What games are you currently playing?


Save your valediction (she/her)
The Elder Scrolls Online has had me going for a number of years now.

ESO! The game that keeps getting better. The new expansion is gonna be in western Skyrim — finally! Solitude! Having played for 2 years now, it’s really amazing to feel like I have a second (and third and fourth) life in a living Tamriel. Like, Gwynn, my main, settled down in Vivec City and made a literal fortune with her crafting business. Via the bank, she facilitates the adventures of my other characters. I’ve got a khajiit burglar in southern Hammerfell, a Breton warrior on the front lines in Cyrodiil, a dunmer Psijic monk who rarely leaves Artaeum, and an Argonian assassin, who goes wherever his bounty is lowest. I have a couple of irl friends who have character rosters of their own, and we slow-run dungeons and role play the hell out of the game. SO GOOD. I have my nitpicks with ESO, of course, mostly with strangers, but that’s the nature of MMOs. Solid game. Do you play on PC/Mac or console? If you’re on PC come by my office in St. Delyn’s canton!

In other news, I’m cleaning up the World Map of Horizon before doing that final dungeon. I spend about as much time in photo mode as I do actually playing. By the sun! It’s beautiful.


Eyes of the Lord
Finished Uncharted 4.

Playing Uncharted 4 was an exercise in how repetitive & formulaic one can be (did you like the first game? hope you do because, we are doing that again for the third time but prettier) while still being an enjoyable experience (sharper character writing, polished gunplay,pretty enviroments and more open level design) hardcore fans will surely take more enjoyment than I did.

Unchated 4 feels like a game running on fumes, as the forth entry it doesn't offer anything new outside of refined & polished mechaniques and better writing, nearly every moment feels like being there done there, which also makes the game feel like dragging on for far too long (the game around 6 hours longer than its predecesors didn't help). The most enjoyable part ofthe game for me was whenever there was some downtime in-between the action sequences and set pieces, and after indulgent U2 and U3 set pieces, it was a nice change of paces that they dial down to something close to U1 (with the only sequence resembling the later two games being the Madagascar chase sequence).

It's a fine, if unimpressive, conclusion to Nathan Drake's story.


I would hardly call it one of PS4 best exclusive or one of the best games of 2016.


Pro Adventurer
After impulse buying Star Wars Battlefront II just to have a couch co-op game to play over Christmas, I've been playing it online for the last month and a half. I'm really digging it, especially for the sale price I paid. There's a ton to like if you're a casual Star Wars fan like me, and the online provides a ton of variety based on what game mode you want and what playstyle you like. They're still updating it too, but some of those updates come with a fair amount of bugs.

I will forever suck at lightsaber duels though.

Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
I've been playing the Outer Worlds. It's pretty good - I really enjoyed the world building elements and the satirical humor, a good rpg overall. You definitely feel the Obsidian touch in the writing. It's not "excellent" or "mindblowing" on most levels - graphics are very colorful but not very sharp, the open world areas are not very big, the game doesn't go very deep in your interactions with your party members or other NPCs - but it does a decent job all around nevertheless. Playing this game, I had the feeling that the developers were on a budget and didn't want to bite more than they could chew.

It's not the best game, it's a Spacer's game!


I've been playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf as a way to distract me from obsessing too much over Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The release of AC: NH is only 23 days away, so I won't have to wait too long. :moar:


Pro Adventurer
Finished Uncharted 4.

Playing Uncharted 4 was an exercise in how repetitive & formulaic one can be (did you like the first game? hope you do because, we are doing that again for the third time but prettier) while still being an enjoyable experience (sharper character writing, polished gunplay,pretty enviroments and more open level design) hardcore fans will surely take more enjoyment than I did.

Unchated 4 feels like a game running on fumes, as the forth entry it doesn't offer anything new outside of refined & polished mechaniques and better writing, nearly every moment feels like being there done there, which also makes the game feel like dragging on for far too long (the game around 6 hours longer than its predecesors didn't help). The most enjoyable part ofthe game for me was whenever there was some downtime in-between the action sequences and set pieces, and after indulgent U2 and U3 set pieces, it was a nice change of paces that they dial down to something close to U1 (with the only sequence resembling the later two games being the Madagascar chase sequence).

It's a fine, if unimpressive, conclusion to Nathan Drake's story.


I would hardly call it one of PS4 best exclusive or one of the best games of 2016.
Damn, I actually loved Uncharted 4. It's my 2nd favorite out of the 5


Pro Adventurer
I was late to Ni No Kuni, but just finished that game. Really enjoyed it. I put two and two together on a couple of the twists, but still it. Pea was my favorite character. Does anyone recommend the 2nd one? I know it's not a sequel


Pro Adventurer
I have no idea what Pacific survival is, but I do know Minecraft, and I approve this message
If you put it on pacific dificulty mobs don't spawn, it has reduced damage and you don't suffer hunger, but you still need to worry about shit like lava and high places when you mine. I tend to play it that way because I like resource gathering, but I hate the new combat.


Pro Adventurer
I recently ended up subscribing to realms so that my sister and I could play minecraft together again. We couldn't for a long time because my previous laptop was too old to run the game. She's currently off building a large village somewhere whilst I, like you, am attempting to build a castle. Gave up on doing it on survival though because I'm lazy :mon:

I do wish they had a difficulty where mobs don't spawn but hunger still goes down. Kinda like having to grow and farm stuff but there's no point if your hunger doesn't deplete.
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Pro Adventurer
I've played modpacks for minecraft that had an updated hunger system but they were ridiculously difficult. Hunger going right down within one day and killing you, food hardly giving you anything and taking a lot longer to grow. It wasn't fun. There's probably one out there that's okay but I haven't found it yet. I'm hoping that one day I can figure out how to create a server with a selection of my favourite modpacks. There's a weather one my sister loves with tornadoes that blow in and destroy all your hard work, she says it makes it more interesting. I think I'll stick to the ones that add more crops and decorative blocks :P

Ghost X

Played Dead Of Winter, a semi-cooperative zombie-themed board game (apparently with interesting-sounding expansions, which I didn't play), where you have to complete a group task in a certain number of rounds, as well as your own secret task for a true win of sorts. The secret task of my fellow players were fairly harmless, where they had to horde certain items, but my secret task involved killing units. I had the mistaken impression that if I raised suspicions I was a traitor enough and got exiled, I'd not be able to win the game anyway, so that stunted opportunities. I had one real opportunity of succeeding in the last couple of rounds, as I had gained enough units where I could simply commit suicide, but the fear of exile had me settle for just getting the group task completed. I think it had potential of being a good game, but the normal difficulty seemed a bit easy, as we had won with rounds and morale to spare. 3/5 stars, but I'd be interested in playing it again either with the harder difficulty mode and/or with expansions, in which I think I'd give it a higher score.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
So... Tried Disco Elysium.

Awesome visuals. Fascinating gameplay mechanics. Engaging story.



Bleak, nihilist, post-war world in the near future, depressing setting with rampant racism, looming economic crisis and what appears to be a world on the verge of societal collapse.


Uninstall .__. (maybe another year, when real life it's not so shitty and we can look back and laugh at all this crap sourrounding us)

Reinstalling, for the nth time, Skyrim. I miss wandering aimlessly through Whiterun's lands, pretending it's Rohan.

Erotic Materia



Pro Adventurer
Playing Nioh 2. Loving it so far, my only knock is the story seems worse than the first, but that's a low and irrelevant bar for these games haha.
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