The Love Triangle of FFVII Part IV: A New Hope

Who does Cloud want to stick his love-stick in?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 31 54.4%
  • Mukki

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • All of the above.

    Votes: 17 29.8%

  • Total voters
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We have come to terms
And yet, you were petty enough to point it out in the first place.
I'm petty because I'm responding to you taking offense at something I didn't do?

So, story written by the original writer is now less authoritative than a shitty fanfic shoved in the back of a guide, which has never been referenced, and has since been contravened in disregarded in numerous ways. Check.
Just because I don't reference having five fingers all the time, doesn't mean I don't. And I didn't say it was less authoritative, now did I? I said it implies COLW isn't canon. Big difference.

No it isn't. It's never made ANY reappearance or reference in ANY Ultimania outside the first, and wasn't even referenced outside itself in that one.
Yes, because ONE Ultimania appearance just isn't good enough. The first one tooootally didn't count.

Yes I can.
Okay, I'll amend it to "you can argue that but it's pretty ridiculous to do so, like arguing that penguins are the world's most capable nuclear physicists".

Complete disregard from the people who make a series is pretty much one of the best ways to tell something isn't part of the continuity.
They also don't mention whether or not Cloud likes to breathe. Does that mean that's not part of the continuity, either? You're using the same fallacious logic here.

It's completely and utterly non grata. At least LO, despite being discontinuous, is IMPORTANT. Maiden, NOT IMPORTANT.
It's important because it's not true?

It also had her try and think about everything that made her gush over Cloud, everything that 'made him unique' and the majority of that shit was ZACK'S. So Aerith's actions- thinking of Zackly aspects in trying trying to remember Cloud, are at odds with what she says, just like in the game.
That's one of the parts of the story she actually feels in character in- lying to herself.
Aerith tells Zack that he's not shy and awkward like Cloud. Then Zack says, "Is that what you liked" and Aerith says "After five years, things change." Which is subtly saying that she's moved on from him, especially when a few lines later it says that she *was* attracted to him.

Then provide some, trolljob.
If it weren't one thirty in the morning and I could be arsed, I would. But it is, and this is my last post before bed, since I am woefully sleep deprived, so you'll have to take a rain check. But I will, dear. Believe it.

Nothing, since you are the height of hypocrisy right now.
Pot, kettle, and black? So sorry I don't put up with bullshit personal sniping in something that's supposed to be a "debate" and hold you accountable to the standards of an adult conversation.

And believe me, when I'm being condescending, it so much better than that.

Maiden isn't acanon because Benny's not the scenario writer, it's acanon because it's been outright ignored and contradicted in several consequent work, including one in which the scenario writer expressly contradicted a cosmological fact maiden put forth.
Same song and dance.

I notice you're not calling CC into question because it contradicts what's been expressly stated as canon, being as it is the original work? Why's that? And one could make the argument that the events of the other works are contradicted by Maiden...but then that opens a "so you're saying the others aren't canon huh" can of worms that I'm not opening and is a pointless and stupid argument anyway. I'm just saying - Maiden is canon.

Yes yes, we know it's fashionable to hate on it because of Gackt. Please, do provide concrete facts, not a dismissive attitude.
Who said I was hating? Please do me a favor and stop trying to put words in my mouth in order to manipulate the situation to give yourself a more favorable outlook. Soft-positional bargaining isn't going to work..

And BTW, such a thing as 'less canon' does exist. Lucasfilm canon policy. It either happens or it doesn't. It can't "kinda happen".


You look like you need a monkey
Exactly. You can't just pick and choose and say "thus and such is canon because Ultimania", then call the legitimacy of the Ultimania and its writer into question, just because he's not the scenario writer. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

I thought Matsuyama wrote Maiden based on his own interpretation of FFVII.

If that is the case, then there is a difference between the validity of what he'd written in the Ultimanias (which was him directly quoting the creators and their say of the universe they'd created), and the validity of Maiden (which was his own interpretation, not necessarily the creators').


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'm petty because I'm responding to you taking offense at something I didn't do?

No, you're petty because you posted 'lolfailedit' in the first place.

Just because I don't reference having five fingers all the time, doesn't mean I don't. And I didn't say it was less authoritative, now did I? I said it implies COLW isn't canon. Big difference.

Not really, since you have yet to explain any of the logic underlying your stance.

Yes, because ONE Ultimania appearance just isn't good enough. The first one tooootally didn't count.

Apparently not, since DoC, CC, and COLW said 'no' to it.

Okay, I'll amend it to "you can argue that but it's pretty ridiculous to do so, like arguing that penguins are the world's most capable nuclear physicists".

And you'll be backing up the ridiculousness of such in a non-strawman any day now, I bet.

They also don't mention whether or not Cloud likes to breathe. Does that mean that's not part of the continuity, either? You're using the same fallacious logic here.

No, because you're creating a strawman of both my argument and the basic narrative process. Complete disregard in this case means more than 'don't mention it', but includes 'ignores or contradicts things it was supposed to have established' which the rest of the compilation quite does.

It's important because it's not true?

Last Order is important DESPITE its discontinuity. Not because of it. That is my stance, since even as and after it is cut from the timeline, it is included in character profiles for its impact on characters.

Aerith tells Zack that he's not shy and awkward like Cloud. Then Zack says, "Is that what you liked" and Aerith says "After five years, things change." Which is subtly saying that she's moved on from him, especially when a few lines later it says that she *was* attracted to him.

Alternately, it is affectionate teasing, which is how quite a lot of people read those lines back when we had no reason to consider the novella stricken from the record.

If it weren't one thirty in the morning and I could be arsed, I would. But it is, and this is my last post before bed, since I am woefully sleep deprived, so you'll have to take a rain check. But I will, dear. Believe it.

The usual expectations apply.

Pot, kettle, and black? So sorry I don't put up with bullshit personal sniping in something that's supposed to be a "debate" and hold you accountable to the standards of an adult conversation.

The irony. Oh, the irony.

And believe me, when I'm being condescending, it so much better than that.

I'll take your word on that one.

Same song and dance.

I notice you're not calling CC into question because it contradicts what's been expressly stated as canon, being as it is the original work?

If I was calling Maiden into question because it had errors with previous works, you might have an argument. Maiden is 'in question' because all the SUBSEQUENT works that disagree with it. Whatever canon status it may or may not have had, it no longer has.

Why's that? And one could make the argument that the events of the other works are contradicted by Maiden...but then that opens a "so you're saying the others aren't canon huh" can of worms that I'm not opening and is a pointless and stupid argument anyway. I'm just saying - Maiden is canon.

And I'm saying, your only argument for its canonicity seems to be that it was in Ultimania, and that you don't like Crisis Core.
Meanwhile, the counterargument that Maiden being part of continuity cannot exist with everything else we have been told after its publication- that much like Threshhold in Star Trek, it's been kicked out, and that like said episode, later released materials have renderred its revelations as 'unhappened.'

Who said I was hating? Please do me a favor and stop trying to put words in my mouth in order to manipulate the situation to give yourself a more favorable outlook. Soft-positional bargaining isn't going to work..

Firstly, dude, you are way overreacting to the sarcastic commentary.
Secondly, I not you've chosen to respond to that commentary instead of the point, that of you needing facts, and coherent logic, not pure dismissiveness, which is all you've as yet provided.
Thirdly, again, your selective response and trying to lecture me on favorable outlook, the irony is palpable. It either happens or it doesn't. It can't "kinda happen".

I did not say that. I said there is such a thing as more and less canon. G-canon events are more canon than C-canon events. All G and C canon sources are canon, but if a C-canon event is ever in contradiction with G-canon, it must defer to the more canon source.

Because of its typical biblical connotations, canon is thought of often as being purely binary and inviolate, but in practice, canon, or more practically, continuity, is a constantly evolving entity, and sometimes, things get excised, and usually it's done not by press release, but by more subtle means, skipping over or contradicting it at repeated opportunities.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
No...since things are either canon or not, not "less canon". I thought you would have known that? There's quite enough evidence in Maiden to make the statement that it IS, in fact, canon.

Gimme some.

You can argue that it's shitty fanwank all you want,

Can and will, thanks.

but that doesn't really change the facts, now does it?

Nope. Still not canon and still shitty. Good call.

Although it might help the 'having an actual conversation' bit if you dropped the condescension and had an actual discussion with people. But what do I know?


Exactly. You can't just pick and choose and say "thus and such is canon because Ultimania", then call the legitimacy of the Ultimania and its writer into question, just because he's not the scenario writer. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

COLW supersedes Maiden, as does CC and DoC, thus nullifying any threadbare grip on canon that it had. Having Nojima at the helm is just icing on the cake I'm having and eating too.

also, Telran=LULZ

Also, trying to outsnark Ryu?? **grabs popcorn**


Chloe Frazer
Meggy debating in the LTD thread?



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Maiden is not fucking canon.

How many times must I refer to the fact that it is never listed as part of the Compilation proper in any Ultimania guide book that compiles the list of each qualifying entry, or the fact that its completely ignored in every character's respective profile that had any major part in that novella.

Combine that with the fact that Maiden is outright wrong on several plot points (e.g. when Zack and Aerith met, how old they were, what Aerith did with the lifestream, Aerith's knowledge of Zack's death, the fate of Hojo's spiritual energy, etc) and literally replaced by a new novella of the same theme, and it's not hard to figure out that its place within canon is no longer applicable.

You can't argue that. I can pull you both fuckin' lists from the 10th Anniversary Ultimania and the Crisis Core Complete Guide that show clearly Maiden ain't part of the Compilation. It's refuted by almost every entry in the series.


Mr. Thou
Why is liking Nero wrong? :'(

Well, who could possibly like angsty ol' Nero and his silly claw, next to a manly badass like Dante and his ultimate suitcase of death?

It seems to me that Maiden is actually canon. I mean, it was included in the Ultimania. Isn't that reason enough in and of itself? You can't cite thus-and-such proof of whatever you like "because the Ultimania says so" without accepting that. Plus, there isn't one reason for it NOT to be canon, as there are no major inconsistencies. Crisis Core has more inconsistencies than Maiden does. You're all just upset that Cloud and Aerith are heavily focused on (probably because Aerith loves CLOUD, which is painfully obvious), and Zack is basically ignored by Aerith.

I can actually agree with that logic.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I can actually agree with that logic.



That is not sound logic at all. Maiden isn't being called on its canon for its inconsistencies alone. It's inconsistencies, the fact its written by an outside author, is never mentioned in any subsequent Compilation installment, is never referred to as part of the Compilation, and is contradicted by almost every damn Compilation installment to date is why any sane person is saying its not canon.

Celes Chere

Well, who could possibly like angsty ol' Nero and his silly claw, next to a manly badass like Dante and his ultimate suitcase of death?

.... ME. HIS CLAW ISN'T SILLY IT'S AWESOME`1231121!11!!!

I do love Pandora, though. x'D It was hella fun to use.

Deep breaths. Go to your happy place.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
i love how omega comes in here just to make conversation/troll/give opinions and everyone still gets SO FUCKING WORKED UP ABOUT IT

considering that you "won" the LTD (if that's even a good thing) you guys are awfully touchy about this shit

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
i love how omega comes in here just to make conversation/troll/give opinions and everyone still gets SO FUCKING WORKED UP ABOUT IT

considering that you "won" the LTD (if that's even a good thing) you guys are awfully touchy about this shit
well imo

half the people in this thread can be crazy touchy fuckers/WILL DEBATE ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING JUST TO PROVE CLOTAY IS CANON/CLERITH IS RONG.

the other half are generally sane.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Fuck you, I'm crazy and proud of it. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT.

Peppers the Elf tells me to either debate or light things on fire, and I much prefer debate.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Aside from Mako, I think Meggy's more worked up than the others in here.

I mean, for me, this is a canon argument. Those are like delicious candy to me.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Ryu, you carry so much rage into this debate at times, you might as well change your avatar and username to "Dark Ryu."

I can feel your killing intent from here sometimes. :awesomonster:


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Sometimes I don't even think that Mako is really canon.


In all honesty, I think the reason why this thread hardly has any debate anymore is the fact that when someone does come to debate, people here act like dicks towards them. It's not as if everyone spends all their time dissecting every part of the game. Not that I am, but if I were in a noob's shoes I would totally not want to share my thoughts and opinions with you guys, simply because I'd be afraid of being looked down and berated so harshly.

And yes, lulz, it's the Internet, but this is a fictional debate and people seem to be taking that much more seriously than the fact that people are offended over the Internet.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
In all honesty, I think the reason why this thread hardly has any debate anymore is the fact that when someone does come to debate, people here act like dicks towards them. It's not as if everyone spends all their time dissecting every part of the game. Not that I am, but if I were in a noob's shoes I would totally not want to share my thoughts and opinions with you guys, simply because I'd be afraid of being looked down and berated so harshly.

And yes, lulz, it's the Internet, but this is a fictional debate and people seem to be taking that much more seriously than the fact that people are offended over the Internet.

Eat a dick and debate, goddamnit. :monster:

That's highly debatable.

I don't think I've ever seen you mentioned in any Ultimania.



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You can be as cold, cutting, and cuntish as you like..

As long as you're on topic. :awesome:


"They confirmed their feelings under the Highwind while Makoeyes recorded the sex with a video camera. Maiden is also not canon and anyone who thinks so is trolling and insane."

That's right from the 20th Anniversary section, "For the One I love." :monster:
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