The Walking Dead: Season 6 Starts October 11th


Harbinger O Great Justice
Take a couple mins to check out a summary of Frank Darabont’s pitched episode that will probably never be seen now.

[Darabont said to me], "Look, I think it would be really cool to tell a prequel story about how Atlanta fell. Do Black Hawk Down, but with zombies. And have a few main characters pass through, like a Twilight Zone episode [and] the lead will be you. And your character will go through and you're a soldier and all these horrible things happen, the chain of command breaks down, and eventually you have to take out your superior officer to save a bunch of people. Then, eventually in the end, you get bit."

And [Darabont is] pitching me this, "You're crawling and you crawl into this tank and you have this grenade and you're going to blow yourself up. But you set the grenade next to you and you die. Then, we reprise the scene from the pilot, where Rick crawls in the tank and there's a zombie there."

And if you look closely, I played that zombie because we were setting up this prequel we were going to do. If you watch the pilot of Walking Dead, that's me in the tank as the zombie. And then Rick blasts him and he gets deafened, and he gets that grenade which saves him at the end of the season. Well, we were going to tell the history of the grenade. We were going to tell, also, how another character who is being introduced in the second season how he comes to a certain thing. They were going to do all this cool stuff. Not doing it now. Why? Because AMC wanted to save a few bucks. That's just one example of the king of cool, awesome forethought that this guy put into the show that is now absolutely for naught.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I propose a TWD season 1+ the first half of season 2 marathon on the Saturday before the premiere of the first episode of the second half.



Pro Adventurer
So are we talking about the new episodes here or in dacons streaming thread?

Semi comic spoiler/Episode spoiler
Was anyone else incredibly anxious during the bar scene with the Philadelphia survivors?
A lot of the dialogue reminded me of when the Governor was interrogating Rick, michone and glenn for information on there camp (the prison). There were a good few moments where i was expecting the main guy to just go bat shit insane and reveal there was a bunch of guys outside ready to capture the group or something.

Also anyone else notice the quick shot of Carl in the half season trailer? Looks like hes point a gun at someone and is pretty distraught, i think kirkman might be setting up to deal with someone who should already be dead by this point in the comic :)


Pro Adventurer
So are we talking about the new episodes here or in dacons streaming thread?

Semi comic spoiler/Episode spoiler
Was anyone else incredibly anxious during the bar scene with the Philadelphia survivors?
A lot of the dialogue reminded me of when the Governor was interrogating Rick, michone and glenn for information on there camp (the prison). There were a good few moments where i was expecting the main guy to just go bat shit insane and reveal there was a bunch of guys outside ready to capture the group or something.

Also anyone else notice the quick shot of Carl in the half season trailer? Looks like hes point a gun at someone and is pretty distraught, i think kirkman might be setting up to deal with someone who should already be dead by this point in the comic :)

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
If anyone is interested I'm about to stream the new episode right now.
oh god

this show


people are scarier than walkers

also, can this be when lori shuts up forever? why does nothing she say ever make sense? it's like... bitch how did you survive this long ALWAYS being WRONG

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
So does not trying to read maps while you're steering a car.



Harbinger O Great Justice
*Insert obvious bad women drivers joke here* (io9 suggested a great theme song for Lori).

I'm figuring Dale's comment to Lori in this episode is gonna be foreshadowing to Shane getting in some shit later this season. I'd like to know what Daryl's little sharpened sticks are gonna be used for. Also, yay at Rick being a badass.

X :neo:


little nerdling
Yes, Gabriel, I was also very nervous during the tense scene with those guys from Philly. I found myself thinking they were going to be trouble and Rick should probably shoot them. Then I thought, no, that's more like Rick in the comic books. TV-Rick still has Shane as his foil and wouldn't be that hardcore.

But then he shot them. I was like, 0_0. Then I felt relieved.

Also, I might have missed something on my first watch, but did they indicate where Lori was driving to?
Pretty good episode. Next week looks even better.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
Just watched it.
I WILL NOT DEAL WITH ANYTHING HAPPENING TO LORI. Oh my god I hope she's alright :/ also I totally knew Dave and Tony shouldn't be trusted, although it would have been interesting if they did go to the farm.
So yeah, really good episode. I NEED THE NEXT ONE NOW.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
ok, I'm in between on Lori, but she is constantly saying such stupid shit. Daryl's selfish? Really? Are you fucking kidding me? You've been more than useless. Don't get me wrong though, I don't want her to be hurt. Just learn to fucking drive, jesus.

I'm glad to see Rick step up. I mean, Rick is a great foil to Shane, but he needs to take it up a notch. So I hope we see a more assertive Rick from now on.

If the group leaves the farm, I hope Maggie goes with them.

X said:
I'd like to know what Daryl's little sharpened sticks are gonna be used for.

Homemade arrows :monster:


I really don't like Lori. She's completely useless and only there to create drama with her bullshit. Bitch, a zombie better eat your ass because you shouldn't be on the road.

The women on this show need to start pulling their weight. Maggie's the only one I like. That having been said, I highly doubt anything too serious will happen to Lori as I think they probably want the Shane/Rick/pregnant Lori + Shane's baby drama and angst. Which is a shame.
want the Shane/Rick/pregnant Lori + Shane's baby drama and angst. Which is a shame.

This is exactly why I'm not afraid of any of them actually dying. I know people have been expecting Shane to die but he's becoming more and more the villain it would seem like a waste to get rid of him after all this development.

Also... Olive Oil line. I was in tears. He's becoming my Sawyer replacement.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
OMG THIS. Yeah she says stupid shit but her and Maggie are my favourite girls on the show.
I'm ready for Shane to go away now, ughhhh. but then again I'm curious what he's gonna pull next.

And Rick was badass in this episode. stay this way forever rick pls
I kept thinking one of the walkers on the back of the truck was going to come alive and bite Andrea lol, I like her better now tho so I hope she's around for a while longer. D:


Like you said they all say stupid things. It's hard not to when you're in that situation so I don't get why people are so hard on her. She's also the one who keeps Rick going.
YES OMG I HATE SHANE SO MUCH but I don't think I want him to go away. He's such a complex character and I think there's a lot he can still do.

Rick is flawless omg I can't even. I love his caring personality and just... I LOVE HIM. Daryl and him are my favourite male characters fo' sho.


Also... Olive Oil line. I was in tears.
My bb put her in her damn place. I just hope he doesn't go all internal angst after what happened
Lori's accident
and hold himself somehow ~responsible~ for not going himself.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
What irritates me the most with Lori is, why the fuck can't she just trust Rick?

How would she even help him if he was in trouble? She doesn't even know how to use that revolver she snatched. Just because anyone can fire a weapon, doesn't mean they can shoot it properly. Especially with her fucking noodle arms.

Fucking moron.


Pro Adventurer
What irritates me the most with Lori is, why the fuck can't she just trust Rick?

How would she even help him if he was in trouble? She doesn't even know how to use that revolver she snatched. Just because anyone can fire a weapon, doesn't mean they can shoot it properly. Especially with her fucking noodle arms.

Fucking moron.

Well there doing a great job of making her more like the Comic Lori which is infamous for disagreeing with Rick every step of the way, only to agree with him once he returns :P

"Rick why do you always have to go out of your way to fix everything!"

"Rick im so glad your back if it wasn't for you going out of your way to fix everything we would all be dead!"

I personally cant wait for andrea x dale and crazy carol to show up on the show.

Regarding next weeks episode ill bet my bottom dollar daryl will end up saving lori or at least go out looking for her after feeling guilty for making her disappear.
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