Things that piss you off

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Celes Chere

I think the parts that annoyed me the most were "will you marry me?" and "will u date me when ur single?"

ffs *facepalm*

It was more like he was saying you WILL date me when you're single, lol. "Will you marry me" was OKAY when I first met him and it was like a joke, but then he got all creepy with it... especially since the first thing he said on MSN was,
"Omg! It's you! THE GIRL IM GOING TO MARRY!!111!!"

but if they really cared so damn much why not try that instead? Get more flies with honey than vinegar and all that jazz, you know?

You know, that's an excellent point and a really damn good question I'd love to hear the answer to, lol.


~The Other Side of Fear~
In fact with my last ex, he asked ME to give HIM gifts. Of course when his friends call you "sugamama" I suppose I aught to have known to not expect so much as a card.


I honestly don't know of a single case where a guy ever tried any of the movie-styled sweet pursuits of their ex-galpal--they either just buzzed off or they went bonkers and stalked the living shit out of her.


We have come to terms
Stalking is the new courtship.

It was more like he was saying you WILL date me when you're single, lol. "Will you marry me" was OKAY when I first met him and it was like a joke, but then he got all creepy with it... especially since the first thing he said on MSN was,
"Omg! It's you! THE GIRL IM GOING TO MARRY!!111!!"
Watch out for Marik's Millenium Rod =O

Boundaries, people. Learn to recognize them. *sigh*


We have come to terms
I honestly don't know of a single case where a guy ever tried any of the movie-styled sweet pursuits of their ex-galpal--they either just buzzed off or they went bonkers and stalked the living shit out of her.
Tbh, in a situation like that, I would do everything in my power to get her back - but once she'd said something like "I have a boyfriend" or whatever, clearly indicating that she wasn't interested, I'd back the fuck off. What is it that's so hard about that for people to do?

Well, he's obviously going to control you an' shizz. Though it did take me about fifteen second to remember which one was the mind control item :P


~The Other Side of Fear~
Ahahahahah. Sex? Yeah, he only wishes. :P

One of the great things of having no gifts from your ex....not having to clug up the garbage shute throwing 'em out. :P


~The Other Side of Fear~

Well, you're absolutely right. *grins* I do need the extra cash these days...

My other ex gave me a few items...

Celes Chere

not having to clug up the garbage shute throwing 'em out.

LOL so true! Though I still have one of my exes hoodies that he gave me... it's an awesome hoody, even though it belonged to him so I see it as free clothes, lol. His other hoodie...

I wrote on it with permanent marker and then my friends sister helped me fill the pockets with dirty cat litter. O_O... we planned to give it to him, but I decided to throw it away because I felt bad, lol.


We have come to terms
One of the great things of having no gifts from your ex....not having to clug up the garbage shute throwing 'em out. :P
That's what they invented baseball bats for. Break his stuff, leave it outside his front door :P


~The Other Side of Fear~
@ Celes: yeah, no need to throw everything out. If you would use the item with no relation to the relationship, well that's entirely fine to me. I've still got a few items that my other ex gave me, and even when we weren't on good terms (which we are now) I still didn't toss them out. Other personal stuff I did. No need for that, especially with it taking away space for my man's stuff! ^__^

@ Locke: As enjoyable as that would be, I don't personally believe in vengeance. Wanting them out of my life is totally accepatable but wanting harm to their property isn't, to me. It's just not my way.


We have come to terms
No, I mean his stuff that he gave you or that was at your place. If you're going to throw it out anyway, might as well get some catharsis out of it :P

Going to his place and vandalizing it would be very bad. And illegal. Not a good idea =/

@ other point: yeah, that's very true. I haven't thrown out any of the stuff I've been given. The few things I kept I still cherish as mementos of the good times and stuff. Plus, some of it's practical and useful :P

Celes Chere

I understand that, Milfy. <3 Vengeance just seems immature and a waste of precious time. Plus, it's just plain... not right. I mean, to deface their property and such.That's why I felt so bad for expressing my anger that way. >< I wish I could return the hoodie the way it was. D;


~The Other Side of Fear~
I has no items from my recent ex, as I mentioned he was a cheapskate who wouldn't buy me anything for my bday or Xmas. lol, so problem solved. My other ex...I've already thrown out anything of a personal nature and I'm just keeping the stuff I'd buy or make for myself even if he never became a part of the occasion; stuff that has not connection now.

And yeah, I understand the desire to want to do harm to the stuff...feelings aren't nothing to be ashamed of. You just have to conquer them, so that you remain a better person than they. It's hard, and not always something a person can do (lord knows it can be trying) but it's all about doing the best you can to be a person that they wouldn't be.


We have come to terms
That's actually how I decided to become the person I am - I wanted to be everything my father wasn't and none of the things that he was.

Personally, I think the only reason why I'd even feel the slightest of urges to do anything like that to things that they gave me or whatever is because so much of the time, I DON'T get angry about stuff - or, at least, I don't express it. I just sort of repress it and it comes out from time to time. Usually I'll decide to do whatever, and then change my mind at the last minute because my conscience takes over :P


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Am I the only one who ever didn't get good things from my ex's? D;

My first (actually pretty much only) ex gave me some stuff but the FF figures have broken since then so I'll end up replacing them.. I don't read manga.. and the shirt designs are faded.. I usually end up buying a lot of things for my bf's because I like pleasing people. So I go for expensive personal things. If I ever broke up with my current bf, he's walk away with a 100 Master pocket watch, other lovable Dr. Who novelty items, personalized zippo and the fact that me and my family spend hundreds on his flights.

Whereas I would walk away with a hole in my pocket.

But recent events will turn in my favour as the money has been pouring in. >;3

/agenselfcentereddawnmoment :monster:

Celes Chere

That sucks Channy... Especially if he was a major douche. Because then you have that kind of,
"HA! I got your really cool stuff"


~The Other Side of Fear~
Yeah, Locke, I can relate. You look at these people and realize that they're not someone you want to be. That an eye for an eye makes the whole world walk into walls (they are blind after all!) and no good comes of getting revenge. It's an endless ugly cycle that doesn't prove who's right, just who's left.

Chanz, yeah, mine didn't either. I haven't so much as a card from the one. Deadseri0z. And if my current man (god forbid) ever left me he'd have a pretty penny on a few nice items I bought him. But then again, he bought me some really awesome things, so who I am to complain?

Celes, one can only hope that their ex isn't a total tard--sadly, that isn't a common occurence. xD


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Yah, issok.. I have some gifts I forgot to give him before the breakup so I should get around to selling those.

Has anyone ever done a full on burning of the items from a previous break up? I've always wanted to but cba. :monster:

Mr. Flibble

Mr. Flibble is very cross
Psycho Paul, Ace Rimmer
When my legs refuse to work properly for an hour or so after I wake up. More than that, cleaning the tea spillages said fucked legs cause regularly. >.>

Deleted member 546

People not making eye contact when I talk to them. I get tinnitus really badly sometimes and I need to see their face to decipher what the chuff they're saying. Or people fidgeting and not giving their full attention. If they're busy that's another matter, but arsing around is fucking rude.


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
Dentists . . . and upcoming extractions. Painful spacers is painful.

Seriously though having four wisdom teeth extracted and having to wear spacers for close to a week or more sucks. Majorly.
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