The one true angel


Moogle Hunter
VictoriaValentine, SirYab

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer


~The Other Side of Fear~
No, correction now THAT just became my wallpaper. I don't know how the hell I'll be getting ACC with no PS3, but apparently I'm going to have the buy little expensive machine. :P There's just endless amounts of wonderful new material on him. What I especially like in that piece is the way the wing flares out, giving it a real feeling to it, rather than some pathetic add on.

I'm still not clear on why he has that thing: anyone able to explain?

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
It was never explicitly stated why Sephiroth has his wing, but I think is due to the Jenova biology that is a part of him.

All those born from the Jenova Project sooner or later developed them (Sephiroth, Angeal and Genesis).


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Anyone else noticing those Yuna-earing-esque beads on his belt and hands, as well as that extra shoulder sleeve for the first time?


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Orly? It's so distracting cause he's all badass, weather black, leather.. and then you got these bright little beads. ><


~The Other Side of Fear~
I agree. I don't like it myself. It diminishes what is suppose to be a stark, fearsome character. I mean sure it might give him a bit of dimension because it give him a bit of 'style' of a more human nature, but, tbh, he's really past the point of caring about his looks, so I hardly see why he has them at all.

I like Amano's art up to a point, but not when it changes the character as I've known him for so long.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
I also prefer Sephiroth's uniform in FFVII and the Compilation titles.

It has a fluid and subtle design, but at the same time very striking and memorable, and the subtle restyling that Sephiroth's uniform suffered in the Compilation was able to keep the design up-to-date and even improve it a bit, imo.

That said, i think that Sephiroth's uniform in Dissidia is far better than those over-the-top uniforms in Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2.

Btw, look who's in the cover of the most recent edition of Famitsu PS3:



~The Other Side of Fear~
I do not like that picture, tbh, because it makes him look stoned. I suspect they were going for a more indifferent, evil, cruel, elite, etc. look, but it fails in my view. The picture with the wing is much better. I know that we're not looking to have Sephiroth glare hatefully, because he's too cold to be like that, but the picture makes him look like he's wondering what's for dinner.

That said, more Sephiroth pictures is a win, so I'm not complaining. >>


~The Other Side of Fear~


*jaw drops*

Damn you, sir, now I MUST buy a PS3! Those are simply gorgeous! The quality, the angles, etc. Simply beautiful.

I suspect the release of ACC will bring in another slew of new Sephiroth fans and I welcome it. I mean I'm not entertained by rabid fangirls or anything, but another fan or two with some intelligent discussion would please me muchly.

One of those pics will become my avvie once the spoiler embargo ends.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer








And some AC original scenes in Blue Ray:







~The Other Side of Fear~
That seriously made me weak in the knees. It made me hold my breath. I don't ever recall AC being so beautiful. Maybe I watched it on a crappy TV, dunno. But the quality is awesome. I also really really love the pose that's made in one of the pictures.

Sephiroth holding the sword over his shoulder like that shows he knows how to use Masamune with ease.

Wasn't sure if that was worth spoiler tags, but better safe than sorry!

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
A bit of both, actually!

He has movements that seem result of training and a lot of experience in the battlefield.

But some of his skills seem resulting from his enhanced anatomy and such.

He probably also developed some new skills combining his expertise and his superior strength.


~The Other Side of Fear~
He was bore to be the perfect solider so naturally he'd have the advantages of being gifted with physical strength and agility. But some things in life are learned, and he's had years of practice. Do you suppose he enjoyed the swordfighting? Crisis Core certainly seems to suppor that.

Oh and...

his enhanced anatomy

I'm sorry but...ahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahah!



Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
He was bore to be the perfect solider so naturally he'd have the advantages of being gifted with physical strength and agility. But some things in life are learned, and he's had years of practice. Do you suppose he enjoyed the swordfighting? Crisis Core certainly seems to suppor that.

Yeah, Sephiroth seems to love to fight.

Maybe that's one of the reasons why he battles Cloud in AC/ACC only with his sword and doesn't use any of his raw magical/spiritual power to directly attack Cloud.

Oh and...

I'm sorry but...ahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahah!



Whooops! :wacky:


~The Other Side of Fear~
Yes, he certainly does seem to take a certain pleasure out of swordfighting. I suppose considering what life he had he had to cling to something, because while I don't think his life was OMFGHELLISHERE you gotta admit it's a pretty lonely existence (I don't think Angeal and Genesis were quite enough to replace what was missing in his life). So whether he was put into the military or joined of his voliation he certainly seems glad for it, because he tries out his swordskills every chance he can.

Also, there are way too many jokes and puns I can poke about Sephiroth, Enhanced Antnomay and "Swordfighting" that I won't even bother. Too easy! xD

Do you suppose he had other interests, jobs, hobbies, etc.?


~The Other Side of Fear~
I thought the same as well! I don't know why but whenever I write him in my stories he's usually got a book in his hand. Or he'll admrie paintings. Classicial music is what I gave him for musical tastes. I get the impression he has a bit of upscale taste, yet still able to enjoy a burger and a beer with his military buddies. It's like he's versatile yet still demanding an air of awe and respect. I also get the impression that typical pop culture annoys him mildly.


~The Other Side of Fear~
I think his humor would also be a bit wiry, slightly sarcastic and mildly cynical. He obviously does have a bit of a chip on his shoulder, and rightly so consiering how powerful he is. But I also imagine during his 'human time' that he could enjoy a good intelligent joke and have a deep, compelling conversation on politics, religion, money or anything else.
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