Things that piss you off

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I was planning to go to Anime Expo with a friend, but it turns out I'm leaving for Asia the day before it starts.


"Asia" is a rather big concept.

I like how people always talk about "Asians", when they could refer to so many different peoplez. Sand niggers are azn too, as are a significant of russians, etc. Usually they refer to japs though.

Celes Chere

My Grandma saying I should put other people's needs before my own for refusing to allow my boyfriend to drive my whole family home instead of just me, and then continuing to say that I never do anything.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Xbox Live not responding properly all damn day long
Aw, I bet you looked cute! :P

Not even slightly. =/ And that was some bullshit. I have this strange thing about talking to rich men who happen to be strangers in a very highclass hotel. Doesnt feel right for some reason. I had no obligation to go on any specific grounds either, I was merely related to one person. ._. I dont like being roped into things. Pressure as well.

Hip hop gangsters piss me off. Sorry, but they just do.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Your tired, i just read the entire destrillian thread including the wiki and then wrote a rough bio to try and fit into the nightmare sequence without causing too much of a distraction, all while at work!



We have come to terms
I read the entire series at work as well. It just took longer because constant interruptions. D:

Then again, I was aided by printout.

Three hours' sleep, tho. ._.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Just read it on screen lol.
Cant even sleep much cause im continually awake everytime my fiance moves in bed and i think she is popping a stich -_-
It's funny because it's true.

It is. :/ More to add on that, where I live alot of them flock around and like group together. Just a few days ago some douchebag keyed up my mothers car. I was pretty pissed about it, but despite all the homie G's and wiggers around here who think they are tough shit, they wont fight you. They dance around in the streets while they have someone pretend to hold them back and scream at you in some barbaric form of street tongue.

Not just that but when I see someone, who looks like that, and acts like that, I find it harder to take them seriously. Its not just based of past experiences either its just the way they act and the ignorance spread by it is hard to put up with when its in your face.

Perhaps thats being abit judgemental.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II. Seriously. Plenty of offline gameplay available, but you need to connect to the net and create a Steam account to install the bloody game. Madness.

And not only that, but the tyranid forces don't have access to genestealers. WTF?


We have come to terms
It is. :/ More to add on that, where I live alot of them flock around and like group together. Just a few days ago some douchebag keyed up my mothers car. I was pretty pissed about it, but despite all the homie G's and wiggers around here who think they are tough shit, they wont fight you. They dance around in the streets while they have someone pretend to hold them back and scream at you in some barbaric form of street tongue.

Not just that but when I see someone, who looks like that, and acts like that, I find it harder to take them seriously. Its not just based of past experiences either its just the way they act and the ignorance spread by it is hard to put up with when its in your face.

Perhaps thats being abit judgemental.
If it's being judgmental, then welcome aboard the Judgmental Express. Take a seat with the rest of us :monster:

My brother in law (well...FORMER, anyway) was just like that. Especially the getting in my face part. It's funny because another five second there would have gotten him the soundest beating of his life :flipmonster:
My brother in law (well...FORMER, anyway) was just like that. Especially the getting in my face part. It's funny because another five second there would have gotten him the soundest beating of his life

I never throw the first punch but I always want to when someones playing Mr. Macho like that. The whole taking your shirt off thing is big with them to, thats just plain creepy though. Sorry about your brother though, its hard to deal with someone like that but I think it'd be harder if it was a family member.

I dont know I call it jugdemental because, just because a majority of something acts a certain way, it doesnt make it true for the whole group, at least not usually. I try to respect everyone I meet just out of common courtesy.


We have come to terms
That was supposed to say secondS. I really need to pay more attention when I'm typing sometimes. -__- And meh. He's not my brother (not even the in-law anymore), and was CERTAINLY never family. None of it really matters anymore - he's just a dick, and I'd really love to go to work on the guy. xD

Well, yeah, but stereotypes are what they are for a reason. Expecting everyone of Demographic X to act in thus and such a way is never good, but when they start acting like that, you know what to expect from them =P It's just sad because those are the people that make the rest of us black folks look bad., in my case. :flipmonster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
why the hell is everyone so goddamn immature

bawww people aren't my servants bawww
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