Things that piss you off

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Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
Hey. I wasn't trying to come off as insulting or patronizing I was merely trying to understand that we all hit rock bottom. I didn't realize that I was going to get shit on because I was trying to help. I hope things get better. Sorry things are going so wrong for people. Life sucks. But don't you think it would be better to improve then to skulk about it? I was in a situation were I didn't know where my next meal was going to come from. I lived out of my car. I thought about suicide constantly. But I managed to pull my head out of the water and make it better. I know what it's like to feel like you have nothing left to live for. In all honesty it took my best friend to tell me to stop feeling sorry for my self and get my ass moving. It took a big kick in the ass to realize that I do have alot going for me and I can make it through the situation I was in. That's what I was trying to say. Just you can get through it. Things will get better. Not to come off as a patronizing jerk. Your right though I could have chosen different words but the fact remains that things can get better if you try and see that.

Celes Chere

But don't you think it would be better to improve then to skulk about it?

Don't you realize how foolish that sounds? It's easier said than done, when it comes to that subject matter. Sometimes people need to rant/vent/'skulk'. What else is this thread here for? And also, sometimes people cannot do things alone and need some insight and some help. Though, mere words aren't enough to fix things, and so a person who is lost isn't immediately going to find themselves. Who is to say that someone who is 'sulking' isn't trying, or hasn't tried? There is a reason why people lose hope. It's harder to face a day when things go wrong, when you're totally alone and when you've lost the will. I don't think it's fair to say a person isn't trying just because they are sad. No one can be constantly happy, and not everyone can always have strength. Sometimes you go through so much crap, that you simply are broken.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Someone's being playing/watching Fate/Stay Night.

I can't shake the shitty feeling I've had all week, and it's really getting old.

Celes Chere

^I WATCHED IT. It was beautiful. T__T (I want to play it. xD)

Something that pisses me off - My friend just informed me that his girlfriend whom has been living him for the past 2 years (with no job, he's been taking care of her), left him recently for her ex boyfriend. The day before she had told him she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him and that she loved him. So, she tells him that she still wants to be friends and he is fine with it - he just wants her to be happy. Two days later she says she never wants to see him again. Her ex boyfriend offers her stable income and a car... which she chooses over a guy she's been with for two years that gave her... pretty much the world. I don't get that.. If she had fallen out of love, it would have been different. No, she tells him she wants to be with him forever and A DAY later leaves him for someone with money.

Disgusting. ._.
Something that pisses me off - My friend just informed me that his girlfriend whom has been living him for the past 2 years (with no job, he's been taking care of her), left him recently for her ex boyfriend. The day before she had told him she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him and that she loved him. So, she tells him that she still wants to be friends and he is fine with it - he just wants her to be happy. Two days later she says she never wants to see him again. Her ex boyfriend offers her stable income and a car... which she chooses over a guy she's been with for two years that gave her... pretty much the world. I don't get that.. If she had fallen out of love, it would have been different. No, she tells him she wants to be with him forever and A DAY later leaves him for someone with money.

Disgusting. ._.

Gold digging. What can you do?

I've never understood the concept myself. I guess some people are just to selfish for their own good. I feel bad though for your friend D': Poor guy.

Ignorance makes me rage. Ignorance and mindless insensitivity.


We have come to terms
I don't think it's normal to hurt from the neck up on the outside, and have a massive headache on the inside DX

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
Day sucked so much I can't even begin.

And my computer has frozen up twice six times in the past two hours making me restart it. This is ridiculous, even for my computer.
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8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
girls who get married to their (usually military) boyfriends at age 18/19/20, and after getting married resign themselves to having children and staying home all day. they don't even fucking bother enrolling in college or even holding a goddamn job. they don't need to, their ~husband~ supports them.

I live in a heavily military part of Virginia, and I see this every fucking day. Half the girls I know are married and I'm only 18. That's fucking sad. I'm from California, where people don't even consider marriage until their mid-twenties. Out there there's a huge focus on going to a nice University and being able to support yourself by the time you have your degree. Maybe it wasn't like that all over California, but I'm from Southern California and there was a massive focus on success and living your life while you're young and you have the chance. Seeing so many girls jump into married life so quickly is like a fucking culture shock to me.

I mean really, if people want to get married when they're young and stupid they can go right the fuck ahead. But seeing girls sit around the house all day and rely on their husbands for EVERYTHING... it actually offends me a little. Don't these women consider that they can maybe do better for themselves?

Don't they realize they'll be out on their ass if they get a divorce? I see regular customers in my store who are divorced at age 22 and survive on food stamps and a retail job to survive. It's sad and lazy and fjsdkfjsdklfjksdfj


that all being said marriage terrifies me :sadpanda:
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wangxian married
1. New York Cabbies

Cabbie: Where you headed?
Me: [says destination]
Cabbie: .....oh, I'm off duty.


2. pink eye UGGGGGGGGGGH my eye is cursed.


AI Researcher
Two of my cousins (younger than me) are married/getting married. The married one actually had a good job before and her husband works, though it's unstable work at times. They have a baby, but they actually have their own house so it's not so bad.

Then there's the other, who got his girlfriend knocked up. And his girlfriend was a lazy layabout before she was pregnant, she'd just sit around my aunt's house all day doing no work at all. She had a job and then quit it days later because it was hard work, having to wear a uniform and doing what you're told. I guess sitting at home playing XBox while someone else looks after the baby once she's bored with it will be more up her street.


Joe, Arcana
Not having a day off work that I asked for three days ago, and told it was fine.
My boyfriend's sister holding up her new pants she got for her birthday and saying "Size 8? What do you think I'm fat?" And then her mom going on about how there was only that and size 2 and she considered the size 2...

Fuck you I'm almost double that size and I don't think I'm fat.

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
Doctors. They never seem to fully know what's going on despite how many freaking tests they run.

Mom had an appointment with her radiologist this morning and found out that the cancer has spread to her lymph nodes.

First, it was "oh, there is an extremely remote chance that it's cancer." It turned out to be cancer. Next, it was "it's stage two. We can just go in and remove it surgically. You might not even need chemo." It was actually stage three and they found a tumor. "We'll still be able to get it all!" Now, it's in her lymph nodes.

They still say they can get it all, but they don't seem to know what the hell is going on.


A couple of Co-Workers did something they thought was funny last week. Just found out about the second one today. The one I knew about is already gone. Tomorrow I am going to have a little chat with the other one. If I don't like the answers I get from them, things might get.....heated.
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Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
My brother is here, my mom has cancer, I think I'm going through my pre-Bob cycle, and I have no idea what I should do in my NaNo idea.

I hate life.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Also my brother (not the one I was just talking about) is acting all closed up and depressive and shit. It's hard to help someone when they constantly pushing you away. Sometimes I think I should just leave him to his own devices and let him fester.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Not having a day off work that I asked for three days ago, and told it was fine.
:monster: This. Still, wait until they start cancelling days off your holiday while you're on holiday. And when they tell you you can't have time off, only to say "oh, are you remembering that you still have days left to book?" Then, you may complain. (Not that I'm still bitter with my manager over the lack of time off for DessieCon, of course. :awesome: )

Actually, work in general is pissing me off right now. I'm fed up of feeling that I'm being penalised for caring that I do the job the right way.

Also, after being told I couldn't have any of October off (except the last few days, which I've booked for the BB: Continuum Shift release) because we can't have two people off at once... two people are off at once. Both are people who would cover me for my lunch break.

Oh, and Keen: I'd seek medical advice about that head-and-neck-ache. :/ Neck pains and headaches are an early symptom of menengitis (sp?). Now, as you've had it a few days with no other symptoms developing, I doubt it's that, but you should still get it checked out.
My boyfriend's sister holding up her new pants she got for her birthday and saying "Size 8? What do you think I'm fat?" And then her mom going on about how there was only that and size 2 and she considered the size 2...

Fuck you I'm almost double that size and I don't think I'm fat.
You're totally not. :)

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I am having trouble finding somewhere for us to live, and we must leave by Friday/Saturday.
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