The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Are you talking about the kids at the end of ACC? Before Cloud sees Aerith fully, we see her bending down and talking to some kids. So I think the children can see her.

I was under the impression that they couldn't see her. Yes, she was bending towards them looking at what they were looking at. But they don't converse, and iirc they don't ever look at her.

Think Sixth Sense...


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
So I know we're more lax on the first post rules, but what about what happens at X stays at X? Can I respond to a comment someone said on another forum that was pretty much directed right at me where I'm not allowed to reply... or just leave it?

I was under the impression that they couldn't see her. Yes, she was bending towards them looking at what they were looking at. But they don't converse, and iirc they don't ever look at her.
Watch it again, one of the kids waves to her as she gets up.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
So I know we're more lax on the first post rules, but what about what happens at X stays at X? Can I respond to a comment someone said on another forum that was pretty much directed right at me where I'm not allowed to reply... or just leave it?

Watch it again, one of the kids waves to her as she gets up.


Don't tempt me woman! DON'T TEMPT ME!

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Hey CR, you've had at least three people respond to this, maybe a couple more even (I did not count) but for the sake of participation, here's my two cents:

It is possible too. But until Se provides us with more facts regarding what happened, we're only left with assumptions. Oh well.

Assumptions are natural to make in lieu of a definitive answer to a question. But they still do more harm than good. That "Assumptions make an ass out of you and me" bit gets quoted so much because its true. This particularly holds true when you are assuming something fantastic when simpler answers are available.

So what happened to all the Cetra who should have been in the Lifestream? Ifalna and Gast should be reunited by now with Aerith. But nowhere is that seen. I guess, SE forgot to make things more believable. They can't really keep things in a straight line, IMO.

SE keeps this perfectly straight, at least. When a living thing dies, it returns to the Lifestream. It ceases to be an individual spirit entirely. Its energy and memories join the stream of consciousness that flows round the planet like blood through a mundane creature. Eventually, that energy is sent back out to allow new lives to be born. Every living creature on the Planet works like this, Cetra included. The accumulation of life experience from these various creatures, plants, humans, monsters, everything, is what makes the Lifestream grow. Cetra (and people who hate someone or something a LOT apparently) can hold off the day that they fully submerge their individual self into the Lifestream if they have a purpose. It would seem they can even assist humans in doing the same, or even rebuild an individual who has already diffused, depending on how you look at it. But eventually they DO diffuse fully into that stream of consciousness, and when they do they don't come back. For all we know, by the "present day" of FFVII's world what was once Aerith is now part of a sapling growing somewhere in Wutai, or giving life to a clutch of Midgar Zolom eggs, or anything else.

Still, that's what happens in the LA HW scene. No mutual feelings of love were shared.

And as it has been confirmed many times that mutual feelings WERE shared in the canon narrative, the HA scene must therefore be canon. Your own words here are supporting the position you wish to disprove.

But for those who played the game with their 'Cloud' having a low affection for Tifa, that scene did happen. It is just that the HW scene fits whatever happens next to the game.

Not really. For those who played the game in such a way as to lower TIFA'S arbitrary affection score, that scene was shown. Cloud's affection is not the variable measured by the affection mechanic, and just because that is the scene someone saw doesn't make it the one that "happened." Ryu's Castlevania analogy was quite illuminating on that point. And also awesome simply for referencing Castlevania :monster:

That's messed up IMO. They should just have made the HW scene non optional if they intended it.

Or, they could allow for optional divergences in scenes so that people have some variety in the game (replay value!) and still have a cohesive, canon narrative of what actually happened. Oh, wait... that's exactly what they did. Nothing messed up about it, imo.

Right. Because you can't possibly love a person who you can't go out to dinner with. No, you have to love someone who is still very much alive, someone who you can actually show to people.

Nobody said this. You are arguing against a point that was not made. I'm sure Cloud loves Aerith dearly right up to the present day, as I'm sure that Tifa, and Marlene, and everyone else who knew her does in their own way. But having a romantic relationship with her, the thing people are ACTUALLY challenging? That seems significantly less likely when you have a firm grasp of the metaphysics that govern life and death in the FFVII world.

Yeah. Trying to find someone to forget your guilt and forgive yourself is not moving on from that guilt. Okay then.

I'm confused, what are we even arguing here? By the end of FFVII, Cloud has indeed found that he needs his OWN forgiveness rather than that of Aerith with regards to her death. He has moved on from his lingering feelings of shame and guilt there. His feelings for Zack as well, it would appear. How is this romantic? At all?

This conclusion came from what Eileen was able to provide. That's why I was asking for a clarification because I cannot grasp it completely.
For me, the game begins after your push the Start button or something. It doesn't just start when you get to control the character. So what do you mean by before the game started? You have a source which talks of their interaction before the game began?

The game itself starts the moment something is happening besides the Buster Sword sitting in darkness, that is to say the train arriving for the Mako Reactor assault and Aerith's first appearance. But things did undeniably happen before that which we did not see. We actually get a brief flashback to Tifa finding Cloud at the train station, something which happened before the span of time where the game proper started. So we know Cloud was with Tifa for a bit before that raid occurred. We can make a logical deduction that the NPCs in Sector 7 may be referring to things that happened in that time, leading them to believe Cloud and Tifa are more than JUST childhood friends.

There were quotes on how mean Cloud can be to Tifa. Barret's line wasn't included since it didn't concern him at the time.

Barret's line IS relevant to the quotes discussed though. And you're not really supporting the "this is so mean of Cloud" part of your claim. We can see the words he says there, but who is to say that giving someone a kick in the ass when they falter a bit is mean? I know I need a fire lit under me when I don't want to do something now and then. And I thank whoever lights it. Besides which, I read a measure of concern in Cloud's statements. Its hardly concrete that it is "mean" by any measure.

It's the same for me. Unless, you can provide me with a better term for what Cloud did. Still, it was pretty mean of him. Oh well, he was cold to people.

Cold =/= mean. You can be cold while doing ANYTHING. You can be coldly concerned, coldly aggressive, coldly affectionate. Since you are in fact acting cold to people, it can be hard to spot the actual emotions on display, but they can be there. Anything can be expressed coldly. See above for my feelings on the matter, and remember to bear in mind that Cloud's not exactly himself at that point anyway.

So living people are reduced to being memories rather than spiritual beings after death? Okay.

See above descriptions, mine and others alike, of how death works in FFVII. There isn't a heaven or hell for individual souls to go to and continue to exist after death. Once you fully return to the Planet, you as a person are GONE except in the memory of those still living/the memories you added to the stream of consciousness. That is what Sephiroth MEANS when he says he will never become "a mere memory". He is saying he will NEVER allow himself to diffuse fully into the Lifestream, that he will never cease to be an individual being even after multiple deaths. So yes, living people ARE reduced to being memories rather than spiritual beings after death. If she is following the rules, Aerith as a person does not exist at all by the time of DoC.

Now, I don't discount her making an exception and remaining an individual for a time longer. After all, if Sephiroth refuses to play by the rules and diffuse she just might be needed again. But, it seems likely that she IS gone, considering the Omega incident in DoC DID happen and Aerith was nowhere to be found.

Unless I'm missing a quote or something where it says that that's the *only* reason why she showed herself to Cloud, this is only part of it.

I liked what someone else (Ryu, I believe) said to this enough to let it stand on its own. I only bothered to quote this so my support for said statement would be easily understood.

The 'labyrinth of his heart' is what then? It's about how he is lost in his emotions?

People get so worked up about the word "heart" in situations like these. In a great many cultures, the heart is seen as the emotional center of a human being. As in ALL emotions are centered on the heart. Its not just a romantic thing, guilt, joy, regret, anger, etc ALL reside within the heart. That'd make for one hell of a labyrinth in a well adjusted person, let alone someone with all the issues Cloud has accrued over his life.

Oh. My bad. I thought it was just on of those times he almost closed his fist then opened them again before he died. Comparing it to when Cloud held Aerith's hand, yeah it's similar.

It most certainly is similar. Kadaj is clearly reaching for someone that neither Cloud nor the audience can see at that point, and the way his hand moves shows that he found said person.

About her being reflected in his eyes, when I watched it again, I tried getting a snapshot of his eyes. There seem to be a figure there. But it remained unmoving, like it's the reflection of the light or something. If you could get a clearer shot of his eyes where Aerith's reflection is clear, could you post it?

I don't know about this one either, I never noticed such a reflection in Kadaj's eyes myself. So I would love to see this too if possible, when you get a chance Ryu.

I forgot about it. I did not ignore it.
She called them on the phone. But she did not appear to them. Idk what to make of it really. SE decided to let the audience see Aerith fully at the end. I don't think they thought about us debating why Aerith was able to do so. She just did.

Whether they saw her or not, you have to admit that she did communicate, rather directly, with an absolute shitload of people during the course of the film. Note that only one of them is Cloud. Many of them, she's probably never met before. Moogle Girl, for instance, is the one who explains to Cloud that Aerith said he would be at the church. That plus Kadaj's death scene pokes a pretty decent hole in the "Cloud and Aerith's special bond allows her to appear to him!" argument.

My head is hurting from all this thinking. So I'm gonna give it my best shot here.

Tis good to see you thinking your points through, but don't hurt yourself over it :monster: The LTD has caused enough headaches over the years, it needs no more victims.

I didn't say it was meaningless. Did I say that? :( I just said that Aerith did not need to make Tifa or Marlene sense her. They could have sensed her on their own because they knew/thought/hoped that she was there for Cloud.

That... doesn't make a lot of sense to me really. You may not be saying that it is meaningless, but you do seem to be downplaying the importance of anyone but Cloud sensing/communicating with Aerith. I suppose it makes her appearances before him less special if so many others have some contact, however different it may be? Lemme comment on the alternate reasons for them sensing her as you describe them below:

For Marlene, she wasn't really sure it was Aerith. But seeing as she thought it was Aerith, that maybe what she was hoping for.

No, Marlene seems entirely certain that its Aerith when she calls out upon sensing her. There is surprise there, but it is surprise that she's sensing a DEAD WOMAN, not surprise about the identity. It's not phrased as "Is that you big sis?!" It's not asking "are you who I think you are?" as if there is any doubt. It's "Sister?!" as in "I know who you are, but how the hell are you here?!"

For Tifa, she knew what Aerith felt for Cloud. So she would also assume that Aerith would be there for him.

I can sorta see this, to an extent. But as pointed out, she says thank you to Aerith for being there for "us." For everyone present who was fighting for the Planet, from Cloud to Barret to Vincent and Yuffie. Everyone on that team was Aerith's friend. Cloud needed her more, but she was there for everyone. Why Cid or Nanaki didn't sense her as well, I couldn't say, but considering how they feel about Aerith and how she felt about them, I see no reason why Tifa only sensed her because she "assumed she'd be there based on her feelings for Cloud." Maybe Aerith intentionally let Tifa, the friend she spent so much time with whenever the team split up, sense her. Maybe Tifa did it entirely on her own. Either way, it doesn't make it any less special that Tifa DID know she was present and acknowledge it.

I was just incorporating Tres's claim that Aerith can choose to whome she appears to or calls to. Having the ability to choose is powerful in itself. That's just me though.

I'd imagine what she is doing is probably pretty tough, what with it being against the normal progression between life and death and back the FFVII universe runs on. Appearing to just one or two people at a time would probably be a shitload easier than trying to be "present" to everyone at once. I agree that being able to choose who sees her and who doesn't, if indeed she is doing so on purpose, is powerful in its own right. But its a very different kind of powerful from being able to stand with AVALANCHE, with everyone present being able to see and hear her, if you get my drift. So while it may be powerful in and of itself to be ABLE to choose, it doesn't invalidate the possibility that she may HAVE to pick and choose.

GLD, I am trying here. Really. But with every quote we provide, you keep coming back to the idea that it's only because of guilt or sorrow for losing a friend. To you, Aerith is just a friend. That's what hindering you from seeing our side as it is. I'm talking in general here.

Not at all, actually. I am in the camp that Aerith definitely loved Cloud, and had romantic aspirations on him. She WAS a love rival to Tifa when she was alive. I accept that Cloud had some manner of feelings for her, though I do not care to guess at whether they were the stirrings of true love or just an attraction to a beautiful and outgoing female. Even if he DOES love her romantically, which is unsupported by the narrative or anything your side has managed to come up with (without a lot of twisting at any rate), I'm polyamorous, or however that's said. I know what its like to be in love with two or more people at once. You can still choose one over the other, especially if one of them is DEAD. That isn't what prevents me from seeing your side of it, what prevents that is that Cloti has a crap-load of factual evidence. I'm not gonna lay it all out again, you've seen it and can choose to accept the writing on the wall or ignore it, whatever. Clerith is a sweet fanon pairing, and I am happy for you if you enjoy it. But as far as the canonicity of one relationship or the other, Clerith just isn't in Clot's weight class. I see the quotes you put up, and like it or not they ARE identified with Cloud's guilt and shame. Because while attraction between Cloud and Aerith is verified, while her feelings for him are pretty well spelled out, a MUTUAL romance is unsupported between them. For Cloud and Tifa, its out and out stated.

THAT'S why I think the LTD is, in effect, over. Because no matter how long it goes on, Cloud and Tifa's love is heavily supported within the game, the guidebooks, the film, the creator interviews. Clerith just doesn't have the same amount of juice.

So now we ignore and misinterpret things?

I read what you were responding to and I still don't know what you're trying to say. Sorry if I'm just dense, or if this is a joke, but I highly doubt anyone here wants it said that we can ignore and misinterpret things. Even as Anastar continues to do just that, I am positive she wouldn't say so.

Tell me this then: because Cloud and Tifa are living together in CoT, then the story canon is the HW scene? Is that it? Without SE ever saying that it IS the story canon?

That and a multitude of other things that have all long since been laid on the table. As for SE flat out saying "This right here? This is canon" when do they EVER do that? When does anyone do that? I've seen some statements such as this from DC comics in the past, maybe even some from Marvel, but the majority of folks do not make such blatant statements unless I am missing something. It's been said before, and bears saying again: We do not need to be spoon-fed every little bit of information to come to the right conclusion.

SE made up for it by making Aerith able to appear to Cloud.

Except she hasn't done so since. And very likely cannot, as per the explanations provided to you about how returning to the Planet actually works. Case in point, DoC was all about the fate of the world being in jeopardy once again. Where was Aerith? Why wasn't she helping with that?

Are you taking it literally? That's just great, because I'm not. I think in one of my next posts, I put in "spiritual" there so no one would claim that Aerith lives inside Cloud's physical body.

But she shouldn't be literally "living on" in any way. In his body or anything. So what exactly ARE you claiming?

This just makes your statement insulting. If you keep doing that, I'm withdrawing from my debate with you.

If you're getting genuinely insulted, walking away from who or whatever is upsetting you is the best thing to do.

Simple questions can be answered in a simple way as well.

Sometimes they can be, and sometimes they need more context. Or a point that was already made may bear repeating in full. No sense harping on how the person chose to answer so long as it was an honest and complete answer with no twisting or partial ignoring, right?

I'm not saying that Cloud should be in a romantic relationship with Aerith even if she's dead. I'm saying that he can continue loving her, and much more so because she can manifest herself to him at times.

*sigh* Again, no one is arguing that Cloud has to stop loving anyone just because they die. If, in the future, Tifa died, Cloud wouldn't stop loving her. But again you're using the "Aerith can appear to Cloud" thing to support.... something, I'm not even sure what anymore, and the evidence just doesn't bear up under the weight of it. Aerith's brief period of manifestation to Cloud wasn't, by what SE has given us to go on, something she can do on a whim. Even IF she still exists as an individual being, she can't just go see Cloud any time she wants. And aside from being dear friends with an attraction (the full strength of which has never been specified, might I add), we have no support for them being in love to begin with. Thus we have no support for her WANTING TO DO THIS even if we accepted that she could.

You didn't have to go size 7 on that.

Unless, of course, they felt that they DID need to do so in order to call the proper amount of attention to the text.

Which doesn't hold much basis doesn't it? We didn't see what happened that gained that kind of reaction from her. And after this, Cloud doesn't even act like a childhood friend at the least.

Alright then, I don't wanna see any speculation from you on things that aren't factually stated either then. Like Aerith being able to appear to Cloud (or anyone else) post-ACC, for example. Hold yourself to the same standards you demand of those with whom you debate.

Then why did Barret stop her from telling Cloud?

Tense, time sensitive situations are not the time to let your fellow terrorists get off on an unrelated tangent? Its not like they were doing this over a Codec, where time stops to let you spew your life story in the middle of a gun-battle. They needed to get going, like, NOW.

Where does it say that she can't visit Cloud ever again?

Where does it say she can? If she can, why hasn't she during further events in the Compilation? Events just as important, on a global scale, as anything Sephiroth ever did, might I add.

She returned to the Lifestream in the game, but she was able to visit Cloud 2 years after. She returned to the Lifestream again, what's to stop her from doing it again?

Different usage of the term "return to the Lifestream" is in play here I think. Yes, Aerith was dead during the events of FFVII (post stabbity death, of course) and onward. She had a purpose in remaining individual from the stream at the time, so she could manifest later. After the game, Sephiroth was mucking up the Lifestream, so more purpose. If her purpose is now over (not saying this with certainty, see above) she will cease to be an individual being and join the swell of memories that is the Lifestream. And again, even if she IS still herself, can you prove she can interact with the living at will? Or does she need a very important reason to do that? If she can do so with a very important reason, where is she in DoC when she HAS such a motivation?

Again, nowhere does it state that it's her *only* purpose. If it was her only purpose, why do it after two years? She should've done it immediately after Cloud left to find forgiveness if it was her only purpose. Just like your question to me. He has carried the same burden for over two years, even more so when he got Geostigma, depending on CoT's timeline.

Its the only purpose that HAS been stated, if I am recalling what I've read properly. Any other purpose she has must be inferred, and as I've mentioned you have yet to support the purpose you would like to see as even existing. And how does her having/not having ulterior motives for appearing during ACC bring the length of time she took into the equation? If she had MORE reasons to show up, isn't that MORE reason for her to come sooner rather than later?

Why in his heart? He keeps his promise to Tifa etched only in his memory, so why make guilt stay in his heart?

See above concerning people forgetting that "heart" is the seat of all human emotions, not just love. Also, I know you're better than to try and tear down Tifa by claiming she is ONLY etched in his memory, and not his heart at all. I refuse to believe that is what you meant. So while others have graciously provided an explanation of how that whole thing works, please do tell me what you were trying to say here?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Okay, two pictures real quick.

This first one is of
That's visible for basically a single frame. Very easy to miss. I think I comment on it during the commentary track too.

This next one is
Unfortunately, this one's not quite as easy to see, since I had to take these with a camera rather a screengrabber. Hopefully, the figure itself can be seen. This is during Kadaj's death sequence, after her voice first chimes in.

If the second is insufficient, I can try and fix the capture device and take another shot.

Incidentally, Clerithraven, we know you've never played the original game- what Compilation materials have you experienced?
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unsavory tart
Why in his heart? He keeps his promise to Tifa etched only in his memory, so why make guilt stay in his heart?
This is why the LTD drives me crazy.

We are arguing semantics now. Why are people trying to look at the way the sentence is structured and not what the sentence is actually meaning. This isn't the Constitution or anything, it's a line about the ltd.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
Look at the greater context. We have further information on the feelings in both cases. We know Tifa is romantically interested in Cloud.
"If AV is high, feelings are shared" is our if X then Y.
We know from several places that Cloud and Tifa realize AND share feelings for each other at the end of the story.

We don't know if Cloud is romantically interested in Tifa.
If Tifa's only feeling for Cloud is romantic, then yes, feelings exchanged would confirm what you're saying it does. But since Tifa is also shown to care about Cloud as a comrade, friend and family member, her romantic interest in him isn't the only factor or feeling.

Making jokes INSTEAD of making points is a big no no. Making points and cracking jokes is fine. In a debate, your first priority is to honestly respond to the points presented.
I'm not the only offender, but the only person being called out.

My point is, the scene cannot be 'nothing' because the scene, regardless of whether you think it actually happened or not, the scene contains dialogue which is 'risque,' but which can only be risque if it implies other actions. It must insinuate these other actions.
"Wanna go back to my place and watch I love Lucy" is an innocent line. When told this line is dirty, this line must insinutate other things.
People have been insinuating this line with other things since 1997. It's the world we live in. My science teacher back in ninth grade was talking about velocity and said "And then the balls dropped" and everybody laughed.

Tifa's line, followed by the fade to black, followed by the sun rising, seems suggestive, and Nojima knows what fans have made of it ("But I think perhaps no one expected that line to be so important [laughs]") The whole thing sounds risque. He agrees that it's risque. Because he associates the scene with a line only in one version when asked about it doesn't confirm it's canon. If he really decided it's canon, this should be reflected in the story. It isn't. It isn't even mentioned once again after it's over.

This isn't us needing everything to be obvious or officially stated, but in an LT, it would help.

Also, do we know that Katou wrote both scenes or just the HA one?
Kitase: "The event on the airship the night before the final battle was done by Katou as well, wasn't it."
Nojima: "Oh, the bit with that risqué/suggestive dialogue? I wasn't the one who wrote that, that was Katou too."

It's possible, based on those lines (assuming this is the only interview of the Highwind scene where the author is specifically mentioned), we could also say that Katou only wrote the risque/suggestive scene, or that part of it. "The bit with the risque/suggestive dialogue" could be Nojima identifying what exactly Katou wrote (or, like I've been saying, just the biggest highlight.) It sounds like they have fairly passive memories of the Highwind scene specifically. "Wasn't it" and "Oh, the bit...?"

And if they weren't expecting Tifa's line to be so important, I definantly think that they weren't expecting that interview to be so important. :lol:

Anyway, I see Nomura's quotes are being ignored here. Because a Kingdom Hearts line he was wrong about? So, we can't take Nomura not knowing if Cloud and Tifa are together into consideration? If we're excluding one creators quotes, we should exclude all creators quotes.

Well, you did call me a thundercunt.
I said, "I didn't know we're supposed to be cynical thundercunts to each other, and we can't make jokes..." I'm sorry if you thought this was me calling you a thundercunt :lol:
I meant, if we can't make jokes we should be cynical thundercunts. Not that you are. I don't think you're a thundercunt.

I would ask you to underline more clearly what 'his kind' of attitude is and how it would be good for her.
How he's himself and doesn't say sorry for it. That's all.

Don't just say it is. Make it so (number one). Lay out the concrete case. People are calling you donkey, proverbially. Instead of just saying you aren't, show you aren't. Lay out the case.
I'd rather not. You and I know that it'll only be ripped apart, not listened to. I've already been asked and accused of lacking eyesight and literary intelligence here. This isn't the place for me to lay out any other case.

But we're told that the feelings are romantic. This is my point. We know, rather explicitly, that the feelings are shared. We know they're mutual and 'for each other' We know, from their inclusion on the relevant page, that they're romantic.
What I'm saying is, I see feelings of some sort could be shared in both versions. The LA version is described as apathetic, but I don't think they treated each other apathetically. I think Cloud holds Tifa in his heart, and vice versa. He wasn't mean to her either way.
The HA versions inclusion on that page would change the HA's exchanged feelings from being of support (what I see in the Highwind scene in general) to leaning towards something aiming at romantic feelings.

And both scenes are very similar. The biggest changes would be Tifa's line in the end, and Cloud saying "Hey, Tifa... I... There are a lot of things I wanted to talk to you about. But now that we're together like this, I don't know what I really wanted to say. I guess nothing's changed at all... Kind of makes you want to laugh." I don't consider that change them exchanging feelings, but it's more intimate than the other version.

Since it's been confirmed that they spent the night talking ("dialogues exchanged between them from dusk to dawn"), and both scenes end in a fade at night and come back in the early morning, we can assume there are conversations in between we don't see. When it's said that feelings are exchanged, and there's no actual confirmation of anything in either scene, we can assume it happened in between fading out and fading in.

Okay, let's go to the old standby. FFVI.
Let's say the question is 'Remember the bit on the forgotten continent?' and the response is 'You mean waiting for Shadow so he lives?', that's still indicating that that version of the scene has become synonymous with the creator as the definitive version of that in his mind. That says that version of the scene is important to him, the creator. It's part of establishing the synthesized case.

I do mean about the canonicity of variable sequences, which is odd.
Okay, back to FFVI. Different example. In the end of the game, you can take as many as all or as few as one of your party members to fight Kefka. Which party arrangement is canon? Nothing AFTER this point in the story is affected by this decision. By your specific logic used for the HA scene- we must see explicitly how a scene affects future outcomes to determine which is canon- we cannot say which is. I argue that we can, because we are in fact told and shown which happened. We are told the specific outcome of this scene. Same as we are told the specific outcome of the Highwind scene. In fact, we have more evidence to say which version of the highwind scene happened in the narrative than we do who was part of the party assaulting Kefka.

And even if you were doing this, it still would not lead to 'either can be so' because the case for C/T would still be stronger. And even your argument against the canonicity of C/T should STILL be done without quotemines, twisted quotes, or wild speculation. It should be done with simple facts and logical conclusions, pared against the logical principle of parsimony. Are these things logical? Are they narratively supported? Am I assuming extra things? Is the story more unified with a different hypothesis, etc. etc. etc.

I understand. I know that options we can make in video games can have canon outcomes.

For example, Mass Effect. I'm not sure if you've played Massie, so I'll go about this like you haven't to be safe. There's a default player character, Commander Shepard - a male Soldier named John, who is a Sole Survivor and Earthborn. All of those are things we players can change in making our own Shepard. While John Shepard is the default, there's no canon Shepard. I have the Mass Effect books, which are so far the only official ME works outside of the games, and when Shepard is mentioned, it never mentions gender, race, background, etc. At one point, in Ascension, Captain Anderson is said to be in the running for the Council. Since the player chooses in the end of the first game between Anderson and Udina in this role, it seemed like picking Anderson was being made the canon choice, but Udina was then brought up and a character said "Interesting to see how this plays out." Vague, but no canon choice. They're still all player made.

In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2, you choose the gender and character type for Revan and the Jedi Exile. While, naturally, it isn't evident in the games if there are canon versions of these two characters, we know now from the books and other published Star Wars works on the Extended Universe that Revan is canonically male, the Jedi Exile is canonically female, and they both followed the light side. It was necessary to make these aspects canon because, if Revan and/or the Exile had been on the dark side, the Republic would have been weakened and when the True Sith came, they would have fallen completely. This wouldn't have fit with the movies, when the Republic is still at first thriving, or other canon events that happened before the movies. These characters being on the light side have obvious effects on what happens, to the story and characters (like how canonically, a light side Revan brings a character back to the light side), after the games are over.

The same can't be said about the Highwind scene. In everything taking place after that scene (remainder of the game, OTWTAS, AC/C, Dirge of Cerberus), it's never brought up. The only thing to go off of in deciding if the High Affection scene is canon are the quotes from the Ultimanias, and none of them specify if the feelings exchanged are romantic and confirm that Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship or will be in one, so furthermore, this doesn't make them canon or prove their romantically involved afterwards. Considering they're said to have talked all night, and both the High and Low Affection scenes take place in only minutes and end while it's still night, we can still assume that other conversations took place.

So, the HA version itself has no discernible impact. Both Highwind scenes have been referenced in the Ultimanias as being possible, and when explaining what happened that night, it states "feelings are exchanged." It doesn't say they're romantic feelings, or that they're only the "strong feelings" that are said to have been shared in the High Affection version. It's never distinguished, so I won't distinguish it.

Unless the statement has no meaning to add to a deeper understanding of the narrative, it really only stands to reason that who she is the beloved of is someone she is close to, and associated with. That, more than anyone else, is Cloud.
Just gonna join in here for a second :)

"There are many dimensions to Tifa's character. She's like a mother, a sweetheart, and a close ally in battle." This is the line you're talking about? I don't see her being called Cloud's sweetheart, but her character being explained.

Everybody I know likes Marlene better than Denzel. :P
It's them cheeks, ain't it? :ego:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
We don't know if Cloud is romantically interested in Tifa.
If Tifa's only feeling for Cloud is romantic, then yes, feelings exchanged would confirm what you're saying it does. But since Tifa is also shown to care about Cloud as a comrade, friend and family member, her romantic interest in him isn't the only factor or feeling.

All of which is true AND irrelevant. We are, again, TOLD the feelings shared that night are romantic ones.
We are told these romantic feelings are shared without mention of a specific version.

I'm not the only offender, but the only person being called out.

Who else do you think was only making jokes and not addressing points? Do not make vague comments. NAME NAMES.

People have been insinuating this line with other things since 1997. It's the world we live in. My science teacher back in ninth grade was talking about velocity and said "And then the balls dropped" and everybody laughed.

Again, this is entirely irrelevant to the fact that the dialogue is CALLED risque by the creators.

Tifa's line, followed by the fade to black, followed by the sun rising, seems suggestive, and Nojima knows what fans have made of it ("But I think perhaps no one expected that line to be so important [laughs]") The whole thing sounds risque. He agrees that it's risque. Because he associates the scene with a line only in one version when asked about it doesn't confirm it's canon. If he really decided it's canon, this should be reflected in the story. It isn't. It isn't even mentioned once again after it's over.

By this logic, there is no canon version of the final Kefka battle. Or Exdeath battle.
Or Tidus living or remaining dead.
And it HAS actually been reflected in the story, both in a complete script of the game AND in story playback sections.

This isn't us needing everything to be obvious or officially stated, but in an LT, it would help.

Why does it matter if it's in a love triangle or not?

Also, do we know that Katou wrote both scenes or just the HA one?
Kitase: "The event on the airship the night before the final battle was done by Katou as well, wasn't it."
Nojima: "Oh, the bit with that risqué/suggestive dialogue? I wasn't the one who wrote that, that was Katou too."

It's possible, based on those lines (assuming this is the only interview of the Highwind scene where the author is specifically mentioned), we could also say that Katou only wrote the risque/suggestive scene, or that part of it. "The bit with the risque/suggestive dialogue" could be Nojima identifying what exactly Katou wrote (or, like I've been saying, just the biggest highlight.) It sounds like they have fairly passive memories of the Highwind scene specifically. "Wasn't it" and "Oh, the bit...?"

How is ANY of this relevant?

And if they weren't expecting Tifa's line to be so important, I definantly think that they weren't expecting that interview to be so important. :lol:

Despite it being an interview with the three of them about the making of FF7? Not important. At all. And what they didn't expect was that the line was going to be so contentious.

Anyway, I see Nomura's quotes are being ignored here. Because a Kingdom Hearts line he was wrong about?

LYING about. Nomura is the MAN IN CHARGE of Kingdom hearts AND he designs the creators and their roles in the story. He can't be unaware of the linkage he flatly denied.

So, we can't take Nomura not knowing if Cloud and Tifa are together into consideration? If we're excluding one creators quotes, we should exclude all creators quotes.

We're not ignoring his quote. We're A: Providing context, and B: Noting that Nomura himself recognizes, as of 2006, that Tifa is someone's beloved at the very least.

I said, "I didn't know we're supposed to be cynical thundercunts to each other, and we can't make jokes..." I'm sorry if you thought this was me calling you a thundercunt :lol:
I meant, if we can't make jokes we should be cynical thundercunts. Not that you are. I don't think you're a thundercunt.

And you summarily missed my entire joke. Also, considering I know folks are shit talking about me over in your forums, pardon me if I'm not entirely convinced.

How he's himself and doesn't say sorry for it. That's all.

And now explain how THAT would be good for Tifa.

I'd rather not. You and I know that it'll only be ripped apart, not listened to.

It will be listened to. It will be ripped apart if it is found lacking.

I've already been asked and accused of lacking eyesight and literary intelligence here. This isn't the place for me to lay out any other case.

Those things were exclaimed because you've said some frankly outrageous things in this thread.

What I'm saying is, I see feelings of some sort could be shared in both versions. The LA version is described as apathetic, but I don't think they treated each other apathetically. I think Cloud holds Tifa in his heart, and vice versa. He wasn't mean to her either way.

Here's where we get into equivocation. 'Sharing' is used in the sense of 'opening up', not merely 'both holding,' since it is also said these feelings are confirmed. It's something done that night, not a state of existence. An apathetic conversion is not a conversation in which feelings can be shared, as it lacks feelings by definition.

The HA versions inclusion on that page would change the HA's exchanged feelings from being of support (what I see in the Highwind scene in general) to leaning towards something aiming at romantic feelings.

But the FTOIL page doesn't specify a version. It merely says romantic feelings are confirmed without words. That's what it says occurs in the narrative. P232 also says that feelings are confirmed in the course of the story. The two quotes, and the sidebar aren't at odds with each other, they're all informing each other. Feelings are shared that night. Those feelings are romantic feelings. If the AV is high, feelings are shared earnestly. If they are low, the conversation that occurs is apathetic- lacking feelings- and short. All of these, and more, all work in synthesis with each other, but again, the FTOIL page never says the romantic feelings are only shared in the high highwind version. Quotes which say 'if the AV is high, feelings are shared' don't mention romance, they just say the feelings only get shared in a particular circumstance.

And both scenes are very similar. The biggest changes would be Tifa's line in the end, and Cloud saying "Hey, Tifa... I... There are a lot of things I wanted to talk to you about. But now that we're together like this, I don't know what I really wanted to say. I guess nothing's changed at all... Kind of makes you want to laugh." I don't consider that change them exchanging feelings, but it's more intimate than the other version.

Ah, but words aren't the only way to show how you feel. THAT'S how feelings are confirmed. Without words.

Since it's been confirmed that they spent the night talking ("dialogues exchanged between them from dusk to dawn"), and both scenes end in a fade at night and come back in the early morning, we can assume there are conversations in between we don't see. When it's said that feelings are exchanged, and there's no actual confirmation of anything in either scene, we can assume it happened in between fading out and fading in.

That's a slight mistranslation, and that your source hasn't corrected is is, well, telling. The conversations at at dusk and dawn.
And if the confirmation did happen off screen, the the scene itself is entirely irrelevant and the romantic feelings being confirmed without words happens regardless.

I understand. I know that options we can make in video games can have canon outcomes.

And these can have canon outcomes EVEN WITHOUT BEING EXPLICITLY REFERENCED LATER IN THE STORY ITSELF. This is an important point that I feel must be stressed, which is why I ALLCAPS it. Technically, that which is narratively true and what happens in the course of a game are not always the same, either.

For example, Mass Effect. I'm not sure if you've played Massie, so I'll go about this like you haven't to be safe. There's a default player character, Commander Shepard - a male Soldier named John, who is a Sole Survivor and Earthborn. All of those are things we players can change in making our own Shepard. While John Shepard is the default, there's no canon Shepard. I have the Mass Effect books, which are so far the only official ME works outside of the games, and when Shepard is mentioned, it never mentions gender, race, background, etc. At one point, in Ascension, Captain Anderson is said to be in the running for the Council. Since the player chooses in the end of the first game between Anderson and Udina in this role, it seemed like picking Anderson was being made the canon choice, but Udina was then brought up and a character said "Interesting to see how this plays out." Vague, but no canon choice. They're still all player made.

Yes, nothing at all is said regarding the choices the player can make. But that's not how the situation plays out in FF7. In fact, the player choice is actually irrelevant to FF7's narrative. It's more akin to CV than ME.

In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2, you choose the gender and character type for Revan and the Jedi Exile. While, naturally, it isn't evident in the games if there are canon versions of these two characters, we know now from the books and other published Star Wars works on the Extended Universe that Revan is canonically male, the Jedi Exile is canonically female, and they both followed the light side. It was necessary to make these aspects canon because, if Revan and/or the Exile had been on the dark side, the Republic would have been weakened and when the True Sith came, they would have fallen completely. This wouldn't have fit with the movies, when the Republic is still at first thriving, or other canon events that happened before the movies. These characters being on the light side have obvious effects on what happens, to the story and characters (like how canonically, a light side Revan brings a character back to the light side), after the games are over.

This is an example, however, of where what YOU see in the story, and what is the official story are not the same. In fact, as per Lucasfilm canon policy, NOTHING you see in the game is real except the official story bits because of the overlapping canon policy.
But you also need to realize that you've also given here an example of something with NO future relevance being canonized by confirmation- Gender. That Revan is male and the Exile is female have no bearing on future events. Yet these things are still canon.

The same can't be said about the Highwind scene. In everything taking place after that scene (remainder of the game, OTWTAS, AC/C, Dirge of Cerberus), it's never brought up. The only thing to go off of in deciding if the High Affection scene is canon are the quotes from the Ultimanias, and none of them specify if the feelings exchanged are romantic

Au contraire. The FTOIL page does. ALL scenes listed on that page are scenes of romantic confessions. By listing the scene on this page, and more importantly labeling the exchange both mutual and without words, they HAVE specified that the feelings exchanged are romantic.
Nothing even remotely similar can be said of Aerith, save that she tried to confess her romantic feelings at a time when Cloud was oblivious.

and confirm that Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship or will be in one, so furthermore, this doesn't make them canon or prove their romantically involved afterwards.

They're, you mean. But here's the thing. We don't need a single quote to tell us that. Because we can examine lots of quotes and determine a truth from a collection of aggregates. We've never been told how old Sephiroth is. In fact, his exact DoB is 'offcially' vague. But we do know how old he is because we know two important facts. With two facts, we can tell the age of someone with no official age.
We have a lot more than two facts at our disposal WRT Cloud and Tifa. And they do synthesize into a beautiful web of evidence to highlight and explain the narrative.
Because we know Cloud and Tifa belong together. Cloud, at the end of AC/C, realizes where he is meant to live. He returns home to Tifa and the kids after the movie. The same people who make him happy and more happy. We know Cloud and Tifa have a future together. We know Tifa is someone's beloved. We know, finally getting back to the Highwind scene, that feelings are shared that night. We know that as part of the story, mutual feelings are confirmed without words. That's in the main story section. The sidebar only tells us that these only happen when the AV is high (if it is indeed not simply telling us they are less earnestly expressed) We know from the FTOIL page that the feelings confirmed without words are romantic. Nothing on the page says they are confirmed only in one version. It simply says it happens. If this only happens in one version, then that particular version is the one that happened. Same as- in my CV example above- we know from a synthesis of all the available evidence that NONE of the endings in CV3 actually happened, since none of them depict what was actually in the story.
And this is just me spitting in the wind. I've paraphrased like six or seven quotes there, adding only the most minor of editorialization I could.

Considering they're said to have talked all night, and both the High and Low Affection scenes take place in only minutes and end while it's still night, we can still assume that other conversations took place.

This argument does entirely hose the 'in the high version only is romance confirmed' argument. Because, again the FTOIL page does not say 'in the scene' it says 'the night.' If there are conversations which occur offscreen, then there's no reason that the romantic conversations must be beholden to EITHER scene or the AV at all. If things can happen offscreen, so too can the romance. Because we're told that the confirmation of romance happens that night.

So, the HA version itself has no discernible impact. Both Highwind scenes have been referenced in the Ultimanias as being possible,

And so too have both Shadow being alive and Shadow being dead.

and when explaining what happened that night, it states "feelings are exchanged." It doesn't say they're romantic feelings, or that they're only the "strong feelings" that are said to have been shared in the High Affection version. It's never distinguished, so I won't distinguish it.

But they HAVE been established as romantic feelings. That's what the FTOIL page does. It cements the discussion about all the scenes it displays as being FOCUSED ON ROMANTIC CONFESSION. And you're right, that page does NOT say the feelings are only shared in the high version.
But you know what else has never been said? That feelings are shared in the low version.

Just gonna join in here for a second :)

"There are many dimensions to Tifa's character. She's like a mother, a sweetheart, and a close ally in battle." This is the line you're talking about? I don't see her being called Cloud's sweetheart, but her character being explained.

Aerbear, this line has been analyzed and discussed to death. The original japanese reveals that A: It is discussing Tifa's roles in the world, not 'her character' apart from her 'character as a mother' 'her character as an ally' and 'her character as someone's sweetheart.'

And no, it doesn't explicitly confirm Cloud as being who she is the romantically beloved/ sweetheart of. But all other suggestions are simply nowhere near as parsimonious or narratively relevant as the man with whom she formed a family, with whom she raises children, with whom she belongs, with whom she has a future.

Just to ABSOLUTELY forestall future nonsense in this line, I post an image. Not a macro, so Mako, don't wig out.


I have not changed that image since about 2008, I think. I neglect to mention the usage without automatic mutual implications, a la Beloved or 'someone's sweetheart.' Regardless, all the information there IS accurate. That is Nomura speaking. He is saying Tifa is someone's beloved.
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Celes Chere

I was under the impression that they couldn't see her. Yes, she was bending towards them looking at what they were looking at. But they don't converse, and iirc they don't ever look at her.

Think Sixth Sense...

Sorry but I got the opposite impression. :monster: It seemed like she was speaking to them to me.

Edit: someone proved it lol.

That is Nomura speaking. He is saying Tifa is someone's beloved.



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

So, the REAL LTD is Cloud-> Tifa <- Aerith, then?

But all snark aside, Tifa is someone's beloved. Who is she more likely to be the beloved of- someone who she lives with, started a family with, is said to belong with, officially has a future with, who she has confirmed her mutual feelings with- without words, I might add- and with whom she titled in a keyword about the events of their life together, or some random schmuck who has a crush on Tifa she's never expressed the slightest interest in?

I'll leave you to determine what is most likely.


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
I believe love goes beyond death too, but I don't believe Cloud and Aerith can still speak to one another, go on dates, etc. If anything, Cloud and Aerith would be like Ashe and Rassler. She loved him even after he died, but they don't get to be together on earth. I think that's a logical claim. What's illogical to me is anyone that claims Cloud and Aerith can have a full and healthy relationship while she is dead - they simply can't. It doesn't mean the love doesn't exist (again Rassler/Ashe and Tidus/Yuna) but seriously believing Cloud visits the flowerfields for a picnic with Aerith is a bit silly.

One thing about Ashe and Rasler though, did Ashe move on? :)
I never said that Cloud can visit Aerith for a picnic.
Here's the thing. If you debate with me, debate only with me. Look at my posts, and argue with those. Not the general community of Cleriths. Do that, and I do it too.

Filia said:
]Speaking of optional choices, I feel that the responses to Aerith are alot 'meaner' than the options given to Tifa. I mean Slum Drunk, really? Not to mention on the date there are alot of negative options against Aerith. However on Tifa's date there are NO negative options. I find that a bit interesting. :monster: One thing Tifa also has, is the option for Cloud to say that she's his girlfriend. Aerith never has an option like that.

This is really new. Thanks for bringing it up.
Though I have to see the script on it. Just to compare which really does sound meaner. :)

Filia said:
Are you talking about the kids at the end of ACC? Before Cloud sees Aerith fully, we see her bending down and talking to some kids. So I think the children can see her.

No, I was talking about how she only called the people to go to the Church and she did not really appear to them at the time. It's in the paragraph where you took that single sentence out of. :)

Filia said:
Because guilt wounds your heart. Why do you think Cloud was so damn depressed in the movie? It wasn't just the guilt about Aerith either, it was the geostigma, being a disappointment, everything.

That's the thing. He feels so guilty about it. His heart is so wounded from it. Why? It's a bit too much for a friend.
The geostigma, being a disappointment, it all stemmed out from one thing: his guilt. I think he believes that the Geostigma was a punishment. He feels guilt about not being able to protect Aerith, and Zack, so he believes he is a disappointment to everybody.

Or logical conclusions based on the narrative... you can assume all you want though.

And you never assume things. Ok then.

FHS said:
They are one with the planet. They dissolve. It's explained in game and also in CoLW.

So why did Aerith not dissolve after she had already died in the game?
What does it mean for a Cetra to dissolve?

FHS said:
Ifana, yes, maybe, if she had stayed an individual instead of becoming one of the millions of voices that are the stream of consciousness--the lifestream itself. Gast, no. He's human.

And since Aerith is half of both, she's halfway between the stream of consciousness and where the humans stay after death.

FHS said:
I'm not seeing where they aren't linear... It's actually really straight forward.

Riddle me this: Which company published the DoC Manual?
That may help me believe that the DoC manual cannot be taken for evidence.

FHS said:
You are missing the point. If mutual feelings are shared, then the HA scene MUST have taken place. What was the LA a mutual sharing of un-feeling? WTF? It makes no sense.

Now I'm confused. I was just saying that it's what happens in the LA scene.
Are you claiming that in both versions of the HW scene, feelings were shared? I thought that feelings were shared only in the HA version. Silly me then.

FHS said:
Pay attention. This is actually quite important. CLOUD'S emotions are NOT variable. ONLY Tifa's. It's her affection FOR HIM that is optional based on the game mechanics--NOT his. His emotions are love--regardless of the date mechanics and mini-affection game. This is where the Clerith argument falls on its ass. Yes, Tifa's desire to express her feelings is influenced with Disc 1, but Cloud's aren't. He is a constant.

So he has loved both girls from the start? If Cloud is given options to raise both women's affection, then he feels affection for both of them throughout the game. A constant, as you said.

FHS said:
Yes, I'm sure they thought people would need to be spoon-fed the narrative and forgo any attempt at fun. Half the drama of FFVII OG was the idea that the player could choose the love interest and then Square was all: "Bwuahahahaa. Nope! Fooled ya..." Besides, as you stated the HA scene fits better with the overall narrative. It's common sense.

Way to go for SE. Their schematics surely fooled people.
I stated it as your side has stated over and over again. :)

FHS said:
First, before you get all snarky, maybe you should provide the evidence that he loved her when she was ALIVE before moving on to claim he loved her after death. Just an idea.

What is snarky?
And I haven't been doing that? Then my previous posts were useless then.

FHS said:
Cloud was with AVALANCHE and Tifa for weeks before the game began. Yes, we can infer that things happen in that span of time. We can--from the suggestive dialogue from Johnny and the neighbors--assume that maybe Tifa and Cloud appeared as 'more' than childhood friends, also.

Where was this stated? I mean, how did you know that he was with AVALANCHE before the game even started? I asked for a source. :)

FHS said:
Yes, they are literally turned into a stream of consciousness. This is explained rather in depth in the game. I suggest you play it, or stop arguing points that you have no clue about.

I was confirming what I was told. I wasn't arguing about it.

FHS said:
No. THIS is why she contacted him: She then thought of Cloud, living in his reality up on the surface. In order to reduce the hatred lingering in the Lifestream, she would have to remove the hatred flooding the real world. The woman wondered if Cloud could help her.

She reaches out to Cloud to get his help in fighting Sephiroth. FFS it's in CoLW. There's no romantic intent behind it. READ it.

Thanks for the quote then. :)
But in AC/C, she didn't seem to act in accordance with this. Unless I missed a scene where she appeared without Cloud in said scene and was acting against Sephy.

FHS said:
I always thought the labyrinth of his heart referred to where he buried his guilt and weakness.

Makes sense.

FHS said:
Again, no, there's actually a lot about Aerith's powers and what she's able to do in CoLW, I really suggest reading it.

I thought we were on the topic of Aerith not showing herself to people other than Cloud, the kids, and Kadaj, as Ryu says.
Oh I've already started a bit. But school cut me off. I just have to finish now that the break is in.

FHS said:
Until you provide factual evidence to support romance, yes, she was JUST a friend. Good luck with that.

I've been doing that.

FHS said:
I must have missed something...

I said that SE did an enhancing on Aerith's character, like you said.

FHS said:
Prove he loved her. Go from there.


FHS said:
Keyword: evidence.

Oh. Right. Thought of something based from evidence. :)

FHS said:
They were on a mission. They really didn't have time.

Time for what, now? For Tifa to tell Cloud about her feelings when she decided to come with them in the mission?

FHS said:
Source material says she RETURNS TO THE LIFESTREAM WHERE SHE BELONGS. Caps'd that for you.

The dead belong to the Lifestream. That's true. But didn't she already return there at the end of the game? She was dead that time too.

FHS said:
See above. Her reasons to seek out Cloud have fuckall to do with romance or his guilt.

There was another quote posted before yours. And it did speak of Cloud's guilt as a reason why she appeared to him in AC/C. And, above.

FHS said:


Ryu, I'll get back to you when I get home.


And GLD. Sorry. :D
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Celes Chere

One thing about Ashe and Rasler though, did Ashe move on?
I never said that Cloud can visit Aerith for a picnic.
Here's the thing. If you debate with me, debate only with me. Look at my posts, and argue with those. Not the general community of Cleriths. Do that, and I do it too.

Woah, calm down. I was just saying I agree with one part, and disagree with another part. Not necessarily aimed at you. But if you can't tell what I'm aiming at you or not just know this - I DO read your posts. XD I'll try to make it more clear when I'm showing my view on something I guess.

Ashe moved onto Basch. :monster:

Though I have to see the script on it. Just to compare which really does sound meaner.

Sure! Here, have the youtube links:

His heart is so wounded from it. Why? It's a bit too much for a friend.

I disagree... I think you're really underestimating the power of friendship and the impact it has on people. I mean, just look at Cloud and Zack for example. Friendships can wound you deeply... where it counts most - your heart. I don't think it's too much for a friend. If you saw your friend die in the way Aerith did, wouldn't you be a bit tramautized too?


undercover Clerith evangelist

I'm still not sure how killing one leg of a triangle and having the other two legs be together is "leaving it up to the players"? Seems like a basic storytelling fail on Squares part if that is what they were trying to say.
Maybe the fact that Cloud can still see, talk, and touch Aerith has something to do with it, in addition to there being absolutely no non-optional confirmation that Cloud loves Tifa.

Chantara wrote: Because feelings can change in two years.
This is a non-answer if I ever saw one.

You build up this scenario where C/T reveal mutual feelings that they don't love each other romantically (LA). Then several months after that fact when Cloud is becoming distant and Tifa wonders if Cloud loves her your answer is "feeling can change"?

There seems to be a few dots missing. Because these do not connect.
Feelings can change in two years. I can't see how Tifa asking if Cloud loves her is proof that Cloud loves her. If anything, it's proof that she doesn't know whether Cloud loves her - in which case, the HA version didn't happen and the LA version did.

Chantara wrote: And I don't see SE being straightforward at all. I see SE throwing hints to both sides and leaving it up in the air.
Right. Because statement like "She and Cloud came to realize their feelings for each other in the end of the story, and live together in AC and DC." are just dripping with ambiguity.
Actually, it is dripping with ambiguity because it doesn't say whether the "feelings" they came to realize for one another are feelings of friendship or feelings of love. There is no confirmation that Cloud loves Tifa.

Chantara wrote: BTW, when I first finished the game, I hadn't even heard of the Love Triangle yet. I didn't even read the Game Manual first. So my opinion was pretty unbiased, and I thought it was clear that Cloud loved Aerith - not Tifa.
And on a second play through you should have picked up on all those little plot points that seemed unimportant the first time around.
No, what you're suggesting is that I interpret it your way on the second play through.

That's one big difference between us. I say there's more than one way to interpret the game, and you insist there's only one possible way to interpret it.

Chantara wrote: Answer me this: Why is Tifa the only one worried about it? No one else even seems to care about it, including Cloud.
"I don’t think I’m fit to save anyone. Not family, not friends . . . no one."

-The more he realizes how happy he is living with Tifa and the children, the more the fear of losing that and regrets toward the past trouble Cloud…

-With the support of former allies and Tifa, an important woman to him and now also part of his family, Cloud regains the courage to move forward.

-It mentions the images (of a face or appearance) that even now live in Cloud's heart, with images of the bottom half of Aerith's face, the flower garden and the Forgotten Capital.

-Nomura: I believe, for those who formerly traveled with her as comrades and for the viewers, each carries their own feelings and loves for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day.

-Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in AC, two years after Aerith had departed the world... The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith.

Then Nomura further says he doesn’t know if Cloud and Tifa were in a romantic relationship in the two years prior to AC.

Doesn't look so clear to me.

At any rate, I was talking about why Tifa's worried about a "real" family, when no one else is. Your answer was in general about "family", not "real family" - which seems to be what Tifa's worried about.

And here I thought all of Avalanche were her family? I have seen that idea pushed often. But I guess the rest of them get thrown out the window if you have to come up with a reason why Denzel doesn't know them.

But fine. I don't ever want to see you saying that any of them are a part of the family again.
Do I have to bow and scrape before you, too? Sorry, but I will be saying it again - especially since I didn't meet all of my family members until I was about 10.

So that leaves us with 5. Which is curious that Barret is never mentioned as part of the 7th heaven family.
Actually, he is. Barret's the one who came up with the idea of "family":

Barret lifted his artificial right arm up that had a machine gun attached to it. He kept walking without looking back. It was the back of a figure who had no other way to live than to fight. I wonder just what kind of life he will find. I prayed that he would be able to stay far away from war. Not just take. I prayed he would be able to prove that he could give, too.

Make sure you be a nice child of this family!

Hearing those words, Cloud and Tifa looked at each other. A child of this family?

"I’ll take care of Cloud and Tifa!"

Barret turned round and shouted,
“Do your best!” His voice was a little shaky.

“Unite the family’s strength and keep at it!”

It seems very unlikely to me that Barret would tell Marlene to be a nice child "of this family" if he didn't consider himself to be part of the family.

But let's ignore that for now. How does Marlene fit into this family of friends who share the same sins? Tifa calls her daughter in one of the translation of CoT I saw. Is she her daughter-friend who shares her sins and such? How about Denzel?
And you think that matters to Marlene? Denzel talked about his own sins in his own story - he felt guilty for letting that lady die whom he was living with at the time Meteor fell.

And again why is Tifa worried about a "real" family if they are only made up of friends? But not all of their friends mind.
And why is Tifa the only one worried about a "real" family? You gave me a bunch of quotes where Cloud is talking about the family, but Tifa's the only one worrying about a "real" family.

Chantara wrote: Then complain to Tifa - she's the one who called them a "family of friends".
No, she doesn't. As Barret is leaving she thinks back on her friends who struggled together with her. After this point she worries about being part of a REAL family.
Sounds to me like she calls them a family of friends:

Friends were a necessity to me so that I could live on without being supressed by the sins in my consciousness. Even if they were fellow companions that had the same wounds. Even if they were fellow companions who were burdened with the same sins. We couldn’t live without comforting each other and encouraging each other.

Maybe you could call that family. We just had to keep the family together and do our best.
Tifa thought she could get over anything while being with friends that she could call her family.

It isn't until later that she starts talking about a "real" family.

Cloud decided to be with Tifa from the offset.
With no clarification as to what their relationship is at the time, so it could just as easily be as friends as it could be as lovers. There's nothing in the story to make it definite what their relationship with one another is. That means the story can work with either the HA version or the LA version of the HW scene.

And you don't exactly see him reject the idea of starting a family with her. It doesn't matter how it started. It's Cloud and Tifa's family.
Barret's the first to suggest it, then Tifa calls it a family of friends, then Marlene invites Cloud into the family - yet you think it's Cloud's family?

I'm talking about how it started because it wasn't Cloud's idea. He didn't "decide to make a family with Tifa". He was invited to be part of it.

Chantara wrote: It's called "Cloud's office" by whom?
The story itself.
And isn't that the room that Tifa means when she tells Cloud to go "drink in your room"? Sounds like my mother telling me to "go to your room" when I was a kid - so it must be his bedroom, too.

Chantara wrote: And how do you know he doesn't sleep there?
Because it's his office.
Pure assumption. If there's a bed there, that's probably where he sleeps.

Chantara wrote: If Nomura said that he's leaving Cloud and Tifa's relationship up to the players,
He didn't.
That's why there's a quote of Nomura saying it along with a source for it.

Chantara wrote: See the highlighted part? I saw nothing describing the sleeping arrangements between C/T after they pick up Marlene, either, or what the sleeping arrangements were in the Seventh Heaven except for the bit about Marlene sleeping with Tifa.
"Do you love me"?
The part about "do you love me" says nothing about where Cloud was sleeping. For all we know, Tifa walked into Cloud's bedroom while he was asleep before asking him that, or Cloud fell asleep on the couch before Tifa asked him that. It says nothing about Cloud and Tifa sleeping in the same bed. We also saw nothing of Cloud and Tifa sleeping in the same bed in AC/ACC or DoC.

NOTE: Sorry, but that's all I have time for tonight.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Actually, he is. Barret's the one who came up with the idea of "family":
So why is he never listed as part of the family, even in Marlene's own profile in the u10?

Seriously, can anyone answer me this? How come every time the word "family" is mentioned, it only talks about Cloud, Tifa, Marlene and Denzel if Barret is part of it?

Oh and Anastar:
It seems very unlikely to me that Barret would tell Marlene to be a nice child "of this family" if he didn't consider himself to be part of the family.

Barret didn't say anything like that. Marlene said, "I'll be a nice child to this family."
Here's the official translation:

And he tells THEM to work together like a family as he's leaving. Odd thing to say if he's apart of the family if he says it to THEM when he's leaving.

The only thing to go off of in deciding if the High Affection scene is canon are the quotes from the Ultimanias, and none of them specify if the feelings exchanged are romantic

If Tifa's affection regarding Cloud is high, when the two stay behind at the airship, they will confirm their feelings of wanting each other match
is romantic.

I mean, how did you know that he was with AVALANCHE before the game even started?

I'm sorry but you really should play the game or at least watch a walkthrough. Cloud's first doing a mission for AVALANCHE when you start and then you find out that Tifa found him by the train station a while back :monster:
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Ask and ye shall receive.

Maybe the fact that Cloud can still see, talk, and touch Aerith has something to do with it,

None of which happens in the OG or in the two years in between that and AC. Nor do we have any evidence it happens after ACC where we are shown and told she goes back to the LS (with that pesky Zack).

So again how is that "leaving it up to the players"? Nothing you or I have described is under player control.

in addition to there being absolutely no non-optional confirmation that Cloud loves Tifa.

Well one would think being together as a couple and raising children together along with a whole boatload of official type quotes would be non-optional enough. But I guess not.

Feelings can change in two years. I can't see how Tifa asking if Cloud loves her is proof that Cloud loves her. If anything, it's proof that she doesn't know whether Cloud loves her - in which case, the HA version didn't happen and the LA version did.

Except again I feel the need to point out it has been put out there that if the feelings are mutual (as they have been stated to be) then you said the LA means they confirm mutual romantic disinterest.

So no matter what scene happened according to you Tifa and Cloud would know each others feelings. So why the sudden shift when I point out that Tifa is worried if Cloud loves her?

Shouldn't she know he doesn't if the LA happened? So why worry about it? Unless the HA one happened then she would have reason to worry about Cloud becoming distant.

Actually, it is dripping with ambiguity

No, it isn't. You swap the names with any generic male and female ones (or just show this to someone who doesn't know who these characters are) then this statement would suddenly become very clear now wouldn't it?

I imagine if it said something similar about C/A you wouldn't find it ambiguous at all. Sadly for them nothing like that exist. Whereas C/T have like a bakers dozen.

No, what you're suggesting is that I interpret it your way on the second play through.

No what I am suggesting is that instead of falling in love with Aerith and creating your own story around her. You should have paid more attention to the actual game the second time around.

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear.

That's one big difference between us. I say there's more than one way to interpret the game, and you insist there's only one possible way to interpret it.

Except we are not talking about "the game". We are talking about one aspect of it. Or to be more precise, just one aspect of that aspect. Who Cloud loves in the end. And there is only one "interpretation" for that.

And for the record the Ultimanis pretty much wring out any room for interpretation for the vast majority of the game. I just choose to interpret them as knowing what they are talking about.

-It mentions the images (of a face or appearance) that even now live in Cloud's heart, with images of the bottom half of Aerith's face, the flower garden and the Forgotten Capital.

And what point are you making with this exactly? That Cloud doesn't think about his family? Or that he only thinks about them as an afterthought to Aerith? Because I hope that isn't what you are trying to say.

-Nomura: I believe, for those who formerly traveled with her as comrades and for the viewers, each carries their own feelings and loves for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day.

Look I managed to connect the dots. Cloud's feelings are comparable to the other game characters and the viewers.

Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in AC, two years after Aerith had departed the world... The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith.

-Then Nomura further says he doesn’t know if Cloud and Tifa were in a romantic relationship in the two years prior to AC.

Doesn't look so clear to me.

So I guess you were trying to say Cloud doesn't worry about his family? Sorry Marlene and Denzel. Only Aerith matters. You just have the tough luck of being saddled with Tifa. That woman who although he will be with her for the rest of his life like a partner and he will raise you like a father is neither of those things nor wants to be. Only flowers are on his mind.

At any rate, I was talking about why Tifa's worried about a "real" family, when no one else is. Your answer was in general about "family", not "real family" - which seems to be what Tifa's worried about.

So when Cloud says in the movie he doesn't think he is fit to save his family he needed to add in "real" so we know who he is talking about?

"I don’t think I’m fit to save anyone. Not my real family, who are you Denzel and Marlene not my family of friends who is the rest of Avalanche that is not you Marlene or Denzel. . . no one."

Do I have to bow and scrape before you, too? Sorry, but I will be saying it again - especially since I didn't meet all of my family members until I was about 10.

Bow and scrape? No, but you could at least be consistent. You can't claim they are not family to go against this Denzel point. Then claim they are to refute a different point. It's horribly dishonest.

Actually, he is. Barret's the one who came up with the idea of "family":

He probably told them to adopt Denzel also right? Or was he the one that needed to do it since he is supposed to be the father of the 7th heaven family?

Make sure you be a nice child of this family!

And where did you get this translation? Because Barret doesn't say that. Not in the one we have on this site nor the one Q posted.

It seems very unlikely to me that Barret would tell Marlene to be a nice child "of this family"

It is unlikely because he didn't say it.

And you think that matters to Marlene? Denzel talked about his own sins in his own story - he felt guilty for letting that lady die whom he was living with at the time Meteor fell.

I am just curious as to how Marlene fits into this "family only made up of friends" as you claim Tifa said it was. Does it not apply to her? Or does it just apply to Cloud?

And why is Tifa the only one worried about a "real" family? You gave me a bunch of quotes where Cloud is talking about the family, but Tifa's the only one worrying about a "real" family.

You're right Cloud must not care.

"I guess that only works on 'real' families"

*Cloud nods in agreement*

"You're right Tifa, you three friends I was living with are not my top priority."

Sounds to me like she calls them a family of friends:

Friends were a necessity to me so that I could live on without being supressed by the sins in my consciousness. Even if they were fellow companions that had the same wounds. Even if they were fellow companions who were burdened with the same sins. We couldn’t live without comforting each other and encouraging each other.

Maybe you could call that family. We just had to keep the family together and do our best.
Tifa thought she could get over anything while being with friends that she could call her family.

Funny how the entire thing is talking about past events. It's almost like it's playing out exactly like I said.

It isn't until later that she starts talking about a "real" family.

Later as in "every mention of family after this paragraph".

With no clarification as to what their relationship is at the time, so it could just as easily be as friends as it could be as lovers.

Un, no. Not "just as easily".

There's nothing in the story to make it definite what their relationship with one another is.

You seem to be living in "possible" and not "probable" or "likely" land. Don't you find that exhausting?

I mean realizing feelings, living together and raising children is so easy to understand and requires pretty much zero explanation. Whereas "friends" requires vast amounts.

Barret's the first to suggest it, then Tifa calls it a family of friends, then Marlene invites Cloud into the family - yet you think it's Cloud's family?

Let's see. Doesn't matter, you're wrong, doesn't matter and yes.

I'm talking about how it started because it wasn't Cloud's idea. He didn't "decide to make a family with Tifa". He was invited to be part of it.

No, Cloud decided to be with Tifa first. The family was a package deal. And they both accepted it and even added to it later.

And isn't that the room that Tifa means when she tells Cloud to go "drink in your room"? Sounds like my mother telling me to "go to your room" when I was a kid - so it must be his bedroom, too.

When my wife tells me to go drink in my room she means the garage. So it must be his office.

Pure assumption. If there's a bed there, that's probably where he sleeps.

My brother slept in the living room while work was done on his place. Was that his bedroom?

That's why there's a quote of Nomura saying it along with a source for it.

Well I hope it's something you haven't shown me yet. Because nothing you have posted says that.

The part about "do you love me" says nothing about where Cloud was sleeping.

On the bar?

For all we know, Tifa walked into Cloud's bedroom while he was asleep before asking him that,

Yes Tifa walks into his room to ask him a question she should already know the answer to and then stands there while he goes back to sleep. Great character portrayal there SE. You turned Tifa into Edward.

or Cloud fell asleep on the couch before Tifa asked him that.

Which would not make the scene less creepy.

It says nothing about Cloud and Tifa sleeping in the same bed.

Because it shouldn't have to.

"Cloud who is sleeping right next to me, do you love me"

We also saw nothing of Cloud and Tifa sleeping in the same bed in AC/ACC or DoC.

Because the added 20 min in ACC or the 5 min they have in DoC are a great time for a C/T spooning scene right?

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
I think the others summed it up pretty well. I'm just gonna answer these quickly since they were directed at me.

I'm not saying that Cloud should be in a romantic relationship with Aerith even if she's dead. I'm saying that he can continue loving her, and much more so because she can manifest herself to him at times.
Hmm, you questioned why a romantic relationship with a dead person can't continue. The answer is pretty obvious.

Who says that Cloud loves Aerith by the way?

You didn't have to go size 7 on that.
Apparently I did since you didn't understand me.

Which doesn't hold much basis doesn't it? We didn't see what happened that gained that kind of reaction from her. And after this, Cloud doesn't even act like a childhood friend at the least.
So you mean that they seemed like less than childhood friends?
I don't know, you don't know, nobody knows for sure what she referred to. Why is it so important for you to make it sound negative?

Then why did Barret stop her from telling Cloud?
You said yourself that he stopped them because they were on a mission/going to jump off a train.

Where does it say that she can't visit Cloud ever again?
Where does it say that she can visit Cloud again? It would ruin the fact that you know... she actually died? I think ACC did that pretty well already though. Is she just going to drop by and say hi?

She returned to the Lifestream in the game, but she was able to visit Cloud 2 years after. She returned to the Lifestream again, what's to stop her from doing it again?
She visited because she was needed. Why would she visit again? She's dead and belongs in the Lifestream.

Again, nowhere does it state that it's her *only* purpose. If it was her only purpose, why do it after two years?
It IS her purpose. She also healed Geostigma, like I said before.

Cloud got depressed and all two years after her death. So she came in time. You're not making any sense.

She should've done it immediately after Cloud left to find forgiveness if it was her only purpose.
I thought she did that. Look above.
And Cloud didn't leave to find Aerith's forgiveness in the first place.

Just like your question to me. He has carried the same burden for over two years,
Just like the rest of AVALANCHE?
even more so when he got Geostigma, depending on CoT's timeline.
After the OG he was more focused on Tifa.

Fairheartstrife said:
First, before you get all snarky, maybe you should provide the evidence that he loved her when she was ALIVE before moving on to claim he loved her after death. Just an idea.
THANK YOU. Can you learn how to love someone in a short period like that? And for how long did Aerith and Cloud know eachother?

And we're back on the family thing again, huh?

1. Marlene in ACC: "How are you supposed to look after your family if you can't even look after yourself. Or.. at least daddy said so." (That's what she says, right? xD)

2. Barret in CoB: "After helping Tifa and Cloud build their home, Barret entrusted his best friend Dyne's orphaned daughter Marlene to the two of them and embarked on a journey."

Suteki18 said:
Cloud himself says "Not my family, not my friends, nobody..." Note the comma there.

Can we just let it go now, please?
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
And you never assume things. Ok then.

Rarely, actually, especially in this thread.

So why did Aerith not dissolve after she had already died in the game?
What does it mean for a Cetra to dissolve?

This is addressed in the first lines of CoLW. It says that she, being an Ancient, could decide when to return to the planet, and she felt it was too soon. The Cetra, being Ancients and in tune with the planet, apparently have the ability to maintain their individuality when they die. Rather neato ability, tbh.

And since Aerith is half of both, she's halfway between the stream of consciousness and where the humans stay after death.

Uhm, no. Read above.

Riddle me this: Which company published the DoC Manual?
That may help me believe that the DoC manual cannot be taken for evidence.

The simple fact that the information in DoC is wrong should prevent you from using it as a source...

Now I'm confused. I was just saying that it's what happens in the LA scene.
Are you claiming that in both versions of the HW scene, feelings were shared? I thought that feelings were shared only in the HA version. Silly me then.

The HA version is canon. The 'revealing' conversation doesn't happen in the LA version, but they're still snuggled come morning... that's all I'm saying.

So he has loved both girls from the start? If Cloud is given options to raise both women's affection, then he feels affection for both of them throughout the game. A constant, as you said.

No. He loves Tifa--from age 9. Cloud's emotions are constant. You don't get the option for him to ever declare affection for Aerith. Ever. And, seriously, the shit that raises the affection levels is retarded and not meant to be taken to the extreme ridiculous analysis that goes on here. It's a side-game mechanic that is utterly useless and completely irrelevant, because the plot takes over and the love interest is truly not something player controlled. Hello, Red Herring.

Way to go for SE. Their schematics surely fooled people.
I stated it as your side has stated over and over again. :)

You are genuinely irritating me with the 'your side' shit. Let me be very clear that just because someone thinks Cloti is canon doesn't make them anti-Clerith. I think Clerith is a sweet fanon. There is no sides. There is only the narrative and the truth.

What is snarky?
Look it up.

And I haven't been doing that? Then my previous posts were useless then.
No, you haven't. Yes.

Where was this stated? I mean, how did you know that he was with AVALANCHE before the game even started? I asked for a source. :)

There's a nifty timeline right on this forum actually. Also, Zack dies September, FFVII begins December.

Thanks for the quote then. :)
But in AC/C, she didn't seem to act in accordance with this. Unless I missed a scene where she appeared without Cloud in said scene and was acting against Sephy.

Cloud was useless. He was so wrapped up in his guilt and feeling inadequate he was willing to let the Turks rescue his kids. She needed him to let go of his guilt and be ABLE to fight. There's nothing in the movie at all implying she was there for anything romantic. "I want to be forgiven... More than anything." Not "I want to see you again." Not :"I want to be with you again." Not even "I miss you, Aerith." All Cloud seeks is redemption.

Makes sense.


I thought we were on the topic of Aerith not showing herself to people other than Cloud, the kids, and Kadaj, as Ryu says.
Oh I've already started a bit. But school cut me off. I just have to finish now that the break is in.

If you get a chance, read all of them. They're great character insight.

I've been doing that.

Not really, no. You've yet to provide one quote where Cloud is declarative in his emotions for Aerith. You have spent a ton of time trying to disprove Cloti, which is NOT the same. Tearing down one 'ship does not float the other.

I said that SE did an enhancing on Aerith's character, like you said.

I said her being a bitch was enhancing her character. Pseudo-Jesus and Martyr Aerith aren't enhancements. They are fandom butchering.


Time for what, now? For Tifa to tell Cloud about her feelings when she decided to come with them in the mission?


The dead belong to the Lifestream. That's true. But didn't she already return there at the end of the game? She was dead that time too.

Again, please read CoLw. It answers this. In fact, I already answered it at the beginning of my reply.

There was another quote posted before yours. And it did speak of Cloud's guilt as a reason why she appeared to him in AC/C. And, above.

Already addressed that. His guilt made him useless, she needed him to fight. So, yes, his guilt was motivation. And I think she loved him, so of course she wants to help him. That's what friends do.

Thanks! You're actually quite fun to debate with.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
But we're talking the official narrative. I've played FF7 so many times that I've gotten all four dates, saved Corel, blew it up, kept and lost all the huge materia, gotten and ignored Vincent and Yuffie.
In FFVI, I've killed and saved Shadow, I've let Cid die and saved his life. I've assaulted Kefka with no one and with everyone and maybe everything in between.
What MY experience and what the NARRATIVE is are not the same thing. Sometimes, what's in the game and what's 'the truth' aren't even the same thing.

Let me tell you about a few games in the series Castlevania.
In one of the early games in the series, Castlevania 3 for folks in the states (And I think everywhere but Japan), the main character Trevor (or Ralph, in Japan) Belmont can take one of a few people with him, Grant DaNasty, Sypha Belnades, and Alucard, son of Dracula. He can only take one at a time, and only one can fight Dracula with him. In one of the endings, we learn that Sypha is a woman (to us, the players, and maybe to Trevor. She'd been hiding her gender previous) and she and Trevor have fallen for each other over the course of the journey. They eventually marry some years later, which we know thanks to a couple other games in the series. So, you'd think Sypha was with him when he fought Dracula, right?
The problem is, another game in the series, Symphony of the Night has Alucard remember fighting Dracula alongside Trevor. But the ending with him as companion doesn't include Sypha and Trevor coming to fall for each other. More complicated still, yet another game has Grant reveal he had a crush on Sypha, even though as far as the game's concerned, they, at most, met for three or four seconds before Trevor ditched his ass for Sypha.
So who was with Trevor? They all were, even though that can't happen in the story.

Another example, one slightly more directly related to our discussion about the Highwind scene, concerns the endings of Symphony. There are several ending. Two happen at different completion levels in the story. The difference between them is that a female character either does or does not decide to continue after the main character after he leaves. This change affects absolutely NOTHING as far as future titles go- the next chronological installment does not star any of these characters, and the next appearance of the main character (He's immortal, for reference) contains no mention of the woman from Symphony, and actually takes place several hundred years after his last appearance, actually into our future, long after she would have died. But we can tell which one happened. Because it's been referenced. It doesn't change a damn thing storywise in any later game. But it's what actually happened. Even if you, personally, got the bad end of the game, that's not the one that happened.

Then there's chrono trigger, which involves resurrection AND romance! I have, however, ranted on this subject for long enough. Needless to say, giving you the option to do a thing doesn't mean there's not a 'proper' way to do that thing, and your experience is not the same as narrative, same as mine isn't.

I wish you'd gone with "Chrono Trigger," as it has better examples, I believe.

Number one among them:
at a certain point in the game, the player has the option to let Frog, one of your party members, fight and kill a game-long enemy, Magus (Frog's archenemy for years), or put aside his animosity for Magus and walk away. If you make the latter choice, Magus joins the party, and -- though they never have another conversation for the rest of the game -- Frog and Magus become allies, fighting side by side to save the future.

The choice the player makes affects nothing in the rest of the story, and nothing in the ending indicates what choice Frog actually made (at least not in the SNES or PS releases of CT; the Nintendo DS version does have a bonus ending you can get that focuses on Magus, but that came out more than 14 years after the game was originally released, and more than 10 years after "Chrono Cross," CT's sequel), but in "Chrono Cross," a letter from one of the main characters of CT reveals that Magus lived and joined the party. Furthermore, Magus himself (with amnesia and a new identity) can be acquired as an optional party member in "Chrono Cross" -- but, once again, choosing to acquire him affects nothing in the rest of the story.

Like the high affection and low affection Highwind scenes, Magus living or dying changes nothing within the rest of "Chrono Trigger." However, also like the Highwind scene, there's still a canon outcome.

Of course, if we're looking at "Radical Dreamers," the original sequel to CT that was later retconned/relegated to being an alternate timeline by CC, Magus's survival was extremely important (he's a main character in RD) -- but that's a different kettle of fish.

As for SE flat out saying "This right here? This is canon" when do they EVER do that? When does anyone do that? I've seen some statements such as this from DC comics in the past, maybe even some from Marvel, but the majority of folks do not make such blatant statements unless I am missing something. It's been said before, and bears saying again: We do not need to be spoon-fed every little bit of information to come to the right conclusion.

Agreement with all statements here, but I would add that making statements about canonicity (even using the term itself) seems more of a concern with western artists and fandoms to begin with. I can't really think of a time I've seen a Japanese storyteller speak in those terms.

EverbodysGrudge said:
Tense, time sensitive situations are not the time to let your fellow terrorists get off on an unrelated tangent? Its not like they were doing this over a Codec, where time stops to let you spew your life story in the middle of a gun-battle. They needed to get going, like, NOW.

That Codec-gun battle description made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that.

Since it's been confirmed that they spent the night talking ("dialogues exchanged between them from dusk to dawn"), and both scenes end in a fade at night and come back in the early morning, we can assume there are conversations in between we don't see. When it's said that feelings are exchanged, and there's no actual confirmation of anything in either scene, we can assume it happened in between fading out and fading in.

Ryu already touched on this, but I'll elaborate: the line is referring to discussions that took place at dusk and at dawn, not to a single conversation that lasted that long.

Heck, the simple fact that the two of them went to sleep (in both versions) on its own tells you that they weren't talking all night, and that this is a misreading of that line.

aerbear said:
So, the HA version itself has no discernible impact. Both Highwind scenes have been referenced in the Ultimanias as being possible, and when explaining what happened that night, it states "feelings are exchanged." It doesn't say they're romantic feelings, or that they're only the "strong feelings" that are said to have been shared in the High Affection version. It's never distinguished, so I won't distinguish it.

The "For the One I Love" page, the Memorial Album's script, and the 10th AU's story summary couldn't be more straightforward. Que and I have been repeating this fact over and over. The story summary from the 10th AU says feelings are shared, confirmed to be mutual, and shows a screenshot of the high affection version (which absolutely everyone agrees to be a romantic occurrence). Meanwhile, the low affection version isn't mentioned at all in the story summary, nor anywhere else in the book, and neither is the affection rating system itself.

The book could literally not be more straightforward as to which version took place

aerbear said:
What I'm saying is, I see feelings of some sort could be shared in both versions. The LA version is described as apathetic, but I don't think they treated each other apathetically. I think Cloud holds Tifa in his heart, and vice versa. He wasn't mean to her either way.
The HA versions inclusion on that page would change the HA's exchanged feelings from being of support (what I see in the Highwind scene in general) to leaning towards something aiming at romantic feelings.

Where in the text of the low affection version do Tifa and Cloud go into their feelings about each other, though? And what feelings do they confirm to be mutual?

This happens only in the high affection version. This is another reason only the high affection version could have happened.

aerbear said:
Just gonna join in here for a second :)

"There are many dimensions to Tifa's character. She's like a mother, a sweetheart, and a close ally in battle." This is the line you're talking about? I don't see her being called Cloud's sweetheart, but her character being explained.

The word translated as "sweetheart" there is "koibito." It's typically translated as "girlfriend" or "lover," and -- more to the point -- has the meaning of "desired person," or "person desired by another."

Since this passage is explaining Tifa's roles, presumably it has some relevance to her role in AC/C. Who but Cloud could fill the spot of the one who desires her there?

Maybe the fact that Cloud can still see, talk, and touch Aerith has something to do with it, in addition to there being absolutely no non-optional confirmation that Cloud loves Tifa.

You're forgetting (i.e. ignoring) the Lifestream sequence, where Cloud's subconscious tells Tifa that she needs to tell Cloud about liking him, because he'll be happy.

Anastar said:
Feelings can change in two years. I can't see how Tifa asking if Cloud loves her is proof that Cloud loves her. If anything, it's proof that she doesn't know whether Cloud loves her - in which case, the HA version didn't happen and the LA version did.

Repeating this so you can't claim to have missed it:

Because feelings can change in two years.
This is a non-answer if I ever saw one.

You build up this scenario where C/T reveal mutual feelings that they don't love each other romantically (LA). Then several months after that fact when Cloud is becoming distant and Tifa wonders if Cloud loves her your answer is "feeling can change"?

There seems to be a few dots missing. Because these do not connect.

The dots seriously don't connect when you consider her claim that Tifa asking Cloud if he loves her is supposedly a sign that the high affection version of the Highwind scene didn't happen -- since, if it had, Tifa "should know" Cloud's feelings.

Since feelings can change and we all know they can, is it not normal for people to have doubts about others' previously established feelings? Does this only apply where jilted, lonely live-in non-girflriends hopeful that the dudes they're pining after might change their minds are concerned? :monster:

Anastar said:
Actually, it is dripping with ambiguity because it doesn't say whether the "feelings" they came to realize for one another are feelings of friendship or feelings of love. There is no confirmation that Cloud loves Tifa.

What's ambiguous about the 10th AU's story summary? You know, that book that says Cloud and Tifa confirm matching feelings. Right next to a screenshot exclusively found in the high affection version. And mentions the low affection version nowhere in the book. And doesn't mention the affection rating system at all. It's fucking delightful how you keep glossing over it like it isn't there.

But, that's right, what happened in the story isn't canon (the official narrative of events that happened in the story), right? :awesome::monster::awesome::monster::awesome:

Too fucking funny.

Anywho, I've asked you this more than one time before, and still not gotten it answered: where do you see Cloud and Tifa discussing feelings of friendship for one another in the low affection version of the Highwind scene? What mutual feelings are they supposedly discussing?

Is it really agreement that they should get some sleep? Is that where we're headed now?

Anastar said:
That's one big difference between us. I say there's more than one way to interpret the game, and you insist there's only one possible way to interpret it.

Well, yeah. Vendel doesn't feel the need to retreat to a safer position. He's kind of winning this debate with you.

There's a reason you didn't see the Rohirrim rushing back inside the safety of Helm's Deep after they routed Saruman's army.

Anastar said:
And you think that matters to Marlene? Denzel talked about his own sins in his own story - he felt guilty for letting that lady die whom he was living with at the time Meteor fell.

Denzel wasn't even there at the time of the statement, alright? So you can leave him out of this. Not that he let that lady die in the first place (where are you getting this from? Have you read Case of Tifa?) -- she put herself between him and danger, and was already good and dead by the time he came to.

By the way, we're still waiting to hear about Marlene's sins.
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
There's a reason you didn't see the Rohirrim rushing back inside the safety of Helm's Deep after they routed Saruman's army.

That is right up there with my Codec comparison, if not above it.

By the way, we're still waiting to hear about Marlene's sins.

Well, that one is obvious. She appeared to be shipping Cloud and Aerith at one point and then dared to accept Tifa as her mother figure! :monster: /sarcasm


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I wish you'd gone with "Chrono Trigger," as it has better examples, I believe.

Number one among them:
at a certain point in the game, the player has the option to let Frog, one of your party members, fight and kill a game-long enemy, Magus (Frog's archenemy for years), or put aside his animosity for Magus and walk away. If you make the latter choice, Magus joins the party, and -- though they never have another conversation for the rest of the game -- Frog and Magus become allies, fighting side by side to save the future.

The choice the player makes affects nothing in the rest of the story, and nothing in the ending indicates what choice Frog actually made (at least not in the SNES or PS releases of CT; the Nintendo DS version does have a bonus ending you can get that focuses on Magus, but that came out more than 14 years after the game was originally released, and more than 10 years after "Chrono Cross," CT's sequel), but in "Chrono Cross," a letter from one of the main characters of CT reveals that Magus lived and joined the party. Furthermore, Magus himself (with amnesia and a new identity) can be acquired as an optional party member in "Chrono Cross" -- but, once again, choosing to acquire him affects nothing in the rest of the story.

Like the high affection and low affection Highwind scenes, Magus living or dying changes nothing within the rest of "Chrono Trigger." However, also like the Highwind scene, there's still a canon outcome.

Of course, if we're looking at "Radical Dreamers," the original sequel to CT that was later retconned/relegated to being an alternate timeline by CC, Magus's survival was extremely important (he's a main character in RD) -- but that's a different kettle of fish.

I considered it- I considered several different examples. But did not for the same reason you spoilered that one. They're considerable spoilers.

Agreement with all statements here, but I would add that making statements about canonicity (even using the term itself) seems more of a concern with western artists and fandoms to begin with. I can't really think of a time I've seen a Japanese storyteller speak in those terms.

The closest I can think of is Iga, who said 'No, those aren't in the timeline anymore' to a couple games, which is what we are generally thinking of when we use the word canon.

Ryu already touched on this, but I'll elaborate: the line is referring to discussions that took place at dusk and at dawn, not to a single conversation that lasted that long.

Heck, the simple fact that the two of them went to sleep (in both versions) on its own tells you that they weren't talking all night, and that this is a misreading of that line.

Cloud and Tifa can hold deep, meaningful conversations in their sleep.
It's the only time they can do it, though.

The "For the One I Love" page, the Memorial Album's script, and the 10th AU's story summary couldn't be more straightforward. Que and I have been repeating this fact over and over. The story summary from the 10th AU says feelings are shared, confirmed to be mutual, and shows a screenshot of the high affection version (which absolutely everyone agrees to be a romantic occurrence). Meanwhile, the low affection version isn't mentioned at all in the story summary, nor anywhere else in the book, and neither is the affection rating system itself.

The book could literally not be more straightforward as to which version took place

But taking place isn't ENOUGH. It needs to be canonized with bells and glitter or something.

Well, yeah. Vendel doesn't feel the need to retreat to a safer position. He's kind of winning this debate with you.

There's a reason you didn't see the Rohirrim rushing back inside the safety of Helm's Deep after they routed Saruman's army.

I imagine Ven as Gimli, myself.

By the way, we're still waiting to hear about Marlene's sins.

They are long and storied and the is unrepentant of all of them. Especially the one involving the bicycle pump, the Lutafisk, and the rotary wankle engine.

ADDENDUM: The potential loves of Han and Chewie and of Leia and Dash Rendar were moved here
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undercover Clerith evangelist

I got this from Quex in PM today, and I believe it was something I said to you:
Discord said:
I wanted to respond to something you posted.

It seems very unlikely to me that Barret would tell Marlene to be a nice child "of this family" if he didn't consider himself to be part of the family.
Barret didn't say anything like that. Marlene was the one who said taht SHE will be a nice child to the family., "I'll be a nice child to this family." Here's the official translation:

And he tells THEM to work together like a family as he's leaving. Odd thing to say if he's apart of the family if he says it to THEM when he's leaving.
Okay, sorry. That's not the original translation I got. However, I don't see that it changes my point.

Barret lifted his artificial right arm up that had a machine gun attached to it. He kept walking without looking back. It was the back of a figure who had no other way to live than to fight. I wonder just what kind of life he will find. I prayed that he would be able to stay far away from war. Not just take. I prayed he would be able to prove that he could give, too.

“I’ll be a nice child of this family!” Marlene said.
Hearing those words, Cloud and Tifa looked at each other. A child of this family?
“I’ll take care of Cloud and Tifa!”
Barret turned round and shouted, “Do your best!” His voice was a little shaky.
“Unite the family’s strength and keep at it!”

Even if it's Marlene saying it, why would she call herself part of a family that Barret didn't belong to?Marlene and Barret have been family for years - I doubt that she would suddenly just leave him out of it.

Then Barret says, "Unite the family's strength and keep at it."Would he tell Marlene to unite the family strength if he wasn't part of it? If Barret says "family" and he includes Marlene in that family, then he's obviously part of that family, too.=================


After a much-needed pep talk from Que in private, I'm ready to rejoin this discussion. Sorry for losing my cool before and letting my posts become personal.

Instead of getting pissed off or frustrated, I'm going to enjoy this shit for the train wreck of it all.
Glad to hear it, Tres. ^_^

The dots seriously don't connect when you consider her claim that Tifa asking Cloud if he loves her is supposedly a sign that the high affection version of the Highwind scene didn't happen -- since, if it had, Tifa "should know" Cloud's feelings.
IMO, she should know Cloud's feelings if the HA version had happened and things had been as lovey-dovey as you imagine between them. The fact is, there has been absolutely no confirmation that Cloud loves Tifa - plain and simple. You build a case on non-evidence, and then you tell me that I'm not connecting the dots?

Since feelings can change and we all know they can, is it not normal for people to have doubts about others' previously established feelings?
I see either way as possible. Either it never happened in the first place, or people can form doubts about it. Neither possibility has been confirmed, so we don't know for sure.

The point that Que (and myself) were making with regard to the Yuffie quote is that the passage itself relates Cloud's mood to the night spent with Tifa.
How does it do that? Because one sentence follows the other? I think it would be clearer if it said something like, "Yuffie didn't know that Cloud was being nice to her because he and Tifa had spent the night together."

Anastar wrote: I'm also suggesting that Cloud resolved things with Tifa the night before during the LA version. Things could have been getting awkward if Cloud thought Tifa had a crush on him, for example. If they got things straightened out that they're both just friends, then that awkwardness would no longer be there and Cloud would feel a lot better.
Where in the text of the low affection version do you see such a thing discussed?Where in the text of the high affection version do you see Cloud say, "I love you"?

Anastar wrote: I'm not saying it's inaccurate. I'm saying that two Ultimania's say that two different versions can happen and that those versions depend on Tifa's affection level. The 10th AU only shows one version in the summary, and you jump to the conclusion that means one version is canon even though SE also says that both versions are possible in other sources.
And SE made the point that Shadow can be left to die on the Floating Continent, and that Tidus can be left dead, and that different endings can happen for FFV -- but that doesn't invalidate the outcomes they emphasized as the actual outcomes.

It just doesn't.
But SE has never said it's the actual outcome. All they did was use one version instead of the other in some places, say that both versions happen in other places, and be non-specific about which version happened in other places.

Anastar wrote: And now I have to wonder. You tell me that the picture is before the HW scene when Cloud's telling everyone to go find what's important to them. Have you rechecked the story summary to find out if it's really just talking about the HA version?
She didn't say that the picture is from before the Highwind scene. She said it's from during -- and it is:

The line Cloud is saying there is only in the high affection version ("これは、俺達2人に許された最後の時間かもしれないから……"; "This is probably the last time we'll have together......").
I could only see one of the two pictures of the HW scene. I didn't realize there was a second picture.

Anastar wrote: I never said it was inaccurate. I said the use of one version can't confirm that it's canon when other official sources say that the version a player gets is determined by Tifa's affection rating with Cloud.
So we're back to you claiming that scenes subject to player influence don't have canon outcomes?
I never stopped saying it.

For the sake of not being a dick, I won't point out that the player has to actually do something to make anything happen in the game at all (whoops, just did it), but I will go back to pointing out Shadow, Terra, FFV's endings, and Tidus.

So Ryu and Que's question once again applies: what is it about the Highwind scene that demands such a higher standard than any other scene?
And once again, I point out that I'm asking for the same standard, not different standards. If Shadow is shown again later after the death scene, then we have good reason to think that he survived. Something happened which validates the outcome. I've seen nothing to validate which of the optional HW scenes happened. Everything that happened in FFVII after the HW scene, everything that happened in the novella's, everything that happened in AC/ACC, and everything that happened in DoC is possible regardless of which version of the HW scene a player got.

Anastar wrote: Actually, we don't know this. This is something that you have decided.

Whether or not Tidus comes back doesn't decide whether Yuna loves Tidus. We found out for sure that Yuna and Tidus love one another in FFX, thanks to the make out scene in the lake. So whether or not Tidus comes back in FFX-2, we still know that Yuna loves Tidus and vice versa.

The difference is that you're trying to say that an optional scene determines who Cloud loves. An optional scene does not decide if Yuna loves Tidus. A non-optional scene decides that.
What did Que say that had anything to do with whether Yuna loves Tidus? She was referring to his canon resurrection in the ending of X-2. And it being canon isn't something that she decided; SE decided it.

Real quick: Have you played any FF other than VII? I'm genuinely curious. I get the impression from the above that you're thinking "Tidus comes back" is referring to him getting back together with Yuna after a breakup or something.
And I'm beginning to think you need to read my answers more carefully, since you're putting words in my mouth. What I said to Quex was that FFX shows us that Yuna loves Tidus and vice versa in a non-optional scene, not FFX-2.

And yes, I've played other FF's. Have you? Just providing you with the same courtesy you're giving me.



I'm also suggesting that Cloud resolved things with Tifa the night before during the LA version. Things could have been getting awkward if Cloud thought Tifa had a crush on him, for example. If they got things straightened out that they're both just friends, then that awkwardness would no longer be there and Cloud would feel a lot better.
Which is at least plausible, because the Ultimania is relating Cloud's feelings to the night before.
All I'm saying is what's possible.

Tifa gets embarrassed regardless of which version you get. She gets more embarrassed in the HA version, yes - but in the LA version, she gets embarrassed because the others saw her asleep on Cloud's shoulder.
Cid: Hey, do you guys hear that?
Vincent: Yeah what is that noise?
Yuffie: .. oh! I know what that is, Tifa is sleeping on Cloud's shoulder.


Tifa: You were LISTENING to me sleep on Cloud's shoulder?

No really what? does she snore? What did they HEAR?
Except that she asks if they were watching - not listening - in the HA version. So you think the LA version is canon now? :P

She's embarrassed because the others knew they were out there, okay? Happier?

You said right there that "half the quotes are talking about feelings of love, so the other quotes have to be talking about love, too".
And I asked where I said everytime SE mentions feelings (highwind scene or no), they're talking about love
If you claim that the other passages which don't specify what feelings are talking about love, then it seems that you do think that "feelings" = "love".

You're trying to say that all quotes MUST be talking about the HA version, and they can't be talking about anything else.
Yes, yes I am. Because the other version is apathetic and short which means little to no feelings are shared. I'd think support or friendship would not be labelled as "apathetic."
Frankly, I think you're just trying to twist the words in your favor. I've clearly said that "apathetic" is referring to the fact that they are not romantically interested in each other.

If you are being "apathetic", you can convey feelings. "Apathetic" means to convey little or no feelings, but that's not the only meaning of the word. "Little" feelings can easily mean that less feelings are conveyed in the LA version than in the HA version. In that case, "friendship" could easily be the feeling conveyed.

But like I said, "apathetic" also has other meanings - such as "disinterest":


1. having or showing little or no emotion: apathetic behavior.
2. not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive: an apathetic audience.


1. unfeeling, impassive, cool. 2. uninterested, unconcerned.


Being "not interested or concerned; indifferent" can easily mean that Cloud and Tifa aren't interested in a romantic relationship with each other.

Now I'll ask you again. Which makes more sense, that all these similar quotes, with similar wording and kanji are talking about the same thing, or half are and half are really ambiguous? Why would they use the same wording to describe two different events?
I think SE's making it ambiguous what feelings are being discussed because they want it left up to the player.

They ARE talking about the HA scene, and if not, they're all talking about the same feelings. If they were something different in half the quotes, why do they make them sound so much the same? That just doesn't make sense to me.
It doesn't make sense to me that you're insisting they must be talking about the HA version when it's never specified.

And now I have to wonder. You tell me that the picture is before the HW scene when Cloud's telling everyone to go find what's important to them. Have you rechecked the story summary to find out if it's really just talking about the HA version?
Okay we're not communicating again. Let's try again.

This is the same image, cropped, and saved with a low quality so your 56k can handle it.
Okay - my fault.

Maybe it's dark and that's why you didn't see it, but that's what it is.
Yes, it's dark and I didn't see it.

You missed the point. I'm asking you if they NEVER gave a quote like the one you'd like them to provide, for any optional scene in ANY game, why would they make an exception here? Why is the highwind scene the exception?
Maybe they haven't given a quote, but they have given a non-optional scene that shows a particular outcome happened - such as Shadow reappearing later on after the "death" scene. We've seen nothing like that for the HW scene.

Right. Like Nomura saying that SE wants to leave it up to the player.
I thought he said this about KH?
Not in the quote Sesc gave us.

is saying that Tifa did not realize at the time of the Promise that Cloud was holding feelings for her at the time of the Promise until he told her about it during the Lifesttream event. Cloud told Tifa during the Lifestream event that he was holding feelings (a crush) for her at that time of the Promise:
Past progressive means that something happened in the past and continues to the present or the point of reference.[/QUOTE]
The sources I look at say nothing about past progressive tense continuing to the present time.

According to the sources I'm looking at, it starts in the past and finishes in the past. For example,

I was playing football yesterday.

means that you were playing football yesterday and that you finished playing football yesterday, not that that you're still playing football today.

In the first sentence, yes the point of reference is the promise scene. In the SECOND sentence the point of reference is the Lifestream event.

So does this mean that Ryu is no longer selling apples at the time the picnic took place?
Sorry, but the references I gave you above do not support what you're saying.
Cloud makes it clear that he had a crush on her at the time of the Promise. He does NOT say that he has feelings for her now. That's what your passage is talking about.
Yes he does. The younger Cloud says to Tifa that the older current present day cloud will be thrilled to hear she was searching for him. It's subtle, but that's when it takes place.
And that means he loves her now? It can't mean that he's just glad to find out that his tactics worked? He wanted her to pay attention to him - she did. How do you know he wasn't just happy to hear that?

That becomes obvious when you stop to think about the fact that they supposedly confirm their feelings for one another during the HA HW scene. If they had already told one another that they love one another during the Lifestream event, then they wouldn't have to confirm it to one another during the HA HW scene. They'd already know about it.
The reveal of the feelings happened in the Lifestream, the confirming the feelings and discussing the feelings came under the Highwind.
But why do they have to confirm it under the HW if they already told one another about it in the Lifestream? It shouldn't be news under the HW if they already told one another.

Whether or not Tidus comes back doesn't decide whether Yuna loves Tidus.
Wait.. what?

We found out for sure that Yuna and Tidus love one another in FFX, thanks to the make out scene in the lake. So whether or not Tidus comes back in FFX-2, we still know that Yuna loves Tidus and vice versa.
I... know?

I'm saying, they never gave a statement like "The scene where Tidus comes back at the end of FFX-2 is the canon ending."... so how do we know that it's canon?
And I'm saying how do we know it's canon?

you honestly don't have a problem with Cloud loving Marlene more than the child that Aerith brought to him? This is the girl you're saying is his lover right? You'd think that Denzel (the boy brought to him by his lover) would be a tad more special to him than that.
If you say so.

I think you're taking my words out of context there. I'd like to see what you said that I'm responding to, since I would wager that you were saying something about whether or not the scene has meaning.
My question was, "Do you mean that they may have shared feelings in the low affection version as well? Just not matching ones? Sorry if I'm bugging you, I'm just trying to understand your argument"

and that was you're response.

So SE has said the low version is apathetic, and only the HA scene has meaning. So please tell me exactly WHAT feelings they shared in the LA version that are not meaningful that Square is talking about in those quotes since it can't be friendship or support or w/e.
Actually, the page where we were discussing that is here:

And I'm glad that I looked at it - because what I was saying is that SE is talking about the feelings of love as "meaningful". If it's not about feelings of love, then SE doesn't call it "meaningful". That doesn't mean it can't be about anything else - it just means that SE doesn't consider it exchanging feelings of love.

If I remember correctly, this was back when you were still trying to convince me that the LA version had Cloud and Tifa exchanging feelings of love for one another. :P

Notice it specifies that when the affection is high? So once again, it's saying that more than one version is possible.
You need to stop reading each quote as if it's not apart of something else or as if I'm always saying "HA SCENE IS CANON!" I was providing you with the quote that said the HA scene had meaning and even acknowledging that it's only talking about the HA scene.
So what's the point?

Sorry - that's all I have time for tonight.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Ok, I said I wasn't gonna do this anymore, that I had had enough anastar and couldn't take it. Now I've come full circle, I cannot NOT respond to this... polite terms fail me so let's leave it ambiguous. She'll probably like that, me leaving it up to individual interpretation :monster:

Now none of this was directed at me specifically, but that's no surprise since I hadn't been directing anything at YOU Anastar. Q, could you make sure she knows I am sending a response her way again? I'm gonna cut out some bits of her post that are REALLY not my business to respond to, but what I DO comment on, I'd like her to see it.

Okay, sorry. That's not the original translation I got. However, I don't see that it changes my point.

Real shocker there.

Even if it's Marlene saying it, why would she call herself part of a family that Barret didn't belong to? Marlene and Barret have been family for years - I doubt that she would suddenly just leave him out of it.

As a father who's child lives with a family separate from my own, I find your choice of words somewhat insulting. She's been my little one for more than a decade. That does not make me a part of her family with her brother, mother, and "other father". Nor does Marlene declaring she will be a good child for her family of Cloud and Tifa (and eventually Denzel when he shows up) mean Barret has to be a member of THAT family as well. Nor does her relationship with her new family invalidate her relationship to Barret. Caps'ing for emphasis: YOU CAN HAVE MORE THAN ONE FAMILY, YET LIVE WITH JUST ONE.

Then Barret says, "Unite the family's strength and keep at it."Would he tell Marlene to unite the family strength if he wasn't part of it?

Ummm... he loves his daughter, he cares about his friends, so yes. Yes he would tell her to help keep them strong. Even as he LEAVES.

If Barret says "family" and he includes Marlene in that family, then he's obviously part of that family, too.

Is he? Provide some evidence of this. Something better than what I just commented on above, if you can.

IMO, she should know Cloud's feelings if the HA version had happened and things had been as lovey-dovey as you imagine between them. The fact is, there has been absolutely no confirmation that Cloud loves Tifa - plain and simple.

You've never known something, but had a doubt about it? Never? I highly doubt that. Tifa can easily see Cloud growing more distant from her and feel doubt about his feelings. A prior confirmation doesn't stop that and you damn well know it. As for there being no confirmation about Cloud's feelings, such confirmation has been laid out before you several times. So there is none that you are willing to see/admit/acknowledge, but its there all the same.

You build a case on non-evidence, and then you tell me that I'm not connecting the dots?

You talking to yourself? Tis unnecessary, there are plenty of folks here to discuss with. Oh wait, that was directed outward? My mistake, it describes you so well...

I see either way as possible. Either it never happened in the first place, or people can form doubts about it. Neither possibility has been confirmed, so we don't know for sure.

Whatever gets you to sleep at night.

How does it do that? Because one sentence follows the other? I think it would be clearer if it said something like, "Yuffie didn't know that Cloud was being nice to her because he and Tifa had spent the night together."

By this point, I am sure you'd change positions entirely if the line actually turned out to read like that. Now, I actually agree phrasing it as you described would make it clearer. Doesn't mean its in any way murky, of course. Basic comprehension skills allow you to see what was meant by the quote you're saying should be more clear. Unless you don't WANT to comprehend what it means.

But SE has never said it's the actual outcome. All they did was use one version instead of the other in some places, say that both versions happen in other places, and be non-specific about which version happened in other places.

Yes, being chosen as one of the most important scenes of the game, more important even than the ENDING, is not enough to confirm it as the outcome. Multiple sources all showing it to be the only path that makes any real sense considering the narrative, also not enough. I apologize for doubting you, I see the light now. /sarcasm (for now)

I never stopped saying it.

Actually, I am pretty sure you did. You admitted that a scene with divergences CAN have a canon outcome. I think you even reference this in a manner of speaking later in the very post I am responding to. But for the sake of argument, if you never stopped saying such, then you never stopped being wrong.

And once again, I point out that I'm asking for the same standard, not different standards. If Shadow is shown again later after the death scene, then we have good reason to think that he survived. Something happened which validates the outcome.

FFVI has no sequels, no followup, no nothing aside from the game itself and the Ultimanias. So how is Shadow's canonical survival different from the HW scene's outcome again? Special pleading should not be used in your response, if you bother to respond at all. Tell me seriously, what's the difference?!

I've seen nothing to validate which of the optional HW scenes happened. Everything that happened in FFVII after the HW scene, everything that happened in the novella's, everything that happened in AC/ACC, and everything that happened in DoC is possible regardless of which version of the HW scene a player got.

So, based on what I said above, unless I am very wrong you must now claim Shadow's death is entirely up to the player's choice as well. Because it has LESS validation than Cloti, being as it does not have an entire compilation to draw upon. Yet you have shown no such issues with his survival being canonized by the Ultimania. Again, sounds like special pleading, asking Cloti (focused on the HA HW scene, as if its the be all end all of Cloti proofz) to be held to different standards. And as for you not seeing it, it is obvious to me at this point that you wouldn't see it if the creators hired skywriters to tell you "Cloud and Tifa are a ROMANTIC couple!"

And I'm beginning to think you need to read my answers more carefully, since you're putting words in my mouth. What I said to Quex was that FFX shows us that Yuna loves Tidus and vice versa in a non-optional scene, not FFX-2.

This has fuck-all to do with Tidus' return from "death" being canon, which WAS the end of X-2. I believe that's an important aspect of what was originally brought up, alongside Shadow's survival. Their status as a couple was referred to in relation to the FtOIL page, and how it covers all the canon couples, but I don't think that's what we were discussing. Someone feel free to correct me if I am forgetting something that came up between now and then.

All I'm saying is what's possible.

Well, it would be plausible if not for the other things confirming the sharing of romantic feelings. Put into context, it really doesn't seem to be so.

She's embarrassed because the others knew they were out there, okay? Happier?

I dunno about Q, but I am happy because I know you don't actually mean that. It's incredibly weak. Just knowing they were under the HW is nothing to be embarrassed about. Knowing what they said/did under there, that's a different story. Now, if that ^ right there, which I just said, was all there was to it you could easily claim that she would be embarrassed about ANY feelings being shared/not shared. Sadly for your position, there is much more to it. Again, its been laid out to the point of nausea by now, so you already know it. But, it does mean any attempt you make to invalidate what has been quoted and cited is just silly.

Frankly, I think you're just trying to twist the words in your favor.

Hahahaha, really? No, seriously really? You, of all people, with your multiple displays of disingenuous debate "technique" are playing that card on Quex of all people? I got nothing to really say to this, its her place to respond, but seriously? You make me laugh, so thanks for that at least.

I've clearly said that "apathetic" is referring to the fact that they are not romantically interested in each other.

If you are being "apathetic", you can convey feelings. "Apathetic" means to convey little or no feelings, but that's not the only meaning of the word. "Little" feelings can easily mean that less feelings are conveyed in the LA version than in the HA version. In that case, "friendship" could easily be the feeling conveyed.

So, who's twisting wordings and definitions to suit their cause now? Let's assume that it is the characters who are apathetic, rather than the scene, as has been discussed earlier. If they feel genuinely apathetic, then where is the motivation to confirm anything coming from? If they are apathetic to each other, which is frankly such bullshit that even you have to somehow wank "friendship" into the picture, why would they need to/want to discuss it in any way? This has been pointed out to you already, several times. It must be willful on your part, there is no other explanation that I can see.

But like I said, "apathetic" also has other meanings - such as "disinterest":

(actual definition goes here)

Being "not interested or concerned; indifferent" can easily mean that Cloud and Tifa aren't interested in a romantic relationship with each other.[/quote]

And if you're not interested/indifferent, that's neither exactly a recipe for friendship nor a motivation to discuss and confirm a damn thing.

I think SE's making it ambiguous what feelings are being discussed because they want it left up to the player.

As has been said earlier in the thread "Keyword: think" :monster: And as has been shown, its not particularly ambiguous at all. Thus, it follows that SE are not making it so out of any desire to leave it up to the player. Because it is not ambiguous, you see.

It doesn't make sense to me that you're insisting they must be talking about the HA version when it's never specified.

Doesn't make sense to me that you fail, whether intentionally or not, to grasp the examples that have been given that DO SPECIFY JUST THAT.

Maybe they haven't given a quote, but they have given a non-optional scene that shows a particular outcome happened - such as Shadow reappearing later on after the "death" scene. We've seen nothing like that for the HW scene.

Except that doesn't happen. If you leave the Floating Continent too soon, Shadow DIES. He does not return in a non-optional scene, he stays dead. That's entirely up to the player, he's dead in my current playthrough and much as it saddens me I will not see him return. But I can take comfort in knowing that canonically, he DID survive and confront Kefka once more in the World of Ruin. So again, how is this different from the HW scene?!

And that means he loves her now? It can't mean that he's just glad to find out that his tactics worked? He wanted her to pay attention to him - she did. How do you know he wasn't just happy to hear that?

Does that alone mean he loves her? No. But its one more brick in a fairly solid wall of evidence supporting the conclusion that yes, yes he does love her. On its own, it'd still be the most obvious conclusion that he loves her or he wouldn't still have such important memories of her/allow her and no one else into his heart/have a part of his psyche so damned pleased to know she cared enough to watch for news of him. And to furthermore express a desire for her to tell the complete Cloud the same. But when you put it with the rest of the bricks, as it were? Your explanation isn't half bad for this one... by comparison with some of the other crap you've pulled out of thin air at least. :monster:

But why do they have to confirm it under the HW if they already told one another about it in the Lifestream? It shouldn't be news under the HW if they already told one another.

Maybe you missed it when this was said earlier: They became AWARE of each other's feelings during the LS event. They actually spoke of/showed those feelings to each other under the HW. Hence, confirmation.

And I'm saying how do we know it's canon?

And I'm reminding you, once again, that you've already been told this. You don't want to get it, and that's fine. But it seems to me you ought to stop asking for things you've already been given.

Actually, the page where we were discussing that is here:

Seriously, isn't this a no-no? It just keeps happening, but I swear it wasn't supposed to. Did I gloss over a post explaining the exception? If so, I apologize for even pointing it out.

So what's the point?

*face to palm in 5...4...3...2...1... commence facepalm*
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Except that she asks if they were watching - not listening - in the HA version. So you think the LA version is canon now?

She's embarrassed because the others knew they were out there, okay? Happier?
OH whoops, you DID say the HA scene. But I just want to know your thoughts on what Tifa is afraid they HEARD that's so embarrassing. For that matter, I'd like to know anyone's thought on this.

If you claim that the other passages which don't specify what feelings are talking about love, then it seems that you do think that "feelings" = "love".
Not always, just in reference to the Highwind scene.

Frankly, I think you're just trying to twist the words in your favor. I've clearly said that "apathetic" is referring to the fact that they are not romantically interested in each other.
Then you need to have evidence to back that up. The statement is "When it gets low, the conversation in the scene that they spend the night will be apathetic and ends short." The conversation itself is apathetic, so the conversation is lacking feeling. No where does it mention romantic feelings in there. So again, I ask, do you have any evidence that's what the word is referring to?

Maybe they haven't given a quote, but they have given a non-optional scene that shows a particular outcome happened - such as Shadow reappearing later on after the "death" scene. We've seen nothing like that for the HW scene.
Can you tell me about this scene? I haven't played this game but I'm hearing others say such a scene does not exist. So can you specify which one you mean?

Not in the quote Sesc gave us.
I'm curious if you actually know the translation of the full quote because he says NOTHING about Cloud's love life is up to the player. Here is a full translation:

A Final Fantasy VII fan interviewed Tetsuya Nomura for Dorimaga magazine and asked "How many girls has Sephiroth ever loved?". In reaction, Nomura spoke evasively in anticipation of more questions regarding Cloud and Tifa's love life, which have nothing to do with Sephiroth.

Tetsuya Nomura:
What kind of question is that? I've never thought about it. Honestly, I don't care who loves whom. I think you could imagine the scenerios that we don't mention however you want to. You could enjoy talking about that with friends. For example, I was frequently asked if there had been romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after FF7 ended, but I don't have any clue.

No where in there does he say it's up to the player. He say

1. "I don't care about who loves who."
2. Imagine the scenes WE DON'T MENTION however you want.
3. And I don't know

He doens't know because he doesn't care because he doesn't keep track of that stuff. And stuff they don't mention, we can think whatever we want. The stuff they don't mention... not everything. That's very different from what you say it says. Also let's look at some more stuff from this interview:

The Meaning of No Words
There are relatively few spoken lines during AC. Most of what characters feel and what the developers wanted to convey is expressed through the character's facial expressions and actions. Audiences won't get the finality of a closeup kiss and characters shouting "I love you". They will get something classier, where the same ideas and messages are there, only delivered in a subliminal context.

No words? Well gee where have we heard that before? :awesome:

Perhaps I'm stretching it, but they specifically say the answers are there and they are NOT going to show it by a kiss. So how is saying they show this stuff without an "I love you" or without a kiss "leaving it up to the player"?

The sources I look at say nothing about past progressive tense continuing to the present time.
Okay, after reading this quote over and over and thinking about it, I can honestly see how it can be taken both ways. I think it's stretching it a bit, but I can see how "was holding feeling" can refer to the Promise Scene


There's also the quote in the 10th AU that says they became aware of the feelings they were holding in the Lifestream. and I know the 20th AU says something similar. Would you agree (just yes or no) that the feelings they became aware of in the Lifestream were the same ones they talked about during the Highwind scene?

Again, just yes or no, I'm not asking you what feelings or anything like that, but would you agree with that?

The difference is they're talking about if someone was talking in the present. The entire book (UO) is in past tense already, so that's why you have to look at the reference point to see when things begin or end. For example:

"I was washing my car yesterday."

When was he washing his car? Yesterday, right?

"When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang."

When was he having breakfast? When the phone suddenly rang.

"By the way, Tifa did not realize that Cloud was holding feelings for her until he informed her in the Lifestream"

The reference here is in the lifestream. SO that's when he was holding feelings and that's when he told her.

Sorry, but the references I gave you above do not support what you're saying.
Really quick though, can you at least see where I'm coming from? If I was writing a fanfic and I wrote

"Even though Ryushikaze was selling apples from some time ago, Tres didn't start until last July.

BTW, with Tres, he was unaware that Ryu was selling apples until he informed him at the picnic. Even though Tres and Ryu had hung out last July, he can be quite clueless."

Is Ryu selling apples at the time of the picnic or not? I'll give you a hint

And that means he loves her now? It can't mean that he's just glad to find out that his tactics worked? He wanted her to pay attention to him - she did. How do you know he wasn't just happy to hear that?
Not by itself, no it doesn't mean he loves her, but when we look at everything else in context we come to that conclusion.

But why do they have to confirm it under the HW if they already told one another about it in the Lifestream? It shouldn't be news under the HW if they already told one another.
Okay again, they found out in the Lifestream and discussed it under the Highwind. They became aware if you would. That's what the 10th AU says. Then in the Highwind scene they confirm said feelings. Again, doesn't it stand to reason that whatever feelings they were talking about under the Highwind was the same feelings they became aware of?

Also, you act like if two people realize they love each other, they only talk about it once. This isn't the way a relationship works. If you realize you love someone, you don't just tell them once and be done with it. You tell them a lot, and you talk about your relationship sometimes. Especially if the relationship is new. That's just how it works.

Think of past lovers you've had. Did you only tell them once that you loved them? Did you ever talk about your relationship? Did you ever worry that they not love you if they grew distant? Did you ever have a break up? if the answer is yes, what made you decide to break up? Sorry if I'm getting too personal :monster:

And I'm saying how do we know it's canon?

Aside from the intuitive implications of 100% story completion, there's the caption at the end of the U20 Scenario's Story Playback section for X-2 beside a screenshot of Tidus and Yuna reunited that says, "Tidus is resurrected in the ending movie, in a connection to the very end of the previous work's ending."

If you say so.
This isn't my theory, it's yours, silly :monster:. You said Marlene was more important to Cloud than Denzel when you said the order of the people shown in the "What do you cherish most?" flash started with the most important. Now, aside from having no evidence of this, it would imply that it's showing them in order from most important to least important. Denzel is on the bottom. He is the LAST one shown before Zack. If Cloud truly believes his lover brought Denzel to him, Denzel should be at the top, right?

Why do you NOT have a problem with both Tifa and Marlene being more important to Cloud than the child that his lover brought to him? What makes Denzel less important to him than Marlene and Tifa? This is YOUR theory, so please back it up.

Actually, the page where we were discussing that is here:

And I'm glad that I looked at it - because what I was saying is that SE is talking about the feelings of love as "meaningful". If it's not about feelings of love, then SE doesn't call it "meaningful". That doesn't mean it can't be about anything else - it just means that SE doesn't consider it exchanging feelings of love.


Okay wait I think I get it, you said SE was only saying the feelings of love are meaningful... but... that's not what is said. The say the night they spend has profound meaning.

So you've changed your mind about them not even sharing feelings of friendship in the LA version?

If I remember correctly, this was back when you were still trying to convince me that the LA version had Cloud and Tifa exchanging feelings of love for one another.

Actually I don't remember ever trying to convince you of that because as of now, I don't believe it... but maybe I did some time ago, I just don't remember doing it.

So what's the point?
I was providing you with the quote that we were talking about, nothing more. That make sense?

OH and:
Even if it's Marlene saying it, why would she call herself part of a family that Barret didn't belong to? Marlene and Barret have been family for years - I doubt that she would suddenly just leave him out of it.

Marlene's profile from the 10th AU talks about the family and excludes Barret.

&#12513;&#12486;&#12458;&#28797;&#23475;&#12398;&#12354;&#12392;&#12399;&#12289; &#12463;&#12521;&#12454;&#12489;&#12392;&#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12289;&#12381;&#12428;&#12395;&#12487;&#12477;&#12476;&#12523;&#12398;&#65300;&#20154;&#12391;&#29983;&#27963;&#12290; &#23478;&#26063;&#12364;&#12496;&#12521;&#12496;&#12521;&#12395;&#12394;&#12426;&#12381;&#12358;&#12394;&#12398;&#12434;&#35211;&#12363;&#12397;&#12390;&#12289; &#12415;&#12435;&#12394;&#12398;&#20210;&#12434;&#21462;&#12426;&#25345;&#12392;&#12358;&#12392;&#24515;&#12434;&#12367;&#12384;&#12367;&#12290;

After the meteor disaster, she's living with 4 people: Cloud, Tifa and moreover, Denzel. Lately the outlook of this 'family' is in pieces, so she mediates everybody's broken hearts.

Go ahead and get a second opinion if you have someone to do so. I'm not 100% on that second part ... maybe Tres knows? Tres? :awesomonster:

Seriously, isn't this a no-no? It just keeps happening, but I swear it wasn't supposed to. Did I gloss over a post explaining the exception? If so, I apologize for even pointing it out.

Honestly, it's her own forum and it's not like she's linking to it to make fun of it or anything. And the link is broken anyway :awesomonster:

and I brought up a quote from there first BTW
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
IMO, she should know Cloud's feelings if the HA version had happened and things had been as lovey-dovey as you imagine between them.

You're the only one saying that the high affection scene = lovey doviness. The rest of us readily acknowledge that the couple has issues. Hell, the writer of the game and movie acknowledges it.

And you're now admitting to applying a double standard.

You say that in the case of the low affection version, Tifa could have questions about Cloud's feelings for her two years later because feelings can change. Meanwhile, you say that in the case of the high affection version, Tifa shouldn't have any doubts about Cloud's feelings for her two years later.

You refuse to apply the same standard to anything when it comes to this scene.

Anastar said:
The fact is, there has been absolutely no confirmation that Cloud loves Tifa - plain and simple. You build a case on non-evidence, and then you tell me that I'm not connecting the dots?

What lack of confirmation? Pg. 24 of the Crisis Core Ultimania doesn't say that Cloud fell in love with Tifa when he was younger? Cloud's subconscious doesn't reveal this fact to Tifa in the Lifestream? His subconscious doesn't tell Tifa that she should tell Cloud about liking him later, because it will make him happy?

That's without even getting into all of the quotes that speak of mutual feelings between Cloud and Tifa.

So, no, darling, I'm not the one making a case on non-evidence. I'm connecting the dots, and I don't mean arm tracks.

So that leaves the question: what are you doing?

Anastar said:
How does it do that? Because one sentence follows the other?

Uh, yeah, babycakes. That's how communication works. As in this paragraph, one line follows the other, each new line speaking to what has come before, and each working together to communicate a cohesive idea.

"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep" elaborates upon and informs, "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth."

"He [Frodo] heard and saw no more" because "Then Frodo felt himself falling, and the roaring and confusion seemed to rise and engulf him together with his enemies."

Cloud greets Yuffie warmly because of the night spent with Tifa. The two lines are in the paragraph together -- a paragraph sectioned off from the surrounding text on the rest of the page, mind you -- for a reason.

That reason is not to ask you to search high and low for a meaning to be deciphered based on the belief that basic writing tools were not employed.

Without going back to sixth grade grammar classes (don't worry; I won't ask you to map out what's a noun, adjective, verb, gerund, etc.), that's how you construct a paragraph: you put lines together in a paragraph that, together, convey a particular idea or set of ideas.

Anastar said:
I think it would be clearer if it said something like, "Yuffie didn't know that Cloud was being nice to her because he and Tifa had spent the night together."

God's sake, it couldn't be any clearer. The comment is sectioned off from everything else. Within that section, you have Yuffie's quote, you have the line identifying when she said it, and then you have the explanation that she was unaware of Cloud and Tifa spending the night together.

Now, are you ready to put away your secret decoder ring and have an honest discussion?

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Where in the text of the low affection version do you see such a thing discussed?
Where in the text of the high affection version do you see Cloud say, "I love you"?

Have you seriously retreated back into questioning whether the high affection version of the scene is romantic? Wow.

And stop avoiding the question: where in the text of the low affection version do you see a discussion about what you claim is there?

Anastar said:
But SE has never said it's the actual outcome. All they did was use one version instead of the other in some places, say that both versions happen in other places, and be non-specific about which version happened in other places.

No, they have never said that both versions happen. They have said that both versions are available to the player. That is not the same as -- within the body of a story summary -- saying two mutually exclusive events have taken place.

Please stop being full of crap. Seriously.

For the record, Mako: I'm not losing my cool here. I'm not resorting to personal insults. I'm making a request that someone who is demonstrably, factually, inarguably full of crap do the rest of us the courtesy of discontinuing with the full-of-crap-ness.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
So we're back to you claiming that scenes subject to player influence don't have canon outcomes?
I never stopped saying it.

Um, yes, you did:

Yes, some scenes have a canon outcome, but not all scenes.


I never said that scenes with optional outcomes can't have a canon outcome.

Yes, that is true for SOME optional scenes. However, I do not think that is true for ALL optional scenes.

You are truly, unbelievably -- full of it.

Anastar said:
And once again, I point out that I'm asking for the same standard, not different standards. If Shadow is shown again later after the death scene, then we have good reason to think that he survived. Something happened which validates the outcome. I've seen nothing to validate which of the optional HW scenes happened. Everything that happened in FFVII after the HW scene, everything that happened in the novella's, everything that happened in AC/ACC, and everything that happened in DoC is possible regardless of which version of the HW scene a player got.

You're not asking for the same standards at all. You're willing to accept that FFV's happy ending happened because the U20 Scenario's story summary for FFV says it did. You're willing to accept that Terra had her revelation about love because the U20 Scenario's story summary for FFVI says it did.

But, no, multiple story summaries, plus other materials besides saying that the high affection Highwind scene took place and is one of FFVII's most important scenes means jackshit all. Goddamn, I wish I could approach at least one notion in all the world with such single-minded devotion.

Anastar said:
And I'm beginning to think you need to read my answers more carefully, since you're putting words in my mouth. What I said to Quex was that FFX shows us that Yuna loves Tidus and vice versa in a non-optional scene, not FFX-2.

Which didn't have a thing at all to do with what Que had said. So, yeah. I'm not the one not paying attention here. Nobody but you seems to think when, where and how Tidus and Yuna revealed their feelings about one another to one another is relevant to the canonicity of Tidus's resurrection.

And I wasn't putting words in your mouth. I said the way you were talking about Tidus coming back (since you brought up when he and Yuna confirmed their love for one another, which was irrelevant to the actual topic at hand) made it sound like you thought you were discussing a dude coming back to his ex-gf after a breakup.

Anastar said:
And yes, I've played other FF's. Have you?

Yes? You know this? I was writing at length on other FFs long before I ever discussed the LTD with you?

Anastar said:
Just providing you with the same courtesy you're giving me.

You're not even giving me the courtesy of honest responses, and you're still not replying to all that I've asked. What courtesy do you feel entitled to exactly?

Anastar said:
I think SE's making it ambiguous what feelings are being discussed because they want it left up to the player.

How are you able to say this sort of thing and believe it yourself while simultaneously claiming that SE wants us to think Cloud stopped to see Aerith in a flower field in a retconned portion of AC/C after a) Zack and Aerith already said their goodbyes to Cloud, and b) the 10th AU's story summary for the movie already said that Aerith and Zack went back to the Lifestream?

Something like that is supposedly so clear, but the outcome of the Highwind scene isn't? Peeps, wipe your shoes, and somebody please light a match.

Anastar said:
And that means he loves her now? It can't mean that he's just glad to find out that his tactics worked? He wanted her to pay attention to him - she did. How do you know he wasn't just happy to hear that?

Just for shits and giggles, can you even provide so much as an official quote from anywhere saying Cloud fell in love with Aerith in a past tense setting? That's possibly the funniest thing about all this.

Anastar said:
But why do they have to confirm it under the HW if they already told one another about it in the Lifestream? It shouldn't be news under the HW if they already told one another.

Cloud's subconscious becoming aware of Tifa's feelings and informing her of his is not the same thing as the repaired, recovered Cloud and Tifa sorting out where they stand on their feelings for each other.

In any event, your comeback here is pointless regardless of what feelings you think Cloud and Tifa have for each other, because Tifa's profile from the 10th AU says that Cloud and Tifa became aware of the feelings each other had while in the Lifestream -- yet they still need to confirm those feelings to be mutual the night before they head into the Northern Crater to face down Seph.

Do they not need to talk about their feelings if they included romantic interest (a rather complicated topic) in one another, yet friendship/support required it?

Yay, more double standards. :monster:

Anastar said:
And I'm saying how do we know it's canon?

What Que said:

Aside from the intuitive implications of 100% story completion, there's the caption at the end of the U20 Scenario's Story Playback section for X-2 beside a screenshot of Tidus and Yuna reunited that says, "Tidus is resurrected in the ending movie, in a connection to the very end of the previous work's ending."

Anybody else smell that, by the way? Smells like ... surrender.
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