

Harbinger O Great Justice

In immortal words of Barret Wallace, "There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!"

X :neo:


Oh lord. I feel bad for the support guy/gal. I don't know why people actually try to drill that person with questions about the console policies. It's an account for technical support after all.


unsavory tart

In immortal words of Barret Wallace, "There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!"

X :neo:
To be fair to xbox, I read an article that said most early demos in e3 are run on PCs. It's not an xbox thing. The pessimist answer is that it's a trick because PCs look better, the optimist because specs on the game (and probably the console as of now) just aren't finalized yet.

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Kermitu Kleric Katie

Im gonna go ahead and quote my what makes your day mark 2 poast

Also, I'm now convinced the Wii U is the best next-gen console, thanks to this comment:
Wii U:

"#5. You Don't Actually Like to Play Your Games"- None of this in sight.
"#4. You Don't Care What the Games Actually Are"- At e3, Nintendo showed a few pre-rendered videos, sure. But they had the decency to follow them up with actual gameplay.
"#3. You Want to Use Your iPad While Playing Your Game Console"- No need to prop up some piece of s**t tablet- Wii U's gamepad has the second screen right in the middle of the controller. All the benefits of the idea, none of the hassle of needing to buy an iPad/Smartphone/PSVita.
"#2. Your Entire Home and Everything You Own Is Built Around Gaming"- As a poor twenty-something college student in a tiny apartment, my Wii U fits snugly right where my Wii used to sit- on top of my dresser, right behind my TV. No need to get up and move around for the few games that still use motion controls- just lift the gamepad, or move the wiimote (I'll get to that later) around a bit while sitting on my bed.
"#1. You Have a Shitload of Money"- Wii U is cheaper than every other next gen console, and while games range from the similar price of $59.99 down to the cheaper $49.99, Wii U has zero restrictions on used gaming. Not only that, but it is FULLY backwards compatible with the Wii- to the point that many new Wii U games use the old, much cheaper Wii Remotes for many multiplayer games, so in the unlikely case you were one of the few people who didn't buy a Wii you can still pick one up for cheap. Wanna play online? Go for it- Nintendo not only charges a whopping total of nothing for multiplayer gaming, but they have a handy online community for each Wii U game on the Miiverse, where you can talk about the game and get help without having to get up and open gamefaqs on your computer. Of course, if you still want to go to gamefaqs you could just do that from the Wii U's browser without closing the game.

Really, e3 just served to fully justify my purchase of a Wii U. Super Mario 3D World, Bayonetta 2, the new Donkey Kong Country, X, Wind Waker HD and Super Smash Bros for the Wii U AND 3DS? The next console generation has barely begun and Nintendo has already won.
Also, there is no way an XBOne would fit in my house. I literally have 0 rooms where I have the 10 feet of space needed for Kinect. The only rooms with that much space are the dining rooms and my parents' room, both of which would require the removal of large and important furniture to be removed to have enough room. I couldn't get an XBOne even if I wanted. I also don't care if Microsoft drops out of the console race, as Sony still has Nintendo to compete with them, so long as they stay in the computer race, 'cause if they drop out of that one then Apple would have no major competitors, ad competition is a good thing for companies.


Video not available in Germany because "Unfortunately, this SME-music-content is not available in Germany because GEMA has not granted the respective music publishing rights."

SME = sony music btw :awesome:

*time to activate Proxtube*


Harbinger O Great Justice

#5: Didn't see this with PS4 either.
#4: Lots of those games had playable demos AT E3 and showed gameplay, too. Kinda gonna have to say this is a bit of a false claim for insinuating that the others didn't.
#3: This is assuming that you don't already own one of those things, AND are interested in using it for gameplay. Also- the WiiU doesn't let you use their controller as a separate device, so it's really a rather bad comparison.
#2: Same with most of the PS4/PS3 Move functionality.
#1: All the claims aside from price are the same as the PS4, bu I feel the need to comment that the WiiU is like .5 to next generation, because SO many of its titles seem to be ones from the current generation that then Wii couldn't handle.

Still, WiiU, PC, PS4, whatever seems to be a better option at this point.

X :neo:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon

It's both interesting and wierd seeing AngryJoe well, not being angry. :monster:


Pro Adventurer

Actually whats happening is this phil guy (@oasissupernova) is tweeting alot of shit thats on scale of uber fanboy and insulting anyone complaining about Xbox1's terrible policies.

Then Xbox support posted that image and told phil thanks and that they couldnt be so awesome without fans like him :monster:


Pro Adventurer
^ That's awesome, and I don't even watch Game of Thrones.

Someone claiming to be an engineer at Microsoft working on the Xbox One has written this defence of the new console. It's obviously a lot of spin, but you know what, he manages to spin it a lot more successfully than Microsoft did themselves.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^^You know the situations bad when the engineers can make a better case for your selling model then the PR team can.

I'm still laughing at how even he admits that if you want the status quo to stay the same as it was with the 360 and play next-gen games you should get a PS4...


Pro Adventurer
^ That's awesome, and I don't even watch Game of Thrones.

Someone claiming to be an engineer at Microsoft working on the Xbox One has written this defence of the new console. It's obviously a lot of spin, but you know what, he manages to spin it a lot more successfully than Microsoft did themselves.

Thats actally a copy/paste meme thats making the rounds on reddit and 4chan and is meant to be nothing more then a troll :monster:

The truth is that if that really was MS's spin it would be a load of shit :monster:
Digital content with all that shiny DRM for games already exists, digital day 1 games still cost 60$ on all digital platforms (Origin and Steam included), despite the fact that devs and publishers would still yield higher profit margins off of that sell over a boxed sell.


Yeah Mass Effect was £59.99 on PSN for a really long time after it came out (almost 100USD) so I really don't buy the whole digital-to-drive-the-price-down thing for a second. Games are more expensive on PSN than they are physically in about 90% of cases.


Pro Adventurer
But Mass Effect was £59.99 in stores as well, right? I wouldn't be surprised if its publishers were obliged to sell it at the same price both online and offline. Otherwise, if it was half the price online, why would anyone buy if from a store, and thus why would any store want to stock it?

It's not exactly the same scenario as the pastebin post (which I suspected may have been fake, but thought was worth sharing anyway) described.


Pro Adventurer
But Mass Effect was £59.99 in stores as well, right? I wouldn't be surprised if its publishers were obliged to sell it at the same price both online and offline. Otherwise, if it was half the price online, why would anyone buy if from a store, and thus why would any store want to stock it?

It's not exactly the same scenario as the pastebin post (which I suspected may have been fake, but thought was worth sharing anyway) described.

Fair enough.

But take into account Steam and Origin which are PC only with very similar DRM policies to that of Xbox1. Sure you can go look for the same game at a wal mart or best buy but generally the Steam and Origin are the preferred method to get PC games.

Yet the games digital counter parts are still the same price as the more expensive to manufacture; boxed versions. The only times these games are any cheaper are during Steams awesome summer sales or during promotional periods well after the games day 1 release.

At the end of the day im just not convinced. The theory is flawed and if it really was MS's spin then it would be a lie because the games would definitely not be any cheaper. Steam makes a profit and can do the summer sales because the games are purely digital. Thats not the case with Xbox 1 due to the cost of manufacturing the discs and packaging so cost would still be up, the DRM policy is not what makes the games cheap on Steam.


But Mass Effect was £59.99 in stores as well, right? I wouldn't be surprised if its publishers were obliged to sell it at the same price both online and offline. Otherwise, if it was half the price online, why would anyone buy if from a store, and thus why would any store want to stock it?

It's not exactly the same scenario as the pastebin post (which I suspected may have been fake, but thought was worth sharing anyway) described.

No it wasn't £59.99 in stores. It was max £49.99 in retail stores and £39.99 on Amazon. I got the limited collector's edition from Amazon for £44.99 and it was a pre-order.

That's what I'm saying, the digital versions of everything should be far cheaper and they're not, they're almost always far more expensive - the digital pricing makes no sense.

EDIT: I'm obviously talking about consoles here (particularly PS3/PSN). The PC version of any multiplatform game is almost always £10 cheaper on PC for a physical copy than the console counterpart on day of release, but the digital version on PC will be the same as the retail physical copy.

EDIT 2: The reason Mass Effect 3 stands out to me so much is because the game went down in price quite quickly after launch - in retail stores it went from £40-50 to around £20-30 in a matter of a couple of months (for a new copy, not preowned), and the price remained £59.99 on PSN for at least 6 months. I remember seeing it every time I logged into PSN and wondering who the hell would pay that much for it when you can get the physical copy for a third of the price. It also stood out because games usually launch at $59.99 in the US and £39.99 here, so the USD conversion was dramatic to an almost Australian level.
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Pro Adventurer
Has anyone heard about the 'updated' sharing policy? Supposedly any 10 selected people can access your shared game library and play from it at a given time.

As far as I'm aware only 1 family member can play a game at a time. I take it that includes the owner of the game license. So if he's playing the game, then no one else can. When he's done with it, 1 of the 10 friends in line can then play it. When he decides to play again maybe his friend will automatically be kicked from the game (which can lead to some nasty friendships). So depending on what type of friends you select it may well become a tedious process, where it's just more convenient to buy the game in the first place.

I can see however where this feature will be of use to some gamers, greatly so in some cases, but it's so opaque atm, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some other big catch behind it.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
AngryJoe covered this a bit too, I think. It was initially supposed to be up to 10 "family members" but despite the shitty PR I don't think Microsoft are idiots - they knew there were people who are obviously just going to include friends on that list anyway. AJ's interview during E3 seems to have implications that this was already the message going on, but Microsoft simply failed to send it properly.

On the whole, I don't think this policy drastically changes publisher/developer sales, besides the fact that 10 is a rather high limit for what is essentially a free sharing system. There probably are additional requirements to this system (like perhaps a Gold subscription) and probably restrictions (likely no shared multiplayer component), and there could be plenty other ways to cut down on carefree game sharing, like region restrictions and what-not.

One thing it might affect is price drops - it could be a possibility that because of the sharing feature available, tail price points may actually drop a lot slower to compensate for the fact that they're essentially selling 10 free copies of the game. But that's just speculation from me :monster:

Still, it's an interesting policy and there are lots of other things to take note of: for example, I believe DLC is actually shared across the shared game library, meaning it only needs to be purchased once for all 10 people to have access to it. AJ also said that XBL Gold subscriptions are now tethered to the console itself, rather than the account. I think that's a bit odd, tbh.
There are also other issues that need to be ironed out, like the fairly small range of countries that will have the Xbox One at launch, but I think on the whole they're not actually planning to dominate the launch date - rather, they're putting out a staggered approach to console release in different countries. I believe it was similar to the way the 360 was launched, since it didn't simultaneously launch in all countries worldwide - but in this case it's probably due more to the availability of the Live Gold service and legal issues with the Kinect services that they probably haven't settled with governments yet.
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