Things that piss you off

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alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
When subway is closed at 3 in the morning :'<


We have come to terms
Wtf is up with so many people having creepy guys after them? You're the third one just this weekend D:

Though yours hits a bit closer to home, ofc.



~The Other Side of Fear~
When a person cannot understand the word "goodbye" or "no" they have some serious issues. Trust me, Celes, I relate. It's fucking frustrating. Just gotta keep on telling them to fuck themselves and staying away until they get the hint...or more likely, find another target that's easier to hit.

What fucking lamers.

Celes Chere

Yeah, I told him I had a boyfriend and everything, and he was saying that I should date him once I become single, as if that will be sometime soon. And he just assumes that I'd accept his date offer anyway, even if I didn't have a boyfriend. Seriously, I've only met him face to face one day, and the whole day I was trying to get the fook away from him. I'm sorry you must relate to something so unfortunate, I hope he goes away soon. >_> I already blocked him on like ... everything, lol. Sadly he has my phone number thanks to his dumbass friend.


~The Other Side of Fear~
My situation is similar in the persistance but not the circumstances. My involves an ex-boyfriend who couldn't accept that our relationship was over so he proceeded to threaten and blackmail me into "resolving things with him". This even though we'd not dated for months. This even though I was dating another man. This even though...well, just that such tactics are fucked up.

I hope your lamer takes a long walk off a very short pier. Guys need to understand that no means no.

@ Chanz: lol

Celes Chere

My involves an ex-boyfriend who couldn't accept that our relationship was over so he proceeded to threaten and blackmail me into "resolving things with him". This even though we'd not dated for months. This even though I was dating another man. This even though...well, just that such tactics are fucked up.

I hope your lamer takes a long walk off a very short pier. Guys need to understand that no means no.

That kinda happened to me with my ex-boyfriend for awhile... finally I just kept ignoring his calls and avoiding him so much that he eventually gave up. It's sad, I really wanted to be friends with him, but he wouldn't allow it to happen. >_> Every time we hung out as friends he'd try kissing me, or holding my hand. -big mega sigh- Sometimes people can be so idiotic. Sorry again, that that had to happen to you! Blackmail and threatening... must have been scary. Or maybe just plain annoying. =/

But Channy is likeable and smexy. :)
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~The Other Side of Fear~
These people need to get a life. If someone dumps you, you move on, not stalk them. You don't have to run around smiling or anything, but pushing past your exes' (or anyone's for that matter) personal boundaries after they've made it very clear they're not interested is just pathetic of them. Yeah, Celes, threats and blackmail, and quite a number of them too. At first it was very frightening but at this point I've been desentivized to them and just get annoyed now and then.

I have an awesome man now, and that's what matters! ^_^
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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
My first ex did that. After we broke up and I moved away for a few months for travel an shit, he kept stalking my myspace for updates and then called whenever something seemed 'off' and then he kept expecting us to get back together when I'd get home, even when I briefly broke up with my bf at the time. And he STILL wouldn't take no for an answer.

/playsdawnandbeingselfabsorbed :awesome:

And ilu2celesbby <3

Celes Chere

I like hearing your stories! Be 'self-absorbed' all you want. :lol:

But that sucks Channy. Good thing he's history, or else I'd have to kill him for



~The Other Side of Fear~
Well I never....!

Oh, who am I kidding? :P /acknowledgesbeingselfabsorbed

So what's it with people not getting the hint and shit when dumped?

Hell, what's worse is that instead of trying to win ya back with good ideas (aka flowers, chocolate, poems, etc.) they stalk you instead?!!



Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Because stalking shows they care. :awesome:

But afair he was last seen on myspace telling me he hopes my heart sinks into my ass because I'm an insufferable bitch, and that he's happily married to someone now he's known for 6 months. :monster:

That's what happens apparently.. they wait on you forever, and then fuck off to the next thing that moves. Here's hoping it happens for Michael and Celes' guy so they leave my bbys alone. <3

Celes Chere

You know, that reminds me of another thing that pisses me off! BEING A REBOUND GIRL! :rage: :rage: :rage:

You break up, and since they can't get anyone else for the time being they just stalk you hoping you'll give them another chance! :lol:

Because stalking shows they care.

This is all because of Twilight... D<


~The Other Side of Fear~
@ Channzmex: Thanks, m'dear. Don't worry, karma's a bitch. *winks*

I just never understood why all my exes (even the partly sane ones) turned to attacking me to get me to go back rather than shower me with apologies and gifts? I know that sounds selfish, but if they really cared so damn much why not try that instead? Get more flies with honey than vinegar and all that jazz, you know?



We have come to terms
I think the parts that annoyed me the most were "will you marry me?" and "will u date me when ur single?"

ffs *facepalm*
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