Things that piss you off

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We have come to terms
The temporary debit card the bank gave me works at stores...but doesn't do shit online. Which is crap because I have a lot of things I needed to buy that are only available online. Like plane tickets.

So instead I had to give my boss the money and listen to him go on about protecting his identity for half an hour today, which was rather annoying. I don't want his fucking credit card info, and even if I got access to it and used it, he'd know exactly who did it. So what's the point? Plus he knows I don't do shit like that, anyway. =/


We have come to terms
This is why the savvy internet user doesn't click every link or video that they're presented with, Adri :oscar:

I don't have any music to fit my mood atm. Nonplussed face goes here. =/


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Download has been stuck at 77MB out of 92MB for a while now. =/

Also, the skin on the back of my hands seems to have spontaneously decided to split everywhere. Looks gross, and stings like hell.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
My left shoulder is all kinds of messed up. Has been for a week now. :(

Aw, I'm sorry. I hope you get better.

Waking up to see a huge spider on the ceiling, just above your bed. I HATE spiders!


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker


also job hunting pisses me off.

Celes Chere

Being forced to go to a stupid retirement party, that has nothing to do with me, and me having to change my former plans because of it. Also, I will get ignored there, which is pretty annoying, and it makes one feel rather awkward. It's full of people that could care less about me, I don't understand why I should have to go. >_>


Being forced to go to a stupid retirement party, that has nothing to do with me, and me having to change my former plans because of it. Also, I will get ignored there, which is pretty annoying, and it makes one feel rather awkward. It's full of people that could care less about me, I don't understand why I should have to go. >_>

Being ignored often has a reason, :monster:.

I like to think that I get ignored too. But in truth, I'm just not involving myself into things. Because really, I can't be arsed, :monster:.


Mr. Thou
Being forced to go to a stupid retirement party, that has nothing to do with me, and me having to change my former plans because of it. Also, I will get ignored there, which is pretty annoying, and it makes one feel rather awkward. It's full of people that could care less about me, I don't understand why I should have to go. >_>

Are you in the military? :lol: You sound just like me bitching about squadron events at work.


We have come to terms
I think I pissed my friend off accidentally, but I don't want to ask in case I didn't quite do it and just need to leave him alone, but saying something reminds him and then he does. =/

Celes Chere

Are you in the military? :lol: You sound just like me bitching about squadron events at work.

LOL GODS NO. I was bored to tears though. T_T

Edit: Okay, I guess the reason I was ignored is because I'm technically not a part of their family.
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Ghost X

Facebook drama. Ages ago, a workmate recommended a friend of theirs who I thought was a workmate as well, since she looks familiar, so I accepted. I don't add people I don't know, and just now I have learnt I don't know this person. Issue is, the unknown person's husband tried to add me and I refused, since I don't know them, so he's making an issue about it. So my workmate is like "Why did you add my sister (who you don't know), and not her husband?", somewhat insinuating I'm some sort of sexual deviant. You see, this is one reason why I don't add people I don't know; Less drama from unreasonable strangers. I think I'll start not adding people I don't know well, just to completely avoid stupidity all together.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
My other teacher explaining complicated stuff while my other teacher giving me a really easy method to finishing a project fast. WTF GUYS GET YO SHIT TOGETHAR

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I've overexhausted myself today. Now I think I got a headache + fever YEEHAAA.... ouch.
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