Things that piss you off

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Waiting for something
So I was really excited about dinner with my parents tonight but I started feeling ill around the time I finished work at 5.30 and we went to dinner my stomach was aching..I ordered food, had two bites and felt the urge to....welll...yeah I've been sick 3 times in the space of two hours and don't feel any better....awesome and I felt so bad at dinner because I'd only has a couple of bites and my dad was paying.

My parents were so lovely about it too. They offered to sit in my house tonight with me instead of going out but I told them not to, didn't wanna ruin their night but that I promised to phone them if I needed them.

One of the other managers in work has offered to cover my shift if I still feel unwell but I'm just so annoyed because it would've been a lovely evening, at least i going home next week and can see my parents properly then.

Celes Chere

Lowering your stress leves can help too, though I know it's very difficult.

Yeah I had gastritis before so, what they basically told me since I was having panic attacks every single night, is that it's getting bad because my stress level/anxiety and paranoia are all very, very high. It didn't help I starved myself for almost a week. Now that I'm at a new house and eating, I don't have as many panic attacks and it seems to be starting to get better. Thanks for all the advice guys, I really, really appreciate it. This problem only makes you more stressed when it's really bad, lol.
Ahem anyway,
I went to make a smoothie and the bottom wasn't screwed on all the way so all the milk leaked out everywhere and ugu it was a mess.

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Waiting for something
Haven't been able to stop vomiting for about 5 hours now, my mum is coming over from the hotel to my house to stay and look after me, I called her because my stomach hurts so badly and I'm retching so much I'm nearly choking, unable to breathe and it's scaring me...there's only really bile coming up which is really bad for the lining of my stomach I already know that, I keep drinking water, feel so exhausted too, haven't been this ill in about 2 years, same sorta thing happened, its definitely to do with what I ate today.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I am so fucking sick of hearing about Joe Paterno I could puke blood. The guy is not a fucking martyr. He covered for a serial rapist who was using a children's camp as a way to groom victims (and, according to the grand jury testimony, is known to have molested at least eight of them (trigger warning)), and there is substantial evidence that he routinely dismissed allegations of abuse by his players.

Dear asshole reporters: This is not a "sex scandal." A sex scandal is a married president showing his dick to a government clerk. A sex scandal is a homophobic senator with a wide stance propositioning men in a public bathroom. A sex scandal is not a cover-up of decades of child molestation. "Sex" implies that there is anything consensual about any of the activities that comprise the scandal. The word you're looking for is "rape."

It does not matter if Paterno did all he was legally required to do when informed that Sandusky was a serial rapist; he certainly did not do all he was ethically required to do. When you find out that one of your subordinates is raping children, the only thing to do is to notify the legal authorities immediately. (And by the way, if it turns out that Paterno did all he was legally required to do, then it is clear that the laws are inadequate and need to be changed; Sandusky should have been remanded into custody immediately).

It's a fucking football team. The only people it directly affects are the players and people who are stupid enough to bet on games. It is not worth trivialising actual human suffering over sports. These assholes rioting over his firing can die in a fire too. Anybody who priorities a fucking sport over the welfare of children is a piece of shit who deserves nothing but scorn.

Harlan Coben and Dave Zirin have more. Oh, and The Onion's coverage is pitch-perfect.


We have come to terms
It seems wrong to say someone did not do all they were ethically required to do. If he followed the letter of the law, is that not doing the right thing?

/from phone


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
No, it is not. If you find out child rape is going on, and all you do is tell your immediate superior and don't worry about whether they actually, you know, do anything about it, then you are guilty of covering up child rape. It is self-evident that Paterno did not give the slightest bit of a shit about whether Sandusky ever actually faced legal punishment for raping children, and indeed he barely even was punished at all. Zirin:
The grand jury summation describes one scene where Sandusky was caught raping 10-year-old “Victim Number 2” in the Penn State football team shower. The graduate student who witnessed it was “distraught” and “traumatized”. Did he go to the police? No, he went directly to Joe Paterno’s home. Paterno immediately turned the matter over to Athletic Director Tim Curley, and for reasons I don’t understand, Gary Schultz, the senior vice president of finance and business. Curley and Schultz conferred and acted. According to the grand jury report, they sat Sandusky down and said that he could no longer use Penn State football facilities while accompanied by Second Mile children.
That's barely even a fucking punishment. Furthermore, even it was fictitious:
As late as 2009, Sandusky was on campus running a sleep-away camp for boys as young as nine years old. One alleged victim told the grand jury that Sandusky brought him to a Penn State preseason practice in 2007—a full five years after Paterno was made aware of the shower rape.

Paterno did fuck-all to see that Sandusky was brought to justice. He is complicit in covering up Sandusky's crimes. Equating the law with ethics is absolutely absurd.


fresh to death
my iphone keeps playing up by freezing and restarting itself all the time
don't die on me bby pls


We have come to terms
So he did was he was supposed to do, and that somehow inculpates him and makes him guilty of a coverup?

That seems like scapegoating to me. Admittedly, I do not possess all the facts (obviously the only ones who do are the people involved), but to place blame on someone for following the chain of command that they are held to is ridiculous. Could he have done more? Yeah. But if the law us that he needs to report it to his superiors (the finance guy seems...strange...), and he did that, he has not done anything morally or ethically wrong in that.

That's not to say that he could not have done more, but to deem the actions of someone who has done nothing illegal to be wrong is not for others to judge.

That's why its their code of ethics that I'm sure they have annual meetings about, kist like we do here. Chain of commamd applies here as well.

Ofc if you happen to be wrong, going to the police can end in a countersuit and ruin your life.

If anything, his superiors are the ones covering it up.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Sometimes, I think all my professors get together and convene on how to make my life miserable. I mean, how else can they decide to give me a:

a) 40% paper- 15 pages, 15 references
b) 40% Kinesiology final
c) Oral presentation P/F
d) Globalization Presentation 35%

And it all takes place, conveniently, this Wednesday.

And ya know, AssCreed comes out on Tues and I most likely will not get to play it. it will join the other stack of games i intended to play but never finished


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
So he did was he was supposed to do, and that somehow inculpates him and makes him guilty of a coverup?
He did only what the law required him to do and nothing more (and by the way, it is not even fully established that he did everything he was legally required to do; some legal commentators have speculated that if all the allegations are true, Paterno is also legally culpable. As I am not a lawyer, I will not speculate on this). And when it became more than apparent that the school authorities weren't going to give Sandusky anything more than a symbolic slap on the wrist that they didn't even bother enforcing, Paterno still sat on the knowledge and thereby allowed Sandusky to continue committing his crimes. Sandusky is known to have molested children a full five years after McQueary reported the rape he witnessed to Paterno. Paterno had knowledge that could have prevented this, and he sat on it. He is responsible for not turning Sandusky in to the authorities.

And yes, McQueary deserves condemnation for not reporting the information to anyone but his father and Paterno too, but he probably had PTSD after witnessing a child rape so I'm somewhat more willing to overlook his actions for at least the first year or so, though the fact that he sat on it for nine years is highly questionable. (ETA: Also, no one is rioting over anything that has happened to McQueary, which is why I'm focusing mostly on Paterno in my responses).

That's not to say that he could not have done more, but to deem the actions of someone who has done nothing illegal to be wrong is not for others to judge.
Yes, it is for others to judge. Paterno, upon finding out that Sandusky was a rapist, had an ethical obligation to do everything possible to ensure that Sandusky did not rape again. By simply reporting the incident to his superiors and walking away without Sandusky being put behind bars or basically facing any consequences whatsoever, he was sending the message that nothing Sandusky did would result in any consequences and Sandusky would be able to repeat his actions with impunity. And for years that turned out to be an accurate impression; as stated, his superiors did absolutely fuck-all.

The fact that Paterno discovered his subordinate was a rapist and simply allowed nothing to happen to him after it became apparent that his superiors weren't going to do anything makes him complicit in the cover-up, no matter what the law says. If the law absolves him of any responsibility for his actions, it is the law that is at fault. The law should create a system of incentives that minimises suffering wherever possible. A chain of command that allows a systematic network for grooming victims of a paedophile to exist does not minimise suffering, and it is the ethical responsibility of responsible citizens to dismantle it and replace it with something that does minimise suffering.

That's why its their code of ethics that I'm sure they have annual meetings about, kist like we do here. Chain of commamd applies here as well.
There is no code of ethics to a system that finds out a coach is a serial child rapist and not only does not turn him into the law but continues to allow that coach access to children. Such a system is 110% ethically bankrupt, and it is the responsibility of ethical citizens to circumvent it and report people protected by such a system to the law, which has a chance of actually doing something about child abuse.

Ofc if you happen to be wrong, going to the police can end in a countersuit and ruin your life.
  1. If the possibility of truthfully telling the police, "My subordinate reported to me that he has witnessed a child rape," is that you can be sued if it turns out your subordinate lied, then once again that is an ethical fault with the law that needs to be rectified. You are not the one who has lied in this scenario; your subordinate is. Your subordinate should be the one punished in this scenario.
  2. It is possible to make anonymous tips to the police, so even if you are worried about being sued, it does not need to prevent you from reporting one of the most grievous crimes imaginable.
  3. The potential of being sued is supposed to be a valid reason not to report child rape? Boo fucking hoo. What about the dozens of victims who had their lives ruined because someone was more concerned about the appearance of his institution than he was with seeing a serial predator was brought to justice? Once again, anyone who prizes his career over the welfare of children is slime. Paterno knew Sandusky was in a position to rape dozens of other children if he so chose. Fuck-all was done to prevent this. Paterno might not have been the seniormost person in the chain of command, but he still had the ability to put a stop to Sandusky's actions simply by reporting them to the law, and he chose not to do so. He deserves every bit of bile that gets thrown his way.

If anything, his superiors are the ones covering it up.
Everyone who knew about Sandusky's actions and did not turn him in is part of the cover-up. Everyone.
Sometimes, I think all my professors get together and convene on how to make my life miserable. I mean, how else can they decide to give me a:

a) 40% paper- 15 pages, 15 references
b) 40% Kinesiology final
c) Oral presentation P/F
d) Globalization Presentation 35%

And it all takes place, conveniently, this Wednesday.

And ya know, AssCreed comes out on Tues and I most likely will not get to play it. it will join the other stack of games i intended to play but never finished

oh man ikr? Do you pick your classes or are they set by a overall program? I'm at George Brown. See, I understood when it was all classes I picked (like at UofT) that somewhere down the line things might not line up. But I never understand when it's a program and I HAVE to take all these classes so there's someone coordinating all this crap and they think 'herp derp that's a lot of assignments that week... oh well'.


We have come to terms
Ofc you respond with that when you know I'm using my phone. Uncool.

Short version: it is morally wrong to make claim that the actions of others are wrong. Judge not lest ye be judged, etc. If he did what he was legally obliged to do, then he did not do anything legally wrong. Of course he could have done more - but his not doing so does not make him guilty of conspiracy it amything remotely similar.

/not getting into it further because phone ill suited for tldr


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Ofc you respond with that when you know I'm using my phone. Uncool.

Short version: it is morally wrong to make claim that the actions of others are wrong. Judge not lest ye be judged, etc. If he did what he was legally obliged to do, then he did not do anything legally wrong. Of course he could have done more - but his not doing so does not make him guilty of conspiracy it amything remotely similar.

/not getting into it further because phone ill suited for tldr

Let's see if I've got this straight. Judging others: ethically wrong. Covering up the rape of ten-year-olds: Can't judge. Oh, and it's "uncool" to write a long reply when you're on your cell phone. Because you obviously can't just respond when you get home.

Wow. I don't even need to say anything. You are aware that "judging others is wrong" is itself an ethical judgement, yes?

I'm perfectly fine being "judged" when it comes to actions like covering up child rape. I have never done anything remotely on the same plane of ethical culpability. I would say 98% of the human race probably hasn't. Any ethical system that does not allow for condemnation of such actions because "it's wrong to judge" is moral relativism gone berserk. There are actions that are objectively worthy of ethical condemnation.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Oh and I didn't accuse anyone of a conspiracy tyvm; I accused them of a cover-up. They are not the same thing. For Paterno to be involved in a conspiracy he would have to have been actively involved in arranging for Sandusky to be able to rape children, or at the very least have agreed to be actively involved in such an act. Paterno is an amoral piece of slime who in any ethical universe would have to serve jail time but there is no evidence that he is guilty of conspiracy in this instance. I suppose one could technically consider the cover-up its own conspiracy, but there would have to be evidence that the people in possession of the information actively colluded to conceal information from the public, and I do not see any evidence that Paterno was involved in such a decision either.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Where exactly did I mischaracterise your words? You yourself said, "it is morally wrong to make claim that the actions of others are wrong," in the very post I quoted.


We have come to terms
You do understand the difference between a belief, and am actual indictment of character, right?

I believe it is wrong to judge others. Believing that is not in itself a judgment of anyone. Nor do I say that a person is wromg to do so, becaise they may have every reason to do so. I believe it is wrong for me to make such a judgment, as it is not my place.

There is a world of difference.

But since I'm not going to be home for days, and really don't feel like sitting around fuming and planning out further responses (I can already see it will be am exercise in futility, given the circumstances), I'm gonna drop it simply because arguing further just seems like wasted effort.

Also on topic: I've had a moderately good day, and it's now been marred by frustration, incredulity, and sheer idiocy here at work.

Also, ice somehow lost my copy of the first PW game, which is rather anjoying because I've been wanting to replay them for a while now. Guess I'm starting with Justice for All. Sigh.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Just to geg in on this conversation here. I am failing to understand how seeing a grown man being sexually inappropriate with a child prompts the response 'gee, I better tell the baws' I don't even...It's not like it was a health and safety thing?! Tell the fucking police, thats what they are there for.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
You do understand the difference between a belief, and am actual indictment of character, right?

I believe it is wrong to judge others. Believing that is not in itself a judgment of anyone. Nor do I say that a person is wromg to do so, becaise they may have every reason to do so. I believe it is wrong for me to make such a judgment, as it is not my place.

There is a world of difference.
You did not make that distinction in your response. How the hell was I supposed to extrapolate all that from "it is morally wrong to make claim that the actions of others are wrong"? I can only reply to what you say.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
You did not make that distinction in your response. How the hell was I supposed to extrapolate all that from "it is morally wrong to make claim that the actions of others are wrong"? I can only reply to what you say.
to be fair, he did say he was on a phone


AI Researcher
Just to geg in on this conversation here. I am failing to understand how seeing a grown man being sexually inappropriate with a child prompts the response 'gee, I better tell the baws' I don't even...It's not like it was a health and safety thing?! Tell the fucking police, thats what they are there for.
I know here, if you were to say something to say a doctor that indicates you're a danger to yourself or others, they then have the responsibility to relay that information to the proper authorities. I assume school staff would be the same.

I've only just heard about this, but they obviously took this allegation seriously enough to tell him that he could no longer use the school facilities. Which just seems. Wow. "Just don't rape any kids on school grounds, please"?


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
oh man ikr? Do you pick your classes or are they set by a overall program? I'm at George Brown. See, I understood when it was all classes I picked (like at UofT) that somewhere down the line things might not line up. But I never understand when it's a program and I HAVE to take all these classes so there's someone coordinating all this crap and they think 'herp derp that's a lot of assignments that week... oh well'.


We're friends now by default.

I pick a few classes but I'm technically enrolled in the nursing program. The classes I get to pick are electives and I'm limited to specific ones I can take.

My program is devised by evil trolls that are not nurses but selfish money coddling pieces of fucking shit that try to torture the students in as many ways as possible. So yes, it's totally believable that they called all my professors and told them to all have presentations and papers due on the same motherfucking day (not just the same week, THE SAME DAY). Especially since I don't have a choice as to when I take my nursing classes, it couldn't have been coincidence that they put them all into one day, those asshats.

ANYWHO, I'm at York University actually. UofT is too competitive for my liking. So I didn't go there. :P

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Right, which is why I opened with "Let's see if I've got this straight." I was incredulous that anyone would actually believe what it looked like he said.
at the same time, he can't really respond to that fully because again, on phone. he gave you a short response thereafter and i can only assume that was due to the fact it is hard as fuck to come up with actual long responses on a goddamn phone


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
at the same time, he can't really respond to that fully because again, on phone. he gave you a short response thereafter and i can only assume that was due to the fact it is hard as fuck to come up with actual long responses on a goddamn phone

This was part of the reason I proposed that he wait until he get home to compose his response.
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