Things that piss you off

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Great Old One
True to both of your guy's comments.

Anyways, what's annoying to everyone is when your comic books get ruined. :<


Pro Adventurer
Sheens, Mooglet
Yeah, I hate when I lend books to people and the spines come back all marked and bent. Ugh.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I don't lend my comic books and graphic novels to anyone.



Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=Nocturne link=topic=597.msg25339#msg25339 date=1235951710]
Not knowing the truth pisses me off to no end.

Same. I even if it's terrible, I'd rather know the truth

*nods* Yup. I rather know a horrible truth and be hurt for a while, changing my life to deal with and live via that truth, then to live a lie. I don't want my life based upon a single lie. But, sometimes, there's nothing one can do about it - and that also pisses me off.


B ● A ● N ● A ● N ● A
[quote author=Nocturne link=topic=597.msg25297#msg25297 date=1235949952]
I absolutely hate anything monkey related
Even lemurs? :{


Pro Adventurer

They're your friends.


[quote author=Nocturne link=topic=597.msg25412#msg25412 date=1235964459]
Even lemurs. Monkeys are just freaky, evil animals.

I'm with you on this one. I just don't find anything remotely adorable about monkeys. I think they're ugly to be quite honest.

Any way, PETA also pisses me off. I'm all for animal protection and whatnot but they're always exaggerating.

I mean they have this campaign against horse drawn carriages saying it's cruel blah blah blah but seriously WTF?? Horses have been drawing carriages since God know swhen and now they're campaigning to stop it??? I don't get it.

And I want to have what those lemurs are smoking.


Watching Thee From The Moon
Just Nocturne will do
I agree about PETA.

They are truthfully ridiculous extremists. Most of the stuff they do are retarded and I honestly think they are on something half the time. Sea Kittens anyone?

Im for animal rights too. I wouldnt hurt an animal unless I was my life was being threatened. But if it comes to my survival or the worlds well being, or some gazelle surviving, I think you know what Im choosing.


Any way, PETA also pisses me off.

Animal rights is all good and well but I'm usually pissed off too when there's a couple of people giving more shits about some random animal's rights then their own follow men and often saying stuff like "humans are so cruel, animals are the better humans" etc.


[quote author=Emperor Joker link=topic=597.msg25438#msg25438 date=1235978551]
Maybe they're into bestiality?
And what made you think of that huh? :duhard:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Since MASTER HANDS in washington exhibited horse rights and banged horses I assume....


I'd love more time in the day to do things instead of feeling that I've always got to rush( which I do when I'm not on here.) That really annoys me.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I love animals and plants. I'm all for the fact that all life, not just humans, have rights and all are mutually exclusive.

Still, I eat meat. I have no problem eating meat. Same with plants. I try to remember to pray for the spirits of the animals and plants, for their lives were taken and they did suffer - but I hope that they will no longer do so in the other world, and all will be justified.

If we humans didn't have other artificial means to get what we need in most cases, I would have no problem following the ways of the Natives - no part of the animal is left to waste, and the animals' and plants' spirits are kept in mind, and thanked for their sacrifice. As I just said above.

Still there are people who think animals are useless, unless it's for human gain. Same with plants. I don't like that attitude, that's what pisses me off. Truly, no one needs a deer's head on their wall; truly, we're losing the need to produce so much paper with the rise of the internet and other computer programs. Other lives are alive not because we have a say so or are in charge; like us, as far as we know, they just live.

Live and let live, I say; unless we are truly being harmed by another species, we have no reason to be so vindictive and cruel.

I am also very much against animal testing for medicine. No, I don't like to be sick, but how is rubbing make up in a rabbit's eyes going to help me? Uhm, make up is not supposed to go in anyone's eyes - so why torture a rabbit? I'm not saying I can look into the eyes of a human (any age) with cancer and say 'you deserve to die,' but then again - I can't say that to any other living creature either. I just wish we'd list the chemicals and proportions poisonous and/or lethal to humans and then - not make products that use those substances!

While I may sound extreme, I really am not - though it's my opinion of myself. I just don't believe a lot of these things we do are necessary, and cause uncalled for pain and suffering all around - including to other human beings!

PETA is extreme, but they also do not understand that plants have been shown to 'react' and in their own way have feelings to different situations.

A plant may not be fully understood to humans, they may not have a mouth or a brain as we know it, but they are alive. Just 'cause an animal doesn't speak a human language or can do taxes, doesn't mean that animal is any 'less than'.

Stepping off my soapbox. :P I'm still tired, so sorry for rambling...


Pisses me off when people think animals are dumb. I'm sure animals would like to call us dumb if they had the chance.


Not having enough money is always going to piss people off. Of course it don't help when I get into town and spend, spend, spend! Lol
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