Things that piss you off

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I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
I have to agree, Elizabeth. While I did have fun at our yearly Christmas Eve family gathering, I always feel like they don't really try to get to know me unless it's at family gatherings. Hell, my half-sis always says she'll come see me when we have times like this (and says she'd want to visit me at home) but she never follows through on it, gives alot of stupid excuses, etc. Most of my family never really know what I like either, save for 3 cousins, usually get bath and body stuff from one aunt.

Then, as I mentioned before, I try to socialize with them on Facebook but they never speak to me. Only reason I stay on FB is for online friends and my bf's family, who actually talk to me now and then, unlike my own family. It's really stupid. I used to try to talk to them and stuff when I was younger, but it's like they don't really listen or other convos catch their interest.

And Looney... man, I'm sorry :(. Wish I could do something to help you, but sometimes talking about it does help, even if you don't like to. *e-hugs*

~ Raz

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
Sitting at home alone on Christmas eve eating mac and cheese = feeding depression and anxiety. Kind of shaking, not sure if it's from the cold or from stress.

Contemplating what to do with my life. Having no purpose or motivation in school. Working towards a useless degree that will probably take me nowhere. Not to mention 3 years and not making made a single significant relationship. Profs/TAs don't remember me, I have no friends and spend most of my time alone. Going to class is just like anxiety anxiety anxiety. I feel like a total social reject. I am socially anxious and retarded.

Stuck in a dead-end job with shit minimum-wage pay. Being too afraid to quit because I've become comfortable and the idea of change freaks me the fuck out. Not to mention pathetically pining for a co-worker who is going out with my best friend. My friendship with her comprises the entirety of my social life, actually. She's just been so good to me in these pat few months especially, and I just want to be a good friend in return. More than anything I just want these feelings to go away.

Behaviour of family, extended and not so extended, getting me down despite myself. It pisses me off that it still bothers me when they pull their hurtful bullshit. My grandma (dad's mom) came by earlier and dropped off some money for Christmas. I feel sick taking it but... I could really help, even if it's a meager amount. I just feel so disgusted with myself. Not to mention my brother who I mentioned earlier. England family have been callous the entire time as well.

Can't remember the last... hell ANY Christmases I spend with my dad, though I know I must have at some point.

As for friends - I am grateful for them, but I'm tired of venting. I feel like an asshole for bitching all the time. It's like all I ever do these days is complain. I hate being such a gigantic douche during Christmas of all times. I think I'm just so used to keeping everything inside. I just really fucking hate talking about myself, but there's nothing else that can really help. heck, talking doesn't even really help to be honest.

tl;dr I hate myself/my life right now and I just want to curl up into the fetal position and die.

even more sadfaec: re-reading this post makes me feel really pathetic and now I feel shitty for writing it in the first place. HOLY CYCLE OF DEPRESSION. :sadpanda:
Looney, we're all here for you. Come to us with anything because we're willing to listen no matter what's going on. *HUGS*

And if makes you feel better, I want to rant about how much my Christmas and life in general are sucking. You aren't alone on this Christmas Eve. (Fuck holiday spirit. I'm a pessimist.)

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Hey looney, it'll get better, don't worry about it. One thing struck out to me, though

the idea of change freaks me the fuck out.

Change is the the most useful asset a person has to enact upon himself. Remember that!


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
^this, BTW Looney, if you need a hug, i'll gladly give lots for you <3<3


We have come to terms
Well, it's Christmas. You know, one of those days during that special time of year that you spend with family and friends; it's a day about love and togetherness - happiness and joy, peace on Earth, and goodwill toward all men. Right?

Yet here I sit, contemplating my habitual holiday depression. It's utterly ridiculous, especially since I know exactly why the holidays bother me so much; you'd think that if you know what the problem is, and why you are miserable, that you'd be able to do something about it, right. Unfortunately, no - I'm good, but not that good. Simply put, the holiday season (from Halloween on through VDay) depresses me bcecause it reminds me of how alone I am.

I have great friends; they mean the world to me, and I would do absolutely anything for them. Unfortunately, I can't actually see them, so while I know their presence is always metaphorically there, it doesn't really assuage the feeling of loneliness that creeps up this time of year. I don't talk to my family, as they aren't the type of people I care to associate with, and I have no significant other, or someplace that I go for some kind of holiday tradition. I don't really have any people in my life, and so the constant barrage of the season is just...ugh. I already know how pathetic my life is right now - I don't need to be reminded.

It's got nothing to do with the gifts that I get - I don't think I've actually gotten anything for Christmas in four years. I really love getting stuff for people, though, and I do put a lot of thought into my gifts that I give, where possible - but this year has just gone all wrong. The money itself is partially an issue, with my company's merger absolutely boning us by changing out pay periods and fucking everything all to hell. But I've had my eye on things for a few weeks, only to get paid and have the store be sold out; or it's something that I'm trying to have custom made, and the ability to have said item made is just impossible. And the fact that these things won't be sitting under my friends' Christmas trees also bothers me, because I want them to be able to feel that excitement, you know? Thank God I have ONE ace in the hole for this, and will be able to skype with the friend in question when the time comes to hear the reaction. But the gift-giving aspect is a big deal to me, though I can't properly explain it.

The one family member that actually means something to me, my mom, is nowhere near me, and I probably will not ever see her again, and this is also getting me down. I got a letter from her in the mail yesterday and...well, suffice it to say that while I'm a sensitive guy, I'm not the type that cries very often. And yet I sat there with tears streaming down my face as I read it.

And so now I start getting ready for work, because Christmas has become just another day for me, as I really don't have anyone to spend it with. And o boy, New Year's and VDay are still on the way. Joy.

And based on what I'm hearing, the roads are iced over, and my tires suck on ice.

tl;dr - Christmas just reminds me of how miserable and pathetic my life is, on so many more levels than just this
/complaining when nobody gives a shit
Sitting at home alone on Christmas eve eating mac and cheese = feeding depression and anxiety. Kind of shaking, not sure if it's from the cold or from stress.

Contemplating what to do with my life. Having no purpose or motivation in school. Working towards a useless degree that will probably take me nowhere. Not to mention 3 years and not making made a single significant relationship. Profs/TAs don't remember me, I have no friends and spend most of my time alone. Going to class is just like anxiety anxiety anxiety. I feel like a total social reject. I am socially anxious and retarded.

Stuck in a dead-end job with shit minimum-wage pay. Being too afraid to quit because I've become comfortable and the idea of change freaks me the fuck out. Not to mention pathetically pining for a co-worker who is going out with my best friend. My friendship with her comprises the entirety of my social life, actually. She's just been so good to me in these pat few months especially, and I just want to be a good friend in return. More than anything I just want these feelings to go away.

Behaviour of family, extended and not so extended, getting me down despite myself. It pisses me off that it still bothers me when they pull their hurtful bullshit. My grandma (dad's mom) came by earlier and dropped off some money for Christmas. I feel sick taking it but... I could really help, even if it's a meager amount. I just feel so disgusted with myself. Not to mention my brother who I mentioned earlier. England family have been callous the entire time as well.

Can't remember the last... hell ANY Christmases I spend with my dad, though I know I must have at some point.

As for friends - I am grateful for them, but I'm tired of venting. I feel like an asshole for bitching all the time. It's like all I ever do these days is complain. I hate being such a gigantic douche during Christmas of all times. I think I'm just so used to keeping everything inside. I just really fucking hate talking about myself, but there's nothing else that can really help. heck, talking doesn't even really help to be honest.

tl;dr I hate myself/my life right now and I just want to curl up into the fetal position and die.

even more sadfaec: re-reading this post makes me feel really pathetic and now I feel shitty for writing it in the first place. HOLY CYCLE OF DEPRESSION. :sadpanda:

A lot of what you're saying reminds me of myself. The school having no direction, the dead-end job...

However, I am the same way with complaining and I've never met someone who complained to me enough that it bothered me because I know how it feels to need to let it out on a regular basis. And I get worried people are going to feel the same way you're worrying. So, if you want to start a new tradition of ranting with me, I'd be happy to help. :glomp:

Well, it's Christmas. You know, one of those days during that special time of year that you spend with family and friends; it's a day about love and togetherness - happiness and joy, peace on Earth, and goodwill toward all men. Right?

Yet here I sit, contemplating my habitual holiday depression. It's utterly ridiculous, especially since I know exactly why the holidays bother me so much; you'd think that if you know what the problem is, and why you are miserable, that you'd be able to do something about it, right. Unfortunately, no - I'm good, but not that good. Simply put, the holiday season (from Halloween on through VDay) depresses me bcecause it reminds me of how alone I am.

I have great friends; they mean the world to me, and I would do absolutely anything for them. Unfortunately, I can't actually see them, so while I know their presence is always metaphorically there, it doesn't really assuage the feeling of loneliness that creeps up this time of year. I don't talk to my family, as they aren't the type of people I care to associate with, and I have no significant other, or someplace that I go for some kind of holiday tradition. I don't really have any people in my life, and so the constant barrage of the season is just...ugh. I already know how pathetic my life is right now - I don't need to be reminded.

It's got nothing to do with the gifts that I get - I don't think I've actually gotten anything for Christmas in four years. I really love getting stuff for people, though, and I do put a lot of thought into my gifts that I give, where possible - but this year has just gone all wrong. The money itself is partially an issue, with my company's merger absolutely boning us by changing out pay periods and fucking everything all to hell. But I've had my eye on things for a few weeks, only to get paid and have the store be sold out; or it's something that I'm trying to have custom made, and the ability to have said item made is just impossible. And the fact that these things won't be sitting under my friends' Christmas trees also bothers me, because I want them to be able to feel that excitement, you know? Thank God I have ONE ace in the hole for this, and will be able to skype with the friend in question when the time comes to hear the reaction. But the gift-giving aspect is a big deal to me, though I can't properly explain it.

The one family member that actually means something to me, my mom, is nowhere near me, and I probably will not ever see her again, and this is also getting me down. I got a letter from her in the mail yesterday and...well, suffice it to say that while I'm a sensitive guy, I'm not the type that cries very often. And yet I sat there with tears streaming down my face as I read it.

And so now I start getting ready for work, because Christmas has become just another day for me, as I really don't have anyone to spend it with. And o boy, New Year's and VDay are still on the way. Joy.

And based on what I'm hearing, the roads are iced over, and my tires suck on ice.

tl;dr - Christmas just reminds me of how miserable and pathetic my life is, on so many more levels than just this
/complaining when nobody gives a shit

ilu Kimble and becoming one of your best friends over the last while is one of the best things in my life. I know friends never make up for that significant other no matter how many awesome ones you have, but I hope once you are finally close physically I can try to make your Christmas into something special.

You deserve the world and I love you lots. <3


Waiting for something
Working tomorrow :( Boxing day is the day where I go get drunk with my mum's relatives during the day and my dad's relatives in the evening and they're both massive extended families so they're always brilliant craic. But nope this year I'm in serving greedy, boring customers who insist on coming in to shop when they should be either getting drunk or lying in a corner, dying of a hangover.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I'd just like to add my voice to those who are feeling stuck in a rut with no real direction. I feel the same. Basically I think everything I have done for the past....nine years or so has been a monumental waste of time. I feel like a monkey who has climbed to the top of a fruitless tree, has looked down to see what a ridiculous height it has reached and is too cowardly to climb down and start again or leap across to another tree....Ok that was a bad analogy, but thats the only way I can sum it up.

I am only thankful that I havent done anything really stupid yet like having kids I can't look after properly or starting a drug habit. So yep, not really looking forward to the new year, no idea what the fuck I'm going to do with whats left of my life and being poor has lost its novelty.

Anyway Happy Christmas everyone! :monster:


Joe, Arcana
Well, it's Christmas. You know, one of those days during that special time of year that you spend with family and friends; it's a day about love and togetherness - happiness and joy, peace on Earth, and goodwill toward all men. Right?

Yet here I sit, contemplating my habitual holiday depression. It's utterly ridiculous, especially since I know exactly why the holidays bother me so much; you'd think that if you know what the problem is, and why you are miserable, that you'd be able to do something about it, right. Unfortunately, no - I'm good, but not that good. Simply put, the holiday season (from Halloween on through VDay) depresses me bcecause it reminds me of how alone I am.

I have great friends; they mean the world to me, and I would do absolutely anything for them. Unfortunately, I can't actually see them, so while I know their presence is always metaphorically there, it doesn't really assuage the feeling of loneliness that creeps up this time of year. I don't talk to my family, as they aren't the type of people I care to associate with, and I have no significant other, or someplace that I go for some kind of holiday tradition. I don't really have any people in my life, and so the constant barrage of the season is just...ugh. I already know how pathetic my life is right now - I don't need to be reminded.

It's got nothing to do with the gifts that I get - I don't think I've actually gotten anything for Christmas in four years. I really love getting stuff for people, though, and I do put a lot of thought into my gifts that I give, where possible - but this year has just gone all wrong. The money itself is partially an issue, with my company's merger absolutely boning us by changing out pay periods and fucking everything all to hell. But I've had my eye on things for a few weeks, only to get paid and have the store be sold out; or it's something that I'm trying to have custom made, and the ability to have said item made is just impossible. And the fact that these things won't be sitting under my friends' Christmas trees also bothers me, because I want them to be able to feel that excitement, you know? Thank God I have ONE ace in the hole for this, and will be able to skype with the friend in question when the time comes to hear the reaction. But the gift-giving aspect is a big deal to me, though I can't properly explain it.

The one family member that actually means something to me, my mom, is nowhere near me, and I probably will not ever see her again, and this is also getting me down. I got a letter from her in the mail yesterday and...well, suffice it to say that while I'm a sensitive guy, I'm not the type that cries very often. And yet I sat there with tears streaming down my face as I read it.

And so now I start getting ready for work, because Christmas has become just another day for me, as I really don't have anyone to spend it with. And o boy, New Year's and VDay are still on the way. Joy.

And based on what I'm hearing, the roads are iced over, and my tires suck on ice.

tl;dr - Christmas just reminds me of how miserable and pathetic my life is, on so many more levels than just this
/complaining when nobody gives a shit

This'll be the last shitty christmas you have. Promise.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
Sitting at home alone on Christmas eve eating mac and cheese = feeding depression and anxiety. Kind of shaking, not sure if it's from the cold or from stress.

Contemplating what to do with my life. Having no purpose or motivation in school. Working towards a useless degree that will probably take me nowhere. Not to mention 3 years and not making made a single significant relationship. Profs/TAs don't remember me, I have no friends and spend most of my time alone. Going to class is just like anxiety anxiety anxiety. I feel like a total social reject. I am socially anxious and retarded.

Stuck in a dead-end job with shit minimum-wage pay. Being too afraid to quit because I've become comfortable and the idea of change freaks me the fuck out. Not to mention pathetically pining for a co-worker who is going out with my best friend. My friendship with her comprises the entirety of my social life, actually. She's just been so good to me in these pat few months especially, and I just want to be a good friend in return. More than anything I just want these feelings to go away.

Behaviour of family, extended and not so extended, getting me down despite myself. It pisses me off that it still bothers me when they pull their hurtful bullshit. My grandma (dad's mom) came by earlier and dropped off some money for Christmas. I feel sick taking it but... I could really help, even if it's a meager amount. I just feel so disgusted with myself. Not to mention my brother who I mentioned earlier. England family have been callous the entire time as well.

Can't remember the last... hell ANY Christmases I spend with my dad, though I know I must have at some point.

As for friends - I am grateful for them, but I'm tired of venting. I feel like an asshole for bitching all the time. It's like all I ever do these days is complain. I hate being such a gigantic douche during Christmas of all times. I think I'm just so used to keeping everything inside. I just really fucking hate talking about myself, but there's nothing else that can really help. heck, talking doesn't even really help to be honest.

tl;dr I hate myself/my life right now and I just want to curl up into the fetal position and die.

even more sadfaec: re-reading this post makes me feel really pathetic and now I feel shitty for writing it in the first place. HOLY CYCLE OF DEPRESSION. :sadpanda:

Sounds like you need a hug hon.


Waiting for something
It's been without a doubt the most boring, boxing day I've ever had, seriously apart from work and only being able to go round to my aunts house for a couple of hours I'm bored stiff.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I'm sorry to hear about how...sucky you're feeling right now, looney, Keen and Octorawk. :(

I'd probably be feeling the same way, if it wasn't for that wonderful sensation called depersonalisation. For those of you who don't know what that means, basically, you feel detached from (or indifferent to), well... yourself.

So, yeah. Feeling depersonalised would be pissing me off if I wasn't feeling depersonalised. :I


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I'm sorry to hear about how...sucky you're feeling right now, looney, Keen and Octorawk. :(

I'd probably be feeling the same way, if it wasn't for that wonderful sensation called depersonalisation. For those of you who don't know what that means, basically, you feel detached from (or indifferent to), well... yourself.

So, yeah. Feeling depersonalised would be pissing me off if I wasn't feeling depersonalised. :I

Oh yeah, I've felt like that before, its not entirely unpleasant. The doctor gave me pills that didnt cheer me up exactly. I just stopped giving a shit about anything, which isnt ideal when you've got to know...grown up stuff. Such is life! :lol:

Anyway don't feel bad for me, I live for this shit! :monster:
I am pissed off by the fact that I am SO CLOSE to an employment and yet I feel like I want to avoid work like the plague. Everything is as good as it can possibly be and yet I don't want to work anymore. I am such an ungrateful idiot.
fucking customers

fuck you and you're complaining and bitching that gets you whatever you want because companies don't have the backbone to tell idiots to fuck off and no we don't want your buisness

Celes Chere

Took an ice cold shower after being extremely warm... wrong decision, it messed me up pretty quickly... U.U

Edit: Wow, I knew I jinxed it. Tonight suddenly filled up with drama left and right, people are mad at me, people don't trust me, I don't trust them, aruging, fights, tears...

Time to jump off a bridge and end it all for good. >_> /not really tho

Also when guys say: "You're cute when you're angry" stfu
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