Yes, it was a long one.
![Squee ^_^ ^_^](/forums/images/smilies/sqwee.gif)
It's now about 4:00 am, so I didn't finish the whole thing. I'll get to the rest of it tomorrow.
Optionality Stuff
Actually, not a single one of those quotes qualifies. I said to show me one quote where it says that Cloud
LOVES Tifa non-optionally. Those quotes only say that Cloud and Tifa communicate feelings, or that their feelings match. The feelings aren't specified. Since not a single one of those quotes specifies WHAT feelings are shared, then the same sentences can also be describing the LA version.
Ditto what I said above.
The La version describes an apathetic scene, feelings are not communicated, the HA scene is the only one that has feelings being communicated, these feelings are of Love, we know this because it's on the page FTOIL page, and You might have lost my previous post that I sent awhile ago so I'm going to bring up some points I made in it awhile ago.
I've been discussing it at length here in this thread, but to sum it up as briefly as possible:
1) Cloud's love for both girls is optional. That's established on the FTOIL page.
1. The FTIOL page? How does that make anything optional? I know you've talked about this page countless times with others but I'd really like a direct reply to this reasoning. Final fantasy 7 was rated T, it's audience is mainly for people aged from 13-18(for this fandom it's beyond but I digress) the deviations are not listed on the page given, and the explanations that you've given(correct me if I'm wrong) go along the lines of the number on the side of the picture indicate deviation, and due to those numbers being there that makes the scene optional.
Or something along those lines. The way to come to this conclusion is too complicated and very confusing, why would Square make a page that lists every other pairing communicating their love, with one pairings explanation that complicated?
The teenagers I know are pretty dense, and get things mixed up, and sometimes I'm one of them, not catering to their audience, and making a page unprofessional doesn't make sense. Ff6 has a subtitle of platonic love, why didn't they just make a subtitle under optional love for ff7 in general? A commercial artists job is to make things clear and apparent. If Cloud and Tifa were completely optional, and Square made that distinction clear, you can bet your money that commercial designer would make a header for it, it's simply bad marketing to do otherwise.
No, the creators haven't specified which outcome fills in said blank. Friendship could fill the blank just as easily as love.
That only says his feelings. It does not specify that those feelings are love. His feelings could also mean that he considers Tifa a good friend, especially when the FFVII UO and U20 specify that the HW scene diverges into two conditions: the LA and HA versions.
Then why not put a subtitle of feelings of friendship? Heck that scene wouldn't even belong there at all would it? The quotes relate back to the FTIOL page feelings are not expressed in the LA version.
And there is no quote that says that says Cloud has low affection for Tifa because he loves Aerith, can you at least meet me half way here and explain your reasoning?
It seems you're just answering my question with another question, so please where is the quote that says Cloud and Tifa don't get together because he loves Aerith, I've explained my reasoning please explain yours.
Affection Values
Whether you drop the barrels on Aerith accidentally or not, it still lowers her affection value. So yes, it lowers Cloud's affection level for Aerith as well as Aerith's affection level for Cloud.
Under the Clerith date on the FTOIL page, it says that "who comes around with the invitation is dependent on Cloud’s behavior". Therefore, it's the way Cloud behaves that changes the women's affection levels. How he behaves indicates how he feels toward them. The feelings are mutual.
You've never hesitated to do something that you looked forward to? I remember being pretty shy about going out on my first date, too.
So what happens when it's an ACCIDENT? The barrel thing drove me crazy, because I didn't get the pattern right and I ended up hindering Aerith rather than helping her, how does that have anything to do with Clouds affection for her if he does it by accident? Was he not trying hard enough?
more date mechanics:
When you first meet Red XIII: "Tifa, I'm countin' on you!" (-2 Tifa)
Why is Cloud depending on Tifa LOWER her affection rating for Tifa?
He's depending on her why would that make him dislike her?
Highwind Scene
Then show me a quote where it says that Cloud feels love for Tifa during the HW scene without it being specified as optional. "Feelings" or "mutual feelings" doesn't qualify because we don't know what feelings. I want to see the word LOVE used.
Give me a quote saying this, or your idea is unsupported.
All of the quotes relate back to the Ha scene, the LA scene has no confirmation of feelings, as I've said above. And why are we just saying these feelings are indescribable for Cloud and Tifa?
III – The diligent soldier and the meek princess
The love between the soldier and princess of Sasune Castle was divided by social status; Ingus tried to supress his feelings, but Sara would not hide hers.
IV – World just for the two of us
When rescuing Rosa, Cecil frankly declares his true feelings. The two reunited, they tightly embrace for all eyes to see.
VI – Result of the chance encounter
The imperial general and the anti-empire organization member — Celes and Locke’s relation to one another is like ships passing in the night; it’s a long period before they get to
communicate their feelings completely.
None of these talk about love yet you know they're feelings of Love, Cloud and Tifa communicate just like Celes and Locke-whose feelings are not defined either-so why are they any different?
The LA scene doesn't communicate a thing, and until there is a quote that says otherwise, that is a truth, it is apathetic and ends short. Communicating does not take place like it does in the HA scene which is supported by the quotes I posted earlier.
Yes, but I say it's optional. You say it's canon.
Then show me a quote that says neither high nor low occurred, either that or show me a quote that says in the LA version that feelings are communicated because apathetic=/= communication
The quotes you gave me above don't specify whether Cloud feels love or friendship toward Tifa, so the HA version didn't definitely happen.
they were already friends, why would they need to communicate that again?
No, you said that no feelings are expressed. I said it's apathetic and ends short. "Apathetic" can mean that no feelings are expressed, but that's not the only meaning - as I've said before. It can also mean that FEW feelings are expressed, or it can also mean that indifference is expressed.
Which says nothing about communicating, and doesn't have the context that the quotes I've provided do.
"Ending short" also doesn't mean that no feelings are expressed. It means that the conversation is brief. "I love you" is brief, isn't it? "I hate you" is brief, isn't it? Yet, both convey plenty of feeling.
They don't say anything about communicating during the scene, nothing is implied to have been said, like the deviation describes it just ends short. There are no "words aren't the only way" to make the darkness convey anything other than sleeping.
That I love you takes more than just those words, Cloud never actually says it, heck most of the relationships like CecilxRosa, WakkaxLulu and every couple on the FTIOL page don't have teach of the characters saying that they love each other, but do they? yes.
Where does it say that Cloud has Tifa in a different way?
CoT, you have some problems with it's event order later on in the post too.
Well, in the first place, they didn't start a family together. It was Barret who brought up the idea, and Marlene asked Cloud to join the family. The way Marlene says it, it sounds like there's a family already existing before Marlene asks Cloud to join.
Yet Cloud excludes Barret from the family, there are two separate families, Marlene and Barret and Marlene, Denzel, Cloud and Tifa.
Where does it say that their friends see them as an item?
Why does Cloud need to be a boyfriend in order to leave her behind? He's a man. He can leave a friend behind as easily as he can leave a girlfriend behind.
Thats a common saying, a colloquialism, have you really never heard it before? Ask any above 14 year old and they will know what you're implying, you're looking at it way too literally.
If we look at things too literally should i considers Clouds undying feelings as monsters you have to kill or something?(that would be a better plot than geostigma) it's not speaking literally but we know what it's saying.
And the LA scene narratively coincides with the rest of the Compilation, too. Therefore, it is your interpretation.
Show me where the LA scene is said to communicate feelings, once again apathetic does not equal communication.
Why don't the quotes you gave me above say that Cloud loves Tifa instead of saying that he has feelings for her? Why doesn't it explain that the feelings are love if it's supposedly true?
They are in the FTIOL and the quotes are constantly relating back to it, why do they have to continue to repeat themselves, showing and not telling is an important part of good writing, simply saying CLOUD LOVES TIFA over and over again is trite and really unnecessary.
Sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about when you say, "it even says on the deviation the difference feelings or indifference." There's nothing about "difference feelings" or "indifference" in the Deviation descriptions.
There was a lot to get to, so the meaning was a bit skewed. there should be a comma there to separate the thought: It even says on the deviation page the difference between the two deviations, feelings or indifference.
As for "That's not communicating that's not even bringing up that you don't want a relationship" - you're making an assumption when you say they don't communicate anything during the LA version. The description of "apathetic" can mean that they are indifferent to each other romantically. If they're indifferent romantically, then they're not interested in a romantic relationship with one another. I don't know if you've ever been very good friends with a man and you want to keep it that way instead of getting involved romantically, but it's happened to me. Sometimes things just need to be clarified, and usually the conversation is brief.And do you agree with everything that I explain to you?
And you're not? Where does it say that feelings are communicated? If they meant communicated why go through that jargon and simply say what they mean? It's bad communication and the way you're arriving at that conclusion is not something an ordinary person would notice right away.
Some people don't even know what apathetic mean(yes it is sad but true) You're stretching the meaning far beyond what is required. This isn't poetry it's not condensed you are not MEANT to extract any hidden meanings, it is meant to convey information, not confuse adolescent teens.
Koibito can mean "beloved", or it can mean "sweetheart, lover, boy/girlfriend". "Beloved" can mean one-sided, or it can mean two-sided romance. There is nothing to specify that "koibito" means one-sided or two-sided in that sentence.
And that's not according to me - that's according to what people who know Japanese have told me.
There's also nothing that makes it definite that the use of koibito in that sentence is referring to Cloud. It's possible, but it's not definite.
So it's not one sided when Aerith says it and there's no indication of Clouds say, but it is one sided when it applies to Tifa and Cloud is the only one that she would love back? Gah link time:
And no, Johnny wasn't in AC/ACC, but he is part of the Compilation since he was in Case of Denzel.
Yet he is only talked about once in the RF, and that just so happens to be in Tifa's profile concerning love when she hasn't even recognized his existence in two years?
Reunion Files
In the first place, Aerith was never said to have a maternal bond to Cloud. Tifa was.
And why can't she have a maternal bond to a man she loves, plenty of woman in marriages do anyway, and that isn't the only bond they have with one another.
But the main point is that there is nothing about Cloud having a romantic relationship with Tifa on that page.
Alluding happens, because when a writer doesn't want to make something sound trite they add a little style to something, they don't have to repeat the same thing, Square has been saying for awhile now if it's common knowledge.
Shera was with Cid when Avalanche first got to Rocket Town in FFVII. Shera was living with Cid. They were not romantically involved at that time. Cid left with Avalanche, so Shera got left behind by a man that she wasn't romantically involved with.
Like I said yesterday, Shera was with Cid in Rocket Town when Avalanche first got there in Disk One. Shera was living with Cid, but she wasn't romantically involved with Cid at that time. If anything, Cid hated her for interfering with the rocket launch. Cid left Shera behind when he left Rocket Town with Avalanche, but they weren't romantically involved.
Once again you're taking the quote way too literally, and they were not even in a relationship at this point, which is what the statement usually implies.
And WHAT feelings has Tifa communicated with Cloud? Doesn't say that Tifa has communicated that she loves Cloud. How do you know that Tifa didn't communicate that she only wants to be friends?
Because they were already friends, nothing says that she has decided to do this, and unless there is a magical quote that I'm missing that says as much, she's communicating her feelings of love, like it says on the FTIOL page.
I brought that up because that would be a way to know that the bit about "sweetheart" is referring to Cloud.
through the compilation itself, and if we're getting technical Tifa is talking about lecturing Cloud with Marlene on that page.
It's not accurate because Tifa barely knew Cloud during their childhood. She said so to Cloud during the Lifestream event. Also, the FFVII UO says that Tifa didn't take notice of Cloud before the Promise was made, and he left to join SOLDIER shortly after the Promise was made:
In those days, Tifa didn't take much notice to Cloud. The reason why she said to him "To be saved by a Hero" was only to satisfy her childish princess desire. ~Cloud's profile, FFVII Ultimania Omega
Even though Cloud was holding feelings for Tifa from some time ago, Tifa's interest in Cloud did not start until the time when the promised was exchanged. It might have been her loneliness due to her surrounding friends leaving one after another, but more than that, it seems largely in part to him making the promise to become her hero. ~Cloud's profile, FFVII Ultimania Omega
So she's known Cloud during FFVII and afterwards. As of the end of AC/ACC, she'd only been with Cloud a total of about 3 years at the most. I wouldn't call that a "large part of her life."
The point is it's not talking about romantic involvement, the fact that Cloud has been around her life is what it is talking about "a huge part of her life" Cloud was around her and a part of her life for a long time, whether it was there childhood, Tifa looking up Cloud in the papers, them sharing a good amount of memories together, and then them joining AvALANCHE together, that IS a large part of her life.
The real question is if you don't believe the information is accurate why are you contradicting yourself by using it further on in your post?
In the first place, I said it SOUNDS TO ME like the woman in the LA version of the HW scene who's hoping that Cloud will someday get over Aerith. "Sounds to me" means that it's my opinion, not something stated by SE.
Then why are you using your opinion like it's proof? This isn't really about arguing opinion, it's about using fact to support yourself, so opinion doesn't really help you here.
As for Tifa understanding him well, that's contradicted by the statement in RF on page 19 that she doesn't understand the complexities of Cloud's heart, and this makes her uneasy.
Just because Tifa is the woman who knows Cloud best, does not mean that's she knows everything about him. What do you consider to be canon material if everything is contradicted anyway?
also how is this indicative of her not being very close to him? Especially in light of quotes that have said she's the only one he has opened his heart to? Does one ever fully understand another person?
As for why he would go off alone away from a family he loved to die, there's many possible reasons. I think he states one at the end of AC/ACC when he says that he's not alone... not anymore. To me, that clearly means that Cloud was feeling alone before AC/ACC while living with this "family". I would say that means he wasn't as close to them as you think.
It's not opinion, it's fact:
"In Advent Children
The happier he is now,
The more Cloud is tormented by painful “memories” of the past."
"The more he realizes how happy he is living with Tifa and the children, the more the fear of losing that and regrets toward the past trouble Cloud…"
(10th AU)
He does care about his family and WAS happy with them, that is a fact.
edit:why the quotes that speak of him being happy there, and feeling guilt because he has that happiness? Why the emphasis on them in ACC (Cloud himself speaks of how they were always there for him) and the 10th AU story summary for the movie? And -- when he's saying at the end of the movie that he's only now not alone -- if he didn't mean the self-imposed loneliness he deliberately placed upon himself, then why did he not stop feeling alone after he started staying at Aerith's church? And if it's all about Aerith, why -- in the scene where the 10th AU says she is departing for the Lifestream -- is he only now getting to not be alone? Is he going to be all over again since she's said to be leaving?
I think it's also very significant that he went to Aerith's church. He wants to be as close as possible to Aerith while he's dying instead of with Tifa. To me, that would indicate that Aerith is more important to him than Tifa. That's reinforced by Cloud thinking of Aerith first when Sephy asks Cloud what he cherishes most.
"Now running a delivery business while helping out Tifa with the newly opened “Seventh Heaven” bar, Cloud, Tifa, Marlene and Denzel lived together like a family.
However, when Cloud contracts Geostigma he disappears. Behind these actions lies feelings of guilt towards his past failure to protect people who were important to him, but through his battle with Kadaj’s gang, the legacy of Jenova, he regains the courage to face reality."
(1oth AU)
Where does this even happen? Cloud leaves because of his disease! Because of his guilt, No where does it say he leaves because he wants to die near Aerith.
Sorry, but what "she" are you talking about? Aerith or Tifa?
Tifa. Does Aerith even have guilt?
I don't think it matters what those complexities are. Regardless of what those complexities are, it means that Tifa doesn't understand Cloud as well as you would like to think.
Understanding someone better than most, does not mean you understand everything about them. Especially when you make Derp moves like Cloud does
You're using a quote from page 19 of the Reunion Files to say that Tifa is Cloud's koibito. I was looking at the other information provided on pages 18, 19, 20, and 21 (other than the quote on page 19) to show that there's nothing to indicate that a romantic relationship exists between Cloud and Tifa. Since there's no indication of romance, then why should we believe that one quote means that Tifa is Cloud's koibito, especially when his name isn't even used?
But you have said yourself that you don't think that the reunion files are even canon, so which is it? And it is a part of the whole compilation not just the Reunion files that confirm their relationship, Quex had a very nice breakdown of their relationship.
First, I know you didn't say this, but I've heard others question how we know the woman in CoLW is Aerith. Well, we know it's definitely Aerith, because it says that she's an Ancient (Cetra) who is saying that Cloud is a friend. Aerith is the only Cetra who is a friend of Cloud's.
I agree with this argument, so I have said it.
So according to that logic we definitely know it's Cloud, because He and Tifa have communicated feelings of love with one another, Cloud wants her in a different way then before, they raise a family together, Tifa is never said to love another man, no other mans love for Tifa has been relevant, and the fact that they were happy together as a family before Geostigma and guilt rolled in is said often. Tifa is Clouds koibito because of obvious reasons, just like Aerith is the Woman in CoLW because of obvious reasons.
Huh. Square enix puzzles aren't that hard after all.
edit: as a side note: if there's no reason to think it's one-sided in Case of the Lifestream, where Aerith's feelings for Cloud are being described, then why would we assume it's one-sided in the Reunion Files quote, where -- rather than feelings -- Nomura is talking about the roles actualized by Tifa?
Now, to the other parts of your question: Cloud's input isn't mentioned in the Reunion Files, either. Furthermore, Cloud's input to Tifa in the HW scene is said to be optional.
His input isn't in COLW either. And I talked about optionality above.
As a further comparison, the sentence with koibito on page 19 of RF doesn't use Cloud's name, Cloud's picture isn't used, and there are no references to Tifa having a romantic relationship with Cloud on pages 18, 19, 20 or 21. Therefore, it's purely conjecture to say that Tifa is Cloud's koibito. Yes, it's possible - but there is no confirmation of it except on an optional basis under the HW.
So since there is no picture indicating Tifa is an ally in battle she is not one? We know this based of of the whole compilation, the Reunion files are not a separate world, they are a part of the word of ff7.
Same with koibito in CoLW. I'm not saying it's impossible that koibito means "beloved" in CoLW, or that it's impossible that it could mean that the feeling is one-sided. What I'm saying is that it is just as possible that it means a mutual feeling between Cloud and Aerith. Why? Because the meaning of koibito can mean a mutual relationship as easily as it can mean a one-sided relationship.
It can, but the way that it is used in COLW implies that it is not used mutually.
Since there is no official translation of CoLW, then we have no idea whether SE would translate
koibito in CoLW as "beloved" or as "sweetheart". More than one translation is possible.
As you can see, most people at the following link think
koibito's primary meaning is a mutual relationship, and that there's no reason to think it's one-sided:
One even referred to the LTD "shipping war":
Is this that stupid fandom shipping debate again? This has been posted about here before (but a couple of years ago), and the answer is that there's no reason to think it's one-sided.
But people have translated it, people that know Japanese, and are native speakers, I guess just look at the link I posted above again.
Ah, so there's no actual confirmation of it?
Yes there is, through their hardships, and through their confirmation of mutual feelings you know that it's Cloud. And what of Aerith, don't see a confirmation of her koibito as you've said above yourself.
Because the scene that they're talking about is the "dilly dally shilly shally" scene. We know that because the book says there's only one scene where she opens up, and the "dilly dally" scene is the only scene where she opens up. When it says that Tifa tells Cloud what's going on in her heart, it means that she's being frank/candid with him - not that she's saying anything romantic.
So when Tifa opens her heart she's being candid and honest, and no intimacy is implied, yet when the matters of the heart involve Cloud and Aerith it is intimate then?
I think Tifa would say what she says in the "dilly dally shilly shally" scene to a friend. She tells him not to give up when she learns he has Geostigma, and tells him that Denzel's not giving up. They're close friends - Cloud doesn't need to be Tifa's koibito for her to say that to him. She'd say the same thing to Barret in a similar situation.
But she says it to Cloud not Barrett, it's intimate because of their relationship with one another, and Barrett definitely would not hurt Marlene as much as Cloud has.
But the romantic scene is optional. It doesn't have to happen.
So if the romantic scene didn't happen, could the same thing happen to two friends living together? I don't see why not. As I said in my last answer, Tifa would very likely be able to open up to Barret. In fact, we saw her do that on a number of occasions during FFVII. Barret and Tifa were living together before FFVII started. Tifa was helping Barret raise Marlene at that time. Barret and Tifa had problems at times, too, but they weren't romantically involved.
One scene does have to happen, and I've explained why the other scene does not fit the bill, it's even listed as one of the most Important scenes of the game, something that the LA scene does not hold a candle to. But Tifa wants more than that, shes been stated to want more than friendship. And when did Barret and Tifa have problems that didn't involve blowing something up?
You misunderstood. I didn't mean that Tifa was wanting to communicate that she still has romantic feelings for him. I can't find the exact passage where I talked about this, but I was saying that Tifa tried to reach out to him by offering her help after she learned that Elmyra wanted Cloud to deliver flowers to Aerith's grave. Tifa was reaching out to Cloud by trying to offer her help, not by wanting to talk to him about her romantic feelings.
You have said this though:
I think Tifa's the type who would be hopeful and keep dreaming that Cloud may change IF she put herself in that situation. Both Nojima and Nomura even hinted at that in the Reunion Files:
Considering Tifa's background and all she's been through up to this point, she is carrying a huge burden herself. But in this film, you don't get a clear look of what's actually going on inside Tifa's head. ~Nojima, Reunion Files, page 21
Tifa is a strong woman. She doesn't like what Cloud is doing, but instead of lecturing him about every little thing, she's been waiting for him to realize for himself what his actions are doing. ~Nomura, Reunion Files, page 2
That's how we got involved with the guilt and that bar scene because you insisted upon this happening.
I think we're talking about two different things here. I first brought up that scene because it showed Tifa trying to reach out to Cloud, but he rejected her help. You're talking about how Tifa's overcoming her guilt and Cloud is not.
How the two of them are dealing with guilt does take place in CoT. What I'm saying is that the quotes you're using aren't in reference to the scene where Cloud is drinking and Tifa says to "go to your room".
Look up the quote you gave me:
"Tifa was able to cope with the sins in her consciousness. She hadn’t forgotten about them. Someday, the day may come when she will be punished. Until that day came, Tifa was going to look ahead and live. She was going to live, not just taking, but proving that she herself can give too."(CoT)
That quote is on this page in CoT:
That's when Cloud is just starting the delivery service. He hasn't gotten that order from Elmyra yet, and it's not when he's drinking himself into oblivion. So yes, it's part of CoT, but it's not referring to the scene where Tifa tells him to go drink in his own room.
So sorry, but I think we're talking about two different things.
I have looked it up, I have the sequence right:
"During their holiday, Tifa and Marlene were cleaning the room that was now Cloud’s office. There were many slips that laid scattered about unsorted. One of them caught Tifa’s eye. Client Name – Elmyra Gainsborough
Delivery Item – Bouquet
Destination – The Forgotten City
Tifa put the slip away with the others as if nothing happened, but she was trembling severely. Transporting mail around the world meant he was traveling around his past too.
She knew that Cloud was in great pain because he couldn’t protect Aerith. Cloud was trying to overcome that and live on. But, going back to the place where he parted from Aerith might mean that his sorrow and regret was going to tear his heart again.
It was night, and they had closed the bar. Cloud was drinking alcohol even though he rarely did. He drained his glass. Tifa thought about it before going over and filling his glass.
“Shall I join you?” There was something she wanted to talk to him about.
“I want to drink alone.”
Hearing that, Tifa lost control and said, “Then drink in your room.” "
She finds the slip, she realizes Cloud may feeling immense guilt traveling everywhere, and she confronts him about it to find him drinking(which he rarely does) She offers to join him but he refuses, he wants to be alone. Why does she not get to wallow and drink her guilt away while Cloud does? She snaps.
This is the situation we are talking about.
Again, we're talking about two different things. You asked me to show where it says that Tifa kept feelings to herself instead of revealing her feelings to Cloud. I showed you such a quote on page 19 of RF.
Then you replied by saying that Tifa did reveal everything when she lectured him. I'm wondering how in the world you know that Tifa revealed everything when she lectured him? She did lecture him about giving up and his recent behavior - but she said nothing about her feelings for him, other than offering support.
So it doesn't look to me like she revealed everything.
No we're not see above. I did not say she was revealing everything about
herself, she reveals everything about Clouds behavior, and how he has acted, immature, irresponsible and him just being a jerk.
I said this already:
She does until she lectures him. That's where she lays everything down, he was wallowing, being inconsiderate towards her and the children's feelings so she snaps at him, it is here that she lays out her issues with his behavior.
You said:
However, page 19 of the Reunion Files does say that Tifa doesn't understand some of the complexities of Cloud's heart, which makes her uneasy. Then it goes on to say that she keeps these feelings to herself for the sake of the children. If she's keeping feelings to herself, then why wouldn't she keep that from Cloud?
For the sake of the children, how are romantic feelings for the sake of children? It's talking about her anger towards everything Cloud has been doing and I reiterated that above. Also I'd like to note this has nothing to do with me asking for a quote of Cloud not being with Tifa because he loves Aerith.
No, I didn't leave out the "This was due to" part of the quote - but I think the part I highlighted explains why Tifa has these complicated feelings.
"Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa's."
The quote says right there that Tifa has these complex feelings as a woman [jealousy] toward Aerith because Aerith had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa's. It says this right after it says that Tifa and Aerith were love rivals. So that's where the complicated/complex feelings are coming from, not from Cloud's continued guilt.
Quote breakdown time
"Both of them share feelings for Cloud -- Tifa was close to
Aerith, who can also be called a love rival. With that point in mind, they were also good friends. Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa's.
So Tifa has complex feelings towards a girl that is her good friend and is also love rival. Jealous of a bond that she did not have with Cloud(what that bond is is not specified)
"Tifa's complicated feelings continue even in AC, two years after Aerith had departed the world."
complicated feelings okay, she had them towards Aerith, but she cannot be a love rival at this point because she is well deceased. so what could they
This was due to the fact that Cloud, succumbing to the notion that Aerith's death was his fault and condemning himself, construed that Denzel was "the child which Aerith brought here" and took care of him.
edit: Why would the previous paragraph tell us more about why she's carrying those feelings in AC/C than the very next sentence, which begins with "This was due to the fact"?
So Tifa has complicated feelings towards Aerith in Advent Chldren because of Clouds guilt and his want of redemption through Denzel. Where are there love rival feeling here?
In addition, Cloud had also gone away to the church that Aerith had been in. The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact
that he isn't merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith."
Her complicated feelings continue when his guilt leads him to places Aerith was, and was dragging the past around(while traveling all across Gaia) and was also dragging around something else related to Aerith, which is a guilt that is bubbling up inside of Cloud.
I think the quote above makes it more than clear what those complex feelings are. Tifa is feeling jealousy toward Aerith two years later in AC because Aerith had formed a bond with Cloud that was different than Tifa's - that's why Tifa and Aerith were love rivals.
It says that Aerith had formed a bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa's. If Tifa is jealous of that bond and has complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith because of that bond, then it's clearly suggesting that Cloud's in love with Aerith while he's not in love with Tifa.
Now where does it say even what that bond WAS I'm going to use your card, feeling of the HA highwind aren't described as love, so what makes you think this bond is?
I've never argued that Cloud and Tifa weren't friends. What I'm arguing with is that Cloud and Tifa became more than friends on anything other than an optional basis. I say SE has left it up to interpretation.
But the one that is noted to be one of the most important scenes of the game must be relevant. One scene happened and until a quote is found of the LA scene communicating ANYTHING it's the HA scene that happened.
I'm not the one with the question. I'm answering your question with a source that you trust.
Then why can't you just use other sources that you do trust to prove what I'm, saying is false then? And again just because Tifa understand Cloud best does not mean that she understands everything about him and his bad behavior, she doesn't voice anything about his behavior at first for the children's sake.
Sorry, but that's all I have time for right now.
Could you please just answer it in one go then? It's easier that way, and you can easily just keep saving your responses on Word pad or something.