The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
So, I'm officially gonna respond to Zee's posts from now on because it's actually really fun bouncing ideas off of her <3
Um just playing devil's advocate but let's run with the theory that Cloud has no romantic feelings for Tifa -- so he can't view her as bestie/family and want to live with her? I wasn't aware if someone loved you, you were either obligated to love them back or cut off ties with them forever lol

I feel like it makes Tifa look like an idiot. D: Here she is, pouring her heart out to this man she loves and wants to be with and he lets her know he's not interested in having her in that way. Why would a woman want to live with a man she is yearning for and know she can never have?

It's so...tragic. It's like, living every day in pain. Being with someone who will never want you in that way. Why torture yourself like this? You can still be besties and like family (kinda like how the rest of AVALNCHE is) without living under the same roof and raising two kids together.

I just don't see how it would make sense for Cloud to have no romantic interest in Tifa and then turn around in CoT and say: Hey, *blush* I have you differently now. Let's live together.

It's just...weird. D:

As for the LA HW scene, I'm gonna agree that it's possible that it can fit with the way CoT starts and you have a point there, Zee. But like Theozilla stated, the HA HW scene fits better. The writing is more in depth, the meaning behind their dialogue is so much more significant to the entire plot and, I dunno, I didn't really see Cloud confirming any mutual feelings with Tifa at all in the LA HW version. :T Which may be why I viewed him as more of a dick than confused.

He does say, "I see..." so, it gave me this whole vibe of: "O, I get it but uhh...I don't really care."

And he cuts their conversation short, sort of implying he's done with talking to her. It's so...unlike Cloud. :T GAH. Opinions.

Agreed with bad writing in AC/C, though. They shouldn't have really rehashed the communication issues again in AC if they were thought to be resolved in FF7. :T But, at the same time, the issues in AC/C are more along the lines of Cloud being a guilty ass mofo because he's so happy with his life and other people are rotting in their graves because of him.

In Cloud's mind, he's protecting Tifa and the kids by distancing himself from them. He doesn't want to be a burden to them. Whereas in FF7, he's just terrible and awkward when it comes to his feelings.

In a way, it kind of also feels like he didn't resolve the communication issues, even in the HA HW scene, though. Tifa's line of: "Words aren't the only way..." kind of leave it to say that Cloud and Tifa are still bad at expressing themselves with words. idk, I'm just spewing out bullshit at this point. :awesome:


wangxian married
FHS said:
If they want to try and argue that it's not personality but their 'stars' that Cait reads, then I call bollocks on the whole thing based on the fallacy of horoscopes and they should be openly mocked for legitimizing something SE themselves have repeatedly undermined.

I always figured it was the star thing and that it was just meant to pull the rug out from under you when she died because BAWWW NO THEY WERE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER

what he should have predicted is that fifteen minutes from then cloud would be pounding her face in

thanks for nothing asshole

I just don't see how it would make sense for Cloud to have no romantic interest in Tifa and then turn around in CoT and say: Hey, *blush* I have you differently now. Let's live together.

I don't think he has no romantic interest in her just that it...kinda didn't work out? CoT was about their relationship breaking down, after all. I wouldn't view it as stringing her along so much as there were too many issues and it just fell apart.

They just come across far more comfortable bromacin' than romancin' to me. Tifa gets ulcers worrying about how much Cloud loves her, when she's laughing a feeling all maternal towards him she feels at ease.

In a way, it kind of also feels like he didn't resolve the communication issues, even in the HA HW scene, though. Tifa's line of: "Words aren't the only way..." kind of leave it to say that Cloud and Tifa are still bad at expressing themselves with words. idk, I'm just spewing out bullshit at this point.

Ahah no no I get you. And I get that their communication problems are different it the impression when some serious shit happens they can't talk about it unless a life threatening force pushes them into gear.

As for the LA HW scene, I'm gonna agree that it's possible that it can fit with the way CoT starts and you have a point there, Zee. But like Theozilla stated, the HA HW scene fits better. The writing is more in depth, the meaning behind their dialogue is so much more significant to the entire plot and, I dunno, I didn't really see Cloud confirming any mutual feelings with Tifa at all in the LA HW version. :T Which may be why I viewed him as more of a dick than confused.

He does say, "I see..." so, it gave me this whole vibe of: "O, I get it but uhh...I don't really care."

And he cuts their conversation short, sort of implying he's done with talking to her. It's so...unlike Cloud. :T GAH. Opinions.

Well I guess it's all in how you view it? HA has more romantic overtones and if you're leaning more towards Cloti and believe they've had this romance since childhood, it makes sense. LA imo seems more like Cloud is just realizing these feelings rather than working from a growing childhood crush (Oh, wait you were calling out to me?). Which if the player has been heavily favoring Aeris and ignoring Tifa, it makes sense. At the end of it he still tells her they won't be alone 'cause they've got each other, and he still jokes with her fondly no matter what happens.

I guess there's just more a sense of finality with the HA scene which makes it feel like they take two steps back in AC with Cloud shutting down on her. The LA isn't as satisfying an end but it still leaves a lot open. @_@

idk I'm cool with pretty much anyone's perspective on this


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
I always figured it was the star thing and that it was just meant to pull the rug out from under you when she died because BAWWW NO THEY WERE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER

what he should have predicted is that fifteen minutes from then cloud would be pounding her face in

thanks for nothing asshole

Tell me about it. Either way, his predictions are fucked and were just there to add to the fact that Aerith dies. Still, the Zerith shipper in me likes FHS' idea shamelessly.


I don't think he has no romantic interest in her just that it...kinda didn't work out? CoT was about their relationship breaking down, after all. I wouldn't view it as stringing her along so much as there were too many issues and it just fell apart.
Oh, I was just going off of what you said when we were assuming there was nothing at all. :P If he has had no interest since FF7, then yeah he is stringing her along. But if we're strictly speaking CoT, then it's different.

I dunno, I didn't see it as breaking down or not working out. Tbh, if they made their relationship all butterflies and rainbows, I'd have grown to dislike CloTi a lot. That's boring. And corny. And I hate corny romance. D: I'm glad they weren't making kissy faces at each other or having this epic romance of all romances. because, like everyone agrees, FF7 isn't about romance. :T

I don't think it fell apart. It was a rut in their relationship. But prior to that, they were fine for like two years, right? I just find it kinda unfair to judge their relationship only based off of the stuff that happens during AC/C and CoT. I mean, this is Cloud we're talking about; no matter who gets into a relationship with this man, there'd be problems. :P The guy is a mess and can't really blame him for it.

They just come across far more comfortable bromacin' than romancin' to me. Tifa gets ulcers worrying about how much Cloud loves her, when she's laughing a feeling all maternal towards him she feels at ease.
Zee. D: Not the maternal argument! Please. ;O;

Okay, I'll try my hand at this. I get where you're coming from and it makes sense from a certain perspective. But, I seriously don't understand why romantic feelings are only meant to come off as 'romance'. To me, a perfect relationship with a person dear to me is so much more than just being flirty, cutesy and lovey dovey. It's being comfortable with them as friends, besties and yeah, even this maternal bond that keeps coming up.

I always feel this overwhelming need to protect and nurture people I love the most. Including people I love romantically. But it doesn't change that I'm still in love with them and it probably never will.

A relationship that incorporates love goes so much more beyond just lust and discussion of romantic feelings; it's finding the other half. omg i sound so corny shoot me lol . That being said, I guess my main point is that Cloud and Tifa have many different aspects to their relationship. They aren't just strictly lovers of a romantic kind.

They're best friends.

They're family.

And they love each other wholeheartedly that either one will do anything for the other. Feeling mother-like feelings for Cloud doesn't negate her romantic feelings (I know this isn't what you said, Zee, but it's just an in general comment :P).

About her feeling insecure towards Cloud's feelings and being happy when she feels motherly. Well, at that point in the story, isn't she also comfortable with their romantic relationship as well? I kind of saw it as general happiness that they're together and as a family versus where she asks him if he loves her, coming from the fact that he's neglecting her all of a sudden.

Ahah no no I get you. And I get that their communication problems are different it the impression when some serious shit happens they can't talk about it unless a life threatening force pushes them into gear.
Agreed. Crappy storytelling is crappy. -_- It's a frustrating aspect of their relationship, for sure. I mean, geez. COME ON NOW WHY SO MUCH DRAMA? D<

Well I guess it's all in how you view it? HA has more romantic overtones and if you're leaning more towards Cloti and believe they've had this romance since childhood, it makes sense. LA imo seems more like Cloud is just realizing these feelings rather than working from a growing childhood crush (Oh, wait you were calling out to me?). Which if the player has been heavily favoring Aeris and ignoring Tifa, it makes sense. At the end of it he still tells her they won't be alone 'cause they've got each other, and he still jokes with her fondly no matter what happens.
I can't lie; my bias for favoring CloTi is apparent when I prefer the HA scene. :awesome: NO SHAME.

Actually, I don't believe they had a romance since childhood. :T I believe they didn't have an actual, solid romantic relationship until disc 3. And even then, I feel like they still had a lot of growing to do as a couple. The LS sequence was only the tip of the iceberg. The HA HW scene was baby steps in the right direction and was probably the only real time anything started going with the two of them.

The two of them went through so much shit and they're so damaged that it just isn't possible for them to have this Squall/Rinoa romance until quite a ways through. But, that's just an opinion; I'm sure many others would disagree. :P

Agreed that the LA scene makes sense if you favor Aerith over Tifa and treated Tifa very poorly (because you have to treat her like crap to get the LA scene). You have a point there.

I just can't get over the fact that Cloud still comes off as an asshole for most of that scene. It's not even the 'romantic' overtones in the HA version that make it appealing. It's the straight up better character development and wonderful narrative explored between two of most complicated characters in the game. Also, the HA scene doesn't negate romantic feelings Cloud may have had for Aerith while the LA scene pretty much makes it obvious that Cloud is all: Not interested.

And then, context wise, it makes me hate Tifa. >.< It makes her weak to move in and live with a man she can never have. It makes her weak that she chooses not to move on. I dunno, I love Tifa more than the CloTi pairing itself and the LA sequence just...paints her so horribly.

Yeah, obviously Cloud, regardless of which scene happens, still values Tifa as a dear friend. But it still massacres their relationship and dulls out any meaning that the LS had at all.

Again, opinions. :P To each their own?

I guess there's just more a sense of finality with the HA scene which makes it feel like they take two steps back in AC with Cloud shutting down on her. The LA isn't as satisfying an end but it still leaves a lot open. @_@

idk I'm cool with pretty much anyone's perspective on this
Yeah, that's how I see it, too. The LA definitely leaves a lot more open and I can see why a player favoring Aerith would find it more suitable.

But, even going off of the whole 'he loves both' idea, The HA scene still makes more sense because he's completely cold and shut off in the LA version and his heart is closed off to her(which also doesn't make sense when the ultimania quote saying how his heart is open to her is taken into account) and there still isn't any reciprocation of feelings.

You're so sweet with how open you are to it. :) I wish I could be the same, but it'd be a bold faced lie to say I was. Nonetheless, I do appreciate your perspective and I can understand it a lot better now. Made me look at the HW scene a bit differently, that's for sure. :P

I AM SO SORRY ZEE FOR SUCH A TL;DR POST. ;O; you don't need to bother with it really, it's such a load of opinion crap anyways
I don't think he has no romantic interest in her just that it...kinda didn't work out? CoT was about their relationship breaking down, after all.

Not really? I mean, they were having relationship problems, communication between Cloud-->Tifa. However, Cloud was so happy he felt he didn't deserve her and the kids and went off to find a cure for his kid and then himself. The problems in AC aren't about their relationship, it's other problems happening outside of it that affect their relationship.

Cloud may not deal with it well, but there really wasn't anything Tifa could have done that would have changed that; it wasn't about them, it was about him. And frankly, that's some really realistic relationship stuff going on there.

I mean, if it was about their relationship having troubles, why would Cloud's happiness be the main factor in him feeling undeserving? Most people in relationships not working out aren't very happy.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'm not sure ANYONE here says- and I've never seen it said elsewhere- that there was a ROMANCE between Cloud and Tifa from childhood, just that they held romantic feelings for each other since then. They only become aware that the other is interested IN the lifestream when Cloud's pulled back together, so him JUST realizing Tifa was calling out to him when her AV is lower doesn't seem all that out of place- he wasn't as confident it was her as when the AV is higher.

And I say again- working around A communication issue isn't working through all of them, nor do I think Cloud would not communicate problems with his family if he for one second thought it would be better for the family to know them. Problem is, with his guilt problem already making him feel he doesn't deserve what he's got, he doesn't want to burden them with things he considers not their problems, thinks he thinks he has to shoulder alone.

And Cloud was having the problems, not their relationship. It was straining their relationship, but not because they didn't get along, but again because of that massive guilt complex he had going that made him isolate himself to keep his problems from spilling over to other people (It failed, but his heart was in the right place, anyways.)
That's why Cloud not being alone anymore is such an important closer line in AC/C. He knows he can rely on his family, that that's OKAY now, that he doesn't have to force himself to go it alone.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
They only become aware that the other is interested IN the lifestream when Cloud's pulled back together, so him JUST realizing Tifa was calling out to him when her AV is lower doesn't seem all that out of place- he wasn't as confident it was her as when the AV is higher.

Ooooh, okay. I get it now. It makes sense that his confidence level is lower which is why he was less sure of whether the voice was hers or not.

But this brings in to question; I thought it was Tifa's feelings that are affected depending on how you treat her? This is starting to sound a lot more like it is Cloud's feelings.

Someone, care to clarify? :huh:

Elisa Maza

Cloud loves Tifa either way, but he isn't sure about her feelings (they are both clueless) so he cannot be more upen to her, as he is uncertain. It's a case of "Should I open up, should I not?"

I'm typing from a phone, so forgive the crapiness. I had more to type, but I feel too uncomfortable. D8


I don't think he has no romantic interest in her just that it...kinda didn't work out? CoT was about their relationship breaking down, after all. I wouldn't view it as stringing her along so much as there were too many issues and it just fell apart.

They just come across far more comfortable bromacin' than romancin' to me. Tifa gets ulcers worrying about how much Cloud loves her, when she's laughing a feeling all maternal towards him she feels at ease.

You make it sound like Cloud and Tifa never became a fully realized couple. That they are going through the motions but something is preventing them truly connecting. And considering your other post you will forgive me for thinking that you mean Aerith.

You say he can love both girls. But the way you present it here, if he loves Aerith romantically then he cannot truly/fully love Tifa in the way she deserves. I guess Cloud only has so much love and everything that Aerith has had to be drawn from his love for Tifa.

Like I said before, it's a rather unique position to have. One that tries it's best to elevate C/A and diminish C/T. While still showing them as technically in a relationship.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Ooooh, okay. I get it now. It makes sense that his confidence level is lower which is why he was less sure of whether the voice was hers or not.

But this brings in to question; I thought it was Tifa's feelings that are affected depending on how you treat her? This is starting to sound a lot more like it is Cloud's feelings.

Someone, care to clarify? :huh:

Tifa's feelings bounce off of Cloud. Tifa being more recognizably calling out to him makes Cloud realize later. Gives Cloud time to think. More time to figure out what he wants to say.
Tifa's AV are the deciding factor in whether Cloud acts on his feelings or not. Her intensity affects his confidence, but not his romantic feelings.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Tifa's feelings bounce off of Cloud. Tifa being more recognizably calling out to him makes Cloud realize later. Gives Cloud time to think. More time to figure out what he wants to say.
Tifa's AV are the deciding factor in whether Cloud acts on his feelings or not. Her intensity affects his confidence, but not his romantic feelings.

I dunno, Zee's point on Tifa's actual dialogue in the LA scene not being too much different from the HA one is sort of true. Cloud's on the other hand...
There's some significant changes.

I think Seras Victoria brought up a good point though. Hmm. :T

Yeah, I'm still really confused about this. >.<

Elisa Maza

Something I'll add to what I said before and I'm off: notice that the options the player has regarding Cloud's behaviour face a serious draught after disk 1 and it gets even dryer after ZaCloud is gone and Cloud is back.

Essentially, 1st disk Cloud = ZaCloud = player. It's when you have the chance to buld up Tifa's affection or not. That's THE PLAYER'S behaviour, though and ZaCloud's, the one's whose feelings for Tifa are forgotten.

So it's not so much Cloud's feelings that affects Tifa's AV, but the player's behaviour. You have the option to damage the poor bastard's chance to confess to the woman he has romantic feelings for with how YOU, the gamer chose. But, nonetheless, Cloud may disagree with you in terms of feelings.

Your game isn't the canon story. Like with FFVI. Like with the ending of FFX-2.

I wanted to talk about Aerith as well, but seriously, this phone is a pain. Let me just say that there is also non-optional dialogue that shows that Cloud liked her as a friend and comerade. The "You're not alone, I'm here" thingy comes to my mind.

But, crystal clear romantic feelings are dtated only towards Tifa.

And now I need to put my wrist on ice... -_-


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Zee I think you didn't see my response to you so i'll repost

that's pretty much what you're implying by saying cloud is a douche for living with a girl that likes him

but if you wanna clarify go right ahead

any particular reason you didn't bring up the rest of the quote, including him stringing her along? Loving one of his children more than the other? Or making Tifa pay for his items with her work when he hardly ever stays there? I'm kind of curious as to why you left those out since, you know, that would anyone seem kinda like an ass.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I dunno, Zee's point on Tifa's actual dialogue in the LA scene not being too much different from the HA one is sort of true. Cloud's on the other hand...
There's some significant changes.

I think Seras Victoria brought up a good point though. Hmm. :T

Yeah, I'm still really confused about this. >.<

Oh, it's not the dialogue that's the change. It's Cloud's surety as a result of the intensity of her feelings. Because it's still depending on Tifa's AV. If that means ANYTHING out of a purely mechanistic fashion, it means something about Tifa changes the scene. What we see as the first real change in the scene is how certain Cloud was Tifa was calling him back.
In both versions his heart called her, but the deviation is how sure he was she called him. He's either been certain or is only now certain she was calling him back, and being more certain makes him more willing to take that chance.


The Black Swordsman
Aithex, Atom
Honestly the way Tifa acted after the LA scene made me think they attempted sex and found Cloud was infertile, or so fucking big it didn't fit.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Okay I'm going to play devil's advocate here just because, well I honestly feel at this point that somebody has to. Sorry about the formatting but I don't feel like going through and doing it correctly since plan ol quoting doesn't work.


You said: "Aerith is called Cloud's nakama" and she was saying, in response to you, "I had never heard that before." She's not saying she never heard it at all, she's saying she didn't hear it before you brought it up.

You may be right. If so, though, she certainly didn't acknowledge the point, nor retract her claim related to the word.

Which, to me, looked like pretending she had never heard "nakama" used in reference to Aerith and Cloud. But you could be right.

Quexinos said:
Her argument is that she's not said to be a koibito to anyone, so you can't just say it's Cloud. She's not saying that she isn't a koibito to anyone, but that we don't know who it is (even though we do :awesome:)

That does seem to be what she was saying, though, Que. I merely said that if Nomura's saying Tifa's a koibito to someone, then he must have some inclination about the status of Cloud and Tifa's relationship -- whether that mean she's his koibito or someone else's.

Anastar responded to that by saying Nomura didn't say she was anyone's koibito.

Que said:
Her point was that she hadn't seen anyone bring up the points in THIS topic so she didn't respond. You were the first one to PM her those quotes in this topic. She's not saying she didn't know of them.

Yeah, you're probably right. Not that one should have to PM her stuff she already knows in order for her to act like she knows about it.

If she was saying she did know about the quotes already, yet deliberately ignored them because no one had PMed her about them, then that's just as dishonest. The claim she was pushing forward (i.e. that Nomura didn't know what kind of relationship Cloud and Tifa had) was undermined by those quotes.

By the way, despite how utterly juvenile it was of me to do so, I went back and edited my previous post -- to add more to the list. But I'm done now. I promise.

Ooooh, okay. I get it now. It makes sense that his confidence level is lower which is why he was less sure of whether the voice was hers or not.

But this brings in to question; I thought it was Tifa's feelings that are affected depending on how you treat her? This is starting to sound a lot more like it is Cloud's feelings.

Someone, care to clarify? :huh:

I dunno, Zee's point on Tifa's actual dialogue in the LA scene not being too much different from the HA one is sort of true. Cloud's on the other hand...
There's some significant changes.

I think Seras Victoria brought up a good point though. Hmm. :T

Yeah, I'm still really confused about this. >.<

Tifa's feelings do remain the variable (that's how the Ultimanias describe the situation), despite her dialogue being pretty much the same in both versions. Why that influences Cloud's responses I'm not sure. Could be in how she delivers the lines, or how her general behavior up to that point has impacted him.

It does bear remembering too, I think, that Tifa is still in love with him regardless. Even if we looked at the affection mechanics as more than a gameplay device and as something that actually impacts the narrative, even in the case of the low affection version, we're still dealing with a Tifa that loves Cloud romantically.

Honestly the way Tifa acted after the LA scene made me think they attempted sex and found Cloud was infertile, or so fucking big it didn't fit.

Cloud: "Who's laughing now, Internet? The Buster Sword was the one compensating."


undercover Clerith evangelist
Clarky Cat

First of all, thank you very much for posting with consideration instead of resorting to flames and insults. No, I did not receive your post from Quex, so here goes.

Clarky Cat said:
We all understand how that can happen. It just doesnt make any sense given the whole narrative.
Perhaps it doesn't make any sense from your perspective, but it makes plenty of sense from my perspective. You're viewing "the narrative" from a certain interpretation of the Compilation where you think Cloud and Tifa love one another. I'm viewing the Compilation from an interpretation where Cloud and Aerith love one another. That gives us a different perspective.

Clarky Cat said:
If you were attracted to someone sexually, but you both knew it would be a bad idea to embark upon a relationship. Then why the hell would you decide to live together? Even in separate rooms it would be downright awkward.
It wouldn't be awkward at all if neither of you were interested in a romantic relationship, but you were both friends. Remember that neither Cloud or Tifa have anywhere else to go. In fact, they said that's why both of them stayed at the very beginning of the HW scene:

(The scene fades in to show Cloud and Tifa alone on the bridge. Tifa is still watching the clouds go by.)
Cloud "What are you going to do, Tifa?"
(She turns to him)
Tifa "Did you forget?"
"I'm... all alone. I don't have anywhere to go."
Tifa "Everyone's gone..."
Cloud "Yeah, we don't have anywhere or anyone to go home to."
(She looks down.)
Tifa "You're right..."

Like I said before, I have a male friend Shrouded on another forum. He and I have been very good friends for years, but we have no romantic interest in one another. If he needed a place to stay, and if I knew he was in my area, I'd invite him to stay at my house for as long as he wanted. There would be no awkwardness, because we're good friends.

Clarky Cat said:
And what if one of you started a relationship with someone else? " Oh don't mind Cloud, he's just my roomate and friend that I've known since I was a kid. We're sexually attracted but nevermind!" Why would you make it so difficult to become involved with someone else?
In the first place, what I proposed was an IF one was sexually attracted to the other but knew better than to get involved. It's also possible that there's no sexual attraction on both sides of the equation.

However, let's say Tifa's attracted to Cloud sexually, but knows better than to get involved romantically because she knows damn well he loves Aerith. In that case, it fits what happens between them very well.

For example, the scene where Tifa finds the delivery order from Elmyra to take flowers to Aerith's grave and offers to talk with Cloud about it. He shuns her and says he wants to drink alone. Tifa snaps and says to go drink in his room.

IMO, that's a very good example of where Tifa's may be hoping that someday, Cloud will get interested in her. When she sees him reject her help and interest, then she gets mad and snaps at him. (Now please notice, I said MAY be hoping... I don't know for sure, but it's sure possible.)

Clarky Cat said:
Both parties have no sexual or romantic attraction = Why have the conversation at all?
Well, I remember one time where I thought something Shrouded said online was terrific, and I burst out, "I LOVE you!!!" Later, I said to him... uhm... you know I didn't mean that romantically or anything, didn't you? *blush* He laughed and said yeah, he realized. The conversation was short and apathetic. Sometimes, things need to be clarified. It happens.

Clarky Cat said:
One or both parties have sexual or romantic attraction, but it is agreed that a relationship would be a mistake = Why live together?
I think Tifa's the type who would be hopeful and keep dreaming that Cloud may change IF she put herself in that situation. Both Nojima and Nomura even hinted at that in the Reunion Files:

Considering Tifa's background and all she's been through up to this point, she is carrying a huge burden herself. But in this film, you don't get a clear look of what's actually going on inside Tifa's head. ~Nojima, Reunion Files, page 21

Tifa is a strong woman. She doesn't like what Cloud is doing, but instead of lecturing him about every little thing, she's been waiting for him to realize for himself what his actions are doing. ~Nomura, Reunion Files, page 20

Now, you also have to remember that Cloud wouldn't be the one to be "denying himself" in the LA version, either, since his affection for Tifa is optional. Cloud is never said to love Tifa currently except in an optional scene. The quote people here keep using about the Lifestream event isn't talking about Cloud's current feelings, and I don't think one-sided childhood crushes count - especially when Cloud and Tifa didn't know one another well.

This was in answer to how Tifa could possibly have a "low affection" for Cloud when SE (supposedly) says that she loves him. In response to that, I said you can have a low interest in a relationship at the same time you have an attraction to somebody. What I'm talking about here is the possibility of Tifa being attracted, while knowing that Cloud is still in love with Aerith.

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
(This is a question to all) What makes you think Cloud loves Aerith in the first place? It's never been stated that he loves her. But of course, we have our opinions about it.
Since Cloud/Tifa actually have evidence, I don't understand why you would support the couple with barerly.. no evidence at all.

Celes Chere

The only thing I saw romantic between Cloud and Aerith, was the dream Cloud had of her after she left to go to the Forgotten City. Otherwise I don't really understand it either, lol. Looking at FFVII alone it's hard to say which is canon with all the optional scenes, the differing opinions, etc... however with all of the add ons like Crisis Core, CoT, AC/ACC, I think they've really hammered home on Cloti.

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
I felt there was something between them. It always became special when they talked with each other, imo. But I think the point of that was to make Aerith's death more tragic. And I've said this once already.


Kaiju Member
Clarky Cat

First of all, thank you very much for posting with consideration instead of resorting to flames and insults. No, I did not receive your post from Quex, so here goes.

Perhaps it doesn't make any sense from your perspective, but it makes plenty of sense from my perspective. You're viewing "the narrative" from a certain interpretation of the Compilation where you think Cloud and Tifa love one another. I'm viewing the Compilation from an interpretation where Cloud and Aerith love one another. That gives us a different perspective.

It wouldn't be awkward at all if neither of you were interested in a romantic relationship, but you were both friends. Remember that neither Cloud or Tifa have anywhere else to go. In fact, they said that's why both of them stayed at the very beginning of the HW scene:

(The scene fades in to show Cloud and Tifa alone on the bridge. Tifa is still watching the clouds go by.)
Cloud "What are you going to do, Tifa?"
(She turns to him)
Tifa "Did you forget?"
"I'm... all alone. I don't have anywhere to go."
Tifa "Everyone's gone..."
Cloud "Yeah, we don't have anywhere or anyone to go home to."
(She looks down.)
Tifa "You're right..."

Like I said before, I have a male friend Shrouded on another forum. He and I have been very good friends for years, but we have no romantic interest in one another. If he needed a place to stay, and if I knew he was in my area, I'd invite him to stay at my house for as long as he wanted. There would be no awkwardness, because we're good friends.

In the first place, what I proposed was an IF one was sexually attracted to the other but knew better than to get involved. It's also possible that there's no sexual attraction on both sides of the equation.

However, let's say Tifa's attracted to Cloud sexually, but knows better than to get involved romantically because she knows damn well he loves Aerith. In that case, it fits what happens between them very well.

For example, the scene where Tifa finds the delivery order from Elmyra to take flowers to Aerith's grave and offers to talk with Cloud about it. He shuns her and says he wants to drink alone. Tifa snaps and says to go drink in his room.

IMO, that's a very good example of where Tifa's may be hoping that someday, Cloud will get interested in her. When she sees him reject her help and interest, then she gets mad and snaps at him. (Now please notice, I said MAY be hoping... I don't know for sure, but it's sure possible.)

Well, I remember one time where I thought something Shrouded said online was terrific, and I burst out, "I LOVE you!!!" Later, I said to him... uhm... you know I didn't mean that romantically or anything, didn't you? *blush* He laughed and said yeah, he realized. The conversation was short and apathetic. Sometimes, things need to be clarified. It happens.

I think Tifa's the type who would be hopeful and keep dreaming that Cloud may change IF she put herself in that situation. Both Nojima and Nomura even hinted at that in the Reunion Files:

Considering Tifa's background and all she's been through up to this point, she is carrying a huge burden herself. But in this film, you don't get a clear look of what's actually going on inside Tifa's head. ~Nojima, Reunion Files, page 21

Tifa is a strong woman. She doesn't like what Cloud is doing, but instead of lecturing him about every little thing, she's been waiting for him to realize for himself what his actions are doing. ~Nomura, Reunion Files, page 20

Now, you also have to remember that Cloud wouldn't be the one to be "denying himself" in the LA version, either, since his affection for Tifa is optional. Cloud is never said to love Tifa currently except in an optional scene. The quote people here keep using about the Lifestream event isn't talking about Cloud's current feelings, and I don't think one-sided childhood crushes count - especially when Cloud and Tifa didn't know one another well.

This was in answer to how Tifa could possibly have a "low affection" for Cloud when SE (supposedly) says that she loves him. In response to that, I said you can have a low interest in a relationship at the same time you have an attraction to somebody. What I'm talking about here is the possibility of Tifa being attracted, while knowing that Cloud is still in love with Aerith.

Except there is a canon version of the narrative, which states that the HA Highwind scene takes place, meaning certain interpretations are/can be incorrect.

And the Lifestream event did concern Cloud's and Tifa's present feelings, it was the revelation to each other that both of them held feelings for the other, which they had not known beforehand.

Also your argument that Tifa does not want to be in/is not in a romantic relationship with Cloud presupposes and uses as basis that Cloud is in love with Aertih, except you can't use something that you first need to prove as the basis/evidence for proving it. That is circular logic.

EDIT: Thanks to Ishtar for correcting me on what I was trying to express in a more mechanically/grammatically accurate way:
Also, technically, Theozilla, in that one instance, it's not strictly circular logic- seeing as how it does not presume what it concludes- though it will be if the argument continues in that fashion. It's merely presuming as true an unfounded premise, which is similarly, but not identically fallacious. Now elsewhere, when she followed this argument up with the conclusion of that premise, yes, entirely circular.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Clarky Cat

First of all, thank you very much for posting with consideration instead of resorting to flames and insults. No, I did not receive your post from Quex, so here goes.

No one is RESORTING to Flames and insults, Oh grand high potentate of Clerith. We simply add them, like toppings, to an already delicious ice cream cone of facts, well reasoned arguments, and witty responses.
That said, Piss shit fuck cock cocksucker motherfucker and tits.
For the record, this is the post Anastar is responding to.

Perhaps it doesn't make any sense from your perspective, but it makes plenty of sense from my perspective. You're viewing "the narrative" from a certain interpretation of the Compilation where you think Cloud and Tifa love one another. I'm viewing the Compilation from an interpretation where Cloud and Aerith love one another. That gives us a different perspective.

This basically boils down to 'If you assume our argument is correct, it makes perfect sense!' Even though it still doesn't.

It wouldn't be awkward at all if neither of you were interested in a romantic relationship, but you were both friends. Remember that neither Cloud or Tifa have anywhere else to go. In fact, they said that's why both of them stayed at the very beginning of the HW scene:

(The scene fades in to show Cloud and Tifa alone on the bridge. Tifa is still watching the clouds go by.)
Cloud "What are you going to do, Tifa?"
(She turns to him)
Tifa "Did you forget?"
"I'm... all alone. I don't have anywhere to go."
Tifa "Everyone's gone..."
Cloud "Yeah, we don't have anywhere or anyone to go home to."
(She looks down.)
Tifa "You're right..."

Like I said before, I have a male friend Shrouded on another forum. He and I have been very good friends for years, but we have no romantic interest in one another. If he needed a place to stay, and if I knew he was in my area, I'd invite him to stay at my house for as long as he wanted. There would be no awkwardness, because we're good friends.

But A: You're not raising children- including one he brought home off the street- with him in your hypothetical scenario and
B: Tifa IS interested in a romantic relationship.

In the first place, what I proposed was an IF one was sexually attracted to the other but knew better than to get involved. It's also possible that there's no sexual attraction on both sides of the equation.

Tifa's definitely sexually attracted to Cloud even in AC/C and desiring of a romantic relationship, so on both sides of that, it really does not function.

However, let's say Tifa's attracted to Cloud sexually, but knows better than to get involved romantically because she knows damn well he loves Aerith. In that case, it fits what happens between them very well.

So she moves in with him and grants him the boon of a lifetime of goods and her services so he can get a bike, knowing full well he loves another woman and doesn't want a relationship with him.
And this makes sense to you?

For example, the scene where Tifa finds the delivery order from Elmyra to take flowers to Aerith's grave and offers to talk with Cloud about it. He shuns her and says he wants to drink alone. Tifa snaps and says to go drink in his room.

IMO, that's a very good example of where Tifa's may be hoping that someday, Cloud will get interested in her. When she sees him reject her help and interest, then she gets mad and snaps at him. (Now please notice, I said MAY be hoping... I don't know for sure, but it's sure possible.)

So, you have no idea as to Tifa's feelings and emotions, is what you're saying? Because if you don't, why are you using what those MAY as support for your conclusion?

Well, I remember one time where I thought something Shrouded said online was terrific, and I burst out, "I LOVE you!!!" Later, I said to him... uhm... you know I didn't mean that romantically or anything, didn't you? *blush* He laughed and said yeah, he realized. The conversation was short and apathetic. Sometimes, things need to be clarified. It happens.

Okay, NOW you're just saying anything to avoid having to admit your argument Re: Low version makes no sense.
Your conversation was short, but the fact that you burst out means it was anything but Apathetic.

I think Tifa's the type who would be hopeful and keep dreaming that Cloud may change IF she put herself in that situation. Both Nojima and Nomura even hinted at that in the Reunion Files:

Considering Tifa's background and all she's been through up to this point, she is carrying a huge burden herself. But in this film, you don't get a clear look of what's actually going on inside Tifa's head. ~Nojima, Reunion Files, page 21

Tifa is a strong woman. She doesn't like what Cloud is doing, but instead of lecturing him about every little thing, she's been waiting for him to realize for himself what his actions are doing. ~Nomura, Reunion Files, page 20

The first one is talking about Tifa's emotional burden and her own need to make up for her past issues, the sins she talks about at the start of CoT.
The second is talking about how she's trying to gently get Cloud to realize what he's doing- even with the best of intentions- is hurting everyone he cares about.
That you take these as hints that she's 'waiting for Cloud to change his mind about her makes me wonder if you see absolutely everything in LT terms.

Now, you also have to remember that Cloud wouldn't be the one to be "denying himself" in the LA version, either, since his affection for Tifa is optional. Cloud is never said to love Tifa currently except in an optional scene.

The Lifestream scene and his heart Calling out to Tifa say otherwise.
So does the ACTUAL TEXT of the FTOIL page.

The quote people here keep using about the Lifestream event isn't talking about Cloud's current feelings,

Yes, Anastar, it is. In both Japanese and in English, phrasings such as 'was holding' refer things that are valid up to the point in which they are discussed. If I became aware of a gun that someone was holding, they'd be holding the gun from the time they began holding it until at least when I became aware of it. Same with the feelings.

and I don't think one-sided childhood crushes count - especially when Cloud and Tifa didn't know one another well.

Congratulations, then. You've invalidated Clerith.

This was in answer to how Tifa could possibly have a "low affection" for Cloud when SE (supposedly) says that she loves him. In response to that, I said you can have a low interest in a relationship at the same time you have an attraction to somebody. What I'm talking about here is the possibility of Tifa being attracted, while knowing that Cloud is still in love with Aerith.

But the High Affection and Tifa's date scenes are not explicitly linked in a single playthrough. That is to say, it's entirely possible to get the date and the low scene and also not the date but get the high scene.
One can get Tifa's date and the low version by Treating Tifa best, but also by not treating her well enough to beat the threshhold. One can get Yuffie's date and the High Affection scene simply by being nice to Tifa but repeatedly fucking up Yuffie's party joining. You can get Aerith's date but also get the HAHW scene where Cloud confessed. All the HAHW scene needs is Tifa's AV being high enough. Not highest.
But Tifa's date IS based on hers being highest, even if that's lower than the threshhold for the HAHW scene.

You are asserting a causal narrative link between 'Cloud loves Aerith' and 'Low affection scene'
There is no evidence for this link.
Cloud's emotions are not the distinction between the two scenes. The major deviation starts with how certain Cloud was that Tifa was calling him back AS HIS HEART CALLED OUT TO HERS.
Regardless of high or low version, Cloud's heart called out to Tifa in the Lifestream, Tifa, the only person he opened his heart to.
Tifa's AV controls the scene. The major change is Cloud's certainty she called him back. Not that his heart called to hers.
Cloud's heart calls to Tifa. Not optional.

Your move.

Also, technically, Theozilla, in that one instance, it's not strictly circular logic- seeing as how it does not presume what it concludes- though it will be if the argument continues in that fashion. It's merely presuming as true an unfounded premise, which is similarly, but not identically fallacious. Now elsewhere, when she followed this argument up with the conclusion of that premise, yes, entirely circular.
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Clarky Cat...

...won't mind if I respond with my thoughts, will ya Octo?

First of all, thank you very much for posting with consideration instead of resorting to flames and insults.

Who has flamed you exactly? I've seen insults, but not flames. The mods would have spoken up if anyone started flaming you. And are you still using the insults as an excuse not to respond to people's points? That is to say, are you still pretending that the presence of an insulting or flippant bit of wit in a response means that is all there was to it?

I will agree with you though, props to Octo for being patient enough to respond without those. You are a better person than I, my friend :monster:

No, I did not receive your post from Quex, so here goes.

I'm confused, does this mean you actually picked the post out from the thread the old fashioned way? Since it would seem unnecessary to point out you did not get it from Quex if Octo had PMed it to you this would only make sense. But that would mean you in fact CAN just view the thread successfully.

Perhaps it doesn't make any sense from your perspective, but it makes plenty of sense from my perspective. You're viewing "the narrative" from a certain interpretation of the Compilation where you think Cloud and Tifa love one another. I'm viewing the Compilation from an interpretation where Cloud and Aerith love one another. That gives us a different perspective.

Well, thank you for at least admitting you view the compilation from the perspective that Cloud loves Aerith. That is your problem, however. Try viewing the comp from a neutral perspective, without shipper goggles on. You just might see the total lack of evidence for the ship you've been arguing for all these years, and if you REALLY look from the neutral perspective you won't be blinded to the shit-ton of evidence backing Cloti.

It wouldn't be awkward at all if neither of you were interested in a romantic relationship, but you were both friends. Remember that neither Cloud or Tifa have anywhere else to go. In fact, they said that's why both of them stayed at the very beginning of the HW scene:

See the bit I underlined there? That's not how CloudXTifa plays out, so everything following that is nonsense. We know Tifa IS interested in a romantic relationship, and pre-twisting/ignoring the evidence shows Cloud loves her back and wants to start a new life with her. So everything after your hypothetical "if neither is interested" is crap.

(The scene fades in to show Cloud and Tifa alone on the bridge. Tifa is still watching the clouds go by.)
Cloud "What are you going to do, Tifa?"
(She turns to him)
Tifa "Did you forget?"
"I'm... all alone. I don't have anywhere to go."
Tifa "Everyone's gone..."
Cloud "Yeah, we don't have anywhere or anyone to go home to."
(She looks down.)
Tifa "You're right..."

And this is all well and good. Now add in the bit where Cloud proposes they start a new life together, and explains (while blushing) that he thinks he can succeed at this endeavor because he has Tifa in a way that is "kind of different" from how he's always had her. Explain that in terms of them not being interested in a relationship.

Like I said before, I have a male friend Shrouded on another forum. He and I have been very good friends for years, but we have no romantic interest in one another. If he needed a place to stay, and if I knew he was in my area, I'd invite him to stay at my house for as long as he wanted. There would be no awkwardness, because we're good friends.

And this scenario you outlined is not what Cloud and Tifa do. It's not a case of one of the two letting the other crash at their place out of necessity. It's a case of the two of them deciding to live together BEFORE THEY EVEN BUILD THE HOUSE/BAR.

Besides which, we are, again, already aware from a multitude of sources that Tifa does love and is interested in Cloud. So this is, again, crap.

In the first place, what I proposed was an IF one was sexually attracted to the other but knew better than to get involved. It's also possible that there's no sexual attraction on both sides of the equation.

And all the IFs in the world will not change the facts. I suppose it IS technically possible that Cloud and Tifa are both asexual and are not interested in sex at all, despite being confirmed as romantically interested in one another. Its very unlikely, especially after the "words aren't the only way" bit in the HW scene, but it is possible. Even if such was fact, however, it would not change their confirmed love for one another one bit.

Of course, I really shouldn't bother arguing with this. Its just another attempt to validate the LA version of the HW scene, which is another waste of everyone's time given the HA versions canonical status.

However, let's say Tifa's attracted to Cloud sexually, but knows better than to get involved romantically because she knows damn well he loves Aerith. In that case, it fits what happens between them very well.

Objection, as Theo was kind enough to point out you are engaging in circular logic. Edit: Technically not circular logic, as Ryu pointed out, but still an incorrect form of reasoning. /edit You are using Cloud's totally hypothetical and unsupported love for Aerith as a reason why Tifa would not be interested in a relationship with him despite loving him. This is not cool of you to do, at all, and requires that you be called out on it.

For example, the scene where Tifa finds the delivery order from Elmyra to take flowers to Aerith's grave and offers to talk with Cloud about it. He shuns her and says he wants to drink alone. Tifa snaps and says to go drink in his room.

And this proves... what again? We've tried and tried, but you just will not hear us. Cloud's issues concerning the flower delivery are the same as his issues EVERY TIME Aerith comes up post OG. Guilt. He is guilty and ashamed and trying to drink it away. This is why he is drinking at all, Tifa points out at that part of the story that he rarely imbibes at all. And good for Tifa, she is not putting up with his crap in that scene and tells him that if he wants to drink for stupid reasons, he can do it somewhere that she doesn't have to watch, like his office.

IMO, that's a very good example of where Tifa's may be hoping that someday, Cloud will get interested in her. When she sees him reject her help and interest, then she gets mad and snaps at him. (Now please notice, I said MAY be hoping... I don't know for sure, but it's sure possible.)

See above, yes she snaps at him to go drink destructively where she doesn't have to be around his guilty ass. And yes, this is very likely because he is doing the stupid thing and rejecting her help and interest.

And no, it is not possible that she is HOPING he'll get interested. They have, as of the portion of the compilation's narrative you are referring to, already confirmed mutual romantic feelings. Do not tell me that that is optional, please. We've already pointed out how very untrue such a statement would be many times.

Well, I remember one time where I thought something Shrouded said online was terrific, and I burst out, "I LOVE you!!!" Later, I said to him... uhm... you know I didn't mean that romantically or anything, didn't you? *blush* He laughed and said yeah, he realized. The conversation was short and apathetic. Sometimes, things need to be clarified. It happens.

That... isn't apathetic. At the very least, you were worried he might interpret your intentions wrong and think you DID mean it romantically. The conversation might have been short, but it was NOT apathetic in this case. There were feelings and care involved. Unlike the LA HW scene, which we know WAS apathetic because we were TOLD as much.

I think Tifa's the type who would be hopeful and keep dreaming that Cloud may change IF she put herself in that situation. Both Nojima and Nomura even hinted at that in the Reunion Files:

Oh, so now Tifa is the type to just sit around hoping against hope that the dude she loves will come around and love her back? I thought she wasn't interested in a relationship because she KNOWS he loves Aerith? Seriously, pick a position would you? Oh well, bring on the quotes, they aren't gonna twist themselves.

Considering Tifa's background and all she's been through up to this point, she is carrying a huge burden herself. But in this film, you don't get a clear look of what's actually going on inside Tifa's head. ~Nojima, Reunion Files, page 21

Tifa is a strong woman. She doesn't like what Cloud is doing, but instead of lecturing him about every little thing, she's been waiting for him to realize for himself what his actions are doing. ~Nomura, Reunion Files, page 20

Ok, I wanna be flippantly dismissive here but I can't even do that because... wat? Really, just... wat? The first quote talks about all the shit Tifa has been through in her life, and says the film doesn't give you a look inside her head. That is definitely not a hint that she would hang around hoping Cloud comes to love her if he didn't. The second quote talks about how strong she is and how she is waiting for Cloud to realize his self-destructive bullshit is making things worse. And in classic Nomura quote style, its only even correct for part of the film! The moment she and Marlene find out Cloud has the stigma, she decides they DO owe him a little lecture after all. And what does she do when they're both awake at 7th Heaven? SHE LECTURES HIM. This is a classic case of Nomura not saying the whole truth right here, and nicely underscores what we've said about how you use his quotes (not even touching on your quote mining habits).

NEITHER of those quotes hint to anything that even RESEMBLES what you just claimed they did.

Now, you also have to remember that Cloud wouldn't be the one to be "denying himself" in the LA version, either, since his affection for Tifa is optional.

No. Not it bloody isn't. Cloud's emotions are not under player control. Tifa is the one with the affection values, not Cloud. And even if he HAD such a value that WAS under player control (which again, HE DOES NOT HAVE) it would only contribute to the deviation. Your play-through of the game is not canon, the scenes SE canonized are. Mutual romantic feelings WERE shared, we were TOLD this, and said statement did not touch on the deviation AT ALL. Cloud's affection for Tifa is not optional.

Cloud is never said to love Tifa currently except in an optional scene.

Cloud being said to confirm his mutual romantic feelings for Tifa is how we know the HA version is the one that happened. It was not an indication of optionality within the narrative as you for some reason still claim. Said claim of yours has been pointed out as wrong many times, and is now being considered an outright lie within this thread since you should bloody well know better by now, even if you did somehow misread what's on the page the first time.

The quote people here keep using about the Lifestream event isn't talking about Cloud's current feelings, and I don't think one-sided childhood crushes count - especially when Cloud and Tifa didn't know one another well.

First, who said it was one sided? Tifa took notice of Cloud and became interested when they were still kids, starting with the night they made The Promise(tm). Second, what makes you think the LS event isn't about CURRENT feelings? It has been pointed out, many many times, that the information given indicates that they ARE STILL HOLDING their feelings from childhood.

Also, no one cares if you don't THINK "one-sided" childhood crushes count. As you like to remind people, SE are the ones who decide what counts and what doesn't. They felt the need to stress the feelings present in the HW scene, so apparently it does count.

This was in answer to how Tifa could possibly have a "low affection" for Cloud when SE (supposedly) says that she loves him. In response to that, I said you can have a low interest in a relationship at the same time you have an attraction to somebody. What I'm talking about here is the possibility of Tifa being attracted, while knowing that Cloud is still in love with Aerith.

And if you could prove Cloud loved Aerith, that would ALMOST mean something. But A.) you can't actually do that, and B.) even if you could CloudXTifa are confirmed anyway.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
lol why does Shroudy keep getting brought up?

Cloud is never said to love Tifa currently except in an optional scene.

And Cloud is never said to love Aerith at all. :monster:

Also Clarky, sorry I had your message to send to her but I was waiting for her to get caught up a bit before I bombarded her with more :monster:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Anastar, I would like to ask you a few questions. There won't be any insults in this post, nor will I accuse you of anything.

I just want to ask you about some of the comments in your recent post to Octo. Please respond to each question, if you would.

Anastar said:
Remember that neither Cloud or Tifa have anywhere else to go. In fact, they said that's why both of them stayed at the very beginning of the HW scene:

(The scene fades in to show Cloud and Tifa alone on the bridge. Tifa is still watching the clouds go by.)
Cloud "What are you going to do, Tifa?"
(She turns to him)
Tifa "Did you forget?"
"I'm... all alone. I don't have anywhere to go."
Tifa "Everyone's gone..."
Cloud "Yeah, we don't have anywhere or anyone to go home to."
(She looks down.)
Tifa "You're right..."

Why do they specifically choose to live together, though, rather than as neighbors in their own adjacent houses? Why does Barret not choose to live with them as well, given that he has nowhere to go either? And why does Case of Tifa specify that Barret helped build Cloud and Tifa's home rather than his, Cloud and Tifa's home?

Anastar said:
However, let's say Tifa's attracted to Cloud sexually, but knows better than to get involved romantically because she knows damn well he loves Aerith. In that case, it fits what happens between them very well.

For example, the scene where Tifa finds the delivery order from Elmyra to take flowers to Aerith's grave and offers to talk with Cloud about it. He shuns her and says he wants to drink alone. Tifa snaps and says to go drink in his room.

IMO, that's a very good example of where Tifa's may be hoping that someday, Cloud will get interested in her.

So, is she interested in a relationship with him or is she not?

Also, since Tifa's affection value is the one subject to manipulation by the player, if Cloud's feelings are supposed to be mercurial and adjust to match hers, in a scenario in which Tifa thinks it unwise to get into a relationship with Cloud because he's in love with Aerith, shouldn't her feelings have influenced his rather than the reverse?

Anastar said:
I think Tifa's the type who would be hopeful and keep dreaming that Cloud may change IF she put herself in that situation. Both Nojima and Nomura even hinted at that in the Reunion Files:

Considering Tifa's background and all she's been through up to this point, she is carrying a huge burden herself. But in this film, you don't get a clear look of what's actually going on inside Tifa's head. ~Nojima, Reunion Files, page 21

Tifa is a strong woman. She doesn't like what Cloud is doing, but instead of lecturing him about every little thing, she's been waiting for him to realize for himself what his actions are doing. ~Nomura, Reunion Files, page 20

Others have already gone over how those quotes are not in their native context here, so I won't get into that -- but I do want to ask: If you feel that the love triangle has no canon outcome, why do you believe that in those quotes the writer and director of Advent Children are saying that Tifa's waiting around hoping for Cloud to turn his affections from Aerith to herself? Is that neutral?

Also, given how that same writer and director otherwise describe Tifa as a strong, multifaceted woman whom they took care to ensure was not presented as clingy, do you feel such a weak portrayal of Tifa can be reconciled with those positive statements about her? Also, does the portrayal of a woman who tortures herself waiting for a man to love her mesh with a portrayal of the same woman running an eco-terrorism cell out of her basement? Taking care of two children (with one terminally ill) while simultaneously running a restaurant by herself, and doing so without complaint (as Nomura put it)?

And do you believe that the writer and the director would want her to be seen as such a weak woman, contrary to their positive descriptions and other depictions of her behavior?

Anastar said:
The quote people here keep using about the Lifestream event isn't talking about Cloud's current feelings, and I don't think one-sided childhood crushes count - especially when Cloud and Tifa didn't know one another well.

Can you substantiate that the feelings from the Lifestream scene aren't current feelings with a quote from an Ultimania, FFVII movie, game or novel(la)?

Also, can you -- in terms of narrative value -- explain why, at this late stage of the game, it would be revealed that Tifa was both a major factor in Cloud's wish to become a SOLDIER and that he has had romantic feelings toward her at any point in his life if the feelings lacked any present-day actualization?
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