DLPB said:
Yes he does. he does it right bfore this scene. he talks to you whilst also injuring
tseng. he also shows double of himself in the animations all the way through this scene.
There are quite clearly TWO sephiroths that fly off.
I may not be remembering the scene correctly so maybe you can provide me with a YouTube vid
if you have one, but if I recall, the image of him injuring Tseng is a
You're talking about when we see Tseng invite Elena to dinner, right? That obviously
happened before the crew got there, because Tseng was already sitting outside the temple
when they arrived, wounded.
As for Sephiroth blinking and appearing in doubles and whatnot, I thought that was just a
visual effect. Why would he/Jenova double himself/herself just to have both copies do the
exact same thing? It's not like one couldn't have overpowered Tseng alone.
DLPB said:
Her translation is by far better than the original overall. I know, because I have
gone through it all. Every bit.
Yes but if you don't know Japanese and don't have the original Japanese to compare it to
anyway—and neither do I, on both counts—then you can't actually tell if her
translation is better. You can only judge how much better it sounds in English, not
its accuracy.
ForceStealer said:
I guess you'd just put Yuffie and Vincent into the final scene
regardless of whether the player actually got them?
I would, but that's neither here nor there.

Fuck the people who didn't get
Vincent and Yuffie.
DLPB said:
Back at qhimms it is common knowledge that the translation is poor and NEVER, on 5 forums, have I come across anyone arguing in favour of the flunkies line. It is obviously wrong.
You use this "I have 5 forums agreeing with me" bit a few times to support your argument that you and Cathy are absolutely right and we are all incorrect and subjective fangirls/fanboys. Would you mind supporting your argument by linking us to these 5 other forums—specifically to where the residents of these forums have agreed on the point you're trying to make here? And if you could further prove that it isn't the same people on 5 different forums, that would be great too, but I wouldn't expect it.
Otherwise we have no choice but to assume you're exaggerating for the purpose of beefing up your argument. =)
DLPB said:
1. Flunky is not a well known word in britain or ANYWHERE that I know of. maybe america....but that is all. Since this is an english game it should use a word that is well known. Flunky is NOT.
As long as we're splitting hairs, it's not an English game; it's a NA game. NA as in North America. What's on North America? The US, Canada, and Mexico. England/Britain is in Europe.
DLPB said:
1. A person of slavish or unquestioning obedience; a lackey.
2. One who does menial or trivial work; a drudge.
3. A liveried manservant.
None of these suggest a black robed person.
Did you expect to find "4. a black robed person" in the dictionary definition of "flunky"?? All of those definitions
do suggest the black robed people in FF7.
Ryushikaze said:
While we're tossing out credentials here, monkey, I am ALSO a university graduate, have known of the word flunky since before I was ten, and have not met a single person who understood english who didn't understand what a flunky was.
I'm a community college drop out and have known the word "flunky" for as long as I can recall.
And what the hell does any of this have to do with Italy? You keep bringing up Italian.
DLPB said:
oh and final word on this, flunky is a poor choice of word.
That's not your final word. That's the same thing you've been trying to assert all along. Saying it's the "final word" won't make it any more correct; it just says that you're stubborn and refuse to open yourself to anyone else's logic on the matter.
DLPB said:
But that doesnt matter, since I am translating this game, I will do as I see fit
QED. And do you speak Japanese? No, you do not, which I know because you're relying on other Japanese translators. So again, I ask, how can you assert with the certainty of a ten megaton nuke that what you think it says in a language you don't actually understand is correct? You're relying on other people. You can't argue that what they're telling you is correct unless you learn it yourself. You can only argue what you know.
McChanny said:
It just sounds like she's mistranslating a lot of names, Claude, Shiera, Midgard (tentative though) Setra.. and that's just from looking at these pages, I haven't seen a lot of the videos.
They're not
really mistranslations. Just poor choices.
Cloud's name is Japanese is Kuraudo, the syllables ku-ra-u-do. When you say it fast it sounds like "Cloud," but the Japanese write foreign words in what, to us, is a limited selection of syllables. They don't do consonants next to each other, because their alphabet consists of sounds and not letters. There is no "k," just "ka," "ke," "ki," "ko," and "ku," and they use the one ending in u to mush with the next sound when they're trying to imitate our "two consonants together" thing because they don't pronounce the u as strongly. And O ends up at the end of words, because the only consonant they ever end syllables in is N. Thus kuraudo sounds more like kraud. But when we say Claude, even though it's the letters AU, we say
clawd. We say Cloud like
clowd. And the Japanese pronounce that U like
ooo. So it's
ah-ooo. not
And seriously, after I read your posts I see this blind spot where text used to be when my eyes look away. D: Can't you change that font?
Out of time to read the rest of this thread. Work time.