Naw, I dont hold any real attachment to my avatar. Just guy with generic brown hair and glasses is fine.Would you like your avatar in the portrait to reflect the avatar you have on the forum as of the time of this exchange?
>If not, please send me a photo of the image you’d like portrayed in your portrait avatar (it can be an image of yourself, a favourite character, a pet etc etc).
Inter, if Interslicery is too long for some reason.Do you want a name other than your current username hovering over your avatar?
I'm old, and tall. So old age for me, it is.Do you have any preferences for the age you’re portrayed as?
>If not, you’ll be portrayed as whatever group you belong in.
Generally content is fine. My face is usually pretty blank.Do you have any preference as for the type of expression/attitude/pose your avatar is sporting? (default is neutral/looking generally content).
Maybe wearing some kindof Tron suit (Tron Legacy, not the original), with a glowing sword or something. Electric blue. I've always loved the Tron aesthetic, and it kinda fits my name.Do you have any other specifications you’d like to include (certain clothes, certain colours, SMALL accessories, etc)?
I'm not sure how Cthulhu is gonna fit in at this point LOL maybe I'll have people spaced out around him whilst his glowing red eyes are front in centre. There's a 'stand in' Cthulhu for the time being.
I wouldn't want to impose myself as some kind of eldritch god-king looming over the whole lot
(we all know that's Lex <_< <3 )
Fancy you are just the best
Of course it only makes sense for Cookie Monster to loom ever larger
Fancy don't you think it's about time you added yourself to this portrait. That may have sounded like a question but it was actually a demand. A staff demand. This comes all the way from the top.