What games are you currently playing?


Pro Adventurer
Finally finished FFX-2 today. It's my fourth FF game that I have played all the way to the end. I have to say that I enjoyed it a lot. Though the story is not super good and it has some annoyingly stereotypic girly moments plus some a bit too revealing clothes, the game itself was enjoyable and it has lot of things you can do in it. I really got hooked in leveling the dresspheres. I have to say that I was a bit disappointed though that the last battles were surprisingly easy to me. I don't know if I was overleveled or what but I didn't die even once in the Farplanes.

Next I should probably finish FFVI, but because of the song competition that's going on at the moment I really feel like playing FFVIII.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
The Last of Us.

I'm trying to get those stupid online silver trophies on the PS3. It's fucking torture.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Pokemon Omega Ruby, grinding to evolve and get some baby mons that I thought I hit the dead end of lel. Anyone has horsea? Must be female and named Elsa.


Pro Adventurer
I guess I got the good ending? I mean, I did defeat the final boss. The stupid thing is that I didn't realize to press x to get an extra scene at the end. I might do the final boss again to see it though. ^_^


Pro Adventurer
Next I should probably finish FFVI, but because of the song competition that's going on at the moment I really feel like playing FFVIII.
It's funny how the event has made different people want to play different games. I've been itching to play IX again.

I've also been meaning to stream VII for a long time, since the community playthrough. It would be fun to get a few people to chat with me while I play, read out Twitch comments, discuss the remake, and so on. If anyone reading this is interested, drop me a line!


I'll absolutely join in with you Flint, in whatever capacity you like. A good ol' VII stream is awesome for the site because it always attracts people.


Pro Adventurer
Oh damn. Then I really have to do it again. Luckily the final bosses were not that difficult to beat so it shouldn't take too much time. :)


Double Growth
Ugh. Too freaking many. After Tales of Xillia blew my mind I got a little excited and now have too many Tales games to play. Xillia with the other protagonist, Abyss for 3DS, Symphonia rerelease on PS3, and the new Zestiria. As well as the excellent Rebel Galaxy and the new FFXIV stuff...

Then I have to start and play through Fire Emblem on 3DS. And in Japan I picked up a fun Gundam fighting game for PS3. (And I haven't touched them lately, but I still have KH2 HD and Dream Drop Distance going...)

So, yeah, not gonna be getting Fallout any time soon. Dunno how I'm gonna get through all this. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
So, yeah, not gonna be getting Fallout any time soon. Dunno how I'm gonna get through all this. :monster:

Play all night every night and get only two hours of sleep? :monster:

So I take it Tales of Xillia was good? I like some of the Tales games and want to know which one I should maybe play next.


Double Growth
Xillia and its sequel are the only two Tales games I've properly played, so I dunno if that changes anything, but I loved them. Probably my favorite JRPG in recent memory. Defied my expectations at every turn.


Pro Adventurer
Symphonia (on PS3) is fun to play with a friend but I don't think I'd have enjoyed it much on my own. The story feels very predictable and immature, if I can describe a plot like that, especially compared to Final Fantasy games.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
I played Symphonia (only Tales game I've played) lately, and with the help of Tvtropes I realised that there was actually a lot going on under the surface, even if many of the characters had pretty stock moulds.


Everything the protagonists did had serious knock on consequences,


Pro Adventurer
Symphonia (on PS3) is fun to play with a friend but I don't think I'd have enjoyed it much on my own. The story feels very predictable and immature, if I can describe a plot like that, especially compared to Final Fantasy games.

I played Symphonia with a second cousin and my sis all the way through once, and it was loads of fun; the teamwork he had to have in battle was the biggest highlight. I did enjoy the game on it's own, and particularly liked the story when I was younger. I played it again this year and still enjoy the story, though being more mature now I see some predictable moments in the game and can see where new players would find it immature.


Everything the protagonists did had serious knock on consequences,

^This right here is one of my favorite parts of the game.
I liked how things were never easy, how there were always consequences to their actions, no matter how noble they seemed at the time, and that most of the time the consequences had bad affects, that is of course until they save the worlds in the end. Saving the two worlds at the end of course seems like a common trope and somewhat immature, but the 'consequences of their actions' part I thought was very nicely done. And I'll not lie that I enjoyed Kratos being Lloyd's father; it might also seem like a trope/overly done plot point, but I enjoyed it. :monster:

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
If you play the sequel

Even saving both worlds has consequences, the Tethe'Allans start pushing around the Sylvaranti, so it basically causes a mini-war. And the mana levels get messed up, so lakes start drying up and deserts get covered in snow etc.

Solving that also causes problems in the long run. Which doesn't make saving the world not worthwhile.

One thing Symphonia has on FF10 is that
the gang doesn't intentionally destroy the only existing way of addressing the threat to the world while not coming up with any other plan.

So does it matter which one I play next, continuity wise?


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
I'm hoping to wrap up my playthough of Final Fantasy II for the Retrospective series tonight. Afterwards, I'll be starting a playthrough of Final Fantasy III for the Retrospective series. I've also been playing Madden NFL 16 when I have the time. I need to get back to Batman Arkham Knight but I just don't have the time right now.


currently playing the game of life

the graphics are alright but I feel the plot takes too many dips and is fairly slow, really hoping for that grand twist

then there's the gameplay, good god is that sluggish

1/10 would not play again


Pro Adventurer
So does it matter which one I play next, continuity wise?

You mean as far as the other Tales games go? Nope, they're all different, sort of like the main numbered FF games. The only tales games that are sequels will have the same name in the title, like Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia, Dawn of a New World. I think there's only a couple more with direct sequels, the rest are all different games.
I've only ever played Tales of the Abyss so far, other than Symphonia, and that one seems pretty good. Never got to finish it yet but I plan to. :monster:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Son of a bitch, Codsworth actually called my main character ' Mr. Bond '. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


B ● A ● N ● A ● N ● A
I'm currently playing through Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together for the PSP. I have it on my PSTV, so I'm playing it on my 65" TV. :monster: It is awesome.


Couldn't decide between starting a new game of FFVII or FFVI, so I'm alternating instead. One game one day, the other the next :monster:

Also, tomorrow, going to dish out my old hacked version of Guitar Hero with all custom-created songs
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