The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
... why are we still on 想いを通わせる?... that was like... back when Anastar was here debating with me. I brought that up...

god damn, I started the new koibito, didn't I?

Frankly I don't see the point in asking all these Japanese people to verify one thing or the other... eve though I used to do that :monster: I mean:

Bob proposed to break up, so we did(or would do?) temporarily.
But we(Bob and Ana) stay in the 飛空艇 and make love.
siguro, like this
I'm sorry but that sounds like an online translator. I'm assuming it's because she didn't have much context to go on... but still I wouldn't use this for anything.

You can show it to 500 Japanese people and even if they all say the same thing, in the long run the main argument will be that the HA scene is optional. Even if you prove that 7 out of the 8 quotes are speaking of the HA version, it's still going to be "optional."
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I'm sorry but that sounds like an online translator. I'm assuming it's because she didn't have much context to go on... but still I wouldn't use this for anything.

Not all Japanese are good at expressing themselves in English. >_> I feel kind of offended because I chat with my cousins (who are native Japanese) a lot and they sound like that. They know I can't read Kanji and hate reading in Japanese characters most of all. They try their best.

But they know their language best. I mean, I would be pissed if someone butchered anything I translated in Tagalog and told me I sounded like an online translator. It's my language and I know it best, so anyone who tries to correct what I know of my own language better be a native speaker like myself, or their argument will just suck balls. It's insulting too. >_>


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
And I find myself opening my big fucking mouth and having to defend myself again.

I personally understand what they're trying to say, you understand it, anyone at TLS will understand it (like I said I think they needed more context however) but how many times has the "This translator sucks, look how bad their translating is, how can we trust them" argument come up? You have to know by now that if they can find a flaw, they will. If it's not perfect, they aren't going to buy it.

I'm not insulting your cousins or anything I mean come on now, why would I even DO That?


I personally understand what they're trying to say, you understand it, anyone at TLS will understand it (like I said I think they needed more context however) but how many times has the "This translator sucks, look how bad their translating is, how can we trust them" argument come up? You have to know by now that if they can find a flaw, they will. If it's not perfect, they aren't going to buy it.

And if there isn't a flaw they will make one up. Or find some greater "context" to justify ignoring it.

Sort of how someone might say the FTOIL page confirms a C/A romance happened (because of the picture) but that it also says C/T is optional (because of a reference page number).


Pro Adventurer
... why are we still on 想いを通わせる?... that was like... back when Anastar was here debating with me. I brought that up...

god damn, I started the new koibito, didn't I?

Frankly I don't see the point in asking all these Japanese people to verify one thing or the other... eve though I used to do that :monster: I mean:

It counts as a personal verification for me since my Japanese is nowhere as advanced as yours. That's the point.

I'm sorry but that sounds like an online translator. I'm assuming it's because she didn't have much context to go on... but still I wouldn't use this for anything.

That is actually offending. So I might actually sound like an online translator to her too when I'm trying to speak in Japanese. And she sounds like that when trying to speak Filipino.

If you read what I wrote posts ago, I did say that she might have been having trouble expressing herself in English. When we were meeting in person she's very quiet and has a "translation lag" when speaking in English. I agree that this does not conclude that Cloud and Tifa did have sex, but the fact remains that she said this:

Risa said:
想いを通わせる is used only for koibito not nakama or tomodati.
because it implies sexual meaning.
you can use 想う for tomodati(=kaibigan).
but it means that you think about someone who is important for you

What context do you need? Literal? But if you mean knowing the game, she does.

You can show it to 500 Japanese people and even if they all say the same thing, in the long run the main argument will be that the HA scene is optional. Even if you prove that 7 out of the 8 quotes are speaking of the HA version, it's still going to be "optional."

Quex my real goal is to make Clotis happy, to acquire this rare kind of info not to shove into everyone's throats but to add to my knowledge and share it to those who are interested. I know we can't rely on Risa-san to make a new translation for us but she has explained the social implications of the line.

For the last 15 years all we have are non-native Japanese translators, Japanese who don't know FFVII or imaginary Japanese people. I don't understand why you reacted like that, for the first time we finally have a Japanese who knows FFVII to tell her thoughts on the matter. It's a jackpot.

But if people aren't convinced, it's not my problem. But I believe I came across a good reference for those who take the pro-canon stand.


Pro Adventurer
Update: As I was writing this she's online and she confirmed what surprisingly people had also denied. (I actually heard this from my friend that there are people who deny CidxShera. I still can't believe it but here.)

Risa said:
tama! they got married

and the name of 飛空艇 Shera he made is came from her name
Anything else you wanna ask? (Note I won't bombard her with questions that's embarassing.)

Again, I won't consult the Aerith koibito line unless the other side agrees to my proposal.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
And I find myself opening my big fucking mouth and having to defend myself again.

I personally understand what they're trying to say, you understand it, anyone at TLS will understand it (like I said I think they needed more context however) but how many times has the "This translator sucks, look how bad their translating is, how can we trust them" argument come up? You have to know by now that if they can find a flaw, they will. If it's not perfect, they aren't going to buy it.

I'm not insulting your cousins or anything I mean come on now, why would I even DO That?

Oh, don't worry, I'm not actually mad-mad at you. :monster: We're nakama. After the first paragraph, everything else is directed at the other camp for butchering the Japanese language for their double standards and arguments about how Cloti isn't canon because translators are biased. Most of my post wasn't even directed at you as a person and I'll have you know that I still lurve you.

Now give us a kiss! :kiss:

I did see some of Danseru's discussions with them, and one of them actually went on a Japanese translation forum, asked for clarification, and then outright questioned the validity of said translation when it didn't seem to be in their favor. >_> It's really insulting. "Your view doesn't agree with mine so you probably don't know your own language, therefore your translations suck."

The arrogance is just

I know I'm not supposed to bring it up, but people need to know. I'll let them have their nonsense "neither is canon but Clerith is" argument. The most I will do about that is mock it. But when they touch and pick apart the Japanese language like they know better than the Japanese themselves, I'm not just going to sit by and let that happen. Respect, they need to learn it.

Anyway, Danseru said enough about this issue in her previous post. I know you didn't insult my cousins directly, but it's a reflection of what they will do. And I obviously don't like it. >_>

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Danseru said:
For the last 15 years all we have are non-native Japanese translators, Japanese who don't know FFVII or imaginary Japanese people. I don't understand why you reacted like that, for the first time we finally have a Japanese who knows FFVII to tell her thoughts on the matter. It's a jackpot.

In Que's defense, she's a sweetheart (koibito? :awesome:) who would never deliberately offend anyone or try to hurt their feelings.

And I can also tell you why she responded the way she did: she has put more effort than literally anyone in this fandom into consulting others on this stuff. She has asked numerous expert Westerners about this very phrase, and at least one native Japanese speaker for their input as well (I don't think they were familiar with FFVII, but, of course, the prevailing counterargument before Que asked them was that an "unbiased" native speaker -- i.e. someone unfamiliar with the game -- would be the most reliable person to go to).

Despite all her effort, she was shunned, ignored and ultimately betrayed by people she believed were her friends. And all because their petty egos can't stand to admit defeat on something that was always beyond their power to control.

So, yeah, I can understand making the point you did, but understand that Que is as good-natured a person as anyone on marble Earth, and definitely already regrets her choice of phrasing.


Pro Adventurer
@ Tres and Quex

I'm not angry at Quex honestly, and I know all her efforts in the Japanese part of the debate. I've greatly appreciated her posts for the last one year here in TLS. I've used her posts as reference because they are all helpful. She's the one who proved that "engraved in his heart" is an idiom, not as dramatic as the English implies. I know that she's probably that only person in TLS who argues MWTTP is canon (at least at the time when I was lurking the threads) and I respect her for that. I've read all the threads in her forum too ^^,

I'm actually getting frustrated and annoyed on how people try to twist the Japanese language and this has just been going on for a week for me. I can only imagine how Quex feels doing this much longer.

So no hard feelings ok? :monster::awesomonster:


As for the other camp that I'm sure reading the posts here right now. They can discuss it here if they still question what Risa wrote. But I won't debate in tumblr, I want to enjoy myself there. I know it frustrates them but they're welcome to debate on me one on one here if they want to. I can't just argue with them there when some of the arguments are:

1. What matches are not their feelings, it's both of them being alone
2. Your friend said the kanji "omoi" can be used not only for love but depending on the context therefore the whole phrase is like that too
3. The quote says they talk about romance or the content of their conversation contained something romantic, it doesn't say they feel the same way for each other
4. I contradicted myself because giving a "sexual connotation" negates romance, this also contradicts the creator statement that they removed the risque-ness of the scene
5. The sentence does not prove that the communication is two way because there is only one name written in there and how can you infer that it also refers to Cloud?

I paraphrased them of course but these are what I get. Note that I actually supplied every quote needed and didn't rely on a single phrase. Also... they don't know a thing about Japanese.

I weep when they argue that simple phrase of "communicated feelings" which a Japanese confirms to be romantic, and only for a koibito apparently has another dozen meanings contradictory to what it obviously says.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Hey Danseru-kun, very interesting. Thanks for doing this for peeps.

Thanks for asking about Aerith too <3

Could you/would you be willing to ask your friend about Aerith's Kiobito as well/and or who the Japanese think Cloud went on the Gold Saucer date/which they think is the most canon/most likely date (might tie in with why they think Aerith is more than a friend less than a lover)/what they think of the dates in general? ^-^ I'm honestly fine with this. Square Enix confirmed Cloud and Aerith as having a special bond and I always personally thought this meant more than just a friend i.e Aerith meant more to Cloud than some characters/just a regular friend (and I never thought Cloud and Aerith's were lovers/made love/had sex or sillies like that anyway in that sense anyway) :)

Honestly, I don't think the dates matter much to the plot. I think they matter to character development. That- plus a few other things, especially not giving a shit about which one happened- is why I 'fudge' to have them all happen.

Has there ever been anything that has given more detail into Tifa's creation? Like, at what stage of development was she brought in? I'm curious about whether she was created before or after they made the decision to kill Aerith.

I think I remember reading a quote about it on this site a few months ago, but I haven't been able to find it again.

'Tifa' was Created right around the same time as the decision that the person to be killed would be the woman. However, this is not exactly cut and dry, because after this decision was made, they took the archetype that had been earmarked for the 'Aerith' prototype, applied it to the 'Tifa' prototype, and gave the 'Aerith' prototype a new character archetype.

Update: As I was writing this she's online and she confirmed what surprisingly people had also denied. (I actually heard this from my friend that there are people who deny CidxShera. I still can't believe it but here.)

Anything else you wanna ask? (Note I won't bombard her with questions that's embarassing.)

Again, I won't consult the Aerith koibito line unless the other side agrees to my proposal.

Ask her if she thinks about the contemporary Political statement Kurosawa was making in Seven Samurai, and how well or badly this statement was made in The Magnificent Seven.
Oh, wait, RELEVANT questions?

In Que's defense, she's a sweetheart (koibito? :awesome:) who would never deliberately offend anyone or try to hurt their feelings.

And I can also tell you why she responded the way she did: she has put more effort than literally anyone in this fandom into consulting others on this stuff. She has asked numerous expert Westerners about this very phrase, and at least one native Japanese speaker for their input as well (I don't think they were familiar with FFVII, but, of course, the prevailing counterargument before Que asked them was that an "unbiased" native speaker -- i.e. someone unfamiliar with the game -- would be the most reliable person to go to).

And imagine the surprise when it turned out that every single native speaker turned out to be a secret Cloti mole without even knowing it!

Despite all her effort, she was shunned, ignored and ultimately betrayed by people she believed were her friends. And all because their petty egos can't stand to admit defeat on something that was always beyond their power to control.

And which means quite a lot more to them than it honestly should. I say that having been in the same argument for quite some time, so I know it might ring hollow, but it's unhealthy for a lot of those folks.

@ Tres and Quex

I'm not angry at Quex honestly, and I know all her efforts in the Japanese part of the debate. I've greatly appreciated her posts for the last one year here in TLS. I've used her posts as reference because they are all helpful. She's the one who proved that "engraved in his heart" is an idiom, not as dramatic as the English implies. I know that she's probably that only person in TLS who argues MWTTP is canon (at least at the time when I was lurking the threads) and I respect her for that. I've read all the threads in her forum too ^^,

I'm actually getting frustrated and annoyed on how people try to twist the Japanese language and this has just been going on for a week for me. I can only imagine how Quex feels doing this much longer.

So no hard feelings ok? :monster::awesomonster:

Think how Tres, Hito, and I feel. Especially Hitobito. He went from perfectly fluent to biased and untrustworthy in a matter of what, one translation?


As for the other camp that I'm sure reading the posts here right now. They can discuss it here if they still question what Risa wrote. But I won't debate in tumblr, I want to enjoy myself there. I know it frustrates them but they're welcome to debate on me one on one here if they want to. I can't just argue with them there when some of the arguments are:

1. What matches are not their feelings, it's both of them being alone

This is sad desperation and ultimately contrary to the point of the scene, since they're not alone. They have each other. So if them being alone matches, so does them not being alone because of each other. Also, it does specify romance, so nyeh.

2. Your friend said the kanji "omoi" can be used not only for love but depending on the context therefore the whole phrase is like that too
3. The quote says they talk about romance or the content of their conversation contained something romantic, it doesn't say they feel the same way for each other[/quote]

Context helps there. We do have 8 instances discussing that exact sequence, and 'each' and 'the other' feature in several of them.

4. I contradicted myself because giving a "sexual connotation" negates romance, this also contradicts the creator statement that they removed the risque-ness of the scene

A: What, sexual connotation negates romance? When the fuck since?
B: The creators never removed the risqueness of the scene. They even describe the line as being risque in the present tense. What they toned down was the blatant 'Yeah, they banged' nature of the original scene WHERE THEY WALKED OUT OF THE STABLES THE NEXT MORNING.

5. The sentence does not prove that the communication is two way because there is only one name written in there and how can you infer that it also refers to Cloud?

Re: Koibito line, you mean? Process of elimination/ simple deduction.. The same way we can determine who 'Man' and 'Woman' from Lifestream Black and White are.

I paraphrased them of course but these are what I get. Note that I actually supplied every quote needed and didn't rely on a single phrase. Also... they don't know a thing about Japanese.

Nope. Nor do their WacDonalds eating 'Japanese friends.'

I weep when they argue that simple phrase of "communicated feelings" which a Japanese confirms to be romantic, and only for a koibito apparently has another dozen meanings contradictory to what it obviously says.

It's denialism, plain and simple. Like Global Warming denialists or people who cry the moon landing was a hoax, they're rejecting the evidence on the desperate hope that they can change reality by not recognizing it.

Oh, and Que, thanks to a birdy, I know you're talking with them about the C/T stance about Cloud and Tifa's relationship over at Pink Hell.

For the record, Cloud shows every earmark of clinical depression. He does what he does in the movie not because he does not care, but because his thought processes are so out of whack that he probably does believe that if he cannot get absolution for his sins, that it would be better for everyone if he just went off and died and saved everyone the bother.
This doesn't mean Cloud doesn't care about Tifa. On the contrary, he gives all the shits about her and the kids. What he had stopped doing was thinking he belonged in their lives. He thought he was a burden. Yes, the C/T relationship has issues, but it's not due to any incompatibility between the two or lack of love or attraction of general friction between the two, but because of CLOUD AND TIFA'S OWN PSYCHOLOGICAL SCARS THAT THEY BOTH ARE SLOWLY BUT SURELY WORKING THROUGH, SCARS THAT WOULD STILL HAUNT CLOUD EVEN HE HAD GOTTEN WITH AERITH INSTEAD.

Yes, that was ALLCAPS, but Cloud's issues with depression and feeling like a permanent failure being THE issue is kind of the POINT of goddamn AC/C. ANY discussion of ANYTHING in the compilation surrounding it, including the romance subplot, must take that into account.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
It counts as a personal verification for me since my Japanese is nowhere as advanced as yours. That's the point.
Mine? lol, mine's awful.

That is actually offending. So I might actually sound like an online translator to her too when I'm trying to speak in Japanese. And she sounds like that when trying to speak Filipino.

If you read what I wrote posts ago, I did say that she might have been having trouble expressing herself in English. When we were meeting in person she's very quiet and has a "translation lag" when speaking in English. I agree that this does not conclude that Cloud and Tifa did have sex, but the fact remains that she said this:
I already explained this. I assumed you were doing this for debate purposes and was pointing out that they probably wouldn't buy it based on that. I really wasn't trying to offend anyone, I Just don't want someone to go through all that trouble only to be ignored because of something like that.

Quex my real goal is to make Clotis happy, to acquire this rare kind of info not to shove into everyone's throats but to add to my knowledge and share it to those who are interested. I know we can't rely on Risa-san to make a new translation for us but she has explained the social implications of the line.

For the last 15 years all we have are non-native Japanese translators, Japanese who don't know FFVII or imaginary Japanese people. I don't understand why you reacted like that, for the first time we finally have a Japanese who knows FFVII to tell her thoughts on the matter. It's a jackpot.

But if people aren't convinced, it's not my problem. But I believe I came across a good reference for those who take the pro-canon stand.
Well if your goal is to make people happy, then by all means, ignore me and go right on ahead. I'd never stand in the way of people being happy.

Oh, don't worry, I'm not actually mad-mad at you. We're nakama. After the first paragraph, everything else is directed at the other camp for butchering the Japanese language for their double standards and arguments about how Cloti isn't canon because translators are biased. Most of my post wasn't even directed at you as a person and I'll have you know that I still lurve you.

Now give us a kiss!
Love you too Mei

I did see some of Danseru's discussions with them, and one of them actually went on a Japanese translation forum, asked for clarification, and then outright questioned the validity of said translation when it didn't seem to be in their favor. It's really insulting. "Your view doesn't agree with mine so you probably don't know your own language, therefore your translations suck."
But you see, this is exactly why I posted what I did. :monster:
Also that's hilarious

Anyway, Danseru said enough about this issue in her previous post. I know you didn't insult my cousins directly, but it's a reflection of what they will do. And I obviously don't like it.
I'll be good :scared:

In Que's defense, she's a sweetheart (koibito? ) who would never deliberately offend anyone or try to hurt their feelings.

And I can also tell you why she responded the way she did: she has put more effort than literally anyone in this fandom into consulting others on this stuff. She has asked numerous expert Westerners about this very phrase, and at least one native Japanese speaker for their input as well (I don't think they were familiar with FFVII, but, of course, the prevailing counterargument before Que asked them was that an "unbiased" native speaker -- i.e. someone unfamiliar with the game -- would be the most reliable person to go to).

Despite all her effort, she was shunned, ignored and ultimately betrayed by people she believed were her friends. And all because their petty egos can't stand to admit defeat on something that was always beyond their power to control.

So, yeah, I can understand making the point you did, but understand that Que is as good-natured a person as anyone on marble Earth, and definitely already regrets her choice of phrasing.
Yeah Tres gets it, thanks dude. I guess I shouldn't make these posts so late at night.. I should at least be more careful about what I say. Again I wasn't trying to offend anyone, just save someone a lot of trouble if possible.

@ Tres and Quex

I'm not angry at Quex honestly, and I know all her efforts in the Japanese part of the debate. I've greatly appreciated her posts for the last one year here in TLS. I've used her posts as reference because they are all helpful. She's the one who proved that "engraved in his heart" is an idiom, not as dramatic as the English implies. I know that she's probably that only person in TLS who argues MWTTP is canon (at least at the time when I was lurking the threads) and I respect her for that. I've read all the threads in her forum too ^^,

I'm actually getting frustrated and annoyed on how people try to twist the Japanese language and this has just been going on for a week for me. I can only imagine how Quex feels doing this much longer.

So no hard feelings ok?
Of course there's no hard feelings ^_^
Honestly I felt more annoyed with myself than anything. And MWTTP is SO canon :monster:

and yeah you'll get frustrated, it's why I had to stop debating all together... or at least TRY to. Sometimes I get sucked back in :wallbanger:

Oh, and Que, thanks to a birdy, I know you're talking with them about the C/T stance about Cloud and Tifa's relationship over at Pink Hell.
Not really... I stopped by to see if they were doing Secret Santa yet, and I saw a post by Tres and replied to it... they kinda tried to debate with me and I said no. But yes they were talking about that, I just don't feel like responding to that... again

Sorry if this post is lacking BTW, I don't have a lot of time here XD
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Not really... I stopped by to see if they were doing Secret Santa yet, and I saw a post by Tres and replied to it... they kinda tried to debate with me and I said no. But yes they were talking about that, I just don't feel like responding to that... again

My point is, you were there, you were talking, and they were spouting BS. I wanted to talk about what Cloud was actually doing and why he was actually doing it in AC/C.

Sorry if this post is lacking BTW, I don't have a lot of time here XD



Pro Adventurer

Right now seeing all the reactions gives me mixed feelings. My intellectual side ells me to be emotionless, my sensitive side tells me people are discrediting me and I feel this really awful feeling that you are being judged because of your stand on the LTD, rather than knowing you as a person. Enough with the melancholy, but I am tired. Here are other reactions.

1. You're close-minded just because your friend says this you will negate the whole picture.
2. It's just your OPINION and your insisting it as a fact and publishing this out of the open misleads people.
3. Your misleading people with a quote taken out of context and not explained properly.
4. Japan forums says this *insert text here* therefore your friend's explanation doesn't prove anything because context is still needed

I...just...can't. I've written a whole essay explaining the context to a person and I'm still not giving the context? I'm misleading people because apparently the sentences give a hidden meaning that you should see if you're not unbiased?

(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 15; Cloud&#8217;s profile)

&#8220;Declares that the team should dissolve in the final hours before the final battle, and communicates his feelings together with Tifa, who remains behind at the airship with him.&#8221;

= "....communicates feelings of not being alone, or it's romance it's not probably the same degree, or probably, then confirmed something between themselves but it's not proven to be romantic,or also, they could have talk about their feelings about romances but it does not mean they feel the same way towards each other + 37455 other interpretations."

It's not just Japanese, it's an English butchering as well. When, in the history of literature does the quote "feelings for each other match" mean differently!?

(FF 20th Anniversary Ultimania File 2: Scenario, pg. 232; main body of FFVII&#8217;s story summary)

&#8220;And when Cloud and Tifa remain behind alone, in their final hours, they disclose that their feelings for each other match.&#8221;

And I weep at the Japan forum part, they cherry-picked this and using it against me.

It can be between a teacher and his/her class, between two friends, between parents and their kids, etc. The point of the word &#12300;&#36890;&#12358;&#12301; is that something exists "two-way" instead of "one-way". If two persons speak to each other all day everyday without ever understanding or respecting each other, this word cannot be used to describe the state of their relationship.
Despite the fact that the last part of the forum actually says this

Show me a native Japanese-speaker that thinks the sentence below is NOT about a romantic relationship, I will show you a liar.

&#12463;&#12521;&#12454;&#12489;&#12392;&#12399;&#29289;&#35486;&#12398;&#32066;&#30436;&#12395;&#24819;&#12356;&#12434;&#36890;&#12431;&#12379;&#12289;&#12300;&#65313;&#65315;&#12301;&#12300;&#65316; &#65315;&#12301;&#12398;&#26178;&#20195;&#12399;&#19968;&#32210;&#12395;&#26286;&#12425;&#12375;&#12390;&#12356;&#12427;&#12290;
^ They ignore that part.

Just see it yourself if you are interested:

Again, we're not allowed to copy-paste the arguments here and that's also something I'm against. But just to see how people are reacting to what a Japanese confirms about her language.

It's just one week, but I'm going nuts. I'm afraid I'm still too soft. They can just disagree with me but to call me misleading and question my intellect and knowledge of FFVII, and whole character just because the grammatical component of the sentences disagrees with them is just incredible.

And also... they also seem to forget I was the one who told them that koibito is most likely two-sided and deep. But forget that, I'm probably misleading them and taking things out of context and missing the whole picture eh!?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Ryu is also well known where this topic is concerned, and thoroughly despised because of it. Not that he's alone in that. We keep each other company. Anyway, sending him probably won't change any minds, though I'm sure he would enjoy the exercise.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Ryu is also well known where this topic is concerned, and thoroughly despised because of it. Not that he's alone in that. We keep each other company. Anyway, sending him probably won't change any minds, though I'm sure he would enjoy the exercise.

He's changed a few people's minds. I've seen in happen. And the point of debating is really mostly to bring neutrals over to your side, not convince the other side who's too stubborn to be convinced.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think Ryu would disagree with that. I know I do anyway.

While many people treat this matter as a political game, I feel -- as I'm sure Ryu does -- that the numbers on "sides" are irrelevant in the face of facts. That is to say, one person might be right while 20, 200 or ten times that number are wrong.

We've never concerned ourselves with "converting" so much as countering falsehoods and fallacies. I know I tend to believe that a mind open to education, when confronted with both falsehoods and the truth, will almost invariably accept the argument that is based in fact and reason.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Ryu is also well known where this topic is concerned, and thoroughly despised because of it. Not that he's alone in that. We keep each other company. Anyway, sending him probably won't change any minds, though I'm sure he would enjoy the exercise.

I needs me some chewtoys!

He's changed a few people's minds. I've seen in happen. And the point of debating is really mostly to bring neutrals over to your side, not convince the other side who's too stubborn to be convinced.

It is true, one rarely expects to convince one's opponent directly. Especially given that as groups tend to lose adherents the intensity and fervency of their belief gets stronger over time- Put another way, if you've got a completely and utterly untenable position contradicted in all ways by reality, the people who still believe will REALLY REALLY believe it, in spite (and possibly out of spite) of, instead of because of, the evidence.

That, of course, doesn't mean you shouldn't try and correct people's misconceptions or call out untruths where they appear. It just means you don't expect much success in convincing the ones really holding onto them.

But yes, if you want, Danseru, I can try and explain the context and the language to them, though it's not likely to result in much.
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AI Researcher
I'm just predicting that ithey will argue that OG>Compilation>SE Guidebooks hierarchy scenario of canon but just maybe.

As for now, my public announcement of what Risa says is stirring a huge storm. Apparently they question her translation of her own language because a post made by another translator picked halfway through the whole conversation disproves that she knows her language. They're now even cherry-picking Risa's first reply about omoi when the rest of my post shows her stand on the romantic translation.

I cannot say anything more except to copy-paste what Risa wrote so I can't really argue with them. As for now, she's telling me new juicy infos and I'll publish them once the conversation finishes. I've shown her Tifa's RF koibito quote.
i feel so bad for any outsider who happens to get involved in this


Pro Adventurer
No Matthew, it does not go like that. I understand your innocent teenage mind could not have comprehended the horrors of this war.

Like what Ryu had said. Quex and Hito are hailed when their translation agrees with the other side, but when they say something pro-Cloti they are called biased translators and their credibility questioned. But if they say something pro-Clerith, it's automatically factual and reliable.

Tifa has been described as koibito, and this has been butchered into koi + bito. Whereas it means "person who loves" which does not exist anywhere in the dictionary and which hiragana &#12371;&#12356; is actually a "fish." And &#20154; is "hito/jin/nin" not "bito." My gosh.

But when Aerith calls Cloud her koibito, the meaning suddenly changed. It's mutual, proof that he's her boyfriend. Then they claim Tifa's profile didn't mention Cloud's name at all so it can't be Cloud when MWTTP doesn't mention Aerith's name at all too.

Then there's an infamous FTOIL page. Apparently, Aerith's date pictured there proves the date is canon despite the fact that the caption does not specify the date. However the HA HW scene pictured there with captions remains to be optional because there is a redirect page.

There is also a double standard present whereas the date can only have referred to either Aerith and Tifa because "they were the only ones involved in the LT" but then Tifa's RF koibito line can refer to Rude and Johnny even if they're not part of the LT. Why? Because she's not Aerith.

But then, if you look at all Ultimania pictures and Reminiscence, (the one I posted in the Cloti club,) Tifa's with Cloud ALL THE TIME except in the Cave of the Gi. Does that mean it's canon that Tifa never leaves Cloud's side?

Speaking of context, one of them told the translators that Cloud and Tifa has NO romantic clues at all, therefore, the poor soul could only reply it depends on the context. However, if it's Aerith's koibito line, it doesn't need context, and even if it does, they're insist that they have romantic subtext you cannot see in Cloti.

Say, they argue that both the dates and the HA HW scene aren't canon, but then the fact remains that Cloud and Tifa's profiles specified that something romantic happened with sexual connotation. Then this is the issue all discussed above.

When I gave them the info that koibito in MWTTP may be two-sided an denotes a love that is forever, it doesn&#8217;t need context. The fact that my sensei is not Japanese and don&#8217;t know anything about FFVII doesn&#8217;t matter. They&#8217;re rejoicing and thanking me. But when I released an info that the Cloti line is also undoubtedly romantic, my credibility is questioned and accused of misleading people.

And all these accusations and discrediting is actually done by people who don't know a thing about Japanese. As for me, I'm far from a translator but I've taken 6 units of Japanese and at least I KNOW HOW IT WORKS. I know that a single kanji cannot be used to prove anything nor it should be used to prove that "it's not always romantic" because combining kanji with other characters make a different meaning.

Despite all the evidence in the text, when cornered, they will say "it's just your opinion" and accuse you of misleading people in a Cloti propaganda. And a year ago in TLS, all of us here except Quex and Zealkin are called "rude" so therefore deserved to be ignored.

Then they will say TLS is a biased Cloti site and the Clerith forums tell the truth because they are apparently neutral in analyzing information and even if they're biased, the "Clerith perspective" is apparently more reliable than the biased "Cloti perspective."

Then they will blame the ugliness and brutality of the war to Clotis and Zeriths because they "insist that their pairings are canon" and persecutes Cleriths whereas the Cleriths apparently always maintained that "it's all about interpretation" when they publish numerous essays trying to prove that CLOUD DOES NOT LOVE TIFA and "Clerith is the intended pairing of FFVII."

Then in tumblr, my Pro-Cloti essays that does not even mention Aerith are indirectly attacked by passive-agressive comments and there are people getting offended seeing Cloti in "Cloud Strife" and go ahead and proclaim their Anti-Cloti sentiments to the "Cloti" tag.

And Pro-Clerith essays are published, even the Anti-Cloti ones, they are ignored. But when you ignore them, "you're refusing to debate because you can't refute the arguments and ignoring them because you're in denial."

And then they say the Clerith forums is a haven for them because of the Cloti persecution and say that both sides are equally brutal anyway so what's the point of asking for a little respect? They would say,"in the past Clotis did this and that and DesFailed blah blah so please understand why Cleriths are like this."

And what saddens me is that a lot of Cleriths are sick of what their peers are doing and just wants peace. I admit rabid Clotis exist, but at least they don't conglomerate in a place where bashing and demonizing other people who don't agree with your headcanon go unpunished, it's even feasted upon.

Again, I weep for the Cleriths (and Clotis) who can't enjoy their pairing because people had already stereotyped their camp and are bashed in different places. But I also weep for people, not necessarily Clotis, who spends effort in giving a faithful translations of materials whose credibility is questioned because they apparently negate the old commercial putting "Love" as a caption to Aerith's burial.


@ Ryu

Well it's your choice, I think you have an account there right? But for me, I'm tired. I won't go there, I actually made an account there three months ago I think but it's not not being approved. But I won't anymore. I'm tired and busy.
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I'm sorry you're getting stressed out because of this, If people are not willing to even try to have an open mind they will keep their minds closed. This is their choice. This happens with things that aren't as nearly as simple as a videogame, people will refute facts on the daily, against science, numerical research, you name it. Closed minded people exist wherever you go, I learned that from arguing with them, maybe I thought they had misunderstood(I was being optimistic) but this is just the way they WANT to see things.

I will ship YuffiexVincent to hell and back and squeal about any reactions they have together, not to say they're on the same level as this argument but these are shipper feels, they're strong as hell and blind all reason. :awesome:

Anyway, what they're doing is no more than bullying, and it's really quite childish, bashing on either sides is, the worst part is my favorite characters are ALWAYS caught in the crossfire. Tifa ends up being a needy, whiny, bitch. Cloud becomes a selfish, childish, asshole, and Aerith somewhere along the way gets the goddess treatment(part of why I like her is that she has spunk and is NOT innocent in every way) or is either called a whore and needy like Tifa.

Honestly the reactions on your page, and on the tumblr tags are trollish, immature, and just mean spirited.
NO ONE CARES JUST SHIPPPP, meanwhile when this happens the Connor/Haytham tag gets more and more disturbing....

Block people on tumblr who are bothering and keep on lovin cloti/zerith, because the more you show that you don't give a fuck, the angrier you make them. :muhaha:

That's not to say if someone wants to have a chat with you in a civilized open manner that you ignore them, but pick your battles, because this war has gotten really old real fast.

And that thing where only me and Quex were "noticed", honestly i compare it to when people ignore anger in rl. Anger is not there for you to not listen to, it's there because of frustration, and ignoring a persons anger only further separates and alienates people, and is honestly dumb. If you can't sit down and listen to someone's emotion and feelings, you have no right to share your own.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Even if I had a pink hell account- I don't- I won't go debate there. I refuse to debate where holding my position is literally grounds for banning.

That alone means TLS, no matter how flamey we get, can't be as C/T biased as Pink hell.

I meant stating something in Tumblr.

BTW, If you DO respond to their debates, you become a jerkass and you lose on that front, too.

There's a reason I don't try and play nice. I don't play mean or dirty, such things go against my code, but I don't play nice because I damn well know I'm not going to get it.

As for Desfail? You know why Desfail got made? Because people were sick of people getting shittalked at Pink Hell. You know why I have the user title I do? To show the folks at Pink Hell their insults amused me.

Their site might not be pink any longer, but like my Girlfriend says, they give pink a bad name.

Oh, and Zealk, this is just the old entrenched veteran talking, but it's been old. Hell, it's been OVER for years except for the diehard remnants. But sadly, we can't rest on our laurels.


Pro Adventurer
My gosh why didn't I notice this before, I'm so slow. Maybe because of stress.

(FF 20th Anniversary Ultimania File 2: Scenario, pg. 232; main body of FFVII’s story summary)

“And when Cloud and Tifa remain behind alone, in their final hours, they disclose that their feelings for each other match.”
It can be between a teacher and his/her class, between two friends, between parents and their kids, etc. The point of the word 「通う」 is that something exists "two-way" instead of "one-way". If two persons speak to each other all day everyday without ever understanding or respecting each other, this word cannot be used to describe the state of their relationship.

想い=/= 通う

The translator was speaking about
通う rand using it against 想い. Proves they don't know about what they're talking about.


Pro Adventurer
Feels for each other that match....I dunno what they see but feelings that match that pretty much says to me "I care about you" or "I love you." what else could it mean? Besides "I hate you" but they don't


Pro Adventurer
Feels for each other that match....I dunno what they see but feelings that match that pretty much says to me "I care about you" or "I love you." what else could it mean? Besides "I hate you" but they don't

Pretty much if this is not FFVII, this is by common sense, romantic feelings. Or, if it's Aerith, it's 100% romance for them. As for the other meanings:

Both feel that they shouldn't be a couple
They rejected romance (in the old times, its Cloud rejecting Tifa)
They communicated their feelings of not being alone to each other
Their talk about romance and their feelings about the matter match, but it's not proven to be romantic feelings
Feeling that they will fight together match

Well I'm sure we can add more to the list :monster:
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