Things that piss you off

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Jetlag, :awesomonster:. Spent first two days in the States with just a few (like two or three) hours of sleep (because by then it was morning in Dutchyland), then two good nights, and now I'm back home and have been up for... ~22 hours already, and it's just 13:30 here right now. So I guess I'll go and make no sense whatsoever for a while longer now, :monster:.

Also, Amurcan food and its effects on my plumbing. Too much information? :monster:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
crying myself to sleep on my birthday

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
> find out there's a quidditch match on campus today and get super excited because it's a) motherfucking QUIDDITCH and b) a chance to socialize with people who love HP as much as I do
> wake up this morning and realize I have piano lesson and therefore won't be able to go

Celes Chere

^Reminds me that I got invited to "The Yule Ball" at the U of M. Apparently there's an on campus Quidditch team too. Idk if I want to go though lawl.
Air stopped working again. I was really upset because I thought if it broke down so soon after being fixed maybe we messed it up.

So I went downstairs, no one was in the office, and left a note under the door. Just got a call, didn't answer because I was taking a nap, of them telling me that it was shut down yesterday and that's why it's not working so it's not an issue.

I just, if I had just waited to talk to someone I would have been told that, and I feel like it's the kind of thing I should have known was happening, and maybe it's in the lease. I get so nervous talking to the apartment people because I don't want to seem like I complain too much so this just makes me feel bad.

I'm dunno, guess it's just one of those adult things I can't stand, having to rely on other adults.

Ghost X

- Watching day time television, and seeing this "psychic" charlatan on some morning show explain to a viewer who had written in that a photo they had sent of a pregnant woman was being protected by ghosts. I yelled at the screen, "Its not a fucking ghost, its a fucking camera strap!" Of course, I do not think the respective parties heard me :P.

This "psychic" then answered an elderly viewer's question if they would get over their undescribed illness soon. Do the show's producers not have any idea what consequences such an answer could lead to? EG: "Don't worry about what the doctor said. A psychic told me I'd be over this illness in a few weeks."

Frustrates me that astrologers, shoddy sales people, and all sorts get a free pass on these types of shows; taking advantage of the ignorant. I should get me some snake oil, and try and sell it too (they would probably let me), but I have myself a conscience.

The people who host these shows also make me feel sick. It was leaked recently they earn roughly $800,000 a year. I highly doubt they give a majority of that money to charity either, charities that they often promote on their shows. They're a fucking bunch of hypocrites. Then again, apparently a lot of charities are evil in themselves. The only charities I give to now are those with people I know who work in them, so that I have a fair idea where the money actually goes.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
1. Working on color scales. ARGH!!!! :rage:

2. Water - for brushes and mixing knife for said scales - spilling all over! :O:'(

3. Not having a desk to do my artwork. >_>
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We have come to terms
I close my eyes for two seconds waiting on people to finish a game of Horde, and when I open them it's ten hours later =/


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Downloaded Tangled, all happily....when I was about to watch it turns out it was in a weird language....


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
I just got pwned by the Dark Dragon in FF4 and now I have to watch the entire Edward cutscene all over again.


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
Edward? Is that from the Afteryears? I don't remember T_T

Nope. Edward's the spoony bard. :monster: The part I'm talking about is where Edward plays his harp in the infirmary so Cecil is able to use his sword without being paralyzed.
went to a LJ comm just now to say hi to everyone. I made some friends there
only to see they started a new rule and kicked some people out that weren't that active

I was one of them
good to know that I'd get kicked out just because I dont post every fucking day there

I re-applied but idk if I'll get accepted back or not

I just wanted to commiserate with you and say that that totally sucks and is also rude and quite honestly kind of pointless and mean-spirited. What skin off their noses is it if some members don't post all that often? I mean, it's not as if there's some membership limit - you're not all crowded into an actual real-life four solid walls room or anything. Maybe it was done to terrorise the survivors into posting more? There are a lot of assholes on LJ. In that respect, it's no different from the rest of the world, I guess.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
When people bullshit me, ignore me and then act as if it was only coincidental that my several types of communication went unanswered. I thought I found a group who shared an interest, and that would accept me (they said they were interested)... But now I'm wondering if they wanted to retract those words and felt that lying was the easiest way forward. :doh:>_>

(I have to say I don't truly know what was up on their end. Still, you can't tell me that you didn't receive my messages when I tried calling and emailing, as well as noting on websites.)

Celes Chere

this probably pisses me off more than it should but I got this pretty close friend that always seems to make excuses as to why we can't hang out, or chooses other people over me, or just says she's busy all of the time. Through the span that she's busy though, she'll tell me how she has another friend over who can just come over whenever they like. but I'm never invited. I'm never asked if I want to go over. I always have to instigate.

I'm rather tired of it. I'm rather tired of most people.

Celes Chere

So went to go sleep and ended up crying for like an hour. Then I fell asleep. I woke up just now feeling actually refreshed (emotionally) but now I can't get sleep even though I'm extremely tired and I have to wake up at 9am which is in... 4hours or so... that sucks. And I am going somewhere I don't want to go. I'm not really one to hold grudges (depending... this is a really close friend) but I still haven't forgiven her or my other two friends for all the shit they gave me so going out with them tomorrow just feels uncomfortable to me. If I could have my way, I would sleep all day just for one day, and not be bothered. Or woken up. Just skip a day. That'd be nice.


fresh to death
i have been feeling physically sick for the past week and it shows no sign of letting up
just so tired and run-down all the time, and nothing i do seems to help

also it's my birthday tomorrow, and i couldn't give less of a shit; none of the people i live with seem to give one, not to mention i'm getting cards and calls from my own family who have forgotten my middle name, my date of birth and my actual age.

fuck this
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