The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Roger that.

Good to know.

Alright, then.

Bah, I thought quote-mining meant digging up LOTS of quotes and putting it all in ONE SINGLE POST. :D

No. A Quote mine is when you remove a quote or citation from its surrounding context- or ignore select parts of the quote- to notably alter the meaning.

Uhm, so... Did I do that? Take out portions of a quote to imply another meaning that what the quote really says?

I do not think you did, but I am not taking any chances with quotes being mangled, either by deliberate action or by mistake. I went and checked the quote I mentioned right after mentioning it to you, just so I wasn't incorrectly remembering it.

Yes, Goddess. :D

Damn skippy.


Maybe he was bothered by the fact that it was just a memory. He might be missing her. And it's frustrating that he can't see or touch her anymore. But then again, it's opinion until proven otherwise. :D

Speculation or hypothesis. Not opinion. Sorry, this is a major pet peeve of mine, and not just in this context.
Also, technically speaking, even later, she's still 'just a memory,' given she never gave herself a new form and the way the FFX/FF7 Metaphysics work.

So... are you saying that the only time Cloud was happy was with Tifa, Marlene and Denzel? And this did not happen at other times?

Actually, it's stating that Cloud was only happy BEFORE and AFTER his guilt. His family makes him happy, but Cloud also feels guilt because he is so happy, and the happier he feels, the heavier the guilt becomes.

Addendum: Because I cannot stop laughing at this picture Anastar labeled, I will now explain a few things for our vision impaired guest


So, what you label as a mirror is either the door window, or a section of the concrete wall visible through the window. I'll assume you mean it's the wall. Regardless, there is no reflected image there, and ACC is so visually anal as to give us reflections off the back of the PHONE there.
What you label as a cabinet comes up to Tifa's knees, has no drawers, and, truth be told- is a cardboard box.
The blur you label a chair - an overstuffed chair, to call back your previous claims- is again, shorter than Tifa's kneeline, and would be more or less two dimentional so as to not overlap with the box/cabinet that rests in the corner, and the bike tire which rests below the window. Is it invisible? Like the pointy rocks of unsexing (+3)?
The trunk, as Tres pointed out, is no thicker than the bike tire, which comes up to Tifa's ankles. It is a toolbox.
The boxes are boxes and the headboard is a headboard, so kudos on getting those correct.
Can I ask where the TV you claimed was in the room has gotten off to?

As for the cot's excuse for a matress, it cannot be more than three or so inches thick, wheras Denzel's mattress is at least as thick as his head and is probably no less than six inches thick. I've not pixel scaled these, but if one insists, I could do the calculations later tonight. Regardless, the mattresses are not even remotely similar.

And CR, Funny about your quote "Isn't it amazing how they can draw the victim card while calling you all sorts of name and insults to a person who doesn't stoop to their level? Sheesh, someone make a venting thread there already....The moaning,whining and bitching is getting old..." because that's basically what I see IN venting threads- people drawing the victim card and calling people names and insults.
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Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
No. A Quote mine is when you remove a quote or citation from its surrounding context- or ignore select parts of the quote- to notably alter the meaning.

Thanks for clearing that up! :)

Ishtar said:
I do not think you did, but I am not taking any chances with quotes being mangled, either by deliberate action or by mistake. I went and checked the quote I mentioned right after mentioning it to you, just so I wasn't incorrectly remembering it.

Nah. I don't think I'll ever do that. If I do, call me out on it. :D

Ishtar said:
Damn skippy.


Ishtar said:
Speculation or hypothesis. Not opinion. Sorry, this is a major pet peeve of mine, and not just in this context.

Eh? I don't understand... Explain the differences between the three, please?
Pwetty pwease? ;)

Ishtar said:
Also, technically speaking, even later, she's still 'just a memory,' given she never gave herself a new form and the way the FFX/FF7 Metaphysics work.

Well, maybe she wanted herself to be seen by Cloud the way he remembers her.
I think I've read that from somewhere...

Ishtar said:
Actually, it's stating that Cloud was only happy BEFORE and AFTER his guilt. His family makes him happy, but Cloud also feels guilt because he is so happy, and the happier he feels, the heavier the guilt becomes.

Were there times in the game that he was happy as well?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Thanks for clearing that up! :)


Nah. I don't think I'll ever do that. If I do, call me out on it. :D

I was planning on it whether you wanted me to or not.

Eh? I don't understand... Explain the differences between the three, please?
Pwetty pwease? ;)

An opinion is a subjective statement regarding a thing, distinct from a fact or a claim. It is colored by them, but it is not one. 'I like pie' is opinion. 'Pie is vile' and 'pie is delicious' are somewhere in a grey area between opinion and claim, depending on how you couch the question. 'Pie is evil' is solidly out of opinion territory, and 'pie is a tool of the bavarian illuminati' is just silly.
A speculation is essentially an uncertain claim. It generally means you are forwarding an idea but are admitting that there's little evidencial support for it at the moment.
A hypothesis is much the same as a speculation, except a hypothesis has a built in failure state, to strictly say that the particular hypothesis is wrong. Hypothesis is a scientific term, and what most people mean when they say 'theory' is what scientists mean when they say 'hypothesis.' Theory, in science, has a much stronger meaning, but that's another subject.

Well, maybe she wanted herself to be seen by Cloud the way he remembers her.
I think I've read that from somewhere...

That would be COLW. But she was specifically lamenting not being able to go to the world of the living there, and rejecting adopting Sephiroth's Shinentai method.

Were there times in the game that he was happy as well?

Well, RR never said he was unhappy, just that he was only truly happy, which unless I misread her, requires both the source of happiness and the lack of overbearing concern, which would probably preclude any time during the events of 7 as him being truly happy, apart from brief moments like finally killing Sephiroth and getting his revenge. Likewise the confirming and maybe sex with Tifa might be one.
But again, that's speculation on RR's point. She'd be the better person to elaborate on that.
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Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
I was planning on it whether you wanted me to or not.



Ishtar said:
An opinion is a subjective statement regarding a thing, distinct from a fact or a claim. It is colored by them, but it is not one. 'I like pie' is opinion. 'Pie is vile' and 'pie is delicious' are somewhere in a grey area between opinion and claim, depending on how you couch the question. 'Pie is evil' is solidly out of opinion territory, and 'pie is a tool of the bavarian illuminati' is just silly.
A speculation is essentially an uncertain claim. It generally means you are forwarding an idea but are admitting that there's little evidencial support for it at the moment.
A hypothesis is much the same as a speculation, except a hypothesis has a built in failure state, to strictly say that the particular hypothesis is wrong. Hypothesis is a scientific term, and what most people mean when they say 'theory' is what scientists mean when they say 'hypothesis.' Theory, in science, has a much stronger meaning, but that's another subject.

Oh. Ok. Now I see the difference. But I think I'll still get it mixed up.
You'll still call me out on it anyways. So... :awesome:

Ishtar said:
That would be COLW. But she was specifically lamenting not being able to go to the world of the living there, and rejecting adopting Sephiroth's Shinentai method.

But, she still says that she wants to appear before people like how she was remembered right?
Well, Zack was seen like how he was when he died. So I guess, that's the same for every dead person?

Ishtar said:
Well, RR never said he was unhappy, just that he was only truly happy, which unless I misread her, requires both the source of happiness and the lack of overbearing concern, which would probably preclude any time during the events of 7 as him being truly happy, apart from brief moments like finally killing Sephiroth and getting his revenge. Likewise the confirming and maybe sex with Tifa might be one.
But again, that's speculation on RR's point. She'd be the better person to elaborate on that.

Well, I have to wait for her then. :D
Thanks anyways. :p


Cherry Garcia.
I have a question for you, just out of curiosity; do you feel that had Aerith's and Tifa's roles been switched, Cloud wouldn't have done what he did to Tifa in AC/C to Aerith, also? I'm genuinely curious about what you think. :)

To be completely honest, I don’t think he would’ve had the same reaction. Tifa just doesn’t seem to have the impact Aerith had on Cloud when they met.
I do think it would’ve been a sad event but not to a melancholic degree.
I just don’t feel Tifa ever makes him feel at ease as Aerith did. Cloud’s always so uptight and self-persecutory and Tifa just seems to fuel those inner traits he’s always had by lecturing him, demanding attention (I’m not saying attention as in an excessive, histrionic way. I mean the kind of attention that a girl who likes a man would like to get) And asking for all these traits Cloud just doesn’t seem to have to manifest, on the other hand, there’s Aerith who didn’t have a clue about his past and she instantly got hooked by him. Aerith asked for him to be her bodyguard and Cloud didn’t hesitate. To me, there was something there that actually came smooth and easy between his offer and her demand as opposed to his relationship with Tifa where there seems to be a constant unconformity.

I won’t say there was a deep unconditional love between Cloud and Aerith, but there was something about her that seriously caused an impact on Cloud and it was definitely more than a simple friendship.

He might love Tifa, but she definitely doesn’t have the effect Aerith has on Cloud that just brings out that extra something in him that gets him moving without the need to ask.

Now, I may not be an LTD guru, but you just touched on something I am pretty knowledgeable about, seeing as how I'm spending four years in university studying it. :awesome:

I've worked with many different patients with varying degrees of illness, many severe, many fatal. And let me tell you right now; running away and hiding from the problem is actually a lot more common in fully grown and mature adults than you'd think. They deem this as a way of coping. To them, it protects their loved ones. They do not wish to be a burden and it pains them to know they are.

I'm going to get a bit personal here but, this idea has affected myself, hitting really close to home with my sick mother. I've experienced it first hand and I've worked with families and clients who were also going through it. Terminal illness is a difficult process to go through with so many aspects to it that it's simply unfair to go in that room and judge my client for being 'childish' because the way they cope, to me, is incorrect.

If every nurse thought that way, this world would just seem a little sadder. :(

In short, distance, although not the greatest decision to make, is perfectly normal when it concerns someone who is very sick. Many people on their deathbeds tell me that they don't want to see their family, especially with how they look. It doesn't mean that they don't love them, miss them or wish to be with them; quite the opposite. They are miserable because of this decision. It's sad, because it pains them this way, too and it's clear that the distance isn't healthy for either person involved.

So, in a way, I understand Cloud's motives and intentions; he does it for what he thinks is the best, but it does only cause more hurt for both parties involved instead of doing what he wants it to.

Well, as I told you before, you’re very sweet and I hope you stay that way.

I won’t fight your point of view and I do understand people have different ways to cope with terminal illness. Most of them do actually need space and time on their own before they can turn to their families, however, I do find it cruel of those people that on their death beds won’t let their loved ones be on their side. Of course they don’t do it on purpose! But It would deeply hurt me the fact that someone I love won’t let me be by their side just before he goes. I don’t think anyone wants that possibility to be taken away.

Back to Tifa and Cloud.
Yes, he left perhaps ‘cause he had a serious illness and didn’t want to be a burden to his family as in an attempt to deal with the fact that he was going to die…however, he was longing for Aerith and her forgiveness instead of fighting it together with his family as Tifa said.

He didn’t just left, he left looking for someone else to comfort him and that to me, is a kick in the gut.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
To be completely honest, I don’t think he would’ve had the same reaction. Tifa just doesn’t seem to have the impact Aerith had on Cloud when they met.
I do think it would’ve been a sad event but not to a melancholic degree.
I just don’t feel Tifa ever makes him feel at ease as Aerith did. Cloud’s always so uptight and self-persecutory and Tifa just seems to fuel those inner traits he’s always had by lecturing him, demanding attention (I’m not saying attention as in an excessive, histrionic way. I mean the kind of attention that a girl who likes a man would like to get) And asking for all these traits Cloud just doesn’t seem to have to manifest,

You say of the women explicitly described as supporting the mentally weak side of Cloud.

on the other hand, there’s Aerith who didn’t have a clue about his past and she instantly got hooked by him. Aerith asked for him to be her bodyguard and Cloud didn’t hesitate.

Citing Headscrew Cloud at the start of the game when he acts very differently to his personality before and after isn't the most compelling evidence that it's all down to Aerith.

To me, there was something there that actually came smooth and easy between his offer and her demand as opposed to his relationship with Tifa where there seems to be a constant unconformity.

You've hit the language barrier head on again. 'Uncomformity' is not the word you want here. It's actually not a correct english word (Non-comformity is proper) and refers to breaking from an established pattern. Uncertainty, perhaps?

I won’t say there was a deep unconditional love between Cloud and Aerith, but there was something about her that seriously caused an impact on Cloud and it was definitely more than a simple friendship.

Yes, but replace the word Cloud in the above with 'Tifa' 'Vincent' 'Yuffie' and 'Cid' and the same would be true.

He might love Tifa, but she definitely doesn’t have the effect Aerith has on Cloud that just brings out that extra something in him that gets him moving without the need to ask.

Could you elaborate on this, with some examples, please?

Well, as I told you before, you’re very sweet and I hope you stay that way.

I won’t fight your point of view and I do understand people have different ways to cope with terminal illness. Most of them do actually need space and time on their own before they can turn to their families, however, I do find it cruel of those people that on their death beds won’t let their loved ones be on their side. Of course they don’t do it on purpose! But It would deeply hurt me the fact that someone I love won’t let me be by their side just before he goes. I don’t think anyone wants that possibility to be taken away.

Back to Tifa and Cloud.
Yes, he left perhaps ‘cause he had a serious illness and didn’t want to be a burden to his family as in an attempt to deal with the fact that he was going to die…however, he was longing for Aerith and her forgiveness instead of fighting it together with his family as Tifa said.

He didn’t just left, he left looking for someone else to comfort him and that to me, is a kick in the gut.

It wasn't for comfort. It was for penance. To atone for his failing. To maybe, just maybe, get a cure. Because Cloud started out looking for a cure. He stayed away when it looked like he was going to die without it. Cloud felt he wasn't worthy of his family and the happiness they brought him. He had to do something to be worthy of them, or be forgiven so that he could return to them.
Cloud isn't looking for someone else to comfort him, he's looking for something to allow or justify his own happiness to himself.

Part of why he initially takes in Denzel is because you can't bring back the dead, but you can take care of those still living. Denzel is Cloud's atonement, the act of justification which allows him to feel happy without feeling guilty. And when Denzel's sickness comes to a head, Cloud looks for a cure- he's not going to fail this time. And then he gets the disease himself. He can't face his family being a burden and a failure. He doesn't want to force them to take care of unworthy him. So he seeks whatever he can to release his guilt to return home.

At the absolute root of Cloud's story in AC/C is that happiness of his family life makes him feel guilty, and that he must DO something in order to deserve his happiness. But he's also afraid of screwing things up and ruining everything. Cloud's turning point comes when he realizes that succeeding isn't the requirement. It's trying. Pushing forward, even if you fail. By trying to atone, he's already atoning, already proving his worthiness of that happiness.

CR said:
But, she still says that she wants to appear before people like how she was remembered right?
Well, Zack was seen like how he was when he died. So I guess, that's the same for every dead person?

Given the state of affairs is similar on Spira, which shares an extremely similar metaphysical system (And is in the same universe at FF7), that would appear to be the case.
Appearing to the living from the lifestream, however, is not an easy task on Gaia, as compared to the ease by which it can be done on Spira, though, and the occurrences of ACC are stressed as being difficult and exceptional on the planet.
It takes one of the strongest willed people on the planet to craft a form out of will on Gaia, whereas it takes preparation to PREVENT it happening on Spira.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Ariadne said:
Fuck her and her little fantasy world right up the ass with a parasol.
Well. It is called Final Fantasy.

Sorry I had to :lol:

That sounds like a spell from Harry Potter. CATASTROFUCK!

Anyway, this is a bit off topic, but I think if you guys have problems with her, you should talk to her one-on-one, to Anastar not as a "Clerith/Clourith" or whatever you want to call it, but to Anastar as a woman. This is just a Final Fantasy debate. Though I won't pretend I haven't been offended by things said in here, and that I haven't been offensive myself, I do know it says little about who we really are and we can still come out of this as friends. It'd be better that way, because this debate will be less hostile and we won't all be so cranky.
So, let's calm our nipples down, make up and have an Aer Bear hug. :awesome:

THANK YOU AERBEAR AND THANK YOU CALI OR WHOEVER ELSE DID THIS! Although this is a point for both girls, and not just Aerith, thank you for FINALLY getting back to me on this.
I don't know about everybody else but that quote kind of spells the whole LT out to me.

I get that the Lifestream event is romantic to a lot of you, but truthfully, I saw it as Cloud getting his lost memories back, not becoming a different person or the same person he was when he liked Tifa. Two of his friends died since then, he went through a lot of crap. He changed, and maybe his feelings did too. So, I don't see Cloud and Tifa having been confirmed in FFVII at all. The fact that Nomura is still talking about interpretation says that.

I think the Aerith date and the HA HW scene is showing the most emotional scene with these two optional couples. I know about all the "feelings" quotes, but the fact that the guy is saying we can imagine as we want to and doesn't know about Cloud and Tifa's romantic relationship says that nothing's been written in stone yet. So if he says he doesn't know, I'm going to say we don't know either. But we can speculate, like he said.
*Prepares for shitstorm. Body is ready.*


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well. It is called Final Fantasy.

Sorry I had to :lol:

And Anastar's fantasy world and the fantasy world of FF7 are not the same.

That sounds like a spell from Harry Potter. CATASTROFUCK!

Anyway, this is a bit off topic, but I think if you guys have problems with her, you should talk to her one-on-one, to Anastar not as a "Clerith/Clourith" or whatever you want to call it, but to Anastar as a woman. This is just a Final Fantasy debate. Though I won't pretend I haven't been offended by things said in here, and that I haven't been offensive myself, I do know it says little about who we really are and we can still come out of this as friends. It'd be better that way, because this debate will be less hostile and we won't all be so cranky.
So, let's calm our nipples down, make up and have an Aer Bear hug. :awesome:

The problem here, Aerbear, isn't that we are treating Anastar as 'A Clerith,' but that Anastar is not treating Tres as an honest person. She's been dismissive and condescending to the man this entire time. Hell, she didn't even take the time to actually address her replies to his point TO HIM. She attributed them TO ME. She's stonewalled the discourse at effectively every level, including repeats of claims proven invalid years ago, she's engaged in willful deception about the past, she's refused to answer posts at her unless they're PMed at her, she's rather blatantly not reading what people are posting for her, and her demeanour here from the first to the last does not suggest she's here for an open and honest discourse, but to win 'points' for the ship.

Tres's rage at Anastar entirely because of Anastar the person, and how she has treated Tres, not because she is a Clerith. He's not mad at you, or CR, or even Rena. He's mad at Anastar, because of how Anastar has acted.

I don't know about everybody else but that quote kind of spells the whole LT out to me.

I get that the Lifestream event is romantic to a lot of you, but truthfully, I saw it as Cloud getting his lost memories back, not becoming a different person or the same person he was when he liked Tifa. Two of his friends died since then, he went through a lot of crap. He changed, and maybe his feelings did too. So, I don't see Cloud and Tifa having been confirmed in FFVII at all.

Cloud will never be exactly the same person he was before his years in the tube. But exactly up to the point in the Tube, Cloud had it hard for Tifa.
Come Cloud reconstructing his shattered mind, it is affirmed that Cloud 'will' be so pleased to know Tifa cared for him, it is confirmed that these feelings are feelings he was still holding. You're right that the Lifestream sequence is about Cloud finding himself, but part of that is finding what did and does make up Cloud, what motivated, his memories and the associated emotions. And that does involve a lot of Tifa.

The fact that Nomura is still talking about interpretation says that.

But the only interpretation is the what, not the 'do they.' A year before, he said AC expressed a profound truth about C/T's relationship, and a year later, he spoke of Tifa being someone's lover. He's not still talking about interpretation with regards to that pairing.

I think the Aerith date and the HA HW scene is showing the most emotional scene with these two optional couples. I know about all the "feelings" quotes, but the fact that the guy is saying we can imagine as we want to and doesn't know about Cloud and Tifa's romantic relationship says that nothing's been written in stone yet.

Even if this was true, that's circa 2005. Circa 2006, The man says Tifa is someone's beloved.
Circa 2008, an Ultimania says Cloud and Tifa did confirm their mutual romantic feelings underneath the highwind and did so in ways words cannot express. Period, end of, no ifs, buts, or mention of versions.

So if he says he doesn't know, I'm going to say we don't know either. But we can speculate, like he said.
*Prepares for shitstorm. Body is ready.*

Again, you're going to have to have Nomura2k5 fight Nomura 2k4 AND Nomura 2K6 and U20 2K8 AND all the other sourcebooks on this one.
You're arguing one of the earliest quotes on record we have as TRUMPING everything that comes later, including the words of the man a year later.
That's just silly.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Ishtar said:
The problem here, Aerbear, isn't that we are treating Anastar as 'A Clerith,' but that Anastar is not treating Tres as an honest person. She's been dismissive and condescending to the man this entire time. Hell, she didn't even take the time to actually address her replies to his point TO HIM. She attributed them TO ME. She's stonewalled the discourse at effectively every level, including repeats of claims proven invalid years ago, she's engaged in willful deception about the past, she's refused to answer posts at her unless they're PMed at her, she's rather blatantly not reading what people are posting for her, and her demeanour here from the first to the last does not suggest she's here for an open and honest discourse, but to win 'points' for the ship.
Well, I would say that I know her better than most of the people on here and I don't think that's what she's doing. Also, she's not working with a great internet connection and so it's hard to come onto this thread. Not to be mean, but when she makes a post, everybody responds to it. She can't respond to everything, so she picks someone's post that basically summed up what everyone said.

Tres's rage at Anastar entirely because of Anastar the person, and how she has treated Tres, not because she is a Clerith. He's not mad at you, or CR, or even Rena. He's mad at Anastar, because of how Anastar has acted.
I hope he isn't mad at all of us, but Anastar doesn't deserve all of this. She's just one person and she's been overwhelmed with responses and insults numerously on here.

Cloud will never be exactly the same person he was before his years in the tube. But exactly up to the point in the Tube, Cloud had it hard for Tifa.
Yes, this is true, but he also only knew her from afar. His feelings weren't really concrete.

Come Cloud reconstructing his shattered mind, it is affirmed that Cloud 'will' be so pleased to know Tifa cared for him, it is confirmed that these feelings are feelings he was still holding. You're right that the Lifestream sequence is about Cloud finding himself, but part of that is finding what did and does make up Cloud, what motivated, his memories and the associated emotions. And that does involve a lot of Tifa.
If, say, seven-year-old me came to present me and said "Woah, you moved out of New York? You must be so happy!", does that mean me, as I am now, would be happy about that? If my younger self hated living in New York, my younger self would assume I will always hate it and be happy to leave. Truth be told, after I did leave New York, I was not happy, because you change when you get older (I know you know this, not trying to talk to you like you're stupid.) Younger Cloud would have been happy to be noticed by Tifa and assumed present Cloud would have been happy too, but Cloud is older now and might have different dreams.

About motivations... Cloud was motivated to join SOLDIER partially to impress Tifa, yes. And a younger Tifa was motivated to ask Cloud to be her hero to satisfy her "childish princess desires." Unless you're saying Tifa will always be motivated by what she wanted as a kid - wanting a hero -, Cloud might not always be motivated by Tifa.

But the only interpretation is the what, not the 'do they.' A year before, he said AC expressed a profound truth about C/T's relationship, and a year later, he spoke of Tifa being someone's lover. He's not still talking about interpretation with regards to that pairing.
Well, he did say he doesn't know. I saw that as kind of linking the two thoughts.

So, when he said 'AC profoundly grasps the truth of their relationship', have you considered that it might not be the relationship you're seeing? Tifa is introduced as Cloud's friend and comrade in the games and films, even after AC. The truth of their relationship that I see is not what you see, but that doesn't make me wrong because he never specified what kind of relationship. If he 'used' to say it's up to interpretation, and suddenly changed his mind, probably he should have specified. And he did say, in the commentary of the movie itself, that fans can interpret the events of the film in their own way. The same film where he's saying Cloud and Tifa's relationship is explained. I didn't see the romance, so that's how I interpret the movie and the relationship. :)

Even if this was true, that's circa 2005. Circa 2006, The man says Tifa is someone's beloved.
Circa 2008, an Ultimania says Cloud and Tifa did confirm their mutual romantic feelings underneath the highwind and did so in ways words cannot express. Period, end of, no ifs, buts, or mention of versions.

Again, you're going to have to have Nomura2k5 fight Nomura 2k4 AND Nomura 2K6 and U20 2K8 AND all the other sourcebooks on this one.
You're arguing one of the earliest quotes on record we have as TRUMPING everything that comes later, including the words of the man a year later.
That's just silly.
He's never said we can no longer interpret anything. If he said something once and hasn't said it's untrue, and hasn't been proven it is (like saying Kairi and Namini have nothing to do with each other, that was proven untrue), I think they still mean something.

If we're going to exclude things that have been trumped, should we exclude Final Fantasy VII as well? That's Nomura2k97.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Fair point, until Cloud came into the picture and she forgot big part of herself.

Cloud coming back gave her a new motive for her continuing eco-terrorism and eventual heroism. It did not eliminate the previous motive of bloody vengeance. And lets face it, helping a childhood friend/love interest/eventual lover is much more noble than taking revenge on a huge organization, many of whom have never actually wronged you and just want a paycheck. Her switching her primary focus to Cloud is one of the reasons she is able to recognize how unhealthy and dangerous her revenge desire is.

And I bet you’ve got thousands of “facts” to prove it incorrect. :huh:

Proving a negative is hard, actually. The facts show the opposite position to be correct, that in and of itself makes you wrong rather than any "proof that you're wrong."

Yes, I agree we all make mistakes and most of us have done things like that. But don’t say Cloud and Tifa rock the world of communication and sharing ‘cause they clearly don’t and that’s what hurts about this pairing.

And I like that about them. Cloud and Tifa aren't some perfect little happy pairing of sunshine and rainbows. They have issues, and some of the hardest issues there are for a couple to get through. Yet they eventually get through it on the strength of their determination to be together. Tis more realistic than the "sunshine and rainbows" types.

I think we both agree he was a douche and that’s part of what I came up with.

Indeed, Cloud was a douche, and you have part of the reason for that right even. He sucks at opening up and communicating. Indeed we do agree there, and that is nice to see now and then.

Why clear up something that supposedly was never there since the beginning?

Does it occur to you that they just wanted to point it out for extra emphasis?

This is what I love about some people here! Keep saying it’s incorrect, won’t make it incorrect and you do not have facts to prove this. :awesome:

I'm a sadist. I know masochists. Try again, please.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well, I would say that I know her better than most of the people on here and I don't think that's what she's doing. Also, she's not working with a great internet connection and so it's hard to come onto this thread. Not to be mean, but when she makes a post, everybody responds to it. She can't respond to everything, so she picks someone's post that basically summed up what everyone said.

There are many responses which have gotten a single response. There is one, for example ONLY I have ever responded to. That was in response to the totality of her essay. She never responded.

I hope he isn't mad at all of us, but Anastar doesn't deserve all of this. She's just one person and she's been overwhelmed with responses and insults numerously on here.

Anastar is under no time constraint to form these replies. And Could you point to these insults? As early ones as you can find, too. Because I think most of these are statements of 'bullshit' with explanations of why things are seen as bullshit.

Yes, this is true, but he also only knew her from afar. His feelings weren't really concrete.

Congratulations, you've just made Clerith impossible.
Cloud had, at minimum, months to get to know Tifa if we limit it to just after the confession at the tower. If that's insufficient, then Aerith never even got a foot in the door. She had his attention, at maximum, for two weeks. And he was more concerned with killing a man dead, let's be quite frank.

If, say, seven-year-old me came to present me and said "Woah, you moved out of New York? You must be so happy!", does that mean me, as I am now, would be happy about that? If my younger self hated living in New York, my younger self would assume I will always hate it and be happy to leave. Truth be told, after I did leave New York, I was not happy, because you change when you get older (I know you know this, not trying to talk to you like you're stupid.) Younger Cloud would have been happy to be noticed by Tifa and assumed present Cloud would have been happy too, but Cloud is older now and might have different dreams.

Younger Cloud is a visual representation of a portion of Cloud's psyche. It is not a time displaced example of him as a child. Regardless, the feelings revealed in the lifestream are ones Cloud is still holding. Progressive tenses.

About motivations... Cloud was motivated to join SOLDIER partially to impress Tifa, yes.

Largely, even.

And a younger Tifa was motivated to ask Cloud to be her hero to satisfy her "childish princess desires." Unless you're saying Tifa will always be motivated by what she wanted as a kid - wanting a hero -, Cloud might not always be motivated by Tifa.

You give me might. And true, he MIGHT not. But he does.
Because only Tifa's opinon matters.
Cloud wishes Tifa gets to meet the real Cloud. He apologizes for not being the real Cloud.
Cloud only opens his heart to Tifa.
Hell, it's her telling him to save the kids in AC/C that gets his ass saving the kids.
He returns to the church to save her according to the RF.
Cloud promise to Tifa is engraved in his heart/memory.
Cloud is very much motivated by Tifa.

And that's irrelevant to the fact that we have confirmation that the feelings are feelings Cloud was holding, as in during the present moment. Ah, progressive tenses.

Well, he did say he doesn't know. I saw that as kind of linking the two thoughts.

So, when he said 'AC profoundly grasps the truth of their relationship', have you considered that it might not be the relationship you're seeing?

You miss my point. THAT MEANS HE KNOWS.

Tifa is introduced as Cloud's friend and comrade in the games and films, even after AC. The truth of their relationship that I see is not what you see, but that doesn't make me wrong because he never specified what kind of relationship. If he 'used' to say it's up to interpretation, and suddenly changed his mind, probably he should have specified.

No, this was BEFORE the 'interpretation' quote. And even that doesn't say it's actually up to interpretation. He just said have fun interpreting as you like.

And he did say, in the commentary of the movie itself, that fans can interpret the events of the film in their own way. The same film where he's saying Cloud and Tifa's relationship is explained. I didn't see the romance, so that's how I interpret the movie and the relationship. :)

And in the same commentary, in the same breath, he says there are definitely answers, but he's more interested in having people discuss them and compare interpretations.
But again, you're applying his logic in one statement excessively narrowly. Taking his logic to mean 'there are no answers' then there are no answers in the film. At all. About anything. Not just the pairing.
And this is still at odds with the man expressing on two occasions that he KNOWS about the relationship status, and in one of them, that the movie expresses the truth.
You're free to interpret as you like.
That doesn't mean your interpretation is automatically valid.

He's never said we can no longer interpret anything. If he said something once and hasn't said it's untrue, and hasn't been proven it is (like saying Kairi and Namini have nothing to do with each other, that was proven untrue), I think they still mean something.

But being allowed to interpret is not even remotely the same as 'all interpretations are valid' or 'there is no answer'
Because he has said that there are answers. You gotta find 'em.

If we're going to exclude things that have been trumped, should we exclude Final Fantasy VII as well? That's Nomura2k97.

2k97 is 2097, kiddo.
And we are not excluding the quote at all. We are examining it in the light of the greater and most relevant context.
Star Wars 4, 5, and 6 don't exist because the prequels come out, but we do understand them better BECAUSE of the newer information contained in those prequels. We contruct a greater narrative synthesis as a result.
When Nomura says in 2004 that the movie holds a profound truth about Cloud and Tifa's relationship, then unless he's gotten amnesia, he cannot honestly claim to have no clue about their relationship's very existence a year later. And even if he did, a year after that, he's back to saying Tifa is the beloved of someone, meaning he again knows whether or not a relationship happens.
But you know what he can know nothing about without contradicting the quotes from a year prior and later- the details. The directions. The ups and down. Because he's not concerned with that. He does not care about the details.
But unless Nomura's changed his mind three times in as many years, he can't be telling the truth in 2k4, 2k5 and 2k6 with your understanding of his statement.

So to answer if we exclude FF7 itself, as with most questions regarding evidentiary synthesis, the answer is never as simple as simply yes or simply no. It must stand, but it must not stand alone.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
There are many responses which have gotten a single response. There is one, for example ONLY I have ever responded to. That was in response to the totality of her essay. She never responded.
To be fair, what she thinks (also written in her essay) are things that have been, or are being, addressed in this thread. I'm sure she wasn't trying to be rude.

Anastar is under no time constraint to form these replies.
She does have a job and her own life constraining her, like how I'm constrained by my Xbox and sleeping Ahem, moving on..

And Could you point to these insults? As early ones as you can find, too.
That one post sums it up, but I don't have the time tonight. I'll get back to this later. Maybe I should print the rude stuff out and pretty it up, add some pictures, make a scrapbook of our times together.

Congratulations, you've just made Clerith impossible.
Cloud had, at minimum, months to get to know Tifa if we limit it to just after the confession at the tower.
We've have no reason to think that they talked at all in those months after they first spoke. The only interaction between them ever mentioned or seen has been the night they made that promise.

If that's insufficient, then Aerith never even got a foot in the door. She had his attention, at maximum, for two weeks. And he was more concerned with killing a man dead, let's be quite frank.
But he actually knew Aerith. During his childhood, and during most of the time between the first time he talked to Tifa and the start of FFVII, he didn't know her very well. Aerith and Tifa were more or less on equal footing with Cloud by the time Aerith and Tifa met.

"In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day." -Nomura

"Aerith Gainsborough - A girl with the blood of the Ancients running through her veins, who Cloud would never forget." -DoC game manual

That's a lotta feeling for a girl he only knew for two weeks, so she was still something special. The length of their relationship doesn't really mean much.

Assuming there isn't a timeline for Final Fantasy X, I counted 11 in-game days. But Yuna still loved Tidus, didn't she. :)

Younger Cloud is a visual representation of a portion of Cloud's psyche. It is not a time displaced example of him as a child. Regardless, the feelings revealed in the lifestream are ones Cloud is still holding. Progressive tenses.
Because at the time, he didn't remember having feelings for Tifa as a kid. The memories were there, but buried.

You give me might. And true, he MIGHT not. But he does.
Might not, but he does?
I might not have a large second toe, but I do?

Because only Tifa's opinon matters.
Cloud wishes Tifa gets to meet the real Cloud. He apologizes for not being the real Cloud.
Cloud only opens his heart to Tifa.
Hell, it's her telling him to save the kids in AC/C that gets his ass saving the kids.
He returns to the church to save her according to the RF.
Cloud promise to Tifa is engraved in his heart/memory.
Cloud is very much motivated by Tifa.
There are a lot of quotes about Cloud and Aerith saying more or less the same things. I meant that he isn't driven by the same things he was before. He has more that drives him now, including Tifa. I agree that she helps him a lot, because he cares for her very much.

You miss my point. THAT MEANS HE KNOWS.
I see what you mean now.

And in the same commentary, in the same breath, he says there are definitely answers, but he's more interested in having people discuss them and compare interpretations.
But again, you're applying his logic in one statement excessively narrowly. Taking his logic to mean 'there are no answers' then there are no answers in the film. At all. About anything. Not just the pairing.
And this is still at odds with the man expressing on two occasions that he KNOWS about the relationship status, and in one of them, that the movie expresses the truth.
"The viewer is free to decide how they interpret or enjoy what we've made. The staff have their own answers to everything included throughout the film, such as the angel statue. But even if someone who watches it interprets it differently, then that's still another possible answer. I guess 'comparing answers' could be one of the ways to enjoy the film."

He's also saying that their own interpretations - the people who made the movie - are just possible answers, some out of many. He's giving us a lot of creative freedom. This is why we're here, to preserve this freedom he's given us to make of it what we will. He wants us to enjoy what's been given to us without writing off anything as definite. He didn't even write Cloud and Tifa's possible romantic relationship off as definite or canon, but with what he said, just one possible answer.

You're free to interpret as you like.
Didn't think I'd hear that on here.

But being allowed to interpret is not even remotely the same as 'all interpretations are valid' or 'there is no answer'
Because he has said that there are answers. You gotta find 'em.
I've found different answers than you. I'm not saying they're right or wrong, and neither is he. My answers are as valid as yours. In his words, they're possible answers.

EDIT: Re-reading what you wrote, I forgot something.
I'm not saying Cloud and Vincent are going to be together, or something. That's an interpretation, but not a valid one, because I wasn't given reasonable cause. We have a scenario where Cloud's romantic feelings are never blatantly specified, but are hinted at. We have two girls who we know feel romantically about him. Aerith died, but the LT didn't, because it hasn't been said anywhere that Cloud's feelings can die for her and then focus on Tifa alone. That defeats the purpose of the love triangle anyway. They invented it around the time when they decided Aerith would be killed, not to make one couple canon, but to give us a choice. Because the answer wasn't made clear and it still hasn't been.

We have reasonable cause to think Cloud and Aerith, and you've got reasonable cause to think Cloud and Tifa.

2k97 is 2097, kiddo.
Guess I forgot the apostrophe.

It must stand, but it must not stand alone.
Beautifully said. ;)
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Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
aerbear said:
That's a lotta feeling for a girl he only knew for two weeks, so she was still something special. The length of their relationship doesn't really mean much.

It's really A LOT. She's had a great impact on Cloud, so much that he will never forget her even if they had only a few weeks of interaction.
He accepted being her bodyguard almost immediately, he smiled with her, he rushed to save her when she got kidnapped, and he had her engraved in his heart/memory for all time... Whoop!

aerbear said:
Might not, but he does?
I might not have a large second toe, but I do?

This made me :lol:
And I was drinking juice. My nose hurts. :awesome:

aerbear said:
We have reasonable cause to think Cloud and Aerith, and you've got reasonable cause to think Cloud and Tifa.

Ditto girl. :p


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
So... are you saying that the only time Cloud was happy was with Tifa, Marlene and Denzel? And this did not happen at other times?

Nope. not at all. I said, he was only finally truly happy, when he built his family with them. After everything he went through, after all the tragedies and roller coaster ride that FF7 was, Cloud was never truly happy until he had a home to go to. That doesn't mean he didn't have instances of happiness throughout FF7, just that face it; the game was a roller coaster of emotions.

He starts feeling happy with Aerith and literally the next moment, she's dead in his arms. He starts feeling confident in who he is, and Sephiroth shatters his will a moment later by controlling him.

The reason for Cloud's festering guilt and it's sudden onset is the fact that he is finally truly happy and problem free while others remain 'dead' because of him.

Does that make better sense? :P


Kaiju Member
It's really A LOT. She's had a great impact on Cloud, so much that he will never forget her even if they had only a few weeks of interaction.
He accepted being her bodyguard almost immediately, he smiled with her, he rushed to save her when she got kidnapped, and he had her engraved in his heart/memory for all time... Whoop!

Yeah, but don't forget that during their time together Cloud was still "Zackified" so Cloud already had an aptitude towards being impacted by her. If he had not been retaining Zack's personality, their relationship might not have progressed as quickly as it did (not that it invalidates it).

However, Cloud's and Tifa's relationship has been able to develop over many years, allowing them work through their problems, which makes their relationship just as strong, if not stronger, than Cloud's and Aerith's.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu


Higher Further Faster
Seriously, there has been so much rule breaking in this thread lately that the next person to put a toe out of line gets a two-week thread ban by me.

Stop with the snark, stop with the spam, and STOP MAKING THIS DEBATE PERSONAL. We will come down on everyone and anyone, and I do mean anyone (and we have).

Go read the rules in the beginning of the thread.



Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Alright I just read everything closely here and

Hell, she didn't even take the time to actually address her replies to his point TO HIM. She attributed them TO ME.

This was probably my fault. I probably screwed up your quotes when I sent them to her. I know you don't like the PM thing, but it's easier on her modem.

If, say, seven-year-old me came to present me and said "Woah, you moved out of New York? You must be so happy!", does that mean me, as I am now, would be happy about that?

Except it wasn't kid Cloud who said that, it was Cloud's subconscious in the form of kid Cloud who said it. Cloud's present day subconscious. (I know this was sorta said already but I had to add it so it wasn't a one liner :awesome:)


The Wanderer of Time
And Could you point to these insults? As early ones as you can find, too. Because I think most of these are statements of 'bullshit' with explanations of why things are seen as bullshit.

Saw this and decided to oblige while I was in the neighborhood. Off the top of my head without digging too far, my "return" post to the thread comes to mind.

Gym Leader Devil said:
This is just one more log on the fire of "Anastar doesn't even read what we say" logic.

This person is an expert on jumping to conclusions folks, maybe we should listen to her this time?

Your unwillingness to comprehend these things is cute. Sad, but cute. I could just put you in my pocket.


Cherry Garcia.
Did she? She's still running her own business after he comes back. Yes, Cloud is a big part of her life, but I don't think Tifa lost herself in the deal.

I think she did, when everything she does seem to be with the intention of retaining a man who just doesn’t seem to be there.

Yeah, but that'd hurt about any pairing they'd be in. They work through it.

This pairing is about 80% struggles and 20% anything else. If that’s just every pairing then I think I’ve just lost faith in love.

Dumbass. Not douche. Douchery- for me anyways- implies malice or self centeredness, rather than well intentioned stupidity.
My grandfather, when he was dying, lied his ass off about how well he felt to us. He knew he was dying. We knew he was dying. But he didn't want us to worry about him. This had the side effect of making my mother worry about him all the time since she thought his condition was so much worse than it was for most of the end of his life.
RavenRoth has a very excellent response for this as well.

He comes as self-centered when he just won’t share what’s inside of him with his life-long “partner” and thus creating doubt and frustration on her by constantly keeping things to himself and doing things behind her back.

Because they were introducing a new element which can easily be associated with clinginess and were cognizant of wanting not to cross theline.

Or maybe because they realized they “unintentionally” portrayed her as clingy in the original game.

[mas-uh-kist] Show IPA mas•och•ist
1. Psychiatry. a person who has masochism, the condition in which sexual or other gratification depends on one's suffering physical pain or humiliation.
2. a person who is gratified by pain, degradation, etc., that is self-imposed or imposed by others.
3. a person who finds pleasure in self-denial, submissiveness, etc.

Masochist. For the record.

Seriously, your dictionary Tactic just won’t do it for me.

1.- We’re not talking about sexual perversions, so this definition certainly does not apply to neither Tifa or Cloud. (Unless we count rocks and grass as a need to reach sexual arousal).

2.- Constantly wallowing on guilt to the point of detaching yourself from the external world sounds to me like:
He constantly chases after his own self with inner persecutory thoughts to the point of neglecting people around him, causing pain on others because of his self-pitying behavior which despite the effort of his “family” to make him come to his senses, just won’t change him.
Either he’s stupid/crazy or he enjoys self-pity which actually doesn’t sound so incredible coming from a person whose dealt with identity crisis throughout the entire compilation.

3.- Self-denial: “Sacrifice of one's own desires or interests.” Oh! Tifa…

Masochist for the record.

You say of the women explicitly described as supporting the mentally weak side of Cloud.

Or perhaps a woman so desperate to hold onto a man who just seems to be drifting away.

You've hit the language barrier head on again. 'Uncomformity' is not the word you want here. It's actually not a correct english word (Non-comformity is proper) and refers to breaking from an established pattern. Uncertainty, perhaps?

Thank you, I’ll keep it in mind to improve my use of the language.

Yes, but replace the word Cloud in the above with 'Tifa' 'Vincent' 'Yuffie' and 'Cid' and the same would be true.

I didn’t know Cloud and Vincent (Or anyone else for the matter) shared something deeper than friendship.

Now you’re saying he’s promiscuous?

Could you elaborate on this, with some examples, please?

Saving Tifa from Don Corneo= Aerith’s idea.

Saving Aerith from ShinRa= Barret [To Cloud]: “So there are times when even you fight for other people. I am impressed”,

It wasn't for comfort. It was for penance.

penance [ˈpɛnəns]
1. voluntary self-punishment to atone for a sin, crime, etc.
2. a feeling of regret for one's wrongdoings
3. (Christianity / Ecclesiastical Terms) Christianity
a. a punishment usually consisting of prayer, fasting, etc., undertaken voluntarily as an expression of penitence for sin
b. a punishment of this kind imposed by church authority as a condition of absolution

I thought you said he was not a masochist.

Cloud isn't looking for someone else to comfort him, he's looking for something to allow or justify his own happiness to himself.

And why aren’t Tifa and the kids enough reason to justify his own happiness to himself?

Cloud's turning point comes when he realizes that succeeding isn't the requirement. It's trying. Pushing forward, even if you fail. By trying to atone, he's already atoning, already proving his worthiness of that happiness.

Which begins to happen when he actually meets Aerith in the Forgotten City.
Once again, it is Aerith who makes him come to his senses. Not Tifa.

Because he reminded her of Zack... stated in the game and outside of it.

Despite numerous quotes from SE stating exactly the opposite…damn those liars!

Proving a negative is hard, actually. The facts show the opposite position to be correct, that in and of itself makes you wrong rather than any "proof that you're wrong."

It is actually called “Null hypothesis” and sure it can be proved.
When the alternate hypothesis which implies a positive remark is proved wrong then the Null hypothesis turns out to be correct.

So no, I’m not wrong.

And I like that about them. Cloud and Tifa aren't some perfect little happy pairing of sunshine and rainbows. They have issues, and some of the hardest issues there are for a couple to get through. Yet they eventually get through it on the strength of their determination to be together. Tis more realistic than the "sunshine and rainbows" types.

It is not realistic, it is painful.

Of course couples struggle at different times in their relationship, but not just 80% or more of it.

Indeed, Cloud was a douche, and you have part of the reason for that right even. He sucks at opening up and communicating. Indeed we do agree there, and that is nice to see now and then.

I guess this is ok.

I'm a sadist. I know masochists. Try again, please.

And that has to do with…

Are you trolling?

No, I’m not.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
To be fair, what she thinks (also written in her essay) are things that have been, or are being, addressed in this thread. I'm sure she wasn't trying to be rude.

Not all. And several of those points did go unaddressed in responses to other people. Tres's first rage at his big bold underlined yelly post comes to mine.

She does have a job and her own life constraining her, like how I'm constrained by my Xbox and sleeping Ahem, moving on..

Anastar is under no time constraint to respond here. That means exactly what it says. She may take as long as she requires to respond, but we would appreciate the courtesy of complete, honest responses.
Many of the posters in this thread are constrained by job and life.

That one post sums it up, but I don't have the time tonight. I'll get back to this later. Maybe I should print the rude stuff out and pretty it up, add some pictures, make a scrapbook of our times together.

After you do that, we can go over all the times folks have been rude in their responses to me and my friends.

We've have no reason to think that they talked at all in those months after they first spoke. The only interaction between them ever mentioned or seen has been the night they made that promise.

Congratulations. You've AGAIN, made the case against Clerith. "We've have no reason to think" (omit either the 've or the have in that sentence, BTW, to make it grammatically correct) cuts against many of the arguments that have been presented, which operate on assumptions of what could happen, but which we have no reason to assume are true.
In this case, though, I would argue we DO have a reason to think they'd talk again. Tifa was interested. Cloud was interested. Even if they were oblivious to each other- and they were, don't get me wrong- they'd want to be near each other and spend time around their crushes.

But he actually knew Aerith. During his childhood, and during most of the time between the first time he talked to Tifa and the start of FFVII, he didn't know her very well. Aerith and Tifa were more or less on equal footing with Cloud by the time Aerith and Tifa met.

Even if we discount any meaning of their childhood, Cloud has spent at least an extra week with Tifa as he recovered at the 7th heaven. More likely a month or two. As far as Cloud knowing both women, that's weight in Tifa's camp again.
Cloud knew Tifa at least as well as he knew Aerith. That's my point. If he didn't know Tifa well enough to love her despite years of knowledge about her, how well could get get to know Aerith in two really distracting weeks?

"In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day." -Nomura

"Aerith Gainsborough - A girl with the blood of the Ancients running through her veins, who Cloud would never forget." -DoC game manual

That's a lotta feeling for a girl he only knew for two weeks, so she was still something special. The length of their relationship doesn't really mean much.

That's also a lot of feeling for a girl Tifa knew two weeks. And Tifa has her own feelings towards Aerith, and unless we're being really asinine, also won't forget her. No one in the party will never forget her.

Assuming there isn't a timeline for Final Fantasy X, I counted 11 in-game days. But Yuna still loved Tidus, didn't she. :)

You realize you're still arguing against your INITIAL argument, right? By pointing out that the time you get to spend with someone doesn't matter, you're arguing against the initial point of Cloud not knowing Tifa well enough to love her.

Because at the time, he didn't remember having feelings for Tifa as a kid. The memories were there, but buried.

The feelings were still there too. That's my point. Not merely memories of those feelings, but those feelings. We're told the feelings are still held by whole Cloud.

Might not, but he does?
I might not have a large second toe, but I do?

'Might not' is a probability statement. I might or might not have three juggling badgers riding chainsaws.
As it turns out, I don't. I only have two.
You probably don't have a second big toe (I presume on a single foot), but if you do, you do.

There are a lot of quotes about Cloud and Aerith saying more or less the same things. I meant that he isn't driven by the same things he was before. He has more that drives him now, including Tifa. I agree that she helps him a lot, because he cares for her very much.

But having more that drives him doesn't take away that Tifa is still a driving factor in his life.
She's the one who convinces him to try and save the kids even at his lowest confidence point.
And instead of saying there are 'a lot' of quotes saying 'more or less the same things' show me the quotes.

I see what you mean now.

So you agree he knows and there's a definite answer?

"The viewer is free to decide how they interpret or enjoy what we've made. The staff have their own answers to everything included throughout the film, such as the angel statue. But even if someone who watches it interprets it differently, then that's still another possible answer. I guess 'comparing answers' could be one of the ways to enjoy the film."

He's also saying that their own interpretations - the people who made the movie - are just possible answers, some out of many. He's giving us a lot of creative freedom. This is why we're here, to preserve this freedom he's given us to make of it what we will. He wants us to enjoy what's been given to us without writing off anything as definite. He didn't even write Cloud and Tifa's possible romantic relationship off as definite or canon, but with what he said, just one possible answer.

Actually, he didn't. He said the staff have their own answers. That is definite. He said that viewers have interpretations that are possible answers. The interpretations of the viewer CAN be correct, but the answers of the creators ARE correct.
And even then, I repeat, this doesn't mean 'all interpretations are valid' or 'there is no answer' It means an interpretation CAN be an answer. Doesn't mean it is.

Didn't think I'd hear that on here.

We don't mind different interpretations. We just expect them to be sufficiently supported by the weight of the facts.

I've found different answers than you. I'm not saying they're right or wrong, and neither is he. My answers are as valid as yours. In his words, they're possible answers.

Your answers and my answers are not valid on their own. They are possible answers. But without evidence, without reason, those answers, those interpretations are not even PROBABLE answers.

EDIT: Re-reading what you wrote, I forgot something.
I'm not saying Cloud and Vincent are going to be together, or something. That's an interpretation, but not a valid one, because I wasn't given reasonable cause. We have a scenario where Cloud's romantic feelings are never blatantly specified, but are hinted at. We have two girls who we know feel romantically about him. Aerith died, but the LT didn't, because it hasn't been said anywhere that Cloud's feelings can die for her and then focus on Tifa alone. That defeats the purpose of the love triangle anyway. They invented it around the time when they decided Aerith would be killed, not to make one couple canon, but to give us a choice. Because the answer wasn't made clear and it still hasn't been.

Could you please provide some support here for 'they did it to give us a choice?' Because that 'choice' gave us the option to go with Barret or Yuffie, and we also have the choice to ignore Yuffie and Vincent.

We have reasonable cause to think Cloud and Aerith, and you've got reasonable cause to think Cloud and Tifa.

You say you have reasonable cause. Can you explain why your cause is reasonable? What evidence leads you to think that C/A is a reasonable suspicion, more reasonable than a filial relationship? This is, as I keep trying to get back to, in many ways the heart of the matter.
In another way, though, it seems our causes are at the root a fight of the Gnostic vs the Agnostic philosophy. I've been stressing that there is a truth, that we CAN know. You seem to stress the reverse, in a postmodernist 'there is no wrong view' skein (And newsflash to the postmodernists, you were wrong. There's no 'wrong' emotional reaction to a scenario, but there are DEFINITELY incorrect hypotheses about the facts of the scenario and the narratives of those books)

Guess I forgot the apostrophe.

More you forgot to remove '2k'

Beautifully said. ;)

Thank you.

It's really A LOT. She's had a great impact on Cloud, so much that he will never forget her even if they had only a few weeks of interaction.

But so to will Vincent, Cid, Barret, Nanaki, Reeve, Marlene, and Tifa never forget her.
And Marlene had a few minutes!

He accepted being her bodyguard almost immediately, he smiled with her, he rushed to save her when she got kidnapped, and he had her engraved in his heart/memory for all time... Whoop!

All of those things, if we take them as romantic, put her on equal footing with Tifa, meaning Cloud loves both women.
But the thing is, he's living with Tifa. Aerith, if we recognize Maiden, recognizes this. Hell, repeatedly Aerith keeps punting his ass back to the world of the living. If Cloud does romantically love Aerith, she's telling him not to bother. She's not pulled a literal Anna or Rachel, but she has led him back to Tifa when his mind was in the lifestream after fighting Sephiroth. She healed his dying body and sent him back to his family where he belongs (along with Zack telling him he didn't belong in the afterlife). Aerith is sending the boy a message.

Ditto girl. :p

So worry more about making that case, not tearing down the wall for the other pair.

Oh! Somehow her Fantasy world seems closer to the Fantasy world of FF7 than your "reality" :lol:

Ignoring that this is an insult and a bad one for the sake of argument, what 'reality' other than the reality that we all share are you speaking of, and how does her fantasy speculation more fit the FF7 world more than this 'reality'
Inquiring minds want to know if you have any substance to the accusation.

Alright I just read everything closely here and

This was probably my fault. I probably screwed up your quotes when I sent them to her. I know you don't like the PM thing, but it's easier on her modem.

Anastar can turn off Sigs, Avatars, and Images under her general options, and change the color scheme to a much simpler mode.

Saw this and decided to oblige while I was in the neighborhood. Off the top of my head without digging too far, my "return" post to the thread comes to mind.

The reason I want the earliest example of insults is because a number of people believe that it was Anastar that acted in an unvicil manner first.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying no insults are fired. They are. I know the people here. We insult the people we like from time to time. I just want an example of the insult threshhold- to see what counts as an insult, just as I wanted to know what counted as slander earlier in the thread. In that case, it turned saying 'bullshit' counted as slander in Anastar's eyes.

This is just one more log on the fire of "Anastar doesn't even read what we say" logic.

Considering that Anastar has been found to have neglected to respond to significant portions of posts, and has repeatedly resisted attempts to be corrected about Shadow's demise, this one I cannot call an insult.

This person is an expert on jumping to conclusions folks, maybe we should listen to her this time?

Your unwillingness to comprehend these things is cute. Sad, but cute. I could just put you in my pocket.

These two, I can see as insults, but I also know GLD felt she was being materially dishonest with her responses, which while not a 'you fucker', is quite insulting and rude.

I think she did, when everything she does seem to be with the intention of retaining a man who just doesn’t seem to be there.

But he was there most of the time. He was spending time with the family. He was happy with them.

This pairing is about 80% struggles and 20% anything else. If that’s just every pairing then I think I’ve just lost faith in love.

That's an interestingly specific percentage you have there. Where are you getting 80% struggle from? And to be frank, life is full of struggles, not just relationships.

He comes as self-centered when he just won’t share what’s inside of him with his life-long “partner” and thus creating doubt and frustration on her by constantly keeping things to himself and doing things behind her back.

But if he does these admittedly stupid things with his family in mind. It makes him a dumbass, not self centered.

Or maybe because they realized they “unintentionally” portrayed her as clingy in the original game.

Yeah, this argument didn't hold water back when it was the 'Butting into the private promised land thoughts' argument, and really doesn't hold water now.

Seriously, your dictionary Tactic just won’t do it for me.

It's not a tactic. You're not a native speaker. The dictionary is a more objective reference, and I doubt we're going DSMIV here.

1.- We’re not talking about sexual perversions, so this definition certainly does not apply to neither Tifa or Cloud. (Unless we count rocks and grass as a need to reach sexual arousal).

Agreed. Also, rocks and grass wouldn't be required, they just wouldn't get in the way. Difference.
And even if they were required, that would be a different sexual fetish altogether.
Also, either Tifa or Cloud.

2.- Constantly wallowing on guilt to the point of detaching yourself from the external world sounds to me like:
He constantly chases after his own self with inner persecutory thoughts to the point of neglecting people around him, causing pain on others because of his self-pitying behavior which despite the effort of his “family” to make him come to his senses, just won’t change him.
Either he’s stupid/crazy or he enjoys self-pity which actually doesn’t sound so incredible coming from a person whose dealt with identity crisis throughout the entire compilation.

So, you're not responding to the definitions I put forth at all. Because none of what I cited mentioned 'constantly wallowing in guilt' or even guilt, and even if you're arguing that that is pain and degradation, it makes no case for -taking gratification- in it, which is the most important part.

3.- Self-denial: “Sacrifice of one's own desires or interests.” Oh! Tifa…[/B]

Again 'finds pleasure in' self denial. That does mean she'd ENJOY it.

Seriously, you're wrong in your usage of Masochist. Please accept this and move on.

Or perhaps a woman so desperate to hold onto a man who just seems to be drifting away.

Congratulations, you're trying to argue with a fact now. And by introducing a tangent to the original point. Concession of original point accepted, unless you'd like to explain how this non sequitor has anything to do with 'And asking for all these traits Cloud just doesn’t seem to have to manifest,'

Thank you, I’ll keep it in mind to improve my use of the language.

You accept this, but not Masochist. Odd.

I didn’t know Cloud and Vincent (Or anyone else for the matter) shared something deeper than friendship.

Now you’re saying he’s promiscuous?

I think what I'm saying right now is that you're missing the point I was trying to make.
Also, Aerith and X. It's Cloud's name you replace. And no, I wasn't saying she was promiscuous either. I said she had an impact on everyone beyond simple friendship.

Saving Tifa from Don Corneo= Aerith’s idea.

How he did it, yes. Cloud was planning on charging in. The intent was all his.

Saving Aerith from ShinRa= Barret [To Cloud]: “So there are times when even you fight for other people. I am impressed”,

So, Cloud will save people in trouble. This is actually a standard behaviour of 'real Cloud,' and he is driven by it and his promise during Before Crisis.
But I did ask for examples, plural. Could you give other instances where you think Aerith 'gets him moving without needing to ask?'

penance [ˈpɛnəns]
1. voluntary self-punishment to atone for a sin, crime, etc.
2. a feeling of regret for one's wrongdoings
3. (Christianity / Ecclesiastical Terms) Christianity
a. a punishment usually consisting of prayer, fasting, etc., undertaken voluntarily as an expression of penitence for sin
b. a punishment of this kind imposed by church authority as a condition of absolution

I thought you said he was not a masochist.

I did. Punishing onesself doesn't make you a masochist automatically.

And why aren’t Tifa and the kids enough reason to justify his own happiness to himself?

Justify deserving what makes him happy with the very thing that makes him happy?
That's tautologous.

Which begins to happen when he actually meets Aerith in the Forgotten City.
Once again, it is Aerith who makes him come to his senses. Not Tifa.

It's Vincent, actually. And Tifa, Aerith, and even Marlene helped as well. But you know, Cloud did actually start just plain trying again when Tifa asked him to.

Despite numerous quotes from SE stating exactly the opposite…damn those liars!

You're joking, right?
There's no quote saying Cloud didn't remind Aerith of Zack, numerous quotes that do, and several that go so far as to say she fell for him because of this assocation.

It is actually called “Null hypothesis” and sure it can be proved.
When the alternate hypothesis which implies a positive remark is proved wrong then the Null hypothesis turns out to be correct.

The Null hypothesis is 'wedunno,' kiddo. And you never prove it.

So no, I’m not wrong.

Apart from the alternate position being validated by the evidence.

It is not realistic, it is painful.

Of course couples struggle at different times in their relationship, but not just 80% or more of it.

You've pulled that hyperbolic percentage out twice now. Why?

And that has to do with…

Him knowing what masochism is and what masochists are.

No, I’m not.

Then perhaps you should consider not posting insulting one liners in the future.

Also, before I forget, please do respond to this section of my previous post to me that you ignored.

To atone for his failing. To maybe, just maybe, get a cure. Because Cloud started out looking for a cure. He stayed away when it looked like he was going to die without it. Cloud felt he wasn't worthy of his family and the happiness they brought him. He had to do something to be worthy of them, or be forgiven so that he could return to them.
Cloud isn't looking for someone else to comfort him, he's looking for something to allow or justify his own happiness to himself.

Part of why he initially takes in Denzel is because you can't bring back the dead, but you can take care of those still living. Denzel is Cloud's atonement, the act of justification which allows him to feel happy without feeling guilty. And when Denzel's sickness comes to a head, Cloud looks for a cure- he's not going to fail this time. And then he gets the disease himself. He can't face his family being a burden and a failure. He doesn't want to force them to take care of unworthy him. So he seeks whatever he can to release his guilt to return home.

At the absolute root of Cloud's story in AC/C is that happiness of his family life makes him feel guilty, and that he must DO something in order to deserve his happiness. But he's also afraid of screwing things up and ruining everything. Cloud's turning point comes when he realizes that succeeding isn't the requirement. It's trying. Pushing forward, even if you fail. By trying to atone, he's already atoning, already proving his worthiness of that happiness.
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For God's sake, how shall I keep up with it...?
Honestly... OVER 30 PAGES???
...Is there something new discussed by now or is it still the same old stuff...?
By the way, Quexinos was asking for a quote saying that Cloud can feel something romantic for Aerith.
I guess I've found a statement from Mr. Kitase about that:
"And having two heroines, Aerith and Tifa, and having the hero waver between them, at the time that was something new."
If Cloud can waver in his choice between them, then he can feel romantic interest for both women.
And... I wondered if that other line was implying a possible romance, too.
It was said that Cait Sith's prediction of Aeriths and Clouds marriage makes Aerith's death even sadder. But it was also said that "from another angle, there is hope... perhaps" - wouldn't that mean there is still hope for a marriage/romantic relationship, even if it's just "perhaps"?
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