The Walking Dead: Season 6 Starts October 11th


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ok so Im all up to date. List of people who need to die horribly asap

Erin/Enid. Got no time for your bitchy resting face. Glenn should have shot her. Dont inflict you nihilistic teenage bs on everyone else you are not a speshul snowflake.

Ron? The kid who was sort of going out with Enid. Shaping up to be like his asshole dad.

His little brother. His hair is bad and he is going to go mad and get people killed.

Spencer. Need i elaborate?

That fucking priest. Needs a dose of Karma.

Evil Dave Grohl.

Morgan. Sad that its come to this because I liked him but I cant forgive him putting everyone in danger by saving Evil Dave Grohl.


Pro Adventurer
So this last episode was probably one of the better if not best episodes of TWD in a good long while.

Though it's still riddled with logic fails and internal consistency be damned. The writers on TWD are honestly some of the laziest people in the business right now and cut every corner at an attempt to create a shock moment or stir tension/drama.

Not to mention they literally use the same scenario to create tension for every season ( "amagawd "x" is seperated from the group for the next 9 episodes!" Which season am i talking about? :P)
Right off the bat Daryl silently takes down a Savior who had a rifle pointed at him and was even able to stab him in the back. In what world do people fight 10 feet away from a group of people and no one notices? In what world do you not call for help when your fighting someone and your group is control of the situation?

Quietest fight ever. All for what? A "bad ass" moment that everyone saw coming with an RPG?

Jesse's etc. Deaths :

Sooo that little kid gets bitten first (forgot his name) because he's whimpering at the same decibel level as everyone else who's telling to stfu?

Not only that literally 10 minutes before that they were standing around chit chatting planning to get the cars back and even pass around a baby in broad day light that isn't covered in zombie guts. But that doesn't get the zombies attention?

These same zombies have 0 freaking reaction to Rick hacking off Jessies arm , Ron pointing a gun at Rick and Michone giving Ron some katana Justice. Come on.
It's only till Carl says "dad" that they get moving? lol

To add to this : WTF happened right after the season finale sneak peak shit last time? The little kid was calling for Jesse and zombies were clearly figuring it out. Way to build months long drama and questions and literally act like it didn't happen in the follow up episode (they used this same trick for that episode where Rick was stuck in the RV and miraculously got out off camera in the next episode).

What was Glenns plan exactly anyway? Send Enid on top of the tower to die with Maggie as well? You'd think you know with him making a distraction... they would get off that tower not send more people up it.

Oh but thats right , that's the only way they could figure out how to get Abe and crew into the mix. Which comes to my next point

You expect me to believe Glenn wouldn't become Lead Salad after Abe and crew gunned down the pack of zombies surrounding him? These very same zombies who legit head explode when getting fucking knifed down. But the bullet storm from their assault rifles don't pass through? Please.

And then they get to drive around and pour gasoline every where with impunity after calling upon a lead storm and zombies don't figure out shit's going down on their side of Alexandria till they fire the rocket? Reals. Come the fuck on

Even in good episodes this show could be so much better, but they are so fucking lazy.

Its crap like this + When the episodes are legitimately poor that really weigh this series down. It's a shame that even their good episodes aren't free of this crap.


I'm on season 5 atm (was added to netflix just last week or so), and err... it's not that great, :monster:. Beginning of the end?


Pro Adventurer
That's Terminus right? If so it has some gems (TAINTED MEAT) , but it uses a certain trope that me and Carlie can't stand like 3-4 times as well lol.

Once they get to Alexandria it really starts to meander needlessly to build tension that's more off putting than exciting in my opinion. If your like me and notice inconsistencies and fails easily it's really going to bother you as well lol

The writing in my opinion becomes the written equivalent of the Bent gun in Season 3.



Chloe Frazer
I'm trying to decide when the show definitely jumped the shark and is either the idiotic Hospital arc, the stupid forgettable mess that was the season 5 finale or the Glenn bullshit this season. Probably the first one since the show has been unable to put anything consistently good since the Terminus arc.


Pro Adventurer
I found the "Walking to Terminus" Arc rather meh as well. Though I can't recall if that occurs at the same time as the Hospital shenanigans or slightly before.

I swear to god if this season or the next one does a "Person/People are separated from the group" trope one more time I'm done lol. They literally have pulled that one every single season. Sometimes twice! Get a new scenario pleaaaaase.


Chloe Frazer
Oh you know is gonna happen, the show is as likely to drop that as it is killing off anyone that disagrees with jerk sue Rick.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
I'm trying to decide when the show definitely jumped the shark and is either the idiotic Hospital arc, the stupid forgettable mess that was the season 5 finale or the Glenn bullshit this season. Probably the first one since the show has been unable to put anything consistently good since the Terminus arc.

The Glenn suspense was a waste that could've been used elsewhere.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Glad that that kid, and his brother got killed. Kind of a shame about their mum she was ok. That whole sequence was filmed weird, at first I thought it was some sort of weird hallucination from the kid.

Kind of disappointed that Carl survived. Again. I don't really care about Carl.


Pro Adventurer
Silly as it was, I did enjoy Daryl and his rocket launcher. :) I'm hoping the show gets back on track once we start seeing more of Neegan and his men.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Something glorious has happened.

Rick x Michonne is now canon!!!




Chloe Frazer
Even though I saw this one coming ages ago since Andrea's death left a big hole in the show regarding her story in the comics. Her storylines were given to different characters, her role in the Hunter arc were given to Carol and Shasha. Her character development was given to Carol and
her relationship with Rick were very unsubtly set up to be given to Michonne. Sweetheart I know is the zombie apocalypse and there aren't a lot of dating options but you can still do so much better than Rick. The dude was stalker obsessed with a married chick and that's not even top 5 on the douche things he's done.


Pro Adventurer
Just found out a few days ago that Norman Reedus is going to be at the comic con I've been going to for the past few summers.

If my attendance wasn't completely sealed before, it sure as hell is now! :monster:


Reedus is such an ugly fucker, :monster:. I did a double take when I saw his mug on some movie poster at the cinema though.

Also rewatched the first few episodes of TWD (season one), where he's got short hair. Such y00f, :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I find mildly attractive on an unconventional level. Now Jon Bernthal, that's a different story. :monster:

But the fact that we've got such an awesome lineup of celebrities for the con this year is just amazing though. It's getting bigger and bigger every year.


Pro Adventurer
So for some reason I decided i would rewatch TWD.

No surprise season 1 is still the best season thus far , but I've actually changed my mind about season 2.

I used to loath season 2. It felt so boring and horrible watching it on a week to week basis. That slow burn really doesn't help with week long breaks as well as a several month break to split the season. It really just kills any tension that was building up between episodes and for me actually made me forget about most if it.

Now in a format where I can binge watch it, it's actually rather well done. The tension persists and doesn't feel like it drags a long. It's still a slower season but over all I feel as though it's no longer easily the worst season of TWD.

I want to say maybe my tastes have changed in the few years since I've seen it. It's entirely plausible but I feel more so that just the change in viewing format was really the bigger change here.

I guess that's why I appreciate the hell out of Netflix's method of releasing an entire season right off the bat. I think it enables some shows to be able to self carry some of their weaker episodes and over all have a greater experience.

It makes me wonder how I would feel about some Netflix shows if i was forced to wait a week between episodes , or even a months long season break.
I think if that were the case Jessica Jones wouldn't have been as good as it was, while it was decent it did have rather meh episodes peppered in here and there and the ability to just binge past it imo really helped.


Chloe Frazer
This show somehow managed to reach a whole new level of ridiculousness stupidity after the dumpster incident with the
whole penis biting. Who's fucking idea was that? and how did no one stop them?
And that's not even going into
bringing your medically qualified person who has never fought a walker on a supply run. Because what could possibly go wrong there? Well lets ask Saving Private Ryan what happens when you put your only medically trained person in the line of fire


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I thought exactly the same thing. I mean I can understand
why they've become blase about the zombies but thats no reason for a) endangering your healer b) going about having VERY LOUD ARGUMENTS especially when we know from as recent as like last week that there are still human nutjobs about.

And er....the doctor woman (whose name escapes me) I mean I get why in that situation you want the ability to defend yourself, so that is something that should have been happening with all the clueless Alexandria people, like a proper training program, then take them out with 2 experienced fighters who can step in if things get to hairy.

But yeah, stupid. I would have never let her out if I was in charge - and she should have been training others up in the medical department.

And wtf is with Carol all of a sudden? It pisses me off. So far none of the humans who have been killed have been people who didn't have it coming, who didn't start shit. lol Like those people last week, who were all like 'those biker guys of ours we're showing off and weren't really going to kill Abraham and Sasha. Well thats on them. Doesn't matter if it's all for show, if you're agressive and intimidating people are going to respond in kind.

Not like Carol was going about killing orphans and puppies. If shes saying she can't kill any more then she might as well kill herself, because if you're not prepared to defend yourself in that world you are good as dead. Which is a shame because I liked Carol


Pro Adventurer
I finally cut the cord on TV earlier in the month just to save like 100$ a month lol , and realized that without my DVR auto recording TWD I don't really care for watching it to much.

Like IDK if I'm just that lazy that I can't even be bothered to go and download an episode every sunday night of the show. Or if I just didn't care for the season enough to pirate the show.

None the less I haven't seen the show in a month (last episode I saw was the hilltop one).

I did decide to try and spoil myself about tonights episode on the subreddit

did they really. like actually really. Not fucking do it? Are they seriously going to make people wait 6+ months for "the big reveal"? That's not how you do television. IDC lol. That's fucked up. This episode was apparently a half hour longer and they still had the balls to do a half year cliff hanger?

Really? Really?


Chloe Frazer
Yep I was reading a review on the A.V. Club and that's exactly what happened. The finale was was one 1 hour and 20 minutes long and 80% of that was filler. Then Negan shows up and we get that scene, he picks and we switch to his POV so we don't see who he picks and credits roll. Did these people learned nothing from the dumpster incident about being emotionally manipulative?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
My theory:
It's Daryl. They went with this cliffhanger crap to keep people on board until the new season starts who would have otherwise jumped ship.
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