I told people the LTD was better off and much nicer when
I we posted in poetry form. Just saying.
Though on the subject of quote mining, I had a look at that 'apathetic' quote that was being brought up:
分岐 決戦前夜に……
I don't know if the full thing has been quoted elsewhere, but I only seemed to have come across it with the parts in blue (pardon the font colouring) missing. Which is the part that says if Tifa's affection value is high, the conversation is deeper. I'm not sure what the point of leaving the latter part out is unless it's to make it seem like the book is try to paint the whole scene in a less meaningful/emotion light.
I'm also not sure what the argument about this quote was supposed to be. I figured, from quick glances at new replies to this thread in the past, that it was about the conversation shown in the game. But it kind of sounds that it's being used to determine what happened after the 'cameras stopped rolling'?
I figured it was just talking about the actual conversation you see, but to go on what isn't scene there's the caption for the accompanying screenshot (Cloud telling her that this might be the only time they have left from the high affection scene), which says that if Tifa's affection is high then the
night (rather than 'conversation [scene]' used before) becomes something meaningful or significant. Complete with the old 'end a sentence like this to make it sound more dramatic...' ellipsis.
The summary of the story also contains this line for the scene:
"In their final remaining hours they disclose their feelings for each other, and..."
I don't really see why you would make a point of mentioning that they've told each other their feelings if it was just an apathetic and short conversation. It had already mentioned that Cloud and Tifa stayed behind alone, they could have just left it at that and moved on.
At this point in time, I'm not that bothered.
Anonymous or not, if people don't like I'll be just a biased Cloti again