

Pro Adventurer
Oh shut up, people. I loved the first movie, and the next movie looks good too! And I was afraid they wouldn't have Portman in this one, but luckily they do. The love story shall be continued! :awesome:


Higher Further Faster
I thought the first one was really good.

But then, I went into it expecting it to suck, so maybe I just had lower expectations?

It's fun, though.

idk I am just looking forward to Christopher Eccleston. :)


Chloe Frazer
I thought the first one was ok, there was nothing really special about it aside from Tom's fantastic portrayal of Loki. This trailer wasn't doing much for me either up till again Loki showed up.


Higher Further Faster
Eh, I'm willing to give anything with Chris Hemsworth in it a try. Very good eye candy right there if you know what I mean. ;)


Pro Adventurer
i really liked the family angle of the first film- thor's arrogance and odin's discipline and loki's issue

but the thor x jane romance never really got into me, i just find it very unlikely that a god living for a thousand years will have his life changed by a woman he met in the day, and jane's not extraordinary either

sorry i really loved the aspects of thor except the jane angle, and i really don't feel natalie portman it's just me


but the thor x jane romance never really got into me, i just find it very unlikely that a god living for a thousand years will have his life changed by a woman he met in the day, and jane's not extraordinary either

This is pretty much the issue I had with the movie. He literally changes in only three days because of Natalie Portman. Even though Kat Dennings is much hotter


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
So no one liked Darcy? She was one of the highlights for me in the first film as well as Thor's hair and Loki's swag. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I think I like the fact that Jane is more like a normal girl and not that extraordinary. Maybe because it's easier to identify with her that way. And anyway, if Thor would have wanted an extraordinary woman, he would have probably found one from Asgard. But then again, those women probably aren't so special for Thor. So maybe Jane is in a way extraordinary for Thor. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer

It's not the extraordinary in terms of abilities I'm looking for in Jane, I just can't see how she was able to influence him so much in such a short time. I would have loved it better if he was just starting to fall in love with her in the first movie, but it wasn't and the romance felt so rushed and irritating to me.

I really liked the idea of a Norse god falling in love with a normal woman, but I just don't like the way they executed the idea in Thor and I personally don't feel Portman.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I think it was that she was a prime example of the sort of shift in world view that he was experiencing (AND that ultimately allowed him to regain his power). She's passionately dedicated to her work even when faced with having everything she cares about (her research) taken from her. He knows that passion and what it's like having it ripped away from you right when you were on the verge of something great. That's the same situation that he's facing when he attempts to get her notebook and Mjolnir back when he raids the camp.

When that fails, he's still used to thinking of humans as just 'mere mortals' but he's left with nothing, and that makes him look to the only thing that he's got which is them. Not only id they not treat him like the crazy hobo that he almost certainly was, they're still helping him and being hospitable to him when he's lost everything else, and that means a lot.

He decides that if that's his fate, he's going to face it for them, even if it means dying as a mortal. It's the experiences that they share that ultimately allows him to regain his power, which is a big character and emotional development for both of them.

(Plus, some romantic things just click but that believability is pretty much contained in whether or not you're buying their chemistry, which apparently some folks do and others don't).

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
I don't get it. Please explain.



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Pro Adventurer
Wasnt sure if making a new thread for the sequel would have been more appropriate but...

Heres a new poster :)



Here, have some random dudes in random poses splattered over a random poster that says nothing whatsoever about the movie, other than that it'll have a hot dude and a subservient, shorter-than-she-is-in-real-life chick that wants said dude's cock. Oh and some meteors to give some color to the poster.

Not impressed, :monster:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
It looks like the Iron Man 3 poster recycled. I am bemused by this. Is this going to be the same with Winter Soldier? this time with Captain America hugging Black Widow? with Winter Soldier in the foreground?

Jeesas, they're losing steam this Marvel people.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
but look at him though

Sorry, I was distracted by the mischievous adopted brother in the background :monster:

It looks like the Iron Man 3 poster recycled. I am bemused by this. Is this going to be the same with Winter Soldier? this time with Captain America hugging Black Widow? with Winter Soldier in the foreground?

Jeesas, they're losing steam this Marvel people.

Actually, some people are guessing that it's going to be the Black Widow on the though-guy pose and Cap clinging to her. I like the idea :monster:


lollerskates, unoriginal poster design is unoriginal, :monster:. I like the Cap one. Little bitch, :awesome:
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