Stupid betch on vacation, ungh. She really made the whole time more hellish than it was ( though not ALL was bad... but I'll save the makes your day thread for that ;P ). My Grandma's sister seemed to complain... about every fucking thing. For instance... one day someone decided to take a nap on the couch and *gasp* they used her blanket! So she ranted to us about how she didn't want anyone using her blanket but her, because it will get dirty. Then she sat me and my cousins down and went through her suit case showing us various items saying... "This is MY towel so don't use it. This is MY pillow so don't touch it." So after that she goes to shower and comes out rather annoyed saying that she didn't appreciate us using HER shampoo. .__. Of course it had to be one of us three because we are 'rebellious teenagers' and I had to remind her that I am in fact, 21. In which case she claimed that I am in cahoots with teenagers (19 and 17) and so must also be just as guilty. (and none of us used the shampoo btw) That type of bitching went on all week. Aside from that, she had to make comments about us daily as in she didn't like how we looked, or what we were wearing, or claimed that we were lazy, stupid, if it wasn't one thing it was the other. She even sent us to bed at 12am because that's when SHE thought we should sleep. It got to the point where we started acting passive aggressive and so my parents started getting cross with us. My Dad yelled at me, my Step Mom yelled at me, everyone was just yelling at each other and my cousin stormed off... drama. DRAMA.
Then her Mother ( my cousins ) promised her a car but went back on her word because my cousin bought a tattoo and claimed: "If you have enough money to buy a tattoo, you can buy a car". HMM. Tattoo - 80 dollars Car - 1000+
Also I wanted a Scyther really bad because it's my favorite Pokemon so someone online like was like lolol okay let's trade but I want a Chandelure. And I was like okay FIEN. So I leveld up that stupid little candle to level 41, watched it evolve, used the dusk stone, brought it to the stupid person and they gave me a Scyther! YAAAY