What games are you currently playing?


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Pokemon Conquest

Took the land of Terrera without any real difficulties. And got every single last warrior onto my side. YUKIMURA! :D

Pokemon White

Rode into town about ten ay-em. Folks told me of a monster just outsida town that came in the night and took away people and Pokemon. Once my posse were rested, I rode out looking for that varmint. By one pee-em, we'd ploughed through a whole mess of Pokemon, none of which matched the description.

Then we saw it. Kyurem. Five minutes later, Ganon - my Emboar - was stood over its steaming carcass. I captured that sunvabitch.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Finished the singleplayer component of Modern Warfare 3.

It's good, I guess, but still doesn't beat the magic of the first game. The story/pacing doesn't ever really let up, and I'm still hard-pressed to find anything memorable about 2 or 3.

I mean, why would I feel excited or awed about the Eiffel Tower collapsing when I experienced a bajillion other equally grand/impressive buildings collapsing over my head in the hour before that? It says a lot about the titles when I expect all these exciting things to happen and never really feel it past the moment. Now the nuke going off in the first game - that was something else entirely.
You can crank something up to eleven and get me excited about it, but keep it at eleven for the whole of the next instalment and I'll be merely satisfied.


GT5, I guess, :monster:.

The game is wholly unremarkable; if you've played 4, you know what 5 is - they changed nothing whatsoever to the game, formula, gameplay, etc. Graphics are underwhelming; they're nice, but they're clean and imho unimpressive.

But it also has the same appeal as the previous games, so woot :monster:.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I just beat Earthbound the other day, and yesterday I started playing Mother 1. I just got Lloyd and am now leveling him up.
EDIT: Gave up on Mother 1 after finding out how hard the Duncan Factory is. Started Mother 3 instead. I'll probably go back to Mother 1 after beating Mother 3, though.
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sunglasses at night
World of Warcraft meets Kung Fu Panda,... Zzz expansion! Atleast I got levelling out of the way in a couple days!


Hopefully later finally playing a bit more of Mass Effect 2, to finish up getting the trophies. Long time coming.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Just finished STALKER Call of Pripyat with the 'Complete' mod.
Pretty damn good. :monster:

Tis' the most stable and bug free of the stalker games, but the story line was a bit flat. It's worth playing, there's nothing quite like a stalker game, but the first one is still the best. Downloading a 1.3 GB mod called 'reloaded' now.

Also Anno2070 as its expansion comes out next week. :D

Ghost X

King's Bounty: Legions

Been playing this for a few days. Began all right. Seemed to be progressing quickly, and the difficulty level seemed to be adjusting quite nicely to my said progression, but then I hit a brick wall.

Enemies are suddenly incredibly strong, and you only get large amounts of money to level up your units n' such if you do quest missions. Grinding for a decent amount of funds looks like it would take days if not weeks, mostly because your units are generally injured during missions and you have to spent loads of money and stamina to heal them.

I guess I should expect this from an F2P game *sadface*. I'll give it another couple of days, and give up if I don't progress :wacky:.


FFXIII, :awesome:.

* Some plot things early on are weird.
Omg we r teh heroes!1 self-proclamation, etc. Also, hello, I'm Hope's mom, I'm going to abandon him bluntly in favor of killing people and watch him as I die a meaningless death because OMG MOMS ARE TOUGH AND I AM A MOM despite looking like a teenager but LOL.

* Combat system is okayish; I'm assuming you're always limited to only controlling one character? So far it's not very deep, you can attack and do some special ability, but that's about it. Guessing it'll get better from where I'm at. It's kinda confusing to follow what's happening due to characters moving around, but maybe I'm just getting old, :monster:.

* Definitely a FF game, not much surprises :monster:. In fact, lots of similarities with VII, which I'm sure everyone else already noticed;
ex-Soldier, rebels versus government, weird alien thing with tentacles and a nameplate, similar character classes, etc

* It's kinda linear, but I knew that :monster:. But more linear as like 'Here is a path, walk down it', with so far only one really 'open' area, and it was a small one where all you get from not going directly to the end point are some battles and a cheap item.

Buuut so far it's enjoyable, so :monster:.
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