The Walking Dead: Season 6 Starts October 11th


Pro Adventurer
I can see where dale is coming from.
There are instances through season 1 and 2 where he shows his distrust for Shane, but he doesnt make his voice heard.

What you need to understand is that is who dale is.
He is the kind of guy whom acts like the father figure to everyone in person but in his head hes got a 180 degree turn in character. And is more then willing to have back up plans ready just in case his idea of who the people around him are come true.

I think we will probably see more of how Dale really is either in the later episodes of this season or perhaps in the third as the show starts to near a really pivotal point in the comic where alot of character transformations are created and alot of friendships are destroyed.

Also totally missed that Michone was confirmed. Do you think tyrese, his daughter and her nerdy BF may be showing up to? Tyrese is the shit, hes easily one of the best characters ever in my opinion.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
finally watched it

andrea and shane



not that i didnt see it coming but still

oh and imb4 dale is revealed to be telepathic because he picked up on everything in this episode


Pro Adventurer
not comic related spoiler
I agree Andrea x Shane is pretty sigh worthy and fairly cliche too.
I dont know, i find myself really disliking Andreas character in the show, in the comic shes pretty bad ass and there kind of getting to how cool she is but where she is currently is certainly making for an unlikable character.

Shane i can deal with though.


Harbinger O Great Justice
WELP. No more TWD until February.

Dale should've fucking shot Shane, regardless of Andrea's reaction. He's the complete center of conflict for all of the issues that happen with their group.

After that, during the big conflict at the barn, NOT ONE person thought that shooting Shane before he UNLEASHED A BARN FULL OF ZOMBIES ON THEM was a good idea? Yeah, the walkers are a threat, but are they as dangerous as someone unhinged enough to unleash them on other people?

(also, I'm pretty sure that this happened now because there's no logical way that I can think of that Rick & Hershel would've gotten their roped walkers INTO the barn even remotely safely).

Also - ZERO fucking surprise that Andrea was in the barn. That being said, once the group knew about it, it makes no sense that Hershel didn't just tell them that if he wanted them gone, since Andrea was the main thing keeping the group there, before Rick went off about Lori being pregnant.

As somewhat glad as I am about them possibly getting the show back to the point where we might actually see more than two people have to deal with more than 3 zombies at once, the level of human stupidity is just about surpassing my ability to withstand.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Well, shit.

Sophia being one of the Walkers wasn't really a surprise, but still, the way it was handled was pretty startling. Fantastic cinematography and direction in this episode

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Actually enjoyed this episode.
I'm glad Dale didn't shoot Shane, no matter how much of a dick Shane may be. It just wouldn't be in character for him. Though I agree that it's very odd no one attempted to stop Shane from opening the barn.

Also I'm tempted to make a WHERE'S WALDO shoop starring Sophia. I'm glad it's wrapped up and I agree, the reveal was very well done.


Pro Adventurer
WELP. No more TWD until February.

Dale should've fucking shot Shane, regardless of Andrea's reaction. He's the complete center of conflict for all of the issues that happen with their group.

After that, during the big conflict at the barn, NOT ONE person thought that shooting Shane before he UNLEASHED A BARN FULL OF ZOMBIES ON THEM was a good idea? Yeah, the walkers are a threat, but are they as dangerous as someone unhinged enough to unleash them on other people?

(also, I'm pretty sure that this happened now because there's no logical way that I can think of that Rick & Hershel would've gotten their roped walkers INTO the barn even remotely safely).

Also - ZERO fucking surprise that Andrea was in the barn. That being said, once the group knew about it, it makes no sense that Hershel didn't just tell them that if he wanted them gone, since Andrea was the main thing keeping the group there, before Rick went off about Lori being pregnant.

As somewhat glad as I am about them possibly getting the show back to the point where we might actually see more than two people have to deal with more than 3 zombies at once, the level of human stupidity is just about surpassing my ability to withstand.

X :neo:

This is a semi comic spoiler but not a huge one and its explains how they got zombies in the barn. Im still tagging it as spoiler in case some of you want it to be a surprise for when you read the comic. Though like i said its not huge, and is fairly logical.
In the comic Hershel would actually tease the zombie into following him (with no ropes or anything) as his eldest son and eldest daughter snuck around the back of the barn (where glenn snuck in) to grab the zombies attention as Hershel would push the zombie in through the front door.

Show spoiler~ with ambiguous mentions to a comic issue but nothing particularly spoilery for the comic.

This scene in the show would have had a lot more weight into it if Hershels family was included in the show, as its a key component in the comic to Hershels character transformation. None the less you can see him start to crack but it would have been far more affective if it was done like in the comic.

Episode spoiler
I agree the sophia moment wasnt quite a surprise, and i believe someone even mentioned it in this thread last week. But as Dacon said very startling to see on screen. To have it confirmed was just something else. Reading the comic i always knew nobody was safe, kirkman kills everyone when ever he likes. It was just truly a surprise that he brought this over to the show. No one really is safe.

I do love that they showed the hypocrisy of humans in this episode.
Everyone was quick to judge Hershels decision to keep the walkers alive, and were even quicker to kill a bunch of zombies they didnt know.

Then Sophia walked through the door and changed it all for them.

Kirkman reconfirmed that Michone will be in the show in tonights Talking Dead.
I was reaaaallly hoping someone would have called in asking about Tyrese being in the show,i almost called in myself but meh xD

It would suck so hard if Kirkman just ends up saying T-Dog is Tyrese .___.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
This is a semi comic spoiler but not a huge one and its explains how they got zombies in the barn. Im still tagging it as spoiler in case some of you want it to be a surprise for when you read the comic. Though like i said its not huge, and is fairly logical.
In the comic Hershel would actually tease the zombie into following him (with no ropes or anything) as his eldest son and eldest daughter snuck around the back of the barn (where glenn snuck in) to grab the zombies attention as Hershel would push the zombie in through the front door.

That makes sense, though it's still not a really WISE tactic. There's an interesting point that I found out during Talking Dead that was mentioned in the episode as a subtle point that I'd missed
Apparently Hershel mentions that roping the zombies was Otis' job before and THIS is why no one told them that she was in the barn. (Again, Shane screwing everyone over through his actions).

Episode spoiler
I agree the sophia moment wasnt quite a surprise, and i believe someone even mentioned it in this thread last week. But as Dacon said very startling to see on screen. To have it confirmed was just something else. Reading the comic i always knew nobody was safe, kirkman kills everyone when ever he likes. It was just truly a surprise that he brought this over to the show. No one really is safe.

I do love that they showed the hypocrisy of humans in this episode.
Everyone was quick to judge Hershels decision to keep the walkers alive, and were even quicker to kill a bunch of zombies they didnt know.

Then Sophia walked through the door and changed it all for them.

I think that the fact that it was a mid-season finale made it more obvious that it was gonna happen.

Looking back on it, it was pretty significant and the moment was handled well to prove the point about the humanity of the walkers. It might just be me, but I was still more in shock over the fact everyone just stood there and let Shane tear open three locks to unleash a barn full of walkers on them.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
That makes sense, though it's still not a really WISE tactic.
It was not very wise choice in the comic either lol.

Comic related but its not super huge and relevant to the show.
What threw me off and had me hoping Sophia would not be in the barn is the fact that she is alive well beyond this point in the comic world. Kirkman really is making a point to throw off the readers of the comic. Ive for the most part given up relying on the comic as a reference for who may live/will die at this point, the show has taken a HUGE left turn from the comic at this point considering everyone who is alive and dead at the moment. .

Which is fun, i can read the comic and be surprised. Then tune into the show and be even more surprised.


little nerdling
Just caught the midnight rerun and I'm still fuh-reaking outtt

The Sophia thing caught me 100% by surprise. I was in such denial that anything bad had happened to her; I really thought she'd been picked up by some other group of survivors. I thought if they dragged out the search over so many episodes she had to turn out alive, right?

I expected the last walker coming out of the barn to be Hershel's wife, and that's why I was so thrown. Brilliant and heartbreaking.

I agree with everyone else about nobody doing anything as Shane broke open the barn. I thought at least that Lori would take Carl away from the scene.

Now I need to watch My Little Ponies or something before I try to sleep or I'll have zombie nightmares. ;_;


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Someone needs to put a bullet in Shane's neck, quick.

Can't fucking believe he pulled this shit.

And I nearly cried at the part that showed Sophia. I knew she was either dead or a zombie but. Omfg if that was not the saddest thing ever. Seeing her mom break down and Daryl just holding her like that and just.

This was an amazing, and emotional episode. And I swear to God, Shane needs to get what's coming to him.

And the hypocrisy of people really was an amazingly done theme in this episode. On both sides. Just...yeah. Wow, this was amazing.


little nerdling
I like loose-cannon characters because they're so unpredictable and do things that mess things up for everyone else.
While I'm not the biggest fan of Shane, I want to keep him around in that watching-a-trainwreck kind of way. If all the problems and complications stem from one character, you don't want to just get rid of that character because they're doing a lot to keep things interesting.

Although... I don't want him to hurt anybody. I was really scared for Dale for a minute there tonight... :(
Seeing where they're taking Shane, anyone else think they might kick him out of the group, move onto the prison, then have him come back as the Governor? He's clearly where the majority of the conflict in the series is coming from, and it'd make the Governor bit be a bit more personal.
Take away the zombie daughter, and he's a stones throw away from the Governor anyway.

It's cool guys.
He found her at the local bar

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Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Seeing where they're taking Shane, anyone else think they might kick him out of the group, move onto the prison, then have him come back as the Governor? He's clearly where the majority of the conflict in the series is coming from, and it'd make the Governor bit be a bit more personal.
Take away the zombie daughter, and he's a stones throw away from the Governor anyway.

I dunno man, Shane might be a selfish asshole who's determined to do whatever's necessary to survive but he's still a long, loooong way from the Governor's level of fucked-upness. I guess they could get there gradually, but I think it's far more likely we're gonna end up with Carl or someone else shooting him.


Harbinger O Great Justice
It's cool guys.
He found her at the local bar


He was on Talking Dead last night, and apparently they got along really well on set, and she kept telling everyone that he was her boyfriend. Aw, kids. So awesome. They're all a bit sad that she's gone.

Also, fun fact about Hershel's wife -
she was the zombie who got her cheek blown off during the barn shooting.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Jesus christ everyone's gonna become the governor.

Get off it people.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Shane is just a big bag of cunts.


Finally caught up.
As much as Shane is pissing me off, I think he and Daryl are by far the most interesting characters right now. I hope he doesn't die soon. And it'll be interesting to see how this changes things between Shane and Rick. Their relationship is definitely one of the things I watch for.

And, ok, the rest of the party too. I imagine they all want to rip him a new one. He was being a complete fucktard.

As for Sophia, I already read a breakdown of this episode last week, so I knew it was coming. Still a great episode. Pace has officially picked up, I just wish they'd done this sooner.
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Pro Adventurer
Jesus christ everyone's gonna become the governor.

Get off it people.

Shit why cant the Governor... Just be the Governor? lol
No need for a radical character transformation, a menacing new one will do the trick just fine. Like umm the captain of the boat in the later seasons of the LOST, what was his name? Keamy or something?

He was totally new in LOST at that point, and honestly the way he was so well done i was afraid for any and every character who was ever in the same scene as him. They dont need to make a current crazy character, if they handle the introduction well a new character for the Gov will do just fine.

At the same time i can see why you could say Shane can be a candidate for the Gov. They have that same "Ill do anything to survive mentality", the difference is that shane switch this on and off when he feels threatened.

The Gov, has this going on all the time. So Shane at the moment wouldnt be a great pick to the Gov in the long run.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Except the governor gets off on rape, torture, and murder in a big way. Shane is a complete piece of shit but he's still pretty far off from that.

Also, Michonne is confirmed for the season 2 finale next year apparently. Not gonna post the link because spoilers.


Pro Adventurer
Except the governor gets off on rape, torture, and murder in a big way. Shane is a complete piece of shit but he's still pretty far off from that.

Also, Michonne is confirmed for the season 2 finale next year apparently. Not gonna post the link because spoilers.

Pm link please, my google search results are not yielding much.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Pm link please, my google search results are not yielding much.

Because the information was taken down lol.

The guy that did it was one of the extras that was one of her zombies.
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