Things that piss you off

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Great Old One
Today I seem to be stuck. I slept in because I have night shifts this weekend and want to be somehow prepared for that. (Now I just need to stay awake until, say, 5 AM tonight. Lovely.) So now I have to take a shower. But I can't figure out if I want to work out today - I'm still a bit sore from last workout. But no point in taking that shower if I'm going to take a run anyway... so yeah I have major issues in my life. :P

Also, bf coming home today after 5 days away is stressing me out a bit. I never stress when he's gone, but I stress when he comes home, because I just can't get used to him being back... it sounds strange. But I get all WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? It's like wherever he is in the apt he takes up space. It always take like a couple of days for me to get used to the fact that he's back.

I think it comes from me growing up as an only child with a single parent. I like having people around because I think I was lonely a lot as a kid and didn't like that, but when I have to be alone a lot, it puts me in some kind of strange mood. Also, the fact that bf left me for 4 months to study abroad. That is, we were still together and all of that, but I strongly resented him going and he did anyway, and everyone supported him and no one supported me. Those 4 months and the time after surely were the "dark ages" of our relationship, and I guess him leaving reminds me of that time he was away - I get all cold and I stop caring about him, somehow. I think our relationship "got real" during that time, it was no longer just being in love, our realities caught up. Maybe it was for the better, but that doesn't mean I had (and is still having) a hard time about it.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
>track package finally being sent to me
>see it go through des moines, ia sort facility: yay!
>see it go through forest park, il sort facility

Celes Chere

Back from the doctor! I apparently I have Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). And I also got a Tetanus shot and now my arm hurts. I'm also still a little dehydrated but not as bad as before. At least everything else that was wrong with me before is getting better now, though. ;u; UNFORTUNATELY now I have to take these pills for 3 more months which is really annoying because I hate swallowing pills asdfsgfd. But what can ya do. :monster: Now one more appointment to go and then work.

But seeing as my Dad is difficult he wants to drop me off at work when my next appoint is over, but if he did such a thing I would be at work two hours early. >_> And bluuuh the annoyance from last night added on to the fact that
I'M FUCKING TIRED AS FUCK to be fair its my own fault for playing dragon age for five hours
is just kinda uguuu. I hope I get let off early as possible today. X_X also my touchpad keeps freezing and my keyboard keeps typing a "c" key when I'm not pressing the "c" key. >:/
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Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Long story short: Life has always a way to remind you why you are such a failure and that the only reason you were allowed to exist was so those who are better could shine more.

What annoys me most is that I can't blame anyone, not even myself, for having being born just like I am :/


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I apparently I have Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

CALLED IT :awesome:

Sucks that you have that, it can be a really huge pain. Just let me know if you ever need help with it. I always have tums with me. Drink a lot of water, and don't eat lots of spicy foods... and take your meds :monster:

Also I originally came in here to say cramps and I don't wanna go to work :monster:
CALLED IT :awesome:

Sucks that you have that, it can be a really huge pain. Just let me know if you ever need help with it. I always have tums with me. Drink a lot of water, and don't eat lots of spicy foods... and take your meds :monster:

Also I originally came in here to say cramps and I don't wanna go to work :monster:

I don't have this specifically but I find plain tea (as in no milk or sugar) can be really good for tummy problems as well. My problem is low stomach acid, and too much water dilutes it or something even further. But tea doesn't, plus you get the antioxidants. Black tea is sometimes too much caffeine for a sensitive tummy. White, Rooibos or Fruit Blends tend to have little to no caffeine, and you can get flavours that make having no milk or sugar tolerable.

no im not saying all of this because of my new job i just really like tea

Having lived most of my life with severe tummy pains I can sympathize. For me it was always having Pepto in my purse and being able to chug the right amount because of how often I took it.

Oh, ginger. Adding ginger to things is great. I like adding it to smoothies with banana and ice and a tiny tiny bit of frozen yogurt (something with probiotics preferably) when my stomach hurts. I actually prefer that if I can to Pepto. Works better.

because I hate swallowing pills asdfsgfd.
Ya well are they this?


Yes that's a nickle for comparison.
[insert swallowing joke here]
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ya well are they this?


Yes that's a nickle for comparison.
[insert swallowing joke here]

Jesus christ. Either that is a horse pill or its a suppository :O How often do you have to take that? Couldnt they have made smaller ones and had you take two?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Sorry for the shit some of you people are dealing with, jesus christ.

I've mentioned that Stephen King is coming to the store to sign books on Monday. The geniuses at the warehouse decided that shipping the books people ordered yesterday would be a good idea. Even though it's been out for like a week. I want to fucking stab them. This means that no one will have copies of the books they ordered by the time the signing happens. I am not 100% sure how management is going to deal with this crap, but it's awful.

Also I got personally insulted today because of a decision I had nothing to do with (closing the music department). Awesome.
Two a day twice a day. It's just calcium since getting the depo shot can mess up something with your calcium intake.

To be honest I have no problems taking it, but I guess that's where the swallowing jokes fit in. :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
oh right, I didn't post in this thrad for like a week.
Speaking of, where the fuck did Edman bugger off to? He was an okay guy and helped me in my early programming days :monster:. (and now I realize he sucked at it, despite being able to get work and a decent living out of it and having the motivation I still lack).
He still posts on FG from time to time.

Celes Chere

^Also in relation to GERD, eat small amounts of food, lose weight, lay on your left side, and don't smoke :P.

Losing weight is the last thing I need to do right now. X_X I actually need to gain weight. I eat less than 1,000 calories a day and it's not healthy at all.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Watched a horde of niggers(these scum deserve to be called nothing less, deal with it) beat and stab this guy at the complex across the lot from us.

It was fucking ridiculous. Then when he gets taken off in an ambulance, the cops don't even take the bitch who stabbed him in.


this isn't helping my current demeanor at all.


Migraine at 1 am?

Also, people keep visiting and cutting me off at most nail-biting scenes of Walking Dead. Fat guy from Heavy dies, doesn't he? =(


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I want to sign up on the Legendary Times forums, but I can't read the confirmation code ever. It doesn't look that hard... I feel like I'm stupid or something. I type it in just as I see it and it never works... I even emailed the owner and told them I wanted to sign up but so far nothing. rar...

and now that I've bitched about it it works, lol :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I think I might be going insane.... my moods keep on swaying from really high, to really crashing very low.

One moment I'm laughing, giggling and joking and then I just collapse on the floor and start crying and sobbing... my head. I feel like I'm going mad...



Great Old One
My head is so fu'ed from from sleeping at odd times. I have work in 9 hours (from midnight til 8 AM) and I already know by now I'm going to be tired until I get to work, tired all through work and when I get home, I'm going to lie awake and not be able to sleep. Rinse and repeat.

I fucking need coffee (this'll help with my swearing stats if anything)


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
It is fucking 5:30 in the morning.

I'm tired. I want to sleep but I can't because my stupid back and my stupid stomach decided they want to double team me. They're hurting like hell and they're keeping me awake. It's cold and I am too poor to afford a heater. I have a lot of work to do in about three hours. This pain feels like it is not going away any time soon. And did I mention that it is fucking 5:30 in the morning!?
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coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
I've been sick for three days now, which didn't even bother me.
But now I have conjunctivitis, which means I can't be on the PC or play videogames for too long.
I just got Skyrim yesterday.



Feeling shitty and anxious and can't sleep.

Can't be alone with thoughts. It seems like these days I can't sleep unless I pass out from sheer exhaustion. Which isn't too hard because I feel exhausted after being awake for two hours.

I just hate right now because my brain is just like no, no rest for you no moment of peace ever.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
>can't afford ride to work, hitch ride with roommate
>try to sleep in break room
>just kidding you can't sleep in the break room because there's cashier training
wow really
i fucking hate this company for being full of lazy ignorant fucks who don't care that 75% of the time we can even use our own break room
which is dirty, small, and useless anyways

fuck i hate this place i really need to find a different job to replace this one


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Feeling shitty and anxious and can't sleep.

Can't be alone with thoughts. It seems like these days I can't sleep unless I pass out from sheer exhaustion. Which isn't too hard because I feel exhausted after being awake for two hours.

I just hate right now because my brain is just like no, no rest for you no moment of peace ever.

Ghost already said this but I'll repeat it: I have a very active imagination. I usually think about fictional stories aaaaall the goddam time. You know why? There are very few times when my imagination goes silent, and then I realize how sad and lonely my life is. Cue myself curling in a corner and wishing I stopped existing.

Try to find a "happy place", so you don't think about your problems. Unless you are thinking about a possible solution, problems don't deserve so much time and energy.

Back from the doctor! I apparently I have Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

My mother suffers from that, due to an hiatus hernia. Eat often and in small quantities, avoid spicy food or too much fuzzy drinks, well, others have said that already.

Your doctor might have told you to take antisecretory drugs, which are quite effective, and maybe he might have told you that it can go worse whenever there are sudden weather changes (it does, believe me).

Lowering your stress leves can help too, though I know it's very difficult.
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