The one true angel

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Definitely, yes!

I liked when he explained to Zack, Cloud and Tifa how materia was formed and how magic worked.

He seemed a very interesting person to talk to.


~The Other Side of Fear~
Educated. Intelligent. Stubborn. A bit prideful. Since he doesn't have a real family, he probably reads up on things to keep himself occupied. Reading can become quite the habit if you get into it. I can also imagine him studying videos on swordplay and trying to make what he sees even better. Try something daring and much more effective.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Educated. Intelligent. Stubborn. A bit prideful. Since he doesn't have a real family, he probably reads up on things to keep himself occupied. Reading can become quite the habit if you get into it. I can also imagine him studying videos on swordplay and trying to make what he sees even better. Try something daring and much more effective.

Yes, and maybe even find some flaw in a certain technic and then find a solution to that flaw, therefore improving the move and add it to his abilities.

Oh, and...



The sliver haired bish
I'm huge fan of Sephiroth and would love to join the club. I'm not that religous, just a fan who loves the character discusion.


~The Other Side of Fear~
Those last couple of pics I don't recognize. Can you tell me where they're from? (spoiler protected, if necessary). But these new ACC Pics are just divine. I love the flow of the hair and the poses and the way he carries himself.

Welcome, Sephirayne, I think I remember you!

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Those last couple of pics I don't recognize. Can you tell me where they're from? (spoiler protected, if necessary).

They're from
the scene where Cloud is performing Omnislash V.6 and Sephiroth is looking around to try to trace him

Btw, It seems that Hitoshura is translating the "On the Way to a Smile: Case of Lifestream", wich features Sephiroth.

Heres a little teaser to it, courtesy of Makoeyes:

The reason why he is so obsessed with Cloud is not just out of a sense of pride and hate. But it's his point of focus to keep himself whole. Let me explain.

The lifestream is erroding at his memories, experiences, feelings and emotions. He knows how it works and how its trying to pull him into the collective and break him down.

In order to save himself from diffusing into the Lifestream, Sephiroth has to have a core to focus his strong will that will keep him unique and a separate entity. And the only thing he can focus on that's strong enough within him and his experiences, is his hatred. His hatred for Cloud and desire for revenge. In a sick sort of way, Cloud is the one who's keeping him whole now that he's dead and in the lifestream.


The sliver haired bish
Hello, Sephirayne! Welcome to the club! :)

It's been a while...

Did you recover well from your broken ribs?

Btw, I updated my Sephiroth Gallery with ACC footage. Here it is:

Needless to say that it has spoilers!

Hi there, Dark and Divine. Yes, I did recover very well from the fractured ribs. Thanks ever so much for remebering and asking. *bows*.

That is one excellent gallery btw. I had one myself a while back which had all my screen grabs and fanart in it (including all the earrly hgh res CC ones I did that I posted on ACF). Sadly, photobucket won't let me access it. Some password hissy fit or something. Shame really as I've just done a whole load of ACC screen grabs a bit like yours.

Yes, Daryl, I remember you as well. I remember that you did some epic posts on ACF.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Hi there, Dark and Divine. Yes, I did recover very well from the fractured ribs. Thanks ever so much for remebering and asking. *bows*.

I'm glad to hear that. You're Welcome! :)

That is one excellent gallery btw. I had one myself a while back which had all my screen grabs and fanart in it (including all the earrly hgh res CC ones I did that I posted on ACF). Sadly, photobucket won't let me access it. Some password hissy fit or something. Shame really as I've just done a whole load of ACC screen grabs a bit like yours.


Too bad you can't acess your own gallery. Isn't there a way to contact Photobucket staff to solve this situation?


Pro Adventurer
It's been a long time Sephirayne!

Ok, for those that has seen ACC, did you like the new scenes with Sephiroth? ( If you describe the scene you like please use spoiler tabs)

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
I liked the new scenes in Sephiroth's battle with Cloud a lot. The wing was epic and the stabing brutal but, at the same time, very amusing! :monster:

I lol'd when Sephiroth throws Cloud in the air like if he was just some toy. :wackymonster:

I really love the scene when cloud is trying is get on his feet and we see Sephiroth up there, in the middle of the swirling clouds. It was so...beautiful!

I wish the battle lasted a bit longer, though, just to get a little more footage of Sephiroth as the One Winged Angel, but all in all, it was epic! :)

Other than that, i loved to hear Sephiroth's voice when Cloud has a Geostigma attack when he was at the place Zack died.

His voice sounded so calm, yet so intimidating. I loved it!

And finally, the new Sephiroth flashback (while Kadaj and Rufus are talking) has something of ominous about it, but it's also very cool:


I loved how Sephiroth's image over Kadaj looks slighty towards the camera. It's so beautiful!

The eerie sound that is heard when Sephiroth uses the Masamune was also a nice touch

Btw, here's some Sephiroth fanart from the japanese site Pivix:















Credits go to Schala-Kitty for posting the link in her Dissidia-related blog, FFchaoticcosmos.


Pro Adventurer
Diamond Weapon
Yeah those are some nice pictures. I like the one that Sephiroth is holding the black materia in his hand. That is a awesome picture!

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
So I'm not a member of this club yet?

Lemme join please! :reptar:

...oh yeah, and Sephiroth isn't the only one true angel now. Angeal's threatening to steal the title. His name even sounds like "angel" :awesome:


i wanna join toooo!

recently i was playin FFVII again.. and i notice how cute he is to say "...i'm not gonna wake you up tomorrow" to Cloud (suppose to be Zack).

hahaha i think for people who played CC wouldnt be amazed at all, as you get to see the friendly side of him a lot. Well i didnt get to play tat. =(

anyway, i hope im not wrong here, but Sephiroth never manage to find out about Lucrecia right? Afterall, i think he wouldnt become so insane if he knows his real mother is a real talented human. Or does he already know? o.o?

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
anyway, i hope im not wrong here, but Sephiroth never manage to find out about Lucrecia right? Afterall, i think he wouldnt become so insane if he knows his real mother is a real talented human. Or does he already know? o.o?

It's safe to assume that he found out about his real parents while he was absorbing knowledge in the Lifestream, the same way he found about Jenova not being a Cetra and such.

However, he probably didn't care, since he abandoned his humanity after the Nibelheim Incident.

Btw, welcome to the club! :monster:


It's safe to assume that he found out about his real parents while he was absorbing knowledge in the Lifestream, the same way he found about Jenova not being a Cetra and such.

However, he probably didn't care, since he abandoned his humanity after the Nibelheim Incident.

Btw, welcome to the club! :monster:

heee thanks!:monster:

now it kinda lead me to more silly questions LOL!
even though i played through FFVII and watched AC, i still wonder if Sephiroth is "dead" or jus diminished into the life stream? i mean, where is he between the period of FFVII and AC?

i wonder if he will ever go visit Lucrecia at the waterfall...

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
heee thanks!:monster:

now it kinda lead me to more silly questions LOL!
even though i played through FFVII and watched AC, i still wonder if Sephiroth is "dead" or jus diminished into the life stream? i mean, where is he between the period of FFVII and AC?

i wonder if he will ever go visit Lucrecia at the waterfall...

Taking in consideration the evidence presented to us, is safe to assume that Sephiroth is really dead, not just physicaly but spiritually as well.

For instance, even though there are still some people with Jenova cells inside their bodies, no one is suffering from Geostigma, wich means that Sephiroth's spirit/will isn't active, since the disease only occures when Sephiroth exerted his influence over the cells.

Another piece of evidence is that the Negative Lifestream disappeared after Sephiroth's defeat.

The Negative Lifestream was Sephiroth's own Lifestream and it was directed linked to him, as a part of his being, an extension of himself.

If Sephiroth's spirit was still active, the Negative Lifestream would still exist, but since it dissipated and didn't appeared again after AC, we can assume that Sephiroth is no more, physically and spiritualy.

As for Sephiroth's doing between FFVII and AC/ACC, the On the Way to a Smile: Case of Lifestream novella give us an insight in this matter.

You can read it following this link:

Oh. and...

THANK YOU!!!! :reptar:

Now...we need the fanarts!

...thy wish is my command! :monster:





















~The Other Side of Fear~
Seems that no matter how much Sephiroth fanart there's still many artists still willing to make more! Yay! Indicidentally the eight fanart in D&D's last post actually was drawn by my RL friend Angelus which was drawn for a contest of mine (didn't place but still was rated highly by the judges). As for all of them (aside from Ang's of course) my favorite would be the fourth one for it's simplicity yet the very clean lines and beauty of the art.


~The Other Side of Fear~
One of my favorites that Angelus did was the one that's split into three parts, one part showing Cloud's tense face, another showing Sephiroth's cool expression and then the bottom that shows the two from a wide angle as they're about to attack each other.

I'll see if I can find it and show you.

...And indeed the "hugging cannister" one is really freaky. xD
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