Things that piss you off

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Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
My laptop's registry being corrupted, apparently.

Although this isn't a bad thing per sé, as I, according to, get to do cool stuff like go into the Windows XP recovery console like in the old days to get back in touch with my inner nerd.
You can/should also frequently make backups of your registry which is in: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config

You can boot with another OS (from a Usb-stick for example) and replace the old files per hand. Of course only if the other things you tried didn`t work. :)

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
My fucking dvd drive won't read my Black Lagoon discs.

Also, Alex spontaneously combusting during our last horde round. Bad times.


Higher Further Faster
My aunt's husband being a total drunk fucktard during the estate sale at my grandpa's house and trying to send me all over the countryside trying to buy him the food he wants for dinner and then being so drunk that my aunt had to drive him home even though she never intended and she doesn't have the time because she's got shit to do!!!!
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
My fucking dvd drive won't read my Black Lagoon discs.

Also, Alex spontaneously combusting during our last horde round. Bad times.
that reminds me, i need your sexbox tag.

Downloading the entire darker than black epilogue and finding out its corrupted after 12 eps


You can/should also frequently make backups of your registry which is in: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config

You can boot with another OS (from a Usb-stick for example) and replace the old files per hand. Of course only if the other things you tried didn`t work. :)

That's what the Mike Rowe Soft knowledgebase said too, :monster:. I don't need to make backups of my registry btw, MS does that itself. There's also an emergency backup of sorts of registry. What I did:

Go into the recovery console
Make a backup of the stuff in system32/config
Copy the same stuff from c:\windows\repair ('backup' / 'emergency' registry)
Reboot. This allows Windows to boot up again.

Next step is to get into the System Volume Information folder - it's so hidden, you can't access it in DOS it seems :monster:. Scour that for a semi-recent backup, and copy those files to a publically viewable folder under the windows directory. Then go back into recovery console and do the copypasta thing.

I did that, but I think the backup was copypasta'd too. I should try again with an older backup.

@thread, my WoW subscription (I paid for a full month) expiring. The bad part is that I feel compelled to shell out for another month.

After that though, I should get Starcraft 2 and spam it. At least you only have to pay once for that one, :monster:.


fresh to death
You should! And make a toon on Shandris!!! :joy:

Speaking of WoW, I got this facebook message today

not sure if u remember me...well that is ofc if i have the right person ofc(u are/were hoshiko on outlands? :) )anyways i was the hunter known as ryuujin :)...thought i would say hi an see how things are with u...
hope all is well :)
take care


Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
That's what the Mike Rowe Soft knowledgebase said too, :monster:. I don't need to make backups of my registry btw, MS does that itself. There's also an emergency backup of sorts of registry. What I did:

Go into the recovery console
Make a backup of the stuff in system32/config
Copy the same stuff from c:\windows\repair ('backup' / 'emergency' registry)
Reboot. This allows Windows to boot up again.

Next step is to get into the System Volume Information folder - it's so hidden, you can't access it in DOS it seems :monster:. Scour that for a semi-recent backup, and copy those files to a publically viewable folder under the windows directory. Then go back into recovery console and do the copypasta thing.

I did that, but I think the backup was copypasta'd too. I should try again with an older backup.

@thread, my WoW subscription (I paid for a full month) expiring. The bad part is that I feel compelled to shell out for another month.

After that though, I should get Starcraft 2 and spam it. At least you only have to pay once for that one, :monster:.

1. I don`t know this guy. so :monster:

2. Windows does backups, but it`s not very reliable.

There were cases where it was corrupted/broken too. (c:\windows\repair, I mean)

3. Like I said before "if the other things you tried didn`t work" then you can try what I suggested. Making backups yourself is much more reliable. The success rate is much higher.

4. A full backup is best of course.

Btw, do you know the tools Unlocker(Files and Folder are more accessable) and Testdisk(A great tool for reading/restoring/reparing of partitions/MBR)

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Hell, you coulda just said mako, it's not like you need a reason for him to piss you off, he just does.


Btw, do you know the tools Unlocker(Files and Folder are more accessable) and Testdisk(A great tool for reading/restoring/reparing of partitions/MBR)

Unlocker is quite likely one of the most useful and frequently used tools I have at work. Google Desktop, Firefox and Tortoise SVN frequently make a file in my project's build directory undeletable, which makes the build fail, which causes FRUST!. Unlocker fixes it.

But does it work properly with a registry file while it's being used? :monster:.

Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
Cthulhu said:
But does it work properly with a registry file while it's being used?
I wouldn`t even try that!
But it can give you access to the registry backups of the system recovery files in the System Volume Information folder. (damn long sentence :awesome:)

imma the real batman said:
What the hell is wrong with everyone's skype.
IDK what`s up, but if it`s the programm itself then:
2.registry clean
3.install again.


AI Researcher
The fact that even shitty sales jobs want experience and there being so few jobs near by pisses me off. Little point have a job if a big part of my pay will go towards travelling there and back :sadpanda:


We have come to terms
Tbh, Mako's incessant faggotry always pisses me off somewhat. I just figured it pissed everyone else, too, and it was one of those things that just goes without saying.

Still have to work tomorrow...eleventh day in a row. Thankfully, it will be a half day, and then my three and a half day weekend can start.
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