Things that piss you off

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We have come to terms
When people don't live up to their end of a deal =/

Also, the wonderful world of citations :monster:


fresh to death
I'm so tired all the time, my sleep is getting sketchy and it's making me feel ill. >:
Also, looking at my bank account.
The school wants to get rid of our bookbags. This is completly stupid. I'm not putting my mp3 player and phone in my locker.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
People's growing lack of hygiene. It's especially outstanding in public transport :/

Ghost X

People's growing lack of hygiene. It's especially outstanding in public transport :/

I rarely go on public transport, but when I do its an adventure. It reminds me why I never want a job in customer service. Arguably my two worse experiences happened on a bus. 1) Sitting near a drunk homeless guy who smelt like he was coated in extremely pungent fresh diarhea, forcing everyone to the back of the bus, and forcing the bus driver to call the cops. 2) Almost being mugged... almost =p.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
  • I have taken to fantasizing about people breaking into the homes of our more slobbish customers and completely trashing their bookshelves. I'm pretty sure this isn't healthy, but it's the only thing that keeps me from throttling them. I hope the shoplifters get robbed too.
  • What part of "I don't know" do you not understand? Asking me the question again won't magically impart new knowledge upon me. Working at the store does not make me a walking encyclopaedia of every item we stock, and I'm not at the customer service desk for a reason - I never even set foot in some departments, so I certainly don't manage to keep up with the movements of merchandise in them every few weeks. You'll just have to wait until someone who knows the answer to your question is available just like everyone else who's ever asked someone something they didn't work. And since it took all of ten seconds for someone else to become available, it was really fucking pointless for you to waste my time.
  • The timing of traffic lights in this town is getting progressively worse. When a light turns yellow no more than ten seconds after the light about 500 feet north of it turns green, something is seriously fucked up. I'm pretty sure I ran that light but I was too annoyed to care.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
The proposed 'Religious Conscience Protection Act'.

Basically, if you are a business owner and you disagree with someone on any religious basis be that serving an interracial couple, a gay couple or a couple whose beliefs you simply do not agree with, you have the right to deny them service. It's utter bullshit and I cannot believe someone even had the hatred they'd need to propose a bill like this.

I thought this state was doing okay with allowing same-sex marriage but I guess some people in the government are more backwards than Thetis' shirt after a night of Fiona.


We have come to terms
That's such bullshit. They can't possibly pass something like that - it's completely and totally unconstitutional

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
That's such bullshit. They can't possibly pass something like that - it's completely and totally unconstitutional
y hallo there bill of rights how are you

what's that, no church/state laws?

lol u so silly


Double Growth
I'm not sure I get why it would even need to be passed...if you own a business...can't you deny service to whomever you want? It's your business. What's the point?


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm not sure I get why it would even need to be passed...if you own a business...can't you deny service to whomever you want? It's your business. What's the point?

True, but I believe you typically need a REASON to do this, otherwise you could be accused of discrimination.

Example: Refusing service to all the black people who come in to your store.

I think anything that allows someone the right to refuse people just based on something like that is pretty horseshit, especially when it comes to same-sex couples. They were BORN gay, just like someone who was BORN black. Even if I CHOOSE to be Atheist, I still shouldn't be able to be kicked out of a place for it. Now, if I wore a shirt that said, "Fuck Jesus" and it was bothering the other people in the store, that's something else entirely.

X :neo:


Double Growth
I still thought you could do that - after all, it would only hurt your own business.

The reason I asked was because I didn't even think to do so now was illegal therefore meaning whoever proposed the act is REALLY hateful.


AI Researcher
Because of UK news I was thinking of hotels and the like refusing service, but refusing service in any establishment seems overly exploitable.


Estate agents, y u no put interior photos in your property listings?

Or the ones who put just one picture of the bathroom or something. And not the rest of the property.
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AI Researcher
I swear I saw one that had some exterior pictures, then a close up of a bathroom tap.

Unless it's a magical golden bathroom tap that grants wishes, it's not going to tempt me.


We have come to terms
You can refuse service because you don't like the look of someone. But you can't do it for one of the numerous things spelled out in the laws, i.e. race, age, sex, religion, etc.

So no, such a bill isn't constitutional, but all they'd have to do is refuse service because they felt like it or something.

Either way, it's bullshit.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I'm in the mood to watch Justice League, and I used to have a really good youtube selection to go with. Now it seems they've all been removed or something. Blast.


At the moment everyone in this class, including the teacher, is discussing about how gay people are an abomination. Before, the teacher said I should start sketching a picture on three characters I liked - so I chose Shizuo, Izaya, and Erika. And then he told me to apply them all in a picture. So I was going to have a picture of Erika fangirling over them dreamily as they stared at her awkwardly. But hearing them rant about how 'unintelligent' people who support gays are, I threw out all my sketches and I want to punch them all in the face.


And just now the teacher walked up to me and asked me how I was doing with the sketches, and I told him that gay people were not an abomination. Now I'm pretty everyone here hates me.

edit: yes they do, wow. batshit asians, now i have to stand up for myself : (
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
And just now the teacher walked up to me and asked me how I was doing with the sketches, and I told him that gay people were not an abomination. Now I'm pretty everyone here hates me.

edit: yes they do, wow. batshit asians, now i have to stand up for myself : (
what the shit
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