Things that piss you off

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Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
Anything to do with Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana/Spoiled Brat. She's unfunny, she's relentlessly boring, and worst problem, she CAN'T ACT. A complete washout.
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
What's pissing me off is that yesterday I finally figured out why I've been feeling on edge lately. About this time last year, I had a huge bust up with a then friend. :(

Also, pages on the forums loading so slowly, I don't have time to read the latest Dessies posts. D:
Surely you can't take one student's stupidity to be representative of the majority :/ I can see it from the Polytechnic kids, but not from us red-brick students. You know, the ones who worked hard and got the As needed to get into a decent university.

I'm hugely concerned because the new proposals cut research funding into the arts, which I'm hugely passionate about. But then again, I'm a biased English student.
Like I said, I have no problems with those who have earned their places. But too many seem to be there simply because they can.

AFAIK, what individual unis put funding into is down to solely their own discretion.
This gives me a good idea, only 'A' students get to go to university! Then the tutiton fees wouldn't be a problem :monster:
Unfortunately, more students receive A grades than there are spaces at universities. So, it still comes down to whose mummy and daddy knows the inductors, or can make the highest "donation" to the university.
Don't be daft, you're angry at one person, not the whole movement.
I'm angry that there are people like that arguing about their "right" to go to university. Like those who throw stuff at the cops, and break into buildings, and are confused about being arrested because they were "exercising" their right to "peaceful demonstration". Hint; the moment you get violent, it's no longer peaceful.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Unfortunately, more students receive A grades than there are spaces at universities. So, it still comes down to whose mummy and daddy knows the inductors, or can make the highest "donation" to the university.

Wot? Are we talking about posh universities here? :huh: Because if that is true there is no fucking way that I would have been allowed on a degree course :monster:

MEGA ON TOPIC EDIT: Going to stay at my folks for the weekend, only to find that my old bedroom stinks of a dead rat trapped inside the wall. WORST. SMELL. EVER!
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I got two items on ebay from this guy... he's supposedly in Canada and had standard shipping listed as $4.00 for each. So shipping SHOULD BE $8.00 but he's trying to charge me $23.00.

Me thinks he's either trying to majorly overcharge me or that he's not really in Canada.
Shipping in our country sucks though and is REALLY expensive compared to the prices all my American friends pay.

Though ya if that's what he's listed something's up.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Yeah I'm thinking he might not really be from Canada... perhaps he's from Japan or something since they were two FFVII books that were only sold in Japan. I guess one way to tell is if he understands my email.

Though maybe I shouldn't be complaining since I just got the FFVII Memorial Album for $2.25 (before shipping) :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Go and find him and chop him into 23 pieces for every dollar hes charging you. and then post the bits back to his family and do that thing (i forget how exactly) that means that they have to pay a shitload of airport tax.

It sounds extreme I know, but its the only way to make these characters learn :monster:

Celes Chere

My friend's sister drove all out in the snow storm to go to the store and get me an almond snickers... then when I went home, I forgot it in her freezer. NOOOO. T___T

Edit: Also, sleeping problems... every time I try and sleep I wake up within half an hour and usually can't go back for hours, in which the same thing happens again. .__. Combined with chewing my tongue in my sleep really sucks because I'm fucking tired lol.
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Wot? Are we talking about posh universities here? :huh: Because if that is true there is no fucking way that I would have been allowed on a degree course :monster:
Obviously, not all students who get As at A-level continue on to uni... it depends on their own circumstances/goals. :awesome:

@TOPIC: My mum's being a compelte and utter arse. He doesn't have an idea about computers, but he acts like he does, and he's getting my mum to alter the settings on a laptop he's using, rather than doing it himself, when he's closer to it.


Having a friend over for the weekend but not having a clue to what to do, :monster:.

Remember kids, this is why either you get a friend that likes multiplayer console games (and you get mulitplayer console games) and to play them all day, or why instead you go out and find things to enjoy outside of TV and PC video games.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Go and find him and chop him into 23 pieces for every dollar hes charging you. and then post the bits back to his family and do that thing (i forget how exactly) that means that they have to pay a shitload of airport tax.

It sounds extreme I know, but its the only way to make these characters learn :monster:

Actually he insisted that was the cheapest he could go.. and either way I'm still getting the books uber cheap so I just paid the $30. I mean $30 for two rare FFVII books is pretty damn good.

Another "Hey let's talk about why we all hate Zack and make up shit about why we just think he was a bad BF to Aerith when really we just hate him because he threatens our OTP" thread has surfaced (not here elsewhere). I mean "Zack didn't visit her after he died" and "Zack told her what to wear instead of loving her for who she was." Really? :facepalm:
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
"Zack told her what to wear instead of loving her for who she was."

If giving your girlfriend fashion advice is a faux pas move, than color me criminal. If you can't trust a significant other to tell you when you're busted, who can you trust?
Actually he insisted that was the cheapest he could go.. and either way I'm still getting the books uber cheap so I just paid the $30. I mean $30 for two rare FFVII books is pretty damn good.

I once tried to sell old books I had on ebay. When I went to ship them, the cheapest, and I mean cheapest no insurance no nothing I could get was almost $10 each. They weren't that big either. Not sure if that makes you feel any better but from those numbers I do think he's being sincere.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
If giving your girlfriend fashion advice is a faux pas move, than color me criminal. If you can't trust a significant other to tell you when you're busted, who can you trust?
And what's wrong with requesting something from your lover? I ask Rob for favors... like I ask him to clean up the microwave if he makes a mess in there? Does that mean I don't love him for who he is?

I once tried to sell old books I had on ebay. When I went to ship them, the cheapest, and I mean cheapest no insurance no nothing I could get was almost $10 each. They weren't that big either. Not sure if that makes you feel any better but from those numbers I do think he's being sincere.
Then it's about right then, I wish he'd put $10.00 for shipping in the shipping area though instead of $4.00

Celes Chere

And what's wrong with requesting something from your lover? I ask Rob for favors... like I ask him to clean up the microwave if he makes a mess in there? Does that mean I don't love him for who he is?

You were talking about VII Zack, right? O_o So he likes seeing Aerith in pink, doesn't mean he wants to change her lawl. It's not even a request or a favor, just a compliment. The way they speak about it is in a cute/flirting manner. Changing would be if he said... "YOU HAVE TO WEAR PINK OR I WON'T LOVE YOU ANYMOAR"


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I just hate how Zack gets put down as if he abused Aerith. He made her happy, I think that should count for something.

Also OT
Acid fucking reflex (or w/e it is I have since it was never officially diagnosed but that the doctors treat as acid reflux anyway.)
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
i forgot my calculator on the only final i needed it for.


at least someone let me borrow theirs.


Having to get up at 5:30 tomorrow, :monster:. It takes hours to install the damn thing and click through all the things thirteen times, what does starting two hours early change about that?

Ghost X

Just heard confirmation of what I'd suspected since it happened: That an old friend's younger sister died of Cystic Fibrosis last week. Doesn't really 'piss me off', as the topic may warrant, but its just hell saddening even though I didn't really know them too well.

Stayed with their family for a month back in 2005, and saw them on and off in 2006-07. I just find it really tragic. My friend's other younger sister also has CF, but it seems more mild for some reason. There is at least hope that she'll receive a transplant. However, the youngest that died was seemingly always ill and frequented the hospital.

Also, saw my cousin off today. He's going to Afghanistan cos he's in the army and such. Its not a war I support, so it pisses me off that he's going, but its his job, eh.
The cold is getting on my nerves.

I have to become a fan of the Washington Nationals. They bought Jayson Werth for a shitload of money for the next seven years. Proves baseball is all about the money. Fuck. I am NOT happy.

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
I haven't been up for more than twenty minutes and I've already had an awkward encounters with three different people. This is not a good sign on how the rest of my day will go.
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