Spend the day with my nephew, niece, mom and sister. On our way hme I finally had Pizza-Cones. COMPLETELY GRATIOUS! Ate Pretzels, and a Strawberry & Cream frappucino. Ate too much ! And I Loved it
Though I slept two hours in the car. Still it was amazing <3 Then coming home and watching Tangled in Blu-Ray
Got a job interview monday. I'm feeling pretty optimistic about it. Got a lot of things on my side. My dad works in management at the place, the owner of the store knows me, I've worked there before so they know I can pull my own weight and I know how everything works. Think I got an actual chance here.
Also, that Occupy Wall Street protest was in Philly last week. It made me laugh to see them holding all their signs about corporate greed while walking in and out of Mcdonald's and working on their Apple computers.