Things that piss you off

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Pro Adventurer
I never know what to post in this place. T_T

Just say what's in your heart, it sounds incredibly cheesy and Disney, but yeahz.xD Don't care what others think, and just be yourself <: There's plenty of nice people here, so I don't think that they will judge you on what you say here, this is a expressing, venting thread anyways, so it's okay to let things go, and scream if you want to <3

Alexia Ashford

Um... that's not the problem, really, but thank you for that bit of support. :3
I just can never think of anything.
I'm not really new here, but I do come and go a lot because I just can't think of anything to say that hasn't been said already or what have you.
I actually have a lot of friends here so I'm really not worried about people thinking I'm stupid or anything.
It's more annoying that I can't think of anything to say. That's all. :D


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
airawyn said:
DC responds to the Starfire discussion:
@DCComics We’ve heard what’s being said about Starfire today and we appreciate the dialogue on this topic.
@DCComics We encourage people to pay attention to the ratings when picking out any books to read themselves or for their children.
My response: Wow, @DCComics You could not have missed the point of this discussion any further if it had been in the Vegan Star System.

phantombythenumbers said:
I bet this is about that 7-year-old girl who didn’t want to read comics because she loved Starfire in Teen Titans (the show) and hated her in a few pages of Red Hood and the Outlaws that she saw.

airawyn said:
I assume that is what they are attempting to respond to, but they are not only missing the point of that article, but completely ignoring all the actual adults who really don’t mind sex in their comics but object to the way it’s presented.

ElfGrove said:
Oh fer cripes sakes. This is definitely about the 7-year-old girl article.

DC is not missing the point. They’re intentionally ignoring it.

They didn’t care about any of the other legitimate complaints. Not the well-articulated CA article by Laura Hudson, not the intelligent commentary by Andrew Wheeler, nor Ms. Snarky’s blog entry, not Fishy Intent’s discussion of the rape interpretation in the Catwoman issue and how it is not romantic fantasy, nor the pointed numbers comic from Shortpacked. They cared about the article with a real little girl (with photos of that very real little girl) that didn’t like New Starfire because THAT was the one that might have hit bigger headlines than the existing fanbase websites. That was the article that might start a CNN or a FOX News story that said look at this adorable child. Look what DC has done to her favorite superhero. And that, my fellow fans, would have undone much of the good hype they’ve built up in the big name news about the New 52. So they cared about her story. They feel safe ignoring the rest of us, because the nuance between a positive portrayal of Starfire and her sexuality and what Lobdell did doesn’t make an easy front page headline that will enrage John Q. Public. A disheartened 7-year-old girl looking at nu!Starfire does.

I never thought I would stop buying their comics, but it has now come to this point.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Well it was bound to happen sooner or later :( In fact just the other day I was wondering when my first time would be...

but it happened today..

I dropped my first pizza :sigh:
and the guy who came to pick it up was standing right there >_<
I felt like such an idiot. I shouldn't have carried three at a time... I mean normally it's no big deal and I don't know why I had trouble this time, but I somehow managed to drop the box on its side so the pizza was not salvageable. I apologized to him though and he didn't seem angry and we just remade him another one in record time. At least he wasn't angry, but I was still super embarrassed >_<

But I felt better later on when Megan ALSO dropped a pizza :monster:
I guess we were just batting zeroes today.

and why is there a fire truck with its lights on right outside my building? Is the building on fire and I don't know it? Is the alarm going off and it's really quiet? Should I be concerned?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I'm out of smokes. Out. The last one is smoldering in the ashtray. And sudden medical needs burned up the last of the funds until sometime next week. I will be without cigarettes until then.



@Quex, I wouldn't understand why anyone would get angry at you dropping a pizza (i.e. an accident), that's just silly.

@Devil, ha ha, dependence :monster:.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Yes, dependence. Ha ha.

Thank the gods I still have my pipe and pipe tobacco, and remembered before the blood frenzy set in. Less convenient, but nicotine! Fucking hooray!

Alexia Ashford

I'd say good time to try to quit!
Did you know that after three days your body's physical dependence on tobacco is gone entirely and the rest is all mental?

Haha. I learned this from my friends who smoke... who decided not to quit smoking.

I'll shut up now. -_-

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I'd say good time to try to quit!
Did you know that after three days your body's physical dependence on tobacco is gone entirely and the rest is all mental?

Haha. I learned this from my friends who smoke... who decided not to quit smoking.

I'll shut up now. -_-

Don't you have a pending name change to bitch about? :monster:

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
no hot water

which is unpleasant on a normal day and outright torturous when you've got a cold and just want to drown in warmth for 15 minutes


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Being back at work after days off. Makes me hate the place 10x more because I know I still have another 4 days left after the first. :(

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
sick and tired of random and snarky horseshit


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Also a good friend of mine on dofus won't do anything with me anymore because i'm not upto Bearbarian yet which is all he does along with Tengu. When he promised me 3 months ago to help me get upto those dungeons so we can do them together and be super rich. Now he's super rich and I come back to 90% of my fortune stolen and my main account sold to some french idiot and he won't help me do anything. -_-

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I care enough to not want you dead ,mangled, or otherwise harmed and I barely know ya. If that's enough throw me in there.
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