Things that piss you off

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Wake up at 7 to get to m class at 9. Forget my umbrella on the one day it actually starts snowing.

Bus passes by, have to wait for the next one in the freezing cold without an umbrella.

Get to school, trek to the other side of a giant campus to get to my class. Prof hands out the syllabus and sends us off. Bus all the way back home.

3 hours of travel time for 5 minutes of stuff I didn't really need :monster:

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
You use an umbrella in the snow?

The snow in Vancouver is extremely wet snow. It can soak through your clothes just like rain, really.

@topic: being a total idiot and driving away without unplugging my car. Extension cord is now fucked.

Edit: looney beat me to it. :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
A bunch of random complaints and grievances I've accumulated over the past several weeks:

  • Attn. morons: The retail business is dependent upon people being able to find merchandise. People who work at these businesses are dependent upon sales for their salaries, and merchandise that customers cannot find will not be sold, so when you leave shit strewn across the store in places no one would think to look for it, you are directly contributing to a decrease in salaries for the people working there, in addition to pissing them off for having to clean up the shit you're too lazy to put back where you found it. If you're too much of a discourteous shit to put it where it's supposed to be located, at least put it somewhere obvious so someone will realise that it's out of place and put it back.
  • Sarasota doesn't have enough infrastructure to accommodate the huge number of tourists it gets during the winter and hasn't for at least five years. This means that getting from work to the mall that's located about a block north of it to eat lunch generally takes about ten minutes. Luckily no one's directly dependent upon my presence so no one cares how long I take to eat lunch, but it's incredibly irritating to sit in traffic for so much time basically doing nothing.
  • Florida drivers have to be some of the worst in the world. A basic primer on things not to do when driving:
    • The acceleration lane merging onto the interstate is for the purpose of, as its name suggests, accelerating. This means you do not fucking stop at the end of it and wait for traffic on the interstate to cease. You merge into existing traffic. If doing this scares you, stay the fuck off the interstate.
    • Similarly, turn lanes are there so you don't have to slow down traffic in whatever lane you're travelling in before you make a turn. If there's room to brake in the turn lane, you'd better not put your foot on the brake pedal until you've moved completely into the turn lane.
    • When two people reach a four-way stop sign at the same time, the person on the right has the right of way.
    • If you're not going to go the speed limit, you'd better not be in the fucking passing lane.
    • If you pull out directly in front of someone, at least have the courtesy not to slow them down any beyond that. People who pull out in front of someone and then go ten miles an hour slower than the person they pulled out in front of are the worst.
    • Directionals are there for a reason: to decrease the possibility that you'll crash into someone who's not expecting you to turn/change lanes/etc., and moreover, to give other drivers the ability to plan for your turn/lane change/etc. so they don't have to wait until you complete it to realise they could have proceeded without waiting for you in the first place. I can't even begin to express how much people who don't use them piss me off.
  • What the hell would ever possess someone to get back with an ex who:
    • consistently lied to her for the last six months of their relationship about such trivial things as whether he still loved her
    • cheated on her
    • left her for the person with whom he cheated upon her
    • ran up ridiculous credit card debts that she had to pay
    • a bunch of other similar heinous shit?
    When bullshit like this is forgiven as though it never happened, it contributes to a culture where such things are perceived as acceptable, since it sends the message that they aren't punished. I don't really have any interest in dating anyone right now so this doesn't directly affect me, but the number of people whose lives are directly worsened because people have been sent the message that such atrocious behaviour isn't going to get them any more than a wag of the finger is probably too large to count. Forgiveness is great in many cases, but for fuck's sake, have some fucking dignity. There are some lines that should never be crossed and anyone who crosses them shouldn't be given another chance.
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Joe, Arcana
What the hell would ever possess someone to get back with an ex who:
    • consistently lied to her for the last six months of their relationship about such trivial things as whether he still loved her
    • cheated on her
    • left her for the person with whom he cheated upon her
    • ran up ridiculous credit card debts that she had to pay
    • a bunch of other similar heinous shit?
    When bullshit like this is forgiven as though it never happened, it contributes to a culture where such things are perceived as acceptable, since it sends the message that they aren't punished. I don't really have any interest in dating anyone right now so this doesn't directly affect me, but the number of people whose lives are directly worsened because people have been sent the message that such atrocious behaviour isn't going to get them any more than a wag of the finger is probably too large to count. Forgiveness is great in many cases, but for fuck's sake, have some fucking dignity. There are some lines that should never be crossed and anyone who crosses them shouldn't be given another chance.

Can I assume I know who you are talking about with this one?


fresh to death
Got a text from my landlord saying : CONTACT WARNER PROPERTIES IMMEDIATELY

I'm not paying rent until you fix the downstairs toilet and my shower.
The house literally smells of shit.


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
I hate loving a hated character and not finding any positive fanwork of them. I shouldn't be annoyed by this, but I am. >_<


We have come to terms
So now the great mood I've been in all day during my day at work that WASN'T horrible and was, in fact, entirely tolerable in every way, is now shot. =/

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
What the fuck, Team Canada.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
This doesn't piss me off so much as make me go "WTF" but I had someone go to the trouble of tracking me down (as in went to my old Sonic site that I used to run, found out I wasn't there, then did more searches for me) to email me to try to carry on a conversation we had at least 8 years ago. I don't even remember this person...

I really just... don't even know how to respond.


Pro Adventurer
Today so far has been shit. Two things I’m not happy about.

One, Being stuck behind a road sweeper for nearly twenty whole fucking minutes and two, some prick must’ve reversed his/her car into the side of my motorbike while I popped to the shops. That’s the paintwork and exhaust fucked. Now I have to find a new way to get to college.

To add to the shitiness of today; it’s pouring down with rain and I'm not even half-way through my day yet. -.-


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
Today best friend had her hair styled. She's all cute an' cool, until she remembers that there IS a certain person, by the next room, who literally comments on EVERYTHING she sees, regardless offensive or not. Random? I think not, like an all-natural-bitch. Swears all the time, SHE'S TOO LOUD, AND I'M REALLY PISSED.

Aside from that, she's a user too. It's obvious that she's in love with my other best friend's boyfriend. But guess what, she's such a fuck to actually act nice in front of my best friend. Since my friend here is a "top notcher" she has to be nice to her, specially during exams, so she could copy her answers -gee.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
so this morning some people were dissin a character i leiked and so i argued with them

then i realized i was arguing with anonymous and there is no point in that :sadpanda:


fresh to death
Get a phonecall from my mum
"Funny place to order underwear from, the USA"
"So what kind of underwear is it?"

cue immense anxiety sweat and trying to think of an excuse for getting underwear tht has two lebians drawn on

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Get a phonecall from my mum
"Funny place to order underwear from, the USA"
"So what kind of underwear is it?"

cue immense anxiety sweat and trying to think of an excuse for getting underwear tht has two lebians drawn on

this is really interesting to read for me, being american and all


land of the forbidden underwear
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