This. This times a million. Srsly the story of my life past age 20. I love to listen to people talk, especially about themselves and their lives. I like to try and HELP people. And I try very, very hard to and put all my effort into it, because I care. And for them to just throw it back in my face like I'm nothing really hurts. "You don't understand." Well, maybe not; but I do understand better than you think, and if you'd actually TALK to me about it instead of pushing me away, I COULD understand. And then when you give them to space to clear their head, and to let them come to you when they're ready, they get mad because you "abandoned" them. I don't mind putting up with moodiness or things like that, but not even letting me try because there's "nothing you can do to help" is just...ugh. I could go on about this for at least an hour. =/
Pissing me off: my electric company cut off my electricity yesterday, four days after I paid my bill. So I was without any for about 25 hours, which wouldn't be SO annoying were it not for the fact that it start in the afternoon, meaning I had to entertain myself for quite some time during the night. It's also irritating because of the stuff in the fridge.
I WAS pissed because it also cut into my L4D time with the new DLC that's out today...except it's not OUT for some reason. This is also pissing me off. =/
Manti: yeah, I know. I was freaking out about meningitis at the time, too. It's gone now, but I still want to get checked out. Especially since there's also this weird lump in my left hand. :x