Things that piss you off

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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Then we'll make our own memories here. Something that's alot more firm and tethered than something that's instantly lost like ACF. We gotta keep going forward ya.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I am so sick of the fools in my life I'm forced to rely on.

I really am tempted to go to a fucking homeless shelter and work my way from there.

God I'm tired of the shitty influences on my life :/


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I hear you there. I should be asleep. But I don't want to be. I want to keep listening to music. Unfortunately listening to music is pretty much the only thing I'm doing that's even remotely interesting, but I can't seem to bring myself to stop.

And once again, it's a Saturday night where I'm doing pretty much nothing whatsoever of interest.


We have come to terms

Also my further adventures in the wonderful world of getting your vehicle stuck in ice =/


fresh to death
I returned 5 books to the library drop-in box, and they haven't been registered as returned.
This is stressing me out to 11 because the fine for 'lost' books is £30 per book, and I barely have enough to live off, let alone fish out for books I've given back.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
My new car's key got fucking stuck in the ignition and has to go for a service just to replace the ignition keyhole. wtf car ; - ; WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS AFTER I BOUGHT YOU.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I was woken up two hours prior to when I was told I was going to be, so I'm tired. Lay down for a nap. Find out the house is being shown again in ten minutes.


Edit: And the people weren't even there ten minutes. They might as well not have bothered. And of course I'm going to have to get up even earlier tomorrow for another showing. So much for sleeping in on my days off.
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Yanno, I really would like to have something to do in the weekends besides sitting on my arse watching TV and playing video games.

Celes Chere

My Grandma telling my Dad what a horrible fucking person I am. (lol) Which caused him to barge into my room, tell me to get dressed because we're going on a 'drive'. So we did, and the whole time he's ranting to me about how he has to hear about all of my mistakes from her and he's tired of it. And how the whole family is mad at me, and that all I do is sleep all day - hilarious because I rarely get any sleep. If I do, it's four hours. FOUR. HOURS. And how I need to see a therapist because I'm depressed, and that I never try. The thing is that I DO try. I try all the fucking time, I just fail at everything. Then he told me how none of my friends are real, because they're all online and just...
Another threat to kick me out because the family is pissed at me being here and supposedly doing nothing, because my Grandma won't move her fat ass and complains when I don't act like an obedient little maid to obey her every command. So yeah he said he was buying me boxes to pack my things 'cause I am totally not wanted hurrdurr.

Today sucks lmao.

Ghost X

- Dreaming about seeing the same thing I would see if I had my eyes open at that very instant, and being completely aware of the fact.

- Dreaming about the alarm clock going off.

Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
Being unable to escape that asshole on tumblr that treats women like we're all delusional bitches I don't even follow him and somehow he still shows up on my dash gorram

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
My Grandma telling my Dad what a horrible fucking person I am. (lol) Which caused him to barge into my room, tell me to get dressed because we're going on a 'drive'. So we did, and the whole time he's ranting to me about how he has to hear about all of my mistakes from her and he's tired of it. And how the whole family is mad at me, and that all I do is sleep all day - hilarious because I rarely get any sleep. If I do, it's four hours. FOUR. HOURS. And how I need to see a therapist because I'm depressed, and that I never try. The thing is that I DO try. I try all the fucking time, I just fail at everything. Then he told me how none of my friends are real, because they're all online and just...
Another threat to kick me out because the family is pissed at me being here and supposedly doing nothing, because my Grandma won't move her fat ass and complains when I don't act like an obedient little maid to obey her every command. So yeah he said he was buying me boxes to pack my things 'cause I am totally not wanted hurrdurr.

Today sucks lmao.

No offense, but your dad sound slike an ass. You have my sympathies.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Was on my way out the door at the end of work today when one of my coworkers makes sure to let me know there is a mandatory staff meeting for all employees at 3:00 tomorrow. And that none of us poor weekend/night shift folk will be paid for the time we waste there. How the fuck do they get away with demanding I come in to work on my day off and not pay me for that time? I'm sure it wouldn't be much but why should I have to do anything for these people for free?! *deep breath*


Celes Chere

No offense, but your dad sound slike an ass. You have my sympathies.

None taken. It's not that I hate him or anything... I am rather displeased with how he acts. It's more my Grandma at this point that I have issues with. I've actually told myself that yeah, I do hate her, and I've accepted this as fact. As awful as I feel FOR hating her, I can't control it. <=/ That reminds me /god I'm in a ranting mood/ of another thing that pisses me off.

People that are easily influenced by hearsay. They hear someone complain or speak poorly about someone else (someone you know, or even a friend), and then turn against that person. To me life is... life. Not everyone will get along for their own reasons, but that doesn't mean you have to choose a side, or start hating someone guuuh. Reminded of this because my Dad instantly believed everything teh Gma had to say. I don't know... I judge people by what *I* know about them, not what others think.

I love this thread! It feels good to rant. :lol:
@EG: Where I come from, that's flat out 100% illegal. To the point that at my work, we don't get enough hours for that kind of thing, so we were going to have a meeting that we all did agree to do with no pay (and the manager was going to buy us some pizza and such) and the company said we weren't allowed because we could turn around and accuse them of forcing us to go.

You need to get paid for 3 hours min, even if the meeting is only 15mins.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I'm not up to date on labor laws around here. If its not illegal it fucking well should be. And of course, the boss makes sure to schedule these things during his actual work hours so he IS getting paid for it.

They break all kinds of rules at this place anyway. Family isn't supposed to work together, for obvious reasons, but my direct boss is the mother of the manager of the whole place. Thus, she can get away with anything, including having fucking clients (people who are in for addiction treatment!) do all her work for her while she sits at home and still get paid full wages. I love cooking, and I like most of my coworkers, but I dunno how much more of this hypocritical bullshit I can take.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
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