What games are you currently playing?


Double Growth
Finally getting around to finishing Mark of the Ninja. It was fun from when I first started, but it's a lot longer than I was expecting it to be. Pretty good for the $2.50 I paid for it.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind

Finally got my way up to Dual Enchantments! Time to Iron Man this shit.

-Dragon Boots with Sneak Boost and Ice Resistance

-Fur Armor with Magic Restoration and Shock Resistance, Necklace with Magic Restoration and Magic Resistance

-Dragon Gauntlets with Punch Boost and Fire Resistance, Ring with Punch Boost and Magic Resistance

-Dew Rag with Magic Restoration and Healing Cost Reduction

The Ultimate Monk! Stamping out that magic nonsense.


Pro Adventurer
I finally got around to purchasing Dragonborn DLC for skyrim the other day.
I beat the main quest rather quickly, which was really disappointing :<

Though its entirely my fault, I have max rating nightangale armor (tis sexaay armor) and max enchanced dual swords on a level 81 altmer , so even playing on master difficulty everything gets 1HKO by me and the only thing that managed to deal a reasonable amount of damage to me was the final boss :<

I may make a new file and avoid maxing out armor and level x.x

lol Captain Highwind, you can do that to giants without slow time xD
Just make a Khajit, get Daedra gauntlets and max them out, empower the unarmed damage perk and heavy armor skill tree. You will end up with a character whos fists hit as hard as Daedric dagger crits :P


Double Growth
I really enjoyed Dragonborn.

Last night I got that Prince of Persia midquel that came out when the movie did. It was $2.50 on steam, it's tough to turn that down.

Also I wanna get around to finishing Torchlight II


Still playing Metal Gear Rising. :monster:

Game is so much fun, but goddamn the VR missions are making me ragequit. :lol:


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
^ I've been rage quitting Faster than light.

It's good but frustratingly random. I seem to be getting further each time though.
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Chloe Frazer
Started playing Tomb Raider today, those evil laughs you might be hearing right now that's Marcus and Ami.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Started playing Tomb Raider today, those evil laughs you might be hearing right now that's Marcus and Ami.
First of all, huzzah! You'll love it.

Second? More like a cough, ugh. :(


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Playing some Uncharted 3 with Lex and Carlie. :monster:


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Suikoden V

Running from Raftfleet to Rainwall to Estrise makin' trades to increase my potch. Poooootch! <333


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Right now I'm doing the same mission over and over so I can get my Lancers up to lv 50 so I can finally play as Largo (one of my mains in the series), then I'll do the same to unlock the other characters from VC1.

Not caring for all the character skits, but I will say they're animated surprisingly well for floating avatars. But I like that it has ties to the first game, and wasn't just some random high school that came to be, generations later.

Also VC3 needs to come over already ahhhh why does sega think it won't sell?!


Because VC 2 sold poorly. Might be something to do with the fact that none of them were even remotely marketed to us though, something they don't seem to get.


Pro Adventurer
I'm about 30 hours into Ni no Kuni.... not a flawless game, but perfect. Traveling the world map kinda reminds me of FFVII.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
^I need to re-rent that. I reckon when the baby is like....10 I'll be able to play it properly. :monster:

Currently playing Luigi's Mansion 2 on the DS, so far I love it (loved the first one too) but the controls are fiddly....can't help feeling it would be better on a big screen, like you could have this 'unit' thing that runs the game attached to the TV, with some sort of remote...controller type thing. Y'know what I mean?

Having said that if it was on the Wii/U it would be no good to me, I'd have to stop every 5 mins because of the baby. At least on the DS I can play it in bed, or on the toilet etc It's ideal for playing in snatches (The DS that is)

Minor gripe there doesnt seem to be a save anywhere option on LM2, it autosaves but I have no way of telling when, I think you have to complete a mission in order to save it. Bit annoying.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I'm tempted to go through the first Mass Effect game, but then I've got Tomb Raider to sweep up and it'll feel like I'm cheating on her. Decisions, decisions. :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Zelda II. I already beat it and now I am just wandering around fighting random battles due to absolute boredom and lack of anything better to do with my time. I still haven't figure out how you're supposed to beat Dark Link without abusing the corner glitch, though.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Finish Tomb Raider first then play Mass Effect unhindered :monster:
But now I'm playing AMY. It's only a couple of hours long and I need a break from both. :puppy:
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