aerith will be there for Cloud, so they immediately associate what they can to Aerith, in this case, water droplets/rain/water.

So... Aerith is that powerful that she can choose who she can appear to or speak with? :D


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
... is this a bad time to mention that a more literal translation would be "In the case of high affection"?

Yes, it ruins my absurdist pedantry.

you know it's not fair that I didn't send them, if you want me to send her some of your posts I will and she'll respond.

Yes, it isn't fair that you didn't send my responses to her. Start sending them. Anastar seems to have no problem typing or reading responses on her own forum. There's no reason we should allow her to ignore posts here.

Ok then. So what enabled Aerith to go help Cloud even if she had gone to the Lifestream?
I remember you saying that it was about the will of a person. Did I remember correctly? If so, then Aerith wants to help Cloud so much that her will enables her to do so.

Aerith wants to help Cloud, help those in trouble, help the world.
But the same would be true of Zack if it's the case.
As I mentioned upthread, my hypothesis is that the very nature of the calamity allowed the two of them to connect, just as it allowed Sephiroth to create will made form remnants of himself.

A family reunion would be nice. :)

More tragic, really. Since it would mean the whole family either died suddenly, or for some reason the Cetra aren't cycling through, which they're supposed to do like everyone else. Hell, they WANT to.

It doesn't stop her per se. It only delays her. There's a difference.
As for the time, does CoLW fill in the two year gap between FF7/CoT and ACC? I wanted to know because I remember you saying that CoLW and ACC doesn't have much time between them that changes cannot occur.

COLB and COLW occurs OVER the two year gap between ACC, but the final chapters of both take place immediately prior to ACC, as Sephiroth is just creating the Shinentai and Aerith is reacting to them.

How is that different? 'Apathetic' itself pertains to emotions, which are feelings. So why do you say that it is not the feelings which is apathetic?

Because something is apathetic when it lacks feelings or emotion. Apathy is literally a state lacking in feeling. Properly speaking, one never feels apathy, one has or is in a state of apathy. Feelings cannot be apathetic. It's a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron.

And even if the night was called apathetic, it still means the same.
It showed that the night they shared held little or no emotion at all. Or, it showed how their convo is indifferent, or no interest or concern was present.

Which means that nothing was shared. Nothing was conveyed between the two of them. Thus, that version did not happen.

Riiight. Why?

Because it's an extremely extraordinary claim which has never been properly substantiated, has no in universe or even in series analogue, and which actually goes against the metaphysics of the universe.
And that's granting it's a fantasy universe in which consciousness continues beyond death.
If you knew a man who claimed to still be going out for dinner with a dead women, would you think he was actually romancing her, or off his meds?

Yep. Because he still let his guilt weigh him down. He may have moved on, but not completely.

Moved on? He's not 'moving on,' from anything, any more than he 'moved on' from Zack. In fact, 'moving on' is a giant assuming the consequent here.

But that's the only scene we see before talking to that girl.
So what, the girl was speaking nonsense?
Okay then. :)

CR... you haven't played the game. How are you so sure?
And that girl can be talked to BEFORE the promise is broached, for the record. She can be referring to how the two of them interacted before the game began, which is what led to them being the gossip of the entire town.
Which reminds me, Barret calls Tifa '[Cloud's] little baby' if you don't get into the bar fast enough.

I saw this before. Although Barret's line wasn't part of it. So is this what... I forgot who, was pertaining to when s/he mentioned Barret calling out Cloud and Tifa about lingering?

No one was pertaining to anything. Because you continue to use that word inappropriately.
And wait, how the hell was Barret's line omitted from this four line dialogue?

And Cloud was just plain mean in that convo. No offense, but he does have a point. If Tifa would get scared, why did she come? Of course, she was going to give an explanation to Cloud, but Barret didn't deem that important. So, he cut it.

Time for what? This was when they were getting ready to jump right? They were on a mission. They needed to jump. Tifa got scared. Cloud called her out on it. Barret stopped them.

Cloud wasn't 'calling her out on it.' He was saying it was too late for regrets.

Not just a memory though. That's Sephiroth. :awesome:

They're both memories. So's Zack. So's a Gi Nattak. So are the unsent on Spira. That's how death and undeath work in this metaphysical system.

Anyways. It doesn't say that she *only* appears to those who feel pained or confused or troubled.

But it IS Why she shows up to Cloud.

And with the quote you provided... Gee, Cloud and Aerith seems to have met in the labyrinth of his heart. But, this isn't romantic, even if it concerned Cloud's heart. :)

Not really, no. Since it's again focusing on how Cloud feels really guilty and Aerith wants to help him get rid of it. Also, 'labyrinth of his heart' is very clearly another non literal statement, unless you want to show me the walls and the paths in the whitespace.
It means becoming lost in thought.

First: Did Aerith make herself visible to Kadaj? What we see is Kadaj reaching up to the sky. His hands doesn't show him grasping another's.

Yes. We see Kadaj reaching up to and grasping something. He even fades AFTER his hand tenses into the shape of holding another person's hand. You can even see her reflected in his eye.

I note you ignored everyone she called on the phone.

Third: Marlene and Tifa being able to sense Aerith may not be because of Aerith's own doing. Maybe, they had been hoping or thinking, or they really do know, that Aerith will be there for Cloud, so they immediately associate what they can to Aerith, in this case, water droplets/rain/water.

So, it's pure coincidence, and the reaction shot of Marlene sensing Aerith both in FF7 and AC/C is meaningless? Tifa is crazy and merely got lucky talking to a raindrop that actually had Aerith in it? Or are you saying that THEY TOO have the power to detect Aerith? Perhaps because she ALSO lives on inside them?

So... Aerith is that powerful that she can choose who she can appear to or speak with? :D

Uhm, given that appearing from beyond the grave is taxing, it is more parsimonious to conclude that appearing to multiple people is more difficult, as she is not actually appearing physically, but is contacting people, and 'projecting' her image into them. Same with Zack.
Sephiroth didn't see Zack when he appeared. By your suggestion, he's that powerful too.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Holy CRAP. I take a couple days off to read manga and take care of real life shit and this thread multiplies like a stack of rabbits! There is no way in hell I can reply to everything that needs a reply in here, even if I tried the sheer volume I'm seeing would defeat me. I must be aware of my limits. But, I also mustn't run away! So, lemme just do a general outline.


Your arguments are shallow, dishonest, incomplete, and occasionally contradictory to your own position. This is why almost no one takes you seriously. Your only defense seems to be outright ignoring what is said to you (or the actual meaning thereof if you bother to respond) and parroting the same already disproven "facts" (note, said facts may not in fact be factual, and that is fact). I am aware your feelings on the matter are not the same, and I don't care. This is why I have refused to bother responding to you even when I AM around lately.

Tres, Ryu, Several others:

Never be afraid to call a spade a spade. Never be afraid to call someone on dishonest "debate" tactics when such are put into use. I was thinking mostly the thoughts and observations you posted. I shall try to bring my support more fully to bear in the near future, when I am more caught up on this thread and keeping pace.

LL, CR, any like minded Cleriths in attendance:

You seem to have, for the most part, slipped back into trying to attack the canonicity of the HW scene once more. Like Anastar (only less of a spade, if you will) you are largely arguing that the LTD has no canon status in terms of outcome, rather than actually try to support Clerith as a viable possibility. You maintain that with regards to the LTD, there IS NO CANON. You are, however, failing to support that with facts and logical conclusions based on those facts as requested. Nothing you have said invalidates the Lifestream event, the HW scene, the multiple creator quotes about Cloud and Tifa (and their family)'s future, etc. Nothing you've said about Clerith itself stacks up AGAINST those things. I don't blame you for this, since there really isn't anything that CAN stack up to all that unless I am unaware of something. But I recommend a change of tactics, if you can find one. Not a change of goalposts, just a change of tactics in trying to prove that the Word of God type bits we're quoting/citing/referring to AND Occam's Razor are somehow wrong.

To everyone else, I simply apologize for this rather generic post.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
I don't get what you mean. But, I only reiterated what FHS said.

If you seriously think turning Aerith into a materia-Jesus --- regardless if she is or she isn't as of her current state --- is enhancing her character, then I have no more words to give you regarding this matter.

Then you do not get the point I'm making. You only saw the word believe and automatically assume that I only meant belief. What I meant was, if it was said outright, that's what you'll accept as truth. But if it were only hints, then no, that can't be accepted as fact, therefore, nil.

Get it now?

No, your point is still missing the original point by light years. The original claimant --- in this case, aerbear (yup, I backread a little to see who she was)--- said that we were assuming that the word "feelings" means "romance" only when associated with C/T, and cited those 2 quotes to demonstrate her claim, to which I replied by showing the varying circumstances of the 2 quotes: that the C/T one is romantic because it is FACTUALLY stated as so, therefore invalidating her claim of any assumptions from our part. THAT WAS THE POINT. Your so-called "belief" was of no relevance.

The point I was making is this:

1. Simba loved his Father (Mufasa) dearly.
2. Mufasa felt the same for his son.
3. Both are very important for each other.
4. Mufasa will live on in Simba.

Put in Aerith and Cloud there.

What the?! So you "believe" Simba is romantically in love with HIS FATHER?! Fuck damn because no one here argues that Cloud loves Aerith. What the point in question is, is Cloud's romantic intent.

I no longer need to. The others already have. Will answer your reply for this below.

How'd you get that?

Instead of answering that, how about you explain to me how sorrow and grief automatically relates to romance with this context you speak of.

This is the problem. People say that they look at things considering the context of everything else. But when it comes to Clerith, no, even if the context says there's something, unless SE says they were in love, they're not.

Fact is, Aerith and Cloud weren't given the same chance that Tifa and Cloud had. Sephy had to go in the way and ruin everything.

Maybe because this context you speak of necessiates ignoring and misrepresenting a significant portion of what has been established in the story's canon.

And fact is, Aerith is dead. Square, now SE, ruined everything.

Then SE shouldn't connect Cloud's heart to Aerith's death. It certainly gives off the wrong impression. Oh wait, no it doesn't. We just assume too much.

Do you not know what an idiom is?

But then, among her friends, only Cloud can see her.
Cloud is the only one with the description of being able to see Aerith because she lives on inside him.

Goodness girl! Do you honestly believe Aerith is some sort of a parasite now?! I mean, really?!

You could have just said, yeah, that's it.

Because I believe she worded it better with those words. I would've responded to this myself if I have the time but seeing as Ryu have already answered, I suggest you see Ryu's response for this.


Pro Adventurer
The point I was making is this:

1. Simba loved his Father (Mufasa) dearly.
2. Mufasa felt the same for his son.
3. Both are very important for each other.
4. Mufasa will live on in Simba.

Put in Aerith and Cloud there.

omg..... So I guess that Simba and Mufasa had more 'love' for each other than just Father and Son huh ?



Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Just to point out, no one is saying that the "Aerith lives on in Cloud" stuff CAN'T be romantic, just that it ISN'T romantic. So maybe try to prove it's romantic.
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Pro Adventurer
Just to point out, no one is saying that the "Aerith lives on in Cloud" stuff CAN'T be romantic, just that it ISN'T romantic. We want you to prove to us that it's romantic.

Oh of course ! In FF6, Rachel lives within Locke's heart <3 Though the Lion King is a terrible example, and sounds like incest xD
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Also repost since either no one has an answer or no one saw it

We have quotes that say Cloud had romantic feelings for Tifa (optional or not) and I think that's quite significant. Are there ANY quotes that say Cloud had romantic feelings for Aerith?... and I mean feelings that they've TOLD us are romantic (Since we need Square to tell us these things)... because as far as I know there aren't any. If they really want to go either way on this love triangle, there should be an equal number of quotes that say Cloud loves Aerith and Tifa... but ... are there any that says he romantically loves Aerith?

And I'm NOT talking about attraction, or things you think MIGHT be romantic, I mean straight up, "he has romantic feelings for her."

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
Riiight. Why?
Try it yourself.

Yep. Because he still let his guilt weigh him down. He may have moved on, but not completely.
I think the whole message of AC/C was for Cloud to get forgiveness and move on.

But that's the only scene we see before talking to that girl.
So what, the girl was speaking nonsense?
Okay then. :)
The girl didn't speak nonsense. She referred to something that we players didn't get to see.
I couldn't keep my promise there. Whoops.

Time for what? This was when they were getting ready to jump right? They were on a mission. They needed to jump. Tifa got scared. Cloud called her out on it. Barret stopped them.
Cloud asked why Tifa came along, and she answered with: "Because..." What do you think she was going to say? Something about her feelings for him perhaps?

Not just a memory though. That's Sephiroth. :awesome:
Why can't Aerith be just a memory? She's dead, and she will not keep visiting Cloud.

Anyways. It doesn't say that she *only* appears to those who feel pained or confused or troubled.
No, but that's the only thing she does in AC/C. That's her purpose for being there. If you think that Aerith will continue to visit Cloud "just because she feels like it", then why did she choose to show up 2 years after her death? She comes back because she wants to take away Cloud's burden, his guilt. Then she heals Geostigma and leaves with Zack in the ending when Cloud is happy once again, and forgiven.

And with the quote you provided... Gee, Cloud and Aerith seems to have met in the labyrinth of his heart. But, this isn't romantic, even if it concerned Cloud's heart. :)
Cloud keeps his thoughts/guilt etc. in his heart. Aerith came there to take away his burden. Where in that scene do you see romance? The only thing they talk about is Cloud's guilt.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
What? I don't remember this.

It's an old ass interview, and if someone wants to go hunt it down go nuts, but the comment was along the lines of everyone had a favorite 'girl' for Cloud and there were many opinions on the matter. I'm almost sure the end of that interview was "But it's not up to us to decide" (Or something very close to that) is where the original "it's up to the payer" came from...because yes, in game, up to a certain point it IS up to the player. You can play to a certain point as fubarCloud and decide he has a raging hard on for Aerith or Tifa, it's part of the fun. However, the narrative eventually takes the reigns from you and proceeds with the story without your preferences.

Fuck I feel old now.
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I think the whole message of AC/C was for Cloud to get forgiveness and move on.

Specifically, Cloud needed to learn to forgive himself. He actually didn't require Aerith's forgiveness since she felt there was nothing to forgive. He thought he needed it, but I think realizes differently when Aerith says "from who".

(Then the conversation with Vincent, "Are sins ever forgiven?" "Don't know, I never tried." "Never tried. Well I'm gonna try". Then he brings Marlene home, has that adorable convo with her, go picks up Denzel, tells Tifa he lost weight, tells Denzel he'll be home, etc etc.)

So... moral for Cloud is: learn to forgive yourself. It was his own forgiveness he needed, not Aerith's. Aerith helped him realize this.


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
Aerith wants to help Cloud, help those in trouble, help the world.
But the same would be true of Zack if it's the case.
As I mentioned upthread, my hypothesis is that the very nature of the calamity allowed the two of them to connect, just as it allowed Sephiroth to create will made form remnants of himself.

It is possible too. But until Se provides us with more facts regarding what happened, we're only left with assumptions. Oh well.

Ryu said:
More tragic, really. Since it would mean the whole family either died suddenly, or for some reason the Cetra aren't cycling through, which they're supposed to do like everyone else. Hell, they WANT to.

So what happened to all the Cetra who should have been in the Lifestream?
Ifalna and Gast should be reunited by now with Aerith. But nowhere is that seen. I guess, SE forgot to make things more believable. They can't really keep things in a straight line, IMO.

Ryu said:
COLB and COLW occurs OVER the two year gap between ACC, but the final chapters of both take place immediately prior to ACC, as Sephiroth is just creating the Shinentai and Aerith is reacting to them.

Oh. I get it. :)

Ryu said:
Because something is apathetic when it lacks feelings or emotion. Apathy is literally a state lacking in feeling. Properly speaking, one never feels apathy, one has or is in a state of apathy. Feelings cannot be apathetic. It's a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron.

Still, that's what happens in the LA HW scene. No mutual feelings of love were shared.

Ryu said:
Which means that nothing was shared. Nothing was conveyed between the two of them. Thus, that version did not happen.

But for those who played the game with their 'Cloud' having a low affection for Tifa, that scene did happen. It is just that the HW scene fits whatever happens next to the game.
That's messed up IMO. They should just have made the HW scene non optional if they intended it.

Ryu said:
Because it's an extremely extraordinary claim which has never been properly substantiated, has no in universe or even in series analogue, and which actually goes against the metaphysics of the universe.
And that's granting it's a fantasy universe in which consciousness continues beyond death.
If you knew a man who claimed to still be going out for dinner with a dead women, would you think he was actually romancing her, or off his meds?

Right. Because you can't possibly love a person who you can't go out to dinner with. No, you have to love someone who is still very much alive, someone who you can actually show to people.

Ryu said:
Moved on? He's not 'moving on,' from anything, any more than he 'moved on' from Zack. In fact, 'moving on' is a giant assuming the consequent here.

Yeah. Trying to find someone to forget your guilt and forgive yourself is not moving on from that guilt. Okay then.

Ryu said:
CR... you haven't played the game. How are you so sure?
And that girl can be talked to BEFORE the promise is broached, for the record. She can be referring to how the two of them interacted before the game began, which is what led to them being the gossip of the entire town.
Which reminds me, Barret calls Tifa '[Cloud's] little baby' if you don't get into the bar fast enough.

This conclusion came from what Eileen was able to provide. That's why I was asking for a clarification because I cannot grasp it completely.
For me, the game begins after your push the Start button or something. It doesn't just start when you get to control the character. So what do you mean by before the game started? You have a source which talks of their interaction before the game began?

Ryu said:
No one was pertaining to anything. Because you continue to use that word inappropriately.

What word? Pertaining? All right, "referring to" then. Geez. You know perfectly well what I was trying to say.

Ryu said:
And wait, how the hell was Barret's line omitted from this four line dialogue?

There were quotes on how mean Cloud can be to Tifa. Barret's line wasn't included since it didn't concern him at the time.

Ryu said:
Cloud wasn't 'calling her out on it.' He was saying it was too late for regrets.

It's the same for me. Unless, you can provide me with a better term for what Cloud did. Still, it was pretty mean of him. Oh well, he was cold to people.

They're both memories. So's Zack. So's a Gi Nattak. So are the unsent on Spira. That's how death and undeath work in this metaphysical system.

So living people are reduced to being memories rather than spiritual beings after death? Okay.

Ryu said:
But it IS Why she shows up to Cloud.

Unless I'm missing a quote or something where it says that that's the *only* reason why she showed herself to Cloud, this is only part of it.

Ryu said:
Not really, no. Since it's again focusing on how Cloud feels really guilty and Aerith wants to help him get rid of it. Also, 'labyrinth of his heart' is very clearly another non literal statement, unless you want to show me the walls and the paths in the whitespace.
It means becoming lost in thought.

The 'labyrinth of his heart' is what then? It's about how he is lost in his emotions?

Ryu said:
Yes. We see Kadaj reaching up to and grasping something. He even fades AFTER his hand tenses into the shape of holding another person's hand. You can even see her reflected in his eye.

Oh. My bad. I thought it was just on of those times he almost closed his fist then opened them again before he died. Comparing it to when Cloud held Aerith's hand, yeah it's similar.
About her being reflected in his eyes, when I watched it again, I tried getting a snapshot of his eyes. There seem to be a figure there. But it remained unmoving, like it's the reflection of the light or something. If you could get a clearer shot of his eyes where Aerith's reflection is clear, could you post it?

Ryu said:
I note you ignored everyone she called on the phone.

I forgot about it. I did not ignore it.
She called them on the phone. But she did not appear to them. Idk what to make of it really. SE decided to let the audience see Aerith fully at the end. I don't think they thought about us debating why Aerith was able to do so. She just did.

Ryu said:
So, it's pure coincidence, and the reaction shot of Marlene sensing Aerith both in FF7 and AC/C is meaningless? Tifa is crazy and merely got lucky talking to a raindrop that actually had Aerith in it? Or are you saying that THEY TOO have the power to detect Aerith? Perhaps because she ALSO lives on inside them?

My head is hurting from all this thinking. So I'm gonna give it my best shot here.
I didn't say it was meaningless. Did I say that? :( I just said that Aerith did not need to make Tifa or Marlene sense her. They could have sensed her on their own because they knew/thought/hoped that she was there for Cloud.
For Marlene, she wasn't really sure it was Aerith. But seeing as she thought it was Aerith, that maybe what she was hoping for.
For Tifa, she knew what Aerith felt for Cloud. So she would also assume that Aerith would be there for him.

Ryu said:
Uhm, given that appearing from beyond the grave is taxing, it is more parsimonious to conclude that appearing to multiple people is more difficult, as she is not actually appearing physically, but is contacting people, and 'projecting' her image into them. Same with Zack.
Sephiroth didn't see Zack when he appeared. By your suggestion, he's that powerful too.

I was just incorporating Tres's claim that Aerith can choose to whome she appears to or calls to. Having the ability to choose is powerful in itself. That's just me though.

GLD, I am trying here. Really. But with every quote we provide, you keep coming back to the idea that it's only because of guilt or sorrow for losing a friend. To you, Aerith is just a friend. That's what hindering you from seeing our side as it is. I'm talking in general here.

MB said:
If you seriously think turning Aerith into a materia-Jesus --- regardless if she is or she isn't as of her current state --- is enhancing her character, then I have no more words to give you regarding this matter.

No, I don't believe it. I just used FHS's own statement for her entertainment.

MB said:
No, your point is still missing the original point by light years. The original claimant --- in this case, aerbear (yup, I backread a little to see who she was)--- said that we were assuming that the word "feelings" means "romance" only when associated with C/T, and cited those 2 quotes to demonstrate her claim, to which I replied by showing the varying circumstances of the 2 quotes: that the C/T one is romantic because it is FACTUALLY stated as so, therefore invalidating her claim of any assumptions from our part. THAT WAS THE POINT. Your so-called "belief" was of no relevance.

We're not seeing eye-to eye, so I'll just drop it.

MB said:
What the?! So you "believe" Simba is romantically in love with HIS FATHER?! Fuck damn because no one here argues that Cloud loves Aerith. What the point in question is, is Cloud's romantic intent.

I was talking about the feelings of love there. But okay. You saw it that way, fine by me.

MB said:
Instead of answering that, how about you explain to me how sorrow and grief automatically relates to romance with this context you speak of.

I asked you how you got that, then you ask of me another thing.
Answer what I ask you first then ask of me what you want.

Maybe because this context you speak of necessiates ignoring and misrepresenting a significant portion of what has been established in the story's canon.

And fact is, Aerith is dead. Square, now SE, ruined everything.

So now we ignore and misinterpret things?
Tell me this then: because Cloud and Tifa are living together in CoT, then the story canon is the HW scene? Is that it? Without SE ever saying that it IS the story canon?

SE made up for it by making Aerith able to appear to Cloud.

MB said:
Do you not know what an idiom is?

I think you meant symbolism here. If you really meant an idiom, show me what idiom was used and how it was used.

MB said:
Goodness girl! Do you honestly believe Aerith is some sort of a parasite now?! I mean, really?!

Are you taking it literally? That's just great, because I'm not. I think in one of my next posts, I put in "spiritual" there so no one would claim that Aerith lives inside Cloud's physical body.
This just makes your statement insulting. If you keep doing that, I'm withdrawing from my debate with you.

MB said:
Because I believe she worded it better with those words. I would've responded to this myself if I have the time but seeing as Ryu have already answered, I suggest you see Ryu's response for this.

Simple questions can be answered in a simple way as well.

Try it yourself.

I'm not saying that Cloud should be in a romantic relationship with Aerith even if she's dead. I'm saying that he can continue loving her, and much more so because she can manifest herself to him at times.
You didn't have to go size 7 on that.

Eileen said:
I think the whole message of AC/C was for Cloud to get forgiveness and move on.

Keyword: think.

The girl didn't speak nonsense. She referred to something that we players didn't get to see.

Which doesn't hold much basis doesn't it? We didn't see what happened that gained that kind of reaction from her. And after this, Cloud doesn't even act like a childhood friend at the least.

Eileen said:
I couldn't keep my promise there. Whoops.


Eileen said:
Cloud asked why Tifa came along, and she answered with: "Because..." What do you think she was going to say? Something about her feelings for him perhaps?

Then why did Barret stop her from telling Cloud?

Eileen said:
Why can't Aerith be just a memory? She's dead, and she will not keep visiting Cloud.

Where does it say that she can't visit Cloud ever again? She returned to the Lifestream in the game, but she was able to visit Cloud 2 years after. She returned to the Lifestream again, what's to stop her from doing it again?

Eileen said:
No, but that's the only thing she does in AC/C. That's her purpose for being there. If you think that Aerith will continue to visit Cloud "just because she feels like it", then why did she choose to show up 2 years after her death? She comes back because she wants to take away Cloud's burden, his guilt. Then she heals Geostigma and leaves with Zack in the ending when Cloud is happy once again, and forgiven.

Again, nowhere does it state that it's her *only* purpose. If it was her only purpose, why do it after two years? She should've done it immediately after Cloud left to find forgiveness if it was her only purpose. Just like your question to me. He has carried the same burden for over two years, even more so when he got Geostigma, depending on CoT's timeline.

Eileen said:
Cloud keeps his thoughts/guilt etc. in his heart. Aerith came there to take away his burden. Where in that scene do you see romance? The only thing they talk about is Cloud's guilt.

Why in his heart? He keeps his promise to Tifa etched only in his memory, so why make guilt stay in his heart?

Celes Chere

Right. Because you can't possibly love a person who you can't go out to dinner with. No, you have to love someone who is still very much alive, someone who you can actually show to people.

I believe love goes beyond death too, but I don't believe Cloud and Aerith can still speak to one another, go on dates, etc. If anything, Cloud and Aerith would be like Ashe and Rassler. She loved him even after he died, but they don't get to be together on earth. I think that's a logical claim. What's illogical to me is anyone that claims Cloud and Aerith can have a full and healthy relationship while she is dead - they simply can't. It doesn't mean the love doesn't exist (again Rassler/Ashe and Tidus/Yuna) but seriously believing Cloud visits the flowerfields for a picnic with Aerith is a bit silly.

There were quotes on how mean Cloud can be to Tifa.

Speaking of optional choices, I feel that the responses to Aerith are alot 'meaner' than the options given to Tifa. I mean Slum Drunk, really? Not to mention on the date there are alot of negative options against Aerith. However on Tifa's date there are NO negative options. I find that a bit interesting. :monster: One thing Tifa also has, is the option for Cloud to say that she's his girlfriend. Aerith never has an option like that.

. But she did not appear to them.

Are you talking about the kids at the end of ACC? Before Cloud sees Aerith fully, we see her bending down and talking to some kids. So I think the children can see her.

Why in his heart? He keeps his promise to Tifa etched only in his memory, so why make guilt stay in his heart?

Because guilt wounds your heart. Why do you think Cloud was so damn depressed in the movie? It wasn't just the guilt about Aerith either, it was the geostigma, being a disappointment, everything.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
It is possible too. But until Se provides us with more facts regarding what happened, we're only left with assumptions. Oh well.

Or logical conclusions based on the narrative... you can assume all you want though.

So what happened to all the Cetra who should have been in the Lifestream?
They are one with the planet. They dissolve. It's explained in game and also in CoLW.

Ifalna and Gast should be reunited by now with Aerith.
Ifana, yes, maybe, if she had stayed an individual instead of becoming one of the millions of voices that are the stream of consciousness--the lifestream itself. Gast, no. He's human.

But nowhere is that seen. I guess, SE forgot to make things more believable. They can't really keep things in a straight line, IMO.

I'm not seeing where they aren't linear... It's actually really straight forward.

Still, that's what happens in the LA HW scene. No mutual feelings of love were shared.

You are missing the point. If mutual feelings are shared, then the HA scene MUST have taken place. What was the LA a mutual sharing of un-feeling? WTF? It makes no sense.

But for those who played the game with their 'Cloud' having a low affection for Tifa, that scene did happen.

Pay attention. This is actually quite important. CLOUD'S emotions are NOT variable. ONLY Tifa's. It's her affection FOR HIM that is optional based on the game mechanics--NOT his. His emotions are love--regardless of the date mechanics and mini-affection game. This is where the Clerith argument falls on its ass. Yes, Tifa's desire to express her feelings is influenced with Disc 1, but Cloud's aren't. He is a constant.

It is just that the HW scene fits whatever happens next to the game.
That's messed up IMO. They should just have made the HW scene non optional if they intended it.

Yes, I'm sure they thought people would need to be spoon-fed the narrative and forgo any attempt at fun. Half the drama of FFVII OG was the idea that the player could choose the love interest and then Square was all: "Bwuahahahaa. Nope! Fooled ya..." Besides, as you stated the HA scene fits better with the overall narrative. It's common sense.

Right. Because you can't possibly love a person who you can't go out to dinner with. No, you have to love someone who is still very much alive, someone who you can actually show to people.

First, before you get all snarky, maybe you should provide the evidence that he loved her when she was ALIVE before moving on to claim he loved her after death. Just an idea.

This conclusion came from what Eileen was able to provide. That's why I was asking for a clarification because I cannot grasp it completely.
For me, the game begins after your push the Start button or something. It doesn't just start when you get to control the character. So what do you mean by before the game started? You have a source which talks of their interaction before the game began?

Cloud was with AVALANCHE and Tifa for weeks before the game began. Yes, we can infer that things happen in that span of time. We can--from the suggestive dialogue from Johnny and the neighbors--assume that maybe Tifa and Cloud appeared as 'more' than childhood friends, also.

So living people are reduced to being memories rather than spiritual beings after death? Okay.

Yes, they are literally turned into a stream of consciousness. This is explained rather in depth in the game. I suggest you play it, or stop arguing points that you have no clue about.

Unless I'm missing a quote or something where it says that that's the *only* reason why she showed herself to Cloud, this is only part of it.

No. THIS is why she contacted him: She then thought of Cloud, living in his reality up on the surface. In order to reduce the hatred lingering in the Lifestream, she would have to remove the hatred flooding the real world. The woman wondered if Cloud could help her.

She reaches out to Cloud to get his help in fighting Sephiroth. FFS it's in CoLW. There's no romantic intent behind it. READ it.

The 'labyrinth of his heart' is what then? It's about how he is lost in his emotions?

I always thought the labyrinth of his heart referred to where he buried his guilt and weakness.

I forgot about it. I did not ignore it.
She called them on the phone. But she did not appear to them. Idk what to make of it really. SE decided to let the audience see Aerith fully at the end. I don't think they thought about us debating why Aerith was able to do so. She just did.

Again, no, there's actually a lot about Aerith's powers and what she's able to do in CoLW, I really suggest reading it.

To you, Aerith is just a friend. That's what hindering you from seeing our side as it is. I'm talking in general here.

Until you provide factual evidence to support romance, yes, she was JUST a friend. Good luck with that.

No, I don't believe it. I just used FHS's own statement for her entertainment.

I must have missed something...

I'm not saying that Cloud should be in a romantic relationship with Aerith even if she's dead. I'm saying that he can continue loving her, and much more so because she can manifest herself to him at times.

Prove he loved her. Go from there.

Keyword: think.

Keyword: evidence.

Then why did Barret stop her from telling Cloud?

They were on a mission. They really didn't have time.

Where does it say that she can't visit Cloud ever again? She returned to the Lifestream in the game, but she was able to visit Cloud 2 years after. She returned to the Lifestream again, what's to stop her from doing it again?

Source material says she RETURNS TO THE LIFESTREAM WHERE SHE BELONGS. Caps'd that for you.

Again, nowhere does it state that it's her *only* purpose.

See above. Her reasons to seek out Cloud have fuckall to do with romance or his guilt.

Why in his heart? He keeps his promise to Tifa etched only in his memory, so why make guilt stay in his heart?



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
It is possible too. But until Se provides us with more facts regarding what happened, we're only left with assumptions. Oh well.

And thus, logically, we should not assume anything extraordinary. Employ Okkam. Embrace parsimony.

So what happened to all the Cetra who should have been in the Lifestream?
Ifalna and Gast should be reunited by now with Aerith. But nowhere is that seen. I guess, SE forgot to make things more believable. They can't really keep things in a straight line, IMO.

They're been transformed and reborn as new living organisms.

Oh. I get it. :)

All the OTWTAS stories happen over the course of about two years, natch.

Still, that's what happens in the LA HW scene. No mutual feelings of love were shared.

Yes. Nothing is shared in the low version. This runs contrary to established continuity in which things ARE shared.
Likewise, shadow dying runs contrary to the actual events of the story, but it can still happen in your game.

But for those who played the game with their 'Cloud' having a low affection for Tifa, that scene did happen. It is just that the HW scene fits whatever happens next to the game.
That's messed up IMO. They should just have made the HW scene non optional if they intended it.

But we're talking the official narrative. I've played FF7 so many times that I've gotten all four dates, saved Corel, blew it up, kept and lost all the huge materia, gotten and ignored Vincent and Yuffie.
In FFVI, I've killed and saved Shadow, I've let Cid die and saved his life. I've assaulted Kefka with no one and with everyone and maybe everything in between.
What MY experience and what the NARRATIVE is are not the same thing. Sometimes, what's in the game and what's 'the truth' aren't even the same thing.

Let me tell you about a few games in the series Castlevania.
In one of the early games in the series, Castlevania 3 for folks in the states (And I think everywhere but Japan), the main character Trevor (or Ralph, in Japan) Belmont can take one of a few people with him, Grant DaNasty, Sypha Belnades, and Alucard, son of Dracula. He can only take one at a time, and only one can fight Dracula with him. In one of the endings, we learn that Sypha is a woman (to us, the players, and maybe to Trevor. She'd been hiding her gender previous) and she and Trevor have fallen for each other over the course of the journey. They eventually marry some years later, which we know thanks to a couple other games in the series. So, you'd think Sypha was with him when he fought Dracula, right?
The problem is, another game in the series, Symphony of the Night has Alucard remember fighting Dracula alongside Trevor. But the ending with him as companion doesn't include Sypha and Trevor coming to fall for each other. More complicated still, yet another game has Grant reveal he had a crush on Sypha, even though as far as the game's concerned, they, at most, met for three or four seconds before Trevor ditched his ass for Sypha.
So who was with Trevor? They all were, even though that can't happen in the story.

Another example, one slightly more directly related to our discussion about the Highwind scene, concerns the endings of Symphony. There are several ending. Two happen at different completion levels in the story. The difference between them is that a female character either does or does not decide to continue after the main character after he leaves. This change affects absolutely NOTHING as far as future titles go- the next chronological installment does not star any of these characters, and the next appearance of the main character (He's immortal, for reference) contains no mention of the woman from Symphony, and actually takes place several hundred years after his last appearance, actually into our future, long after she would have died. But we can tell which one happened. Because it's been referenced. It doesn't change a damn thing storywise in any later game. But it's what actually happened. Even if you, personally, got the bad end of the game, that's not the one that happened.

Then there's chrono trigger, which involves resurrection AND romance! I have, however, ranted on this subject for long enough. Needless to say, giving you the option to do a thing doesn't mean there's not a 'proper' way to do that thing, and your experience is not the same as narrative, same as mine isn't.

Right. Because you can't possibly love a person who you can't go out to dinner with. No, you have to love someone who is still very much alive, someone who you can actually show to people.

Ah, but that's NOT what I said nor what you reacted to. I said that having RELATIONS with the dead was extraordinary and unsubstantiated. Not loving them. You are attacking a strawman argument here.
You can love a dead person. You can't go on dates with them, spend time with them, have a relationship with them. It's simply not DOABLE.

Yeah. Trying to find someone to forget your guilt and forgive yourself is not moving on from that guilt. Okay then.

MY point is that trying to move on from your guilt is not the same as moving on from someone romantically, hence my specification that he's not 'moving on' from Zack even though he also feels sorrow over Zack's demise. The reason I bring this up is because there's room for some serious equivocation fallacy in the form of switching out these meanings, and I wish to ensure it is forestalled long ahead of time.

This conclusion came from what Eileen was able to provide. That's why I was asking for a clarification because I cannot grasp it completely.
For me, the game begins after your push the Start button or something. It doesn't just start when you get to control the character. So what do you mean by before the game started? You have a source which talks of their interaction before the game began?

Yes. That woman! And many other references in Slum sector 7. Plus the U10. Also one of Tifa's flashbacks to finding Cloud. The game begins, narratively, on Dec 9th. There any many references to events shortly prior to this.

What word? Pertaining? All right, "referring to" then. Geez. You know perfectly well what I was trying to say.

I do. But There is a point to pointing out the erroneous word use again. We're arguing a very literary medium. What words mean is quite important. Getting them wrong again and again does not inspire confidence in one's ability to comprehend them, basically.

There were quotes on how mean Cloud can be to Tifa. Barret's line wasn't included since it didn't concern him at the time.

1. How is that mean, and more importantly...
2. Why do you need examples of Cloud being 'mean' to Tifa? This isn't a silly attempt at quantitatively analyzing the LTD, is it?

It's the same for me. Unless, you can provide me with a better term for what Cloud did. Still, it was pretty mean of him. Oh well, he was cold to people.

Commiseration. Bolstering. 'It's too late now' is merely a statement that there's no backing down at this point. It's not being mean to spur her into action by reminding her there's no turning back, same as it's not mean in any other example of the phrase being used in media.

So living people are reduced to being memories rather than spiritual beings after death? Okay.

In their world spiritual beings ARE memories.

Unless I'm missing a quote or something where it says that that's the *only* reason why she showed herself to Cloud, this is only part of it.

Actually, unless YOU have a quote that says she shows up for another reason, that's the whole of it that we can actually state as explicitly so, because neither Aerith nor any other source declares an additional reason for her appearing to Cloud and Kadaj.

The 'labyrinth of his heart' is what then? It's about how he is lost in his emotions?

Thoughts, emotions, memories, doubts, etc. Aerith's appearance is linked with helping him out of said labyrinth. It's a metaphor for Cloud looking for answers, maybe even getting lost in the struggle. Hell, Let me google the phrase for you. It's basically self-help spiritual jargon.

Oh. My bad. I thought it was just on of those times he almost closed his fist then opened them again before he died. Comparing it to when Cloud held Aerith's hand, yeah it's similar.
About her being reflected in his eyes, when I watched it again, I tried getting a snapshot of his eyes. There seem to be a figure there. But it remained unmoving, like it's the reflection of the light or something. If you could get a clearer shot of his eyes where Aerith's reflection is clear, could you post it?

As I've been asked for this and another instance where Cloud seems to be reflected in Kadaj's eye at another point, I'll try and get to this tonight.

I forgot about it. I did not ignore it.
She called them on the phone. But she did not appear to them. Idk what to make of it really. SE decided to let the audience see Aerith fully at the end. I don't think they thought about us debating why Aerith was able to do so. She just did.

My point was that she can contact other people. Even people she's never met.

My head is hurting from all this thinking. So I'm gonna give it my best shot here.
I didn't say it was meaningless. Did I say that? :( I just said that Aerith did not need to make Tifa or Marlene sense her. They could have sensed her on their own because they knew/thought/hoped that she was there for Cloud.

I'm kind of puzzled why the 'because they knew/thought/hoped that she was there for Cloud' comes into the equation. Can they not have sensed her because they knew she was their for them, too?

For Marlene, she wasn't really sure it was Aerith. But seeing as she thought it was Aerith, that maybe what she was hoping for.

Twice, though, she reacts noticably to Aerith's actions before they happen. She's surprised it's Aerith (Big Sis) in AC/C, but she's surprised at the presence, she's sure it's Aerith.

For Tifa, she knew what Aerith felt for Cloud. So she would also assume that Aerith would be there for him.

But she could also assume that Aerith would be there for her. And everyone else. Tifa thanks her for being there for 'us' in the plural.

I was just incorporating Tres's claim that Aerith can choose to whome she appears to or calls to. Having the ability to choose is powerful in itself. That's just me though.

Not necessarily. It's the question of visual illusion vs mental illusion. Being able to talk telepathically to one or two people is less powerful than having the ability to talk to hundreds. Same with projecting an image of yourself.
Contrariwise, if she's physically present- which, well, she's almost certainly not- then yes, obfuscating her presence from a number of people is easier than hiding from one or two. But that requires even further assumptions than the ability to speak telepathically with people, something established several times in universe as possible to do.

GLD, I am trying here. Really. But with every quote we provide, you keep coming back to the idea that it's only because of guilt or sorrow for losing a friend. To you, Aerith is just a friend. That's what hindering you from seeing our side as it is. I'm talking in general here.

The problem isn't that 'to us' Aerith is 'just a friend,' but that taking her as something more is the very thing that needs to be substantiated. Aerith being something more than a friend to Cloud is the very thing the Clerith argument needs to establish, WANTS to establish. Making arguments based off of it is assuming the consequent.

I was talking about the feelings of love there. But okay. You saw it that way, fine by me.

But it was being used in comparison to C/A, so you'd either be arguing the feelings of love on both sides are fillial, or are both romantic, without the comparison becoming largely meaningless.

So now we ignore and misinterpret things?
Tell me this then: because Cloud and Tifa are living together in CoT, then the story canon is the HW scene? Is that it? Without SE ever saying that it IS the story canon?

The actual narrative is the HW scne but for reasons entirely other than just 'Cloud and Tifa live together in CoT.'

SE made up for it by making Aerith able to appear to Cloud.

And also made Zack able to appear to him as well. And then had the end of the moving emphasize both of them leaving for where they belong, even as Cloud realizes he belongs back with Tifa and the kids.

I think you meant symbolism here. If you really meant an idiom, show me what idiom was used and how it was used.

I'm rather certain MB meant idiom as you are discussing a common Japanese idiom for that which cannot be forgotten, and which I have noted can be used in decidedly unromantic scenarios.
Also which was used to refer to the promise at the water tower.

Are you taking it literally? That's just great, because I'm not. I think in one of my next posts, I put in "spiritual" there so no one would claim that Aerith lives inside Cloud's physical body.
This just makes your statement insulting. If you keep doing that, I'm withdrawing from my debate with you.

How else would she live on inside him, though? Please, do elucidate. Because if we're going to keep talking about this, I think you need to be clear what YOU think it means when it says 'lives on in his consciousness'

Simple questions can be answered in a simple way as well.

Incidentally, you never did reply to the answer I gave here. So here it is reposted, just in case you missed it.
Here's the part of these two posts I really want to get at. Because the answer is actually no. It's not because of the highwind scene. Now, yes, the highwind scene will be part of the synthesis of evidence leading to this conclusion, but it is not a lynchpin. If we are capable of applying context to lead to a synthesis -And we must be to rationally conclude Woman is Aerith, rather than simply parroting that it is from someone else's conclusion- there is sufficient evidence to come to a conclusion on who Tifa is the beloved of. We assume only that the answer is somehow relevant to what we know, and that this woman is not some hitherto unknown dead ancient woman with a crush on Cloud.

With Tifa's 'beloved-er' if you will, we can assume that we are being told she is a beloved to explain her relation to an existing character. Of the existing characters, only three people have ever openly expressed an interest in Tifa that we know of- Cloud, Rude, and Johnny, all at different points.
We can assume that, being in the reunion files, the quote is relevant specifically to the Movie and not just the whole universe. Johnny's not in the film. He's out. That leaves Rude and Cloud. At no point to my recollection are Tifa and Rude referred to in association with each other, or even on the same screen at once (There may be one or two shots in the kid's bedroom, but these do not stand out to me). Cloud and Tifa, by contrast, are constantly associated with each other. They have a future together. They were made to compliment each other visually. They belong together according to the head writer, and he's known this since the first.
Unless the statement has no meaning to add to a deeper understanding of the narrative, it really only stands to reason that who she is the beloved of is someone she is close to, and associated with. That, more than anyone else, is Cloud.

I'm not saying that Cloud should be in a romantic relationship with Aerith even if she's dead. I'm saying that he can continue loving her, and much more so because she can manifest herself to him at times.
You didn't have to go size 7 on that.

Point of order, CR, you asked 'why not' to a point saying one could not have romance with the dead. Not one that said you could not love them.

Keyword: think.

Alright. Propose an alternate message, then. Chop to it. support it with facts, narrative elements and themes. minimum three pages, single spaced, On my desk by monday.

Which doesn't hold much basis doesn't it? We didn't see what happened that gained that kind of reaction from her. And after this, Cloud doesn't even act like a childhood friend at the least.

This almost sounds like a no true scotsman.

Then why did Barret stop her from telling Cloud?

Because a Mission's no time for mushy stuff.

Where does it say that she can't visit Cloud ever again? She returned to the Lifestream in the game, but she was able to visit Cloud 2 years after. She returned to the Lifestream again, what's to stop her from doing it again?

Once, I fired a rocket launcher round the entire length of a map and pegged a guy right as he respawned. What's to stop me from doing that again?
It's difficult to do. The circumstances have to be absolutely correct to do it.
And if Aerith can do it again, I must again ask why she does not appear a year into the future to give advice, if nothing else? That crisis directly affected her, again.

Again, nowhere does it state that it's her *only* purpose. If it was her only purpose, why do it after two years? She should've done it immediately after Cloud left to find forgiveness if it was her only purpose. Just like your question to me. He has carried the same burden for over two years, even more so when he got Geostigma, depending on CoT's timeline.

This does not follow.
Even if Aerith had other purposes, waiting for two years to appear is STILL at odds with THAT particular purpose for appearing.
What you're doing is assuming Aerith could appear before ACC but chose not to. This is 'able, but unwilling' and paints Areith in a bad light. It's also contradicted by COLW. 'Willing, but unable,' is far more realistic and fits with what we've been told.
Further, you're still 'multiplying entities unnecessarily.' We've been told she appears to those who are troubled to aid them, and that this is why she appears to Cloud. Anything else is an unnecessary assumption.

Why in his heart? He keeps his promise to Tifa etched only in his memory, so why make guilt stay in his heart?

Ah, but this is where you're wrong. They're BOTH in his memory. And his heart. Let me explain.
In point of fact, the exact same phrase was used in Japanese. This phrase means both carved in the heart and carved in the mind because the word used in the phrase means BOTH heart and mind, using heart in the classic sense of 'seat of thought, emotions, and memory'
Japanese has a similar issue with the word for soul being co-opted as the word for DNA. That created some wonky-ass translations, let me tell you. Or wonky ass-translations, for the XKCD fans.
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