Things that piss you off

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--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone guys. *hugs*

=/ It's a sad thing that we can't avoid matter how fun life for us can be... And knowing that people whom i cherish kind of like experience it, kind of piss me of, too, when i can't even help them. =/

EDIT: Also Shrimp, you're cute when you're angry :awesome:

Celes Chere

Also Shrimp, you're cute when you're angry :awesome:

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Being a dumbass and taking terrible advice from Chelsea.


Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
getting people asking me to help them on my break at a different store. if i was in my store i could almost understand people asking me for help finding something, BUT I AM NOT WHICH MAKES THIS ALL THE MORE ANNOYING

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
so i go to subway today for lunch cause i have gift cards there rite

apparently they are not accepting gift cards today

and the sign that says this is at the end of the line next to the register

i know it may not be much, but please put the sign somewhere near the beginning so people who may have been relying on a gift card don't have to suddenly walk away cause you guys were too goddamn stupid to put it in a practical place. :\

Celes Chere

I've got to go to the hospital today. :c It's nothing serious... at least I think not. xD

But it kind of ruined my whole day. ._.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
...Why are they not accepting gift cards?
idfk, apparently the credit card machine was also broken but that was not x'd out by the time i went through the line.


We have come to terms
It's less that this pisses me off, and more that it makes me just...kind of sad, I guess. Someone I care about doesn't really seem to want to have anything to do with me anymore. Dunno why, or what happened, or what I did (or didn't do, as the case may be).

It's not the end of the world, but it's not something I'm happy about, either. It's a shame, and a waste.

Something that does irritate me, however, is my family. Apparently I'm a bad person for not going out of my way to contact any of them for a few months; when I do, however, I get rooked into going to my sister and cousin's shared birthday dinner, which is tonight.

Except nobody ever bothered to contact me with the details, so I've no idea how they expect me to go. Not that I was GOING to go in the first place, mind, just that it's kind of hypocritical to try and guilt trip me, then either forget or intentionally do the same thing you're accusing me of doing.


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
Myself, for being talkative right now D;

And, piss me off when I play my aunt's baby..

Celes Chere

When people are dense about the simplest/obvious thing.

Being happy and sad at the same time. Being content, and yet angry.

When someone plays the victim.

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
Tumblr not working and therefor interrupting my reblogging fest.



Joe, Arcana
So I went to the gym on Tuesday as I hadn't been there for about 2 weeks. I spent three hours there and, my fault, didn't stretch completely when I finished. So that guaranteed me A LOT of aches and pains all through my body the next day. More trouble than it was worth.

At some point yesterday, I developed the flu (or something worse, can't tell yet). Not only did this make the pains worse and harder to heal, it also gave me a few extras like a migraine and nausea. Then I can't sleep cos I am up all night feeling ill. Now today dawns and nothing has changed. It took me about 10 minutes just to get out of bed, not from laziness but from my arm giving out on me several times.

To top it all off, it's new years eve tomorow and I actually HAVE big plans which this will effectively ruin if it is the same tomorow.

Sorry for the tl;dr here, but I am really unhappy for once.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
so I got a physical therapist to come over to the house yesterday to help fix my back (apparently a lot of the blood to my lower back had pooled, making the muscles all swollen and gross).

I'm trying to keep stretching my back out but it hurts so badly ;__;

it is mostly a big deal cause work sent me home yesterday for collapsing while trying to help a customer


We have come to terms
So I went to the gym on Tuesday as I hadn't been there for about 2 weeks. I spent three hours there and, my fault, didn't stretch completely when I finished. So that guaranteed me A LOT of aches and pains all through my body the next day. More trouble than it was worth.

At some point yesterday, I developed the flu (or something worse, can't tell yet). Not only did this make the pains worse and harder to heal, it also gave me a few extras like a migraine and nausea. Then I can't sleep cos I am up all night feeling ill. Now today dawns and nothing has changed. It took me about 10 minutes just to get out of bed, not from laziness but from my arm giving out on me several times.

To top it all off, it's new years eve tomorow and I actually HAVE big plans which this will effectively ruin if it is the same tomorow.

Sorry for the tl;dr here, but I am really unhappy for once.
Please take something for the symptoms at least >:


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
That is, if your stubbornness do not mess up with the doctor's prescription.. Knowing your flaws an' other shit, I'm still worried =/

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
In the past two days, my computer's speakers have stopped working and the battery refuses to charge (leaving it at 2% all the time).

I don't think my laptop going to last the couple of months that I need it to until I can buy the new one that I want.


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster

Mom came home with groceries today all pissy. I asked her what was wrong and she just shakes her head and asks me to help with groceries in a pissy tone. Then she gets all mad at me cuz she says my bro and I don't like doing shit around the house and says I'm lazy and he has a job now. I swear she's so damn high-strung, she never relaxes, always putting half of her stress on herself, which is unnecessary.

Btw, my brother Joe has a job, so why does that warrant her to get pissy about him not doing chores when he has a more important thing to do? (Idk what it was she was mad about, never told me.) Also, the reason I don't do chores sometimes is cuz, for one, you don't need to vacuum the dining room every damn week. It shortens the life of your carpeting faster and it's not that huge a deal. It should be done like every 3-4 weeks, if anything. Same goes for sweeping the kitchen and vacumming that rug.

She thinks I'm lazy? She's the one who lays around all weekend doing nothing but watching TV and shit, never doing anything productive, like something she wants to do, and not just doing what she has to. Sure she works 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, but that still leaves time to do something that interests her, aside from going to see my grandma every weekend. She often says she doesn't like computers and thinks they're a waste of time, yet she also asks us to look things up for her and print stuff, nevermind the fact that she owns a PSP (silver edition, I might add), a mini Apple iPod, and a Portable DVD player. Now she wants an iPad. Right, it's not that she's too tired to learn how to use a computer, she just doesn't want to, nor does she have the will to actually do it, let alone other things, like trying not to sleep so much, that way she wouldn't be so damn tired all the time >_>.

She apparently has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is honestly just a fancy way of saying she lacks vitamins, pretty much. Trying to be more active and putting herself on a better sleeping schedule would help a bit, but she never seems to do so, even after I told her. She complains about the fact that she's tired alot and uses it as an excuse at times too. *Sigh*

~ Raz
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