What makes your day

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fresh to death
guess who just did an epic student move and threw up in the gateway of a primary school?



Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I had so many extra codes for this laying around I really should have just given them out or is this beta different from the preorder one?

Seems to be the same, except this one isn't locked down with confidentiality and testers are free to discuss everything about it on the intarwebs.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Pq tienes q hablar de pasteles? Yo q no puedo esperar q sea Jueves ya y saborearme los pasteles q mi abuela va hacer mas el pavo, el flan......... Ahi dios mio mira lo q has hecho me estoy volviendo loca.

Sabras que Mami los quemó y no me gustaron mucho . Hoy los va a reintentar... Aunque sinceramente no puedo esperar a que mi tia los haga. Siii!! Mi hermano esta montando un mega-party en la casa jajajajaja. Estoy loca por ir con mi puchingis de sobrina. Cada vez esta mas bella, y de verdad necesito un dia freee.

Also waking up a bit later than what I normally do, and had breakfast at subway with my mom. Yep my day was made.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
i had some crazy dream where me, rishi, kimble, and someone else from TLS who I can't remember for the life of me were at some karaoke bar and kimble was singing and me and rishi were cheering him on/discussing the fifth harry potter movie and we were like UNLEASH YOUR INNER JENNIFER HUDSON and kimble just went all gospel and there was a hockey game on the tv and it was the jets beating the habs 5-1 and i got up and ran outside in excitement because the bombers are going to the grey cup and the jets beat the habs and i had finished my astronomy assignment and kimble and rishi and other TLS person ran outside after me going nyan nyan nyan nyan

and then i woke up laughing


Waking up to sweet 'good morning' texts, knowing I only have to get through a few hours of work today before having two days off, and work giving me off the whole week before Christmas for no reason whatsoever.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
My job is having a Chinese food Thanksgiving lunch today XD


Harbinger O Great Justice
Occasionally, little, dumb things like this makes my day. I cannot stop watching this .gif image, because the trash can that Johnny Depp kicks bounces back and catches the bottle that flew out of it. It's hypnotizing.

(This is apparently from the second episode of Life's Too Short).


X :neo:


Great Old One
My PS2 Final Fantasy X finally arrived :D :D :D

(The cover was crust and therefore broken on the bottom, and it took 14 days instead of 6-8 for it to arrive (probably half of it was in the Norwegian customs anyway), but I don't give a damn as long as the actual disc works.)


Harbinger O Great Justice
The Google Doodle today lets you make a goddamn hand turkey.

I feel like an elementary school student again, and life is wonderful.

X :neo:
Signed up for classes. Sucks because I didn't realise we could already, so I missed a class online and now need to take it at 8am. Yuck. However with my favourite teacher so that's good at least.

The rest is great. Computers and Math online. Getting to take the Children's Lit class I desperately needed (to help me survive all the business boring crap that's not nearly as mentally stimulating). Rest of the classes are on Monday or Thursday so I still get my 3 days off during the week to work.

Overall, other than being a day late and missing that one online, I'm happy with it. :)


Harbinger O Great Justice
Signed up for classes. Sucks because I didn't realise we could already, so I missed a class online and now need to take it at 8am. Yuck. However with my favourite teacher so that's good at least.

The rest is great. Computers and Math online. Getting to take the Children's Lit class I desperately needed (to help me survive all the business boring crap that's not nearly as mentally stimulating). Rest of the classes are on Monday or Thursday so I still get my 3 days off during the week to work.

Overall, other than being a day late and missing that one online, I'm happy with it. :)

I just signed up for classes for the first time last night. ^_^

Since I'm just starting, I couldn't register until a week after everyone else, so I didn't get any of the 1010 classes I wanted (mostly Biology), but everything I did get seems interesting/something that I can pass fairly easily while getting used to starting school:

Computer Essentials
Anatomy of Argument
Intro. to Nanotechnology
Japanese 1

X :neo:
Oh, and presentation went alright. I think the teacher was pleased, because he didn't ask for us to clarify all that much, and I had this really good fight with a kid who just wasn't listening to me. I think the teacher knew that but since I could handle myself just let it go.


i had some crazy dream where me, rishi, kimble, and someone else from TLS who I can't remember for the life of me were at some karaoke bar and kimble was singing and me and rishi were cheering him on/discussing the fifth harry potter movie and we were like UNLEASH YOUR INNER JENNIFER HUDSON and kimble just went all gospel and there was a hockey game on the tv and it was the jets beating the habs 5-1 and i got up and ran outside in excitement because the bombers are going to the grey cup and the jets beat the habs and i had finished my astronomy assignment and kimble and rishi and other TLS person ran outside after me going nyan nyan nyan nyan

and then i woke up laughing

this is the most beautiful thing i have read all day


Pro Adventurer
Finding out that the Disney channel is going to be play Alice in Wonderland ( the 2d version ) during this weekend <3

Whoot, time to experience some awesome nostalgia ! :3


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Just being alive

I had the worst flight experience of my life today. It doesn't help that I'm a nervous flier but it REALLY doesn't help that Rob was also very concerned. We ended up flying through a storm, complete with thunder and lightning and the scariness of the cabin lights going on and off constantly. What WAS that?

The plane kept going up and down and side to side... and when it dropped, it dropped... I honestly thought the plane was going to crash at leas twice. I was holding onto Rob's hand so tight that I lost circulation in my hand... I even remember saying (just wanting to hear something comforting), "We're not gonna die, right?" and you know what he said? He said, "I really can't say...."

Okay guys, just a note here. When your SO who's afraid of flying says this to you on a flight when she's almost in tears and holding your hand so tight that you lose circulation, and you feel uncomfortable... LIE FFS! Say, "Oh it's fine, the pilots do this every day." I could have sworn I was this close | | to being able to haunt Ryu like I promised I would :awesomonster:

But no really, just grateful to be on the ground, be safe and have everyone in one piece. After this, I don't think I'll ever fly again....



Great Old One
We ended up flying through a storm, complete with thunder and lightning and the scariness of the cabin lights going on and off constantly. What WAS that?
Not to freak you out even more, but it might have been lightning hitting the plane. But don't worry, lightning is only dangerous when it hits objects on the ground. I've been in an airplane when lightning "hit", and the lights went on and off. It's not dangerous at all. (Of course the crew will never say to the passengers that they're being hit by lightning as it sounds quite scary.)

I'm not sure, of course. Might be some random thing they do with the equipment that makes power do some random thing when they're flying through storms.

Didn't you get any information from the crew at all? They should keep passengers updated IMO. "We're still in a storm but everything is being handled according to procedure". Or something. I've been in airplanes a lot, and I'm rarely freaked out, but what I hate is when the captain says something like "we'll be on the ground in about 10 minutes" and 10 minutes later we're still in the air. Like, update please? Why aren't we on the ground? Usually it's some random thing like they're circulating because there's a landing queue due to the weather, but still. UPDATE PLEASE! lol.

What makes my day: Sleeping in, and then having major coffee buzz. Life is awesome on a coffee buzz.
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