They totally do. I wish I had another job first though, to be safe.
Get legal advice first. They'd tell you what would happen if you report it, and how you could go about doing it anonymously. Surely there has got to be free legal advice somewhere. I think at least they offer free legal advice here, but I'm guessing I live in a different country, and so things may be different.
i hate the apple computers in the bbmb building seriously
the person who bought these could have purchased even more awesome PCs at the prince for these ridiculous machines that were not totally frustrating to use and had no second button because it ROOKS MOAR STREAMLINE GAIZ
Mine's an analogue alarm clock, so I don't have that problem.Or when you accidentally set it for 9pm when you meant 9am.
Would you say... bi-furious?No srsly. I was in a bad mood last night, and now I am absolutely furious.
This is more like 'I want to cry' post but anyway.
Sorry for the length- TL;DR basically I had a really bad dream that lasted way longer than it should have and I woke up wanting to cry.
So earlier I started getting bad chest pains again and decided to pause FFX and lay down.
I had like the most awful dream ever and I couldn't make myself wake up. It was horrible I wanted to cry.
In my dream, I was in.. well I don't know.. never seen the house. I was laying in a bed when Nikki came and jumped on it. I pet her for a bit and then see Kitty. She purrs against me but leaves and my dad comes in. He starts talking about... something and I ask where the cat went.
I go looking through the rooms- seeing as I didn't recognize the place before- and what do I see in one of the lounge chairs? (that looks oddly enough like the one mom has in her spare bedroom that was her mother's) was the cat laying down and mom's mom petting her. I freaked out and ran back to my dad. I asked, 'Why did I just see grandma? She's supposed to be--' and he cuts me off and says 'oh they didn't tell you?'
Apparently they brought her back but like.. she's not really herself. It's hard to explain. I was so freaked out. I then knew it was a dream and I was trying to wake myself up when Buddy ran by and that upset me. I run around trying to find my mom, trying to yell for her but losing my voice little by little. After a few minutes of yelling I hear someone say, 'in here!' and I hear someone in the bath. I assume it's my mom. The door is unlocked and I opened it. And as soon as I pull back the curtain OH MY FUCKING SHIT I NEAR ABOUT SCREAMED. It was my mom but the look on her face was stuck in a look of horror. I screamed and ran away. That's when my pocket buzzed, it was my phone. My mom sent me a text saying they were 'on the way'- this is when I just barely wake up to see that irl but then fall back asleep before I can answer.
Right away in my dream, I'm in my bed and I see in front of me my grandpa (dad's dad) walking by- but he's clearly a ghost.. and see through. I run towards him to stop and as soon as I grab him, he's gone.
And FINALLY I'm able to wake up and I just want to scream. Longest dream ever. It lasted two hours apparently.. fml
If anyone reads this, thanks lol I know it's long but fuck man
I've had it happen where my alarm goes off but I don't wake up. Instead, I dream of trying to turn off my alarm but I can't make it stop.
I've also had dreams where I get up and get dressed for work and shit, and then I wake up. And I'm like FFFUUUUU, I'm not ready at all!