Well, to be fair, no translation is ever 100% reliable. But if the official translation is 60% reliable and a fan retranslation can bump it to 80%, why not go for it? I want to get what I paid for, not a sub par translation because of 'official lovin'' nonsense. However FF7 isn't really in dire need of a retranslation, but still, if someone does it right, then more power to them.
I agree to the first sentence.

But my point is that fan translations can't be more reliable than the official; simply because it's not official. Official is still a notch higher in the reliability scale because it's from the makers themselves, no matter how shitty they translated their own game. I mentioned narrative intent and localization right? I'm sure that these games were not only translated in English, but also made to be more coherent to the target audience. When I said what's for the Japanese are for the Japanese, it's the same as what's for the English-speakers is for the English-speakers.
You don't pay for fan translation, by the way.

And this isn't the whole point of the thread. I don't care if every other game gets a retranslation project right now, because I'm concerned about the retranslating of FFVII, as it's what the topic is about. I still say it's a waste of time, unless they're just going to correct all the awkwardness in the current translated script available. Because the only translation problem I see is there.
I'm saying it's a waste of time retranslating, but if they want to do it, then I don't care. They can throw in all that effort and be viable for getting sued. Intellectual Property, anyone?
And Chrono Trigger didn't have an awful translation, everything seems more or less coherent, until you realize that the original SNES version outright left out a lot of plot elements that nobody knew about until Chronocompendium.net started translating the original Japanese version. The DS version is much better, though.
Well, I never knew that.

I only played the DS version, which is awesome.
If that's the case, then, like I said, it's okay. But in the end, it's still a fan viewpoint of the game being translated, sharing for fans; the narrative content might have been different in the original, and some things may have been misinterpreted or interpreted differently from what was originally intended. This was remedied by an official retranslation anyway. I think the makers themselves are working on their own shitty localizations.
I'll say it again in case anyone missed it: Let's just wait for the remake.

We know it's happening.