I hope they won't come to regret killing Beth off. Her character still had so much potential for interesting development. TBH I felt the whole showdown in the hospital thing felt just a little contrived. There didn't seem to be any burning reason why the exchange of prisoners needed to be so tense.
I think Daryl is fated never to know the love of a woman.
Okay, I don't watch this show much but I do know the general gist of it as my brother keeps me somewhat in the loop. That being said I saw the last half if tonight's episode
and holy shit that was brutal.
I mean, finding her was like, the plot of this season, right? Now she's just gone.
So a black character dies after another joins the group, that's never happened before. I get that Chad L. Coleman was leaving for another series but did they seriously couldn't wait a couple of episodes before killing him?
It feels like the series has completely destroyed the momentum they started season 5 with.
On a side note I'm pretty sure that Negan and the Saviors are the ones who attacked Noah's community. Also second reference to Glenn and bats this season.
Despite losing Tyrese, I thought this was a very strong episode and a great comeback after being off air for a few months. I hope the show continues in this direction, not really been a fan of the first half of the season. At this point, the only people I can see whoa re really safe are Rick, Daryl and Michonne.
And I'm more curious as to what the survivors will become, not who'll die. That seems to be the theme that's running right now.
Oh look another black character is dead, well they do have to make room for Morgan. That is if they remember that Morgan is still character in the series.
In the past the black actor swaps were pretty blatant and without legitimate reason, but to be fair both in the case of Noah and Tyrese both of their actors did land a spot as regulars on other upcoming series.
I don't think Morgans impending return was the reason for Noah's death at all. Not to mention the guy is still a few hundred miles away from ASZ lol. If anything he will either show up last second Carol style and save ASZ from the Wolves in the last episode or be shown getting to Virginia/ASZ at the end of the finale with the episode concluding without the skirmish with the wolves being resolved. Though that would be repetitive as fuck lol.
I'm more inclined to think its the latter rather then the former considering the style and approach they are going for showing Morgan briefly finding clues here and there trailing the group.
Alternatively I think it would be cool if Morgan is shown briefly at the end of the finale getting to Virginia but finding another community. Then as the following season progresses he can be used as a method for Rick/ the two communities to reach out and become allies for the impending Negan non-sense.
Nah man, I was mostly kidding with that one. Tbh I'm glad to see Noah go, he didn't add anything to the series. Fans hated him because he indirectly was involved in both Beth and Tyreese dying even though in former's case, she died of her own stupidity. My issues with Tyreese and Noah aren't that they got killed but that their deaths seem half assed, like the producers don't really care about giving them a proper send off. Also aside from Michonne, the rest of the black cast hardly gets any screentime or development. As for Morgan, I'm hoping he shows up for good in the finale.
He's obviously going to live past his death from the comics since Alexandria getting overrun is most likely what's going to happen in the finale/season 6 premiere. Him showing up then just to get killed would be a massive fucking let down.
Are the fucking W's being done by the Scavengers? Or the people that Deanna exiled (I'm pretty sure that's gonna come up)? Or is the show gonna mix both?
I really cannot stand Rick, at first he was just a completely bland designated hero who has slowly been evolving into a total hypocritical, crazy asshole. Which would be interesting if the show were intending to turn him into a villain which they're not.
It's a real shame that Deanna is going to die to make way for Rick to become the leader of Alexandria, since she has been a more interesting character and leader in 4 episodes than Rick in 5 seasons.
Yeah I sort of think they might be renaming The Saviors to the Wolves to.. I'd want to say they might just be some ragtag group of assholes , but they have been prepping up their arrival for so many episodes now that theres no way they could be just another small time group.
IF it is the saviors I wonder who will get the Glenn treatment. Right now I would say Daryl is in the same spot Glenn was in the comics being Ricks right hand bad ass. Glenn is such a good character but I think if they wanted to impact the show the same way they impacted the comic they would kill Daryl instead of him.
To be honest I just want to live in a happy little world where Glenn never has to die lol.
I'm pretty sure the show doesn't have the balls to kill off Daryl, the fans would not only riot but they would devour the producers. I would too since Daryl is one of the few well developed and interesting characters in that show.
I absolutely hate Glenn's death in the comics. My interest in the comics has become almost none existent since that happened. If Kirkman really wanted to do an impact full death he should've killed off Rick instead of going with the predictable route of killing off the last non white character remaining from the original group whose wife had just gotten pregnant.
Well that went in the complete opposite direction I predicted haha.
Pretty interesting to see how Morgan and Rick will interact in the new season now that he witnessed Rick kill Pete at Deanna's request.
Now that Morgan is sporting the Zen all life is beautiful I'm a Jedi mindset I'm sure he will have a hard time believing anything Rick or Deanna have to say regarding ASZ's ideals. Witnessing the murder after spending a 50 mile drive being told about ASZ's culture from Aarons perspective must be really jarring and I'm sure will be a point of contention in the early half of the new season.
I'm really surprised Deanna did not die in this episode. Glad as well I agree with your earlier post Carlie that she is just a really great character and I was a little afraid that we were going to see her go prematurely. Though I still think eventually she will die to make for Ricks reign of ASZ.
Sad to see Deanna's husband go but I guess that could open up some plot points in the next season regarding the expansion of the walls/maintenance now that there is nobody around with his knowledge on the matter.
Remember in the comics Reg's counterpart Regina also died at Pete's hand. But Douglas, Deanna's counterpart dies a few issues later when that horde of walkers overruns Alexandria. I assumed correctly that in last night's finale we were going to see Reg and Pete being killed off. I'm assuming that Alexandria is gonna get overrun in the season 6 premiere or in one of the first few episodes after that. Which is were Deanna is going to be killed, again unfortunately since she's a great character and Rick fucking sucks.
Btw I'm more convinced now that the show is gonna mix the Scavengers with the people Deanna exiled.
As for the finale,
most of it was just one big mess of separate storylines and hardly any of them were interesting or had a good pay off. Basically the highlight of the episode were Daryl, Aaron and Morgan. finally Morgan properly in the show. The worst parts were hands down anything involving Father Gabriel and Rick. Gabriel is the one black character I would be happy to see go as soon as possible. Which is a shame because Seth Gilliam is a really good actor which now makes 3 former cast members from The Wire that The Walking Dead has absolutely wasted. Father Gabriel was annoying in the Comics but here he's just unbearable. As for Rick, have I mentioned he sucks and I don't like him at all? Because he does. Basically the whole episode is the cast in lets all suck Rick's dick mode (pardon my vocabulary) because he's right about everything and if we thought different before we were absolutely wrong. Fuck that, he was a designated boring hero before and now he's gone full blown Creator's Pet.
HAHAHA Walking Dead, I'm fucking beating your system. Your propensity for going episodes at a time without showing me my favourite characters isn't going to fucking work because I fucking waited. Take that you absolute cunt of a show. I beat you.
really glad they killed the stupid rationalising cannibals. "oh but we totally had to because my family got raped that one time". Except you didn't and if it was me and not Rick and righteous good people & co. I'd have tortured you a little bit before cutting into your head, then I wouldn't have felt any guilt. Absolute moron.
I swear I can see the "oh but maybe we shouldn't kill people even if they're eating us waa waa" angst right around the corner and I have no patience for it. They should have tied him up, cut off his own leg and fed it to him. They should have slit all their throats over a large trough actually, since that's what they did to countless people. Except they shouldn't have knocked them out first. Assholes.
Still really want Quorl to die, I know people think he's improved but I just find him so grating. Death to Quorl. He'll likely never die but I'd love it if Rick thought he was on some mission where they wouldn't see each other for a few years then just died right away so we could get rid of him without 3 episodes of Rick crying about it. Die Quorl Die.
I want to take this opportunity to underline how amazing Carol is. Just that moment in episode 13 when she's talking about cooking. This woman understands how the game is played.
^ Yeah, she's really been a highlight for me this season and it's fantastic to see how she's transformed from the show's beginning. I'll be majorly pissed off if she ever got killed off and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Also agree about QUORL. Kill off QUORL. I'm on the anti-QUORL bandwagon.
I kind of agree that the second half of the season (not the whole second half) was kind of meh. I was happy to see them showering and stuff - a happy OCD moment - and even happier that this just isn't some "we're luring you here for x reasons" plot again (haven't read the comics mind).
I was also happy to see them settling for an episode or two, so I'd say this has been my favourite season so far tbh.
I can't overstate how bored I got after episode 13 though. Up til then I think it's been a really interesting season with a lot more good episodes and storylines than I'm used to in this show, but I had to fight hard not to skip chunks while I was watching (the luxury of downloading and watching in a media player). There were a few times I skipped back and counted the moments that are I think designed to be suspenseful, and in its last 4 episodes this season the show spends at least 12 minutes per episode doing slow camera movements or pauses that don't add anything AT ALL to the scene. It's all very slow and annoying. And at times, unnecessarily loud. Volume levelling people, get on it.
Anyway yeah I can see how people were irked by the second half of this season in particular, pretty sure if I was watching it week to week I'd be really pissed too. Shit got very very boring.
On the bright side I'm feeling the urge to read the comics, which has never happened before (I have trouble reading comics, I don't know which panel to go to next etc.)
And with that, I'm caught up on every single TV show that I watch. Every one. This never happens. Luckily most of them are back from a March hiatus this coming week but still, I'll need to find another one to add to the watch list.
Of course Carol is awesome. She got Andrea's character development from the comics when the show decided to screw the latter over. Andrea is the best character in the comics IMO. Also in relation to Carol, Melissa McBride is a really good actress.