Things that piss you off

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I am severely pissed off at the impossibility of finding an absolute truth. It makes everything so bloody uncertain... Man I'm pissed.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Dear, dogs.

Next time you get in the way of my job, I will pull your collars and beat you to a bloody pulp, kick you, then run you over the road. I can't stand your barking and I don't care if I'm a stranger, I'm just doing my job so don't you fucking dare try to bite or pull my jeans. I've despised you since I was a kid. And if any of you chase my cat like that, I'll be sure you'll regret it the next time you do.

- Very pissed off anti-dog Game Devil.

PS: I hate you all dogs very much.
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Site being awkward loading.

Also, my mum and her boyfriend "watching" a movie in the background. Only neither of them are paying attention, and my mum's bf is twatting about. So, I'm hearing constantly:

"who's that? what's going on?"
And my mum's bf doing plenty of stereotypical "black" accents, saying really stupid racist shit, especially as he thinks he's so fucking funny doing it.

I am NOT gonna last the evening with this tosser.
Also when guys say: "You're cute when you're angry" stfu
But you ar-argGGGGHHHHH!

Anyway; Tiff, Joe, Aki, hope you guys are all better soon. *hugs*

Celes Chere

Nothing..nevermind. =/

Anyway, i tried changing my alternative name to' all i got is this. <_<

Okay, I'll just bug you on MSN then. ^^ LOL, strange. They allowed me to change my name to "Neku Sakuraba" and "Kiri Kimori", but would not let me change my name to "Tiff Pilarski" in honor of one of my friends. xD Wtf FB.

But you ar-argGGGGHHHHH!

LOL, I find it okay to THINK it. But to say it? That's the last thing I want to hear when I'm upset. xD


fresh to death
2011's first bout of gamer rage arrived today
was going for green day rock band achievement to 100% welcome to paradise
and i hit every note

except the last one

and my father, who was so intently watching me, simply remarked 'looks like you need to practice'



Aerina, Elle
and my father, who was so intently watching me, simply remarked 'looks like you need to practice'

Ouch! To me that'd piss me off more than missing the note.

I'm just annoyed New Year's Day has been so boring. Everyone's either asleep or posting "Lol! I'm still hungover!" statuses' on facebook. I have nothing to doooo -_-

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
What the fuck is with everyone.

It's like no one can hold a fucking conversation anymore.


We have come to terms
So I'm sitting playing BC2 multiplayer at my friends', and these two other friends come over, and start talking shit, telling me how bad I am, etc etc.

Then one of them gets on it and is just awful (he's a MW2fag btw) and is like "okay, I'm not going to give you any shit about missing any more", and then starts saying how bad the game is. NO MOTHERFUCKER, IT'S NOT THE GAME THAT'S BAD - YOU ARE BAD AT IT.

Just really annoying. =/

Some people just can't tell the difference between a game being bad and them just being bad at the game. To them it's all the same. If it wasn't made for their personal tastes it sucks.

Ghost X

- No matter how little information you put on the internet in what you thought was confidential (and it doesn't even have to be on the net, but in real life etc), somehow it spreads to third parties and ends up all over the net. Fighting that is pretty pointless, but what annoys me is when the person responsible for spreading private information could only possibly be a friend. Not sure which friend though, which pisses me off more, but via method of deduction I have shrunk it down to 4 possibilities, with which 2 are more likely the culprits.

Its either that or facebook's privacy settings are not actually private at all, and anyone can access your information (which you've only put on facebook) despite having everything as friend's only. That is a possibility, but I've done everything I possibly could to try and access said information whilst logged out, and couldn't do it.

The people who have are using my information are intellectually-retarded low socio-economic scum who seem to talk about being high all the time and are rumoured to be connected to a notoriously violent criminal gang, so I don't think I got hacked by 'em =p.

Facebook is retarded in that if you file a DMCA statement for intellectual property infringements, you have to give the accused your personal contact details, otherwise the form won't submit (they receive such details only if they ask for them, which makes things totally better </sarcasm>). So after much scrounging, I found a corporate email address and filed my complaint there. Fuckers.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
It wouldn't be entirely unbelievable for it to have been Facebook. Facebook routinely adds new privacy settings and sets them to viewable by everyone by default. Then they don't tell anyone about it and override the settings everyone had set previously. This is one of the reasons I have largely stopped using Facebook, although I haven't deleted my account yet, and I haven't decided if I'm going to.


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
Hedgehog's Dilemma

It wouldn't be entirely unbelievable for it to have been Facebook. Facebook routinely adds new privacy settings and sets them to viewable by everyone by default. Then they don't tell anyone about it and override the settings everyone had set previously. This is one of the reasons I have largely stopped using Facebook, although I haven't deleted my account yet, and I haven't decided if I'm going to.

Don't forget that every time you sign up for one of those facebook apps you are giving that company/programmer access to all your information. I completely stopped using them once I found that out, give or take one or two that I feel are legit enough not to worry.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
This is more of a pet peeve...

...but when people say 'I'm not a big fan of (thing/person/place/concept)' when they mean to say they dislike it/hate it/don't like it at all. I know it's just an expression/semantics, but to me that always sounded like the most passive aggressive shit ever.


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
FitTV taking on most of Discovery Health's programming and now it's all filled with reality tv shows and documentaries. My parents paid for this channel so I could do workouts since I can't afford a gym membership, and now I can't even do that (there's probably other ways...but it still sucks)!

This goes for any channel mergers in general when a new network comes on. I hate when this happens.

Ghost X

FitTV taking on most of Discovery Health's programming and now it's all filled with reality tv shows and documentaries. My parents paid for this channel so I could do workouts since I can't afford a gym membership, and now I can't even do that (there's probably other ways...but it still sucks)!

This goes for any channel mergers in general when a new network comes on. I hate when this happens.

Best way to lose weight is to train for a marathon. Mind you, if you look at a majority of marathon runners, you will look weedy like them because their muscles are built for endurance. If you want to look muscular/athletic, then train for short distance runs, where speed is more important than endurance. You don't have to run either, biking is a lot easier on the joints. If you want a bit of flab still, then swim. I think swimmers have a healthy mix of flab and muscle.

Celes Chere

The best way to lose weight is to get sick. xD

And.. The Cloti Forums not being active. D;

Why do people sign up for Forums, but never post? That makes no sense to me. ;_;
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