Things that piss you off

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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I was until COUGAR RAPE

at least when Bears come at me in hordes I can outrun them.

Cougars are too goddamn fast
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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I've yet to meet bears and cougars. I found one cougar but it was easily dealt with. :B


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Examinations are about the closest thing to being legally raped in an educational institution.


fresh to death
I woke up naked this morning.
On top of my sheets.
With the curtains open.
My bed is in front of my window.
My window is 2 metres high.
My window is in full view of the street.

L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Really fucking hate the british health service.
Callled NHS 24 at 12:04 am explaining my fiance was in extreme pain and unable to even move, was then asked if she was able to speak as being her fiance im not really family (cunts) now after 20 mins of retarded fucking questions i already told them the bitch on the other end says "Oh im sorry i can't think of what could be causing this, do you think you could sleep it off?"
Went mental at said bitch telling her that if she thinks that being unable to walk from pain is going to be fine after a nights sleep she needs sacked.

Then got a doctor on the phone saying i need to get her to hospital in falkirk (around 20mins drive) when there is a hospital 5 mins up the road from where we live.
Got her to falkirk hospital and was seen within 5 mins and got told after an hour of them prodding her side that she needed to go to the hospital where i live and have the surgeons look at her.
So another 30 min drive from there to the other hospital and we got told by a stupid cunt receptionist that the hospital didnt call and that we were to wait in A&E to be seen.
So now surrounded by 30+ drunks and druggies we are told that there is a 6 hour waiting period (by now its close to 2am) and we just have to wait.

So we did, her in absolute agony me fucking raging for 6 hours watching the arseholes take drunks who just needed to sleep it off and druggies who had bumps on their heads.
Finally get seen at 8.30am and the doctor does the same fucking checks they did at the other hospital and immediately says she needs an operation and should have been taken immediately.

So long story short i may be banned from my local hospital after shouting at the morbid bitch receptionist being an incompetant fuck and my fiance now stuck in hospital after being operated on 1 hour after a surgeon seen her.


oh my god north korea

why do you suck so hard.

edit; and sorry to hear about that L.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Really fucking hate the british health service.
Callled NHS 24 at 12:04 am explaining my fiance was in extreme pain and unable to even move, was then asked if she was able to speak as being her fiance im not really family (cunts) now after 20 mins of retarded fucking questions i already told them the bitch on the other end says "Oh im sorry i can't think of what could be causing this, do you think you could sleep it off?"
Went mental at said bitch telling her that if she thinks that being unable to walk from pain is going to be fine after a nights sleep she needs sacked.

Then got a doctor on the phone saying i need to get her to hospital in falkirk (around 20mins drive) when there is a hospital 5 mins up the road from where we live.
Got her to falkirk hospital and was seen within 5 mins and got told after an hour of them prodding her side that she needed to go to the hospital where i live and have the surgeons look at her.
So another 30 min drive from there to the other hospital and we got told by a stupid cunt receptionist that the hospital didnt call and that we were to wait in A&E to be seen.
So now surrounded by 30+ drunks and druggies we are told that there is a 6 hour waiting period (by now its close to 2am) and we just have to wait.

So we did, her in absolute agony me fucking raging for 6 hours watching the arseholes take drunks who just needed to sleep it off and druggies who had bumps on their heads.
Finally get seen at 8.30am and the doctor does the same fucking checks they did at the other hospital and immediately says she needs an operation and should have been taken immediately.

So long story short i may be banned from my local hospital after shouting at the morbid bitch receptionist being an incompetant fuck and my fiance now stuck in hospital after being operated on 1 hour after a surgeon seen her.
jfc, those people should be fired or shot. you can console yourself that at least you're not going to get raped up the arse with the bill like you would've here, but either way no one should have to go through that shit.
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L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Well ive been visiting again tonight and was given dirty looks by same stupid cunt receptionist so i made a point of complaining to the hospital and her boss that they are all incompetant fucks.
After being told today i could take her home i arrived at the hospital to be told "No she isn't being discharged because we can't find her records and as a result don't know when she last had morphine"



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
jesus fucking christ. I mean I'm sure a lot of low level hospital employees are overworked and underpaid but there's still no kind of excuse for that kind of staggering incompetence.

In related news, it never fails to irritate me when people put blinders on to obvious structural flaws in systems of authority and then get all bitchy at people who bother to point them out. Here's a very good example from another board. This idiot can't even address any arguments people actually makes so he goes throwing about straw man after ad hominem after straw man after ad hominem.


When you're trying to make conversation with someone and they use annoying ONE LINERS THAT COMPLETELY KILLS THE CONVERSATION.

Not only that, but when they do it intentionally.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Jesus. :( Sorry to hear about that L. I hope your fiance is better soon.

My complete of concentration this evening. What the fu...

...what was I saying...?


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
my roommate's dogs

look, Jay, I like you. but you're a shit dog owner. you know why the dogs keep pissing on the floor? because you don't PUNISH THEM

you can't just clean it up and sigh and expect the dogs to just KNOW BETTER

god some people should not have animals


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
People that wilfully refuse to get it because conceding a point is too embarrassing to them, and therefore strawman your points to oblivion.

I'm not referring to anyone on this board, it's the idiot I referred to in my previous post.


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
People that interrupt! Nothing pisses me off more when talking to my friends and co-racers about our vehicles and you have one person that keeps talking and talking and talking and you can't get a word in. To add insult to injury the dude didn't know what the fuck he was talking about.


The sixth floor. Well not the floor per sé, but the fact there's the building's AC room right behind me, which has a very persistent, wavy, low sound that apparently only I can hear and it's driving me nuts and deaf and etc.

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