Things that piss you off

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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
My friend did that, even when writing on paper too, it was weird.

Hypocrites who put their asses on the highest pedestal for all to kiss and still run themselves in circles with lies that are somehow.. still believable. :monster:

And the Irish ofc.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Hypocrites who put their asses on the highest pedestal for all to kiss and still run themselves in circles with lies that are somehow.. still believable. :monster:
Jesus Christ, on a forum I admin this one guy recently got banned. He pulls the same shit every 3 months or so. Someone says something that pisses him off, and he goes of on a tirade, and when the admin staff steps in and tells him to stop, he does this, "FUCK YOU I HATE YOU ALL! YOU'RE NOT MY FRIENDS I'M LEAVING!" BS and sends me an angry email to boot. Two days later he'll send a, "AWW I'm sorry, can I come back plz?" And I'll have a chit chat with him and tell him NOT to do it again and I'll let him back in.

This most recent time I decided his ban was permanent but the admin that set his ban didn't know how to do it right or something and it said he'd be let back in on the 25th. I waited for him to come on AIM for a couple days to tell him it was a perma ban but he didn't show up and I kinda forgot about it.

Finally yesterday I told him it was a permaban and he actually understood and was cool with it, then all of a sudden he pulled a complete 180 and started cussing me out again. I blocked him and he sent me an email saying "Put up a pull so that I can see if others want me banned." Assuming the forum members weren't as stupid as I thought they were I put up the poll and guess what? Everyone is like, "He deserves another chance!" "It was unfair to ban him!"

uhm... what? I should post the email he sent me to help let them decide. I fucking hate my admin staff there. I want to redo the whole thing.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Unban him, quickly provoke another tirade from him. The permaban him with absolutely no chance to appeal it. Problem solved.
You know that might work. The guy who pissed him off the last time left the forum for no reason so I could pose as him and provoke him and yeah... hey good idea. Thanks. I might do that.

NM, after I posted the email he sent me a bunch of people changed their minds.
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Lolz, that reminds me of this housemate of mine. His laptop got stolen... yesterday, I think, but he found out who did it and got it back and whatnot. But instead of pressing charges, he gave the dude a 'second chance'... wtf dude.

Then he goes about having gotten a second chance by the big cheese above, which is wtf². You don't get second chances when you burn in hell, :monster:.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Jesus Christ, on a forum I admin this one guy recently got banned. He pulls the same shit every 3 months or so. Someone says something that pisses him off, and he goes of on a tirade, and when the admin staff steps in and tells him to stop, he does this, "FUCK YOU I HATE YOU ALL! YOU'RE NOT MY FRIENDS I'M LEAVING!" BS and sends me an angry email to boot. Two days later he'll send a, "AWW I'm sorry, can I come back plz?" And I'll have a chit chat with him and tell him NOT to do it again and I'll let him back in.

This most recent time I decided his ban was permanent but the admin that set his ban didn't know how to do it right or something and it said he'd be let back in on the 25th. I waited for him to come on AIM for a couple days to tell him it was a perma ban but he didn't show up and I kinda forgot about it.

Finally yesterday I told him it was a permaban and he actually understood and was cool with it, then all of a sudden he pulled a complete 180 and started cussing me out again. I blocked him and he sent me an email saying "Put up a pull so that I can see if others want me banned." Assuming the forum members weren't as stupid as I thought they were I put up the poll and guess what? Everyone is like, "He deserves another chance!" "It was unfair to ban him!"

uhm... what? I should post the email he sent me to help let them decide. I fucking hate my admin staff there. I want to redo the whole thing.

Funny, I know an Irish girl who does that as well. :monster:
And I just got another rude email from the guy. Okay he's done for good. He was losing the poll anyway. Read this crap:

I'm tired of being accused of childish tantrums, and being unreasonable when I lose my temper. When others do equal damage, and just receive a slap on the wrist. I'm starting tho think this is a personal grudge between you and I.

Funny how you recall all the mean and nasty things I do, but never all the times I was a fun and likable person that you liked having around. I also sincerely question your definition of friendship. Otherwise you wouldn't be perma banning me every time I fly off the handle. Now I can agree to keep my temper under check, and I've changed a lot over the past year. However, there's got to be a better way to discipline people. You're always going to have idiots like me, and you can't ban them all.

Besides if everyone agreed with your philosophy there'd be no excitement. Granted I've been trying to cut down on the name calling and the cussing, but even so I still think you went overboard. Just remember the more people you kick off the less people will be there. So I'll just take my mean, horrible self somewhere where people will actually appreciate me being around, and not be so judgmental.

See ya.
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Watching Thee From The Moon
Just Nocturne will do
getting up early in the morning when you just want to be wrapped in blankets and be warm

Lord Dragonis

Endless Darkness
a pinched nerve in your neck making it impossible for you to move your head without causing you lose control of your motor functions, which causes you to fall down and almost faint in pain


~The Other Side of Fear~
Being betrayed by someone you trusted. And worse, betrayed to my stalker.

I feel fucking sick to my stomach.

Buster Sword

Pro Adventurer
@ Dawn: Give me a rant in that PM love, LIKE RIGHT NOW.

Waiting 2 weeks for Liverpool to hopefully destroy Fulham. IM IN PAIN. :(


~The Other Side of Fear~
Does it matter? Either I give into him or I live the rest of my life as a victim of his constant stalking...

Buster Sword

Pro Adventurer
Does it matter? Either way he gets to torture me. And my friends are helping him do it...

I feel sick.

Yes, it does. There must be something you can do about it. Well they were never a friend in the first place.

And thats only understandable, but such a feeling is not meant to last forever.


~The Other Side of Fear~
There's really not. There's no provision against internet harm unless he actually comes here to harm me. Of course when he does that I'll be dead.

As for the friend...She's a despicable woman and I hate her now.

Suing him would cost me ten of thousands of dollars. I don't know if I can swing it.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
There's really not. There's no provision against internet harm unless he actually comes here to harm me. Of course when he does that I'll be dead.

As for the friend...She's a despicable woman and I hate her now.

Suing him would cost me ten of thousands of dollars. I don't know if I can swing it.

I think it'd be good enough if you can't sue him, to get in touch with his work and put him through the same shit and inform them what their employee does in his own time/say he is doing it while kiddyfiddling :monster:
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