Yeah I'm getting back into War of the Lions concurrently along with Bioshock Infinite. Infinite is one of those games I'm actively limiting my time playing; the pacing feels slow and often quite disjointed, the dialogue seems incredibly prosaic (excepting Booker and Elizabeth, I guess), not to mention always partly cryptic and quite obviously foreshadowing things in order to be clever later on.
I love Bioshock Infinite, but despite all the okay action and the brilliant setting the game feels like a marathon to play through. I'm sure there's something quite profound within the story, but a couple of hours in I've yet to feel it. Elizabeth is probably the best thing about the game so far; she has all the animation and personality of a Pixar character (cartooned expression does wonders for the aesthetic). I don't care much for Booker. (And yeah, I know the twist. I'm wondering how well they execute it. Opinions seem to vary on the Internet about that aspect.)