Things that piss you off

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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
americans do know how to make a good pair of underwear

@topic, i hate passive aggressive people.
Get a phonecall from my mum
"Funny place to order underwear from, the USA"
"So what kind of underwear is it?"

cue immense anxiety sweat and trying to think of an excuse for getting underwear tht has two lebians drawn on

Oh noes the fears became reality. :P

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Get a phonecall from my mum
"Funny place to order underwear from, the USA"
"So what kind of underwear is it?"

cue immense anxiety sweat and trying to think of an excuse for getting underwear tht has two lebians drawn on



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
More random grievances:
  • People bothering me when I'm standing around with headphones on clearly doing nothing. Seriously, it's not obvious that I'm on break? Gtfo.
  • The fucking job market. I'll leave it at that for now.
  • A few other drivers who deserve to be shot:
    • Dickhead sees that I have my right turn signal on to turn at a red light, pulls out in front of me and proceeds to sit there. Even though he could have just waited for me to pass so I could make my fucking turn.
    • I'm turning left; I have the right of way. So naturally, this other idiot turning left from the street I'm turning onto pulls out in front of me and almost causes a fucking accident. I'm pretty sure he didn't even see me until I blared my horn at him.
    • People who tailgate others who are already exceeding the speed limit by 10+ mph.
    • People who pull out less than two car lengths in front of you.
  • The sports section is right next to the fucking entrance. How do so many people absolutely fail to see it? I want to smack people for being so unobservant. I seriously got asked that question five times in the span of fifteen minutes over the holidays.
  • Plastic packaging that isn't recyclable. Shit takes hundreds of years to decompose and is a colossal waste of oil.
  • Pages that start playing a completely unrelated song or video when you load them. Especially if it's from a fucking advertisement. That shit should be illegal. If I click on a YouTube video that's one thing but I don't want random shit playing when I go to look shit up on the internet.
  • Attn. customers: 90% of the time you ask us where to find a book, this is what we do:
    • Go to the nearest computer
    • Look up the title
    • Go to where it tells us to go
    • Look there and, if it's not on the exact shelf it's supposed to be on, look on the few shelves up and down from it
    • If it can't be found, it's probably stolen, being held for a customer, or in some random place no one will be able to find; we can order it for you
    Since there are numerous computers throughout the store which can be used by customers and now tell you where in the store to go, there's really no reason you can't do the first four steps by yourself. And since the computers are always in the same place, you'll save yourself the irritation of having to find a bookseller and the bookseller the irritation of being interrupted to do exactly what you would've done if you were even the slightest bit self-sufficient. If it were just happening once or twice an hour that would be one thing, but once every two minutes is pushing my limits of patience. Admittedly, it's getting less frequent lately.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Drivers who don't turn on their lights in the fucking fog.
(~40% of all the cars I saw this morning)

It's scary enough that I have to walk across Utah's construction-fucked intersections covered in ice, but I'd like to be able to tell if there's someone barreling down the road, because you sure as fuck won't see me, and if you're about to kill me, I'd like to know well in advance so as to prevent it from occurring.

While nothing drastic happened this morning, and fog isn't common in Utah, but even so BEFORE THE SUN COMES UP, YOU SHOULD HAVE YOUR GODDAMN LIGHTS ON, REGARDLESS OF THE GODDAMN FOG.

X :neo:


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
The comments that pop up on the Nine News site while you're reading an article. Australians are fucking ignorant (a part from a select few).


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Fucking episode list was out of order so I wound up watching the season finale of Mad Men before the rest of season 4. Knowing what's going to happen suuuuuuuuucks.
Fucking episode list was out of order so I wound up watching the season finale of Mad Men before the rest of season 4. Knowing what's going to happen suuuuuuuuucks.

I had this happen when I started watching Dollhouse season 1. Luckily the season finale jumps around enough that I didn't understand and forgot most of it when I started the rest of the season. :awesome:


fresh to death
this essay is eating away at my soul
hoping a reference to my professor's book will help

it won't


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Base de dades d'error

La base de dades dels fòrums del corrent vital s'ha detectat un problema.
Si us plau, intenti el següent:

Carregueu la pàgina de nou fent clic al botó Actualitzar del navegador web.
Obriu la pàgina principal, a continuació, intenta obrir una altra pàgina.

Feu clic al botó Enrere per provar amb un altre vincle.

El personal del fòrum tècnic han estat notificats de l'error, encara que és possible contactar amb ells si el problema persisteix.

Ens disculpem per qualsevol inconvenient.


AI Researcher
Ошибка базы данных

also database errors when i'm trying to post 'database error' in another language

also people who don't like people posting the same shit in different languages


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
قاعدة بيانات أخطاء

Also I blame DLPB's retardation for shitting up the server tbh. It's too embarrassed to let people load the content in peace so it hopes that by refusing to load on random occasions it'll get them to give up and stop looking.


We have come to terms
would so ;.;

Also, I'm now wondering why I can't post in size 128 like you gaiz ;.;
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